AP Macro 2014-2015 - Doral Academy Preparatory

Doral Academy High Charter Prep
Advanced Placement Macroeconomics Syllabus(.5 credit)
Instructor: Maria Maldonado
Email: mcmaldonado@dadeschools.net
Course Description
The AP® Macroeconomics course is intended for qualified students who wish to complete studies that are
equivalent to one semester of a college introductory course in macroeconomics. Students will focus on
general economic principles; with a particular emphasis on the study of national income and price
determination developing the students’ familiarity with economic performance measures, economic
growth, and international economics.
Note: The following are recommended materials, not required.
One 3 ring Binder (1 inch)
#2 Pencils
Black or blue
Loose leaf notebook paper
Highlighters (at least 3 different colors)
Textbook: McConell, Brue, and Flynn. Economics: principles, problems and policies. AP Edition.
McGraw-Hill, 2012. Print.
Additional Readings:
Anderson David. Economics by example. Worth Publishers, 2007. Print.
Student Expectations, Rules, & Procedures:
School Rules: All Doral Academy rules and expectations must be followed at all times.
Respect: Due to the nature of this course, controversy is sure to ensue. I expect that
everyone will be open minded and respectful of each other’s opinions and ideas. Be
respectful towards yourself, faculty and staff, and peers.
Be Prepared: I expect you to be completely prepared for class each day. Therefore, I will not
“loan” materials unless the circumstances are extreme. You are the most important class material
of all. I expect you to be awake and involved every day.
Eating / Drinking: The school-wide policy applies.
Electronic Devices: The school-wide policy applies.
Tardy Policy: You are considered tardy if you are not in your assigned seat when the bell rings.
Absence Policy: You are responsible for any assignments you missed while you were out.
Make-Up Assignments: It is your responsibility to obtain and complete all make-up assignments
missed during an excused absence. If you do not excuse your absence, you will NOT be able to
make-up any missed assignments. Students will have 48 hours from their return to school to
complete their assignment.
Late Assignments: I will not accept any late work unless student has an excused absence.
Student will then receive a “0”. You will be held responsible for turning assignments in on time.
Once your 48 hours are up, there will be NO MAKE-UPS, no exceptions!
Academic Dishonesty: Plagiarism or dishonesty of any kind will not be tolerated! This includes
turning in information from the Internet as your own work. Consequences of plagiarism include
earning a score of “0” on the assignment, involvement of the principal and your parents, possible
suspension and/or failure of the course.3
Homework: Homework is an integral component to the course. Since we cannot cover and
practice all the material in the regular school day homework will aid in retention outside of the
class. Homework will be assigned DAILY and collected daily*.
Academic Grading Policy:
Outstanding Progress
Above Average Progress
Average Progress
Below Average Progress
Grades are based on the following
Grading scale based on the set scale of Miami Dade County Schools. Grades for this class will be based
on exams, quizzes, unit tests, homework assignments, class participation, projects, essays, notebook
checks, and class assignments. There will be at least one major project every nine weeks. Students will
have something to do for HOMEWORK EVERYDAY.
Nine Week Grade based on:
Projects and Quizzes
Class work/Home learning
AP Exam Format:
The total test is 2 hours and 10 minutes.
1. Section I: 60 multiple choice questions: 70 minutes
a. Counts 50% of your total score
2. Section II: 3 Free response questions (FRQ): 60 minutes (Including a 10 minute reading time).
a. Counts 50% of your total score
The test is scheduled for Thursday May 14, 2014 at 12pm
Course Outline
Basic Economic Concepts
I. Introduction to Economic Principles (3 weeks)
a. Scarcity
b. Opportunity Cost
c. Production Possibilities
d. Specialization and Comparative Advantage
e. Supply and Demand
f. How Markets Work
Unit 1 Test: McConell, Brue, and Flynn. Chapters 1-3
Measurement of Economic Performance
II. Data of Macroeconomics. (2 weeks)
a. Business Cycle and GDP Measurement
b. Inflation
c. Unemployment and Stabilization
Unit 2 Test: McConell, Brue, and Flynn. Chapters 23-26
National Income and Price Determination
III. AD/AS Macroeconomic Model. (2 weeks)
a. Aggregate Demand
b. Aggregate Supply
c. Macroeconomic Equilibrium and Adjustments, Short and Long Run
Unit 3 Test: McConell, Brue, and Flynn. Chapters 27-29,35
Financial Sector
IV. Money, Banking and Financial Markets (2 weeks)
a. Central Bank and Role of the Federal Reserve
b. T-accounts
c. Time Value of Money
Unit 4 Quiz: McConell, Brue, and Flynn. Chapters 14, 31-32
Stabilization Policies
V. Fiscal and Monetary Policy (3 weeks)
a. Demand Side Policy
b. Supply-Side Economics
c. Crowding Out
d. Loanable Funds Market
e. Monetary Policy
f. Real vs. Nominal Interest Rates
Unit 5 Test: McConell, Brue, and Flynn. Chapters 28, 30, 33, 35-36
Economic Growth
VI. Growth and Productivity (1 week)
a. Long Run Economic Growth
b. Productivity and standard of living,
c. Human and Physical capital.
Unit 6 Quiz: McConell, Brue, and Flynn. Chapter 25
Open Economy
VII. International Trade and Finance (2 weeks)
a. Balance of Payments Accounts
b. Foreign Exchange Markets
c. Net Exports and Capital Flows
Unit 7 Test: McConell, Brue, and Flynn. Chapter 37-38
Key Macroeconomic Issues and Review (3 weeks)
Full AP Mock Test
COURSE CONTRACT (Please complete and return to Ms. Maldonado by Aug 25/26)
I am aware of and understand the policies in this course. I am the only person responsible for my
actions. I will succeed.
Student name (please print):_____________________________________________Period:__________
Student Signature: ________________________________
Date: ___________
I will to do my best to support my child in this class. If I have a question, concern, or idea, I will
not hesitate to contact Ms. Maldonado, I will be involved.
Parent/Guardian(please print): _____________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ___________
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child. The
best way to reach me is via email (mcmaldonado@dadeschools.net).
How should I contact you?
• Phone
(Home) _________________________
(Work) __________________________
hours _____________
hours _____________
• Email: __________________________________________________________
• Alternative Contact Name:_______________________________________________
Phone: __________________________ hours ____________
When should I contact you? (check all that apply)
____ Periodically, just to update me.
____ If your child misses class or is tardy frequently.
____ Other Reason: __________________________________
** Please update any of the information above if it changes.
Please use the space below and on the back to tell me anything you think I should know about your child.
Thank You,
Maria C. Maldonado
2014-2015 Class Wish list
Parents, you have the opportunity to receive volunteer hours for the cost of the items that you wish to
donate. Make sure that any item comes with a receipt, your child’s name and their id number for proper
Expo Markers
Anti-Bacterial Gel
Paper Towels
Anti-Bacterial Wipes
Anti-Bacterial multipurpose spray