CLYDE BOYD MIDDLE SCHOOL Student Handbook 2013-2014 7th & 8th Grade 305 W 35th St. Sand Springs, OK 918-246-1535 Attendance Office - (918) 246-1536 Fax - (918) 246-1544 Sixth Grade Center 3401 S. Magnolia Dr. Sand Springs, Ok 918-246-1549 Attendance - (918) 246-1549 Fax - (918) 246-1546 INDEX Academic Requirements………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Attendance Policies……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Discipline and Dress Code………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Service and Facilities……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Calendar…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. MOTTO: “Think right. Work hard. Have fun. Expect success.” Vision: It is the vision of the faculty and staff at Clyde Boyd Middle School to prepare students for a technology-oriented future, while promoting inquiry-based, student-paced learning in all core academic areas. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND A MOMENT OF SILENCE The Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence are conducted daily at CBMS. This is in compliance with Section 495 of State Law and Section 36 USC. Section . 172 and (70.24.102) of State School Law. —ATTENDANCE— SCHOOL ATTENDANCE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Oklahoma school code, article 10, states : “it shall be unlawful for a parent, guardian, custodian, or other persons having control of a child who is over the age of (7) years, and under the age of (18) years, to neglect, refuse to cause or compel such child to attend and comply with the rules of some public, private, or other schools, unless other means of education are provided for full term the schools in the District are in session. Any parent, guardian, custodian, child, or other persons violating any of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.” 1. Parents and students are reminded it is the policy of CBMS to notify the Sand Spring District Attorney if they are not in compliance with Ordinance #1114 of the City of Sand Springs. 2. If a student must be absent from school the parents should call the Attendance office on a daily basis between 8:00 a.m. and 10 a.m. (The phone number is 246-1536). If the parent does not have a telephone, he/she must send a note back to school with the student stating the date and the reason for the absence. Without a note or parent contact, the absence will be unexcused. 3. Students should not miss school except for illness, doctor/dental appointments, or an emergency. Students who have doctor or dental appintments will be required to provide statements from the doctor upon returning in order that the absence is considered excused. Doctors’ statements are needed for each such absence. a. Student who has an excused absence has the privilege of completing work missed, but it is his/her responsibility to see the teacher about this work. Time given for this makeup work will correspond to the time of absence ( i.e. if absent (2) days, he/she will be given (2) days to make up the work missed. The first day back will count as “zero day” in order to obtain assignments from the teachers. b. Homework will not be sent home unless the student has missed three (3) or more days. Parents may contact the Attendance office for the homework assignments after three (3) days missed. c. Absences without a valid excuse: If a student has been absent four or more days or parts of days within a four-week period, without a valid excuse, the parent/guardian of this student is in violation of the City of Sand Springs Ordinance on Truancy 09.28.030. and will be subject to the penalties set forth by this ordinance. Each separate day of violation will constitute a separate offense. d. Students in violation of the attendance ordinance will receive a warning letter and their names will be submitted to the local district attorney’s office. 2 ** Absence reporting line 918-246-1536 (7th/8th grade) or 918-246-1549 (6th grade) ** CLASSIFICATION OF ABSENCES AND TARDIES Activity: School sponsored events are not counted as absences, however, no student may miss more than (10) days for an activity. Students should make every effort to make up work in advance by having a trip slip signed (5) days in advance. Unavoidable: These are absences due: to illness, death in the family, or doctors’ appointments (must be accompanied by a doctor’s note to be marked excused). Makeup work must be made up within the corresponding time the student was gone. Avoidable but advance notice given to school: These are absences for which arrangements (by parents) are made in advance at least (5) days prior to absence. While the school administration understands this type of absence may be in line with the plans of the student’s family, parents are urged to remember that their son/daughter needs to be in the class on a consistent day to day basis if he/she is to fully profit from the curriculum and teachers at Clyde Boyd. Work is to be made up in advance; however, a teacher may exercise personal discretion and permit the student to makeup work after the absence, if the type of work missed would be difficult to`do in advance. Students will not be allowed to make up work after an absence of this type if additional planning by the teacher is required. Avoidable absences during major testing periods will not be excused, and the work missed cannot be made up. • A doctor’s note will ensure that an absence is not recorded as unexcused. This doctor’s note must be submitted to the attendance office within (5) school days of the student’s return to school. * Any student may have his/her attendance record reviewed by the principal upon request. Truancy: Absences for one or more class periods without prior permission of parents or school. All truancy is subject to disciplinary action. Any student participating in a skip day, walkout day, etc. will be subject to regulations covering truancy. Students who are considered truant will not be allowed to make up the work that is missed during the period in which they are truant. Leaving school grounds: Boyd has a closed campus, therefore, no student will leave the school grounds, during class time or lunch without written permission from the Attendance Office. Closed campus hours will be enforced during the school hours. Parents are specifically discouraged from requesting permission for their child to go to lunch, or other similar excuses. Upon arrival, students who then leave are in violation of closed campus rules and will be considered truant. Students who ride buses may not leave campus after arrival by bus. Building permits: Parents must call or send a note to the Attendance Office in order to secure approval for a student to leave the building. Please give the office ample time to have the student out of class for dismissal. Tardies Definition of a tardy: Entry to class or cafeteria or assigned area any time after the bell rings. Any student who has been detained in the office or by a teacher must obtain a hall pass from the person detaining them. No penalty is placed on the student for this type of tardy. Teachers will record all tardies in attendance program. a. b. c. d. Students will be in their seats when the bell rings without running to achieve this objective. The Attendance Coordinator will keep a master file in the Attendance Office for further reference. Tardies will be cumulative for each semester. Discipline is based on tardies per class. A teacher will refer a student to the office on the third tardy for that class. Each subsequent tardy for that class will result in another referral. Referrals are cumulative for the semester. e. Tardy discipline is based on the number of referrals as follows: First referral one day after school detention Second referral two days after school detention Third referral and beyond is at the discretion of administation. Discipline could be: detention, Saturday school or suspension. **Examples of an Excused Tardy a) b) c) d) e) Illness Doctor/Dentist appointment Oversleeping because electricity is off at student’s residence (parent must verify). Late bus Emergency at home. (This requires a call from parents to verify, only (1) per nine weeks.) **Examples of an Unexcused Tardy a) Oversleeping b) Running out of gas c) Car trouble, flat tire (may be excused, with parent present, once per semester) 3 d) e) f) g) Running errands Going to locker Missing ride or bus Any other will be left to the discretion of the Administrator Parents: One final note on absences, we provide a counseling service for students who experience educational difficulties. You are urged to refer your child to the counselors in these instances, rather than tolerate a truancy situation. The counselors and the principals will work with you to help reduce truancy/absence rate. Arrival/Departure: All bus riders will be picked up and dropped off on the north side of the campus (6th grade center). All 7th & 8th grade car riders will need to be picked up and dropped off on the south side of the campus (middle school). All 6th graders will be dropped off and picked up on the west side of the building. Breakfast will be served in the middle school cafeteria for those who wish to eat at school. All other students arriving before the first bell will need so remain in the gymnasium or in the 6th grade commons area. Students who do not ride a bus or are not involved in afterschool activities must leave the campus by ten minutes past the p.m. bell. —SERVICES AND FACILITIES— COUNSELING SERVICES Counseling is considered an integral part of Boyd. Through our local counselors, our students have access to professional information in matters such as class selection; long range planning for higher education and/or entry into the work force; interpersonal problems, adjustments, difficulties to school or adolescence; and other matters common to young people 11- 15 years of age. Students are seen individually through self referral, teacher referral, or parent referral. The counselors are also available to conduct small group counseling and guidance activities Testing services are available to all students. This program is designed so help the student and his/her parents become aware of his/her interests, capabilities, and strengths. Information may be obtained from the counseling office or by calling 246-1535 or 246-1549. SCHEDULE CHANGES Schedule changes will not be made unless the counselor and both teachers have approved. No changes will be made after the l2th day of classes. Schedule changes must also be approved by the administrator of the building. MEDIA CENTER Our media center provides a selection of materials: books, pamphlets, magazines, and audio visual software for both study and pleasure. The following rules should be observed: a. A fee of 5 cents per day will be charged for each day a book is past due. b. Loss or damage of any library material will be paid for by the person checking out the material. c. The library will be open during lunch for students who have acquired written permission from their classroom teacher or the teacher on duty in the cafeteria. d. Student access to the computers is limited and monitored. Check in is required. No Chatrooms, Games or Downloading is allowed. CAFETERIA A variety of meal options are available and the costs may be subject to change. Students may choose from the main line entrees; hamburger entrees and a salad bar. A secondary student meal begins at $2.25. Free and reduced lunch prices are available for those who qualify. Bre Please contact the Nutrition department for an application. Adult guests are also charged @ $3.00. Students are dismissed from the Commons and the new gym for breakfast on a daily basis. Misconduct in the cafeteria may result in a discipline notice and loss of privileges in the cafeteria. 4 BULDING HOURS Parents are discouraged from bringing students to school prior to 7:45 a.m. Boyd does not provide staff supervision, nor is the building open to the students. Boyd will not accept responsibility for the safety of such early arrivals. Students need to report to the new gym or commons. School supevision terminates 20 minutes past the last bell unless students are involved in extracurricular activities. DROPPING OFF AND PICKING UP STUDENTS Students who ride buses are to report to the new gym if they are in the 7/8 th grade or to the Commons area if in 6th grade. In the afternoon, students riding buses will stay in the Commons area for safety issues. All students considered car riders must be picked up and dropped off in the appropriate areas: 6th grade on the west side of the 6th grade Center and 7th and 8th grade in front of the CBMS building. ONLY BUSES ARE ALLOWED IN THE BUS LANE. Parents please do not pick up your child in the north parking lot. USE OF TELEPHONE Students should not use the office telephone except in emergency matters of vital importance, or to call home ill. Messages to students must be transmitted through the Principal’s Office or Attendance Office. Students will not be called to the phone during the class period, unless it is an urgent matter. The office phones are for school business only. A. B. Students are not to use the phone to contact parents for the purpose of leaving early to avoid plays, assemblies, etc. Cell phones will not be used to contact parents. Students must use an office phone during school hours. LOCKS AND LOCKERS Students must have school supplied locks on their lockers. Locks must be properly and securely locked at all times. This will help secure and protect your personal items. Each student will be assigned his/her own locker during enrollment. This locker remains the property of the school and may be opened by a school official periodically without the notice of the student or parent. Any item or articles that violate school policy or civil law, found in the assigned locker, will be the student’s responsibility and he/she will be held liable for such articles. All students must rent and use school furnished locks. There will be a $10.00 enrollment fee to cover the cost of the lock and an agenda, If lost, a replacement lock may be rented for $5. AGENDAS Included in the $5 fee assessed at enrollment is a school agenda. This provides students a means of keeping organized, and it is a tool of communication between the school and parent. BUILDING VISITORS Parents and/or other visitors must be cleared through the Administration Offices an each visit and a visitor’s badge must be obtained. BACKPACKS Backpacks, back sacks, purses, or bags of any nature need to be stored in lockers at the beginning of day and left during the school day. This is a safety issue. MEDICATION PROCEDURES Officials at Boyd realize that from time to time, it is necessary for students to take medication during school hours. HB1550 revised by the Attorney General, has limited the school’s role in the dispensing of such medications. The following procedures will apply to both prescription and nonprescription drugs: 1. Such medication must be in the originial prescription container which will show the physcian’s name, patient’s name and specific dosing directions, which will be brought and left in the office. One week’s worth of medicine may be left at a time. 2. All medication must be brought to the Principal’s office and the students must come to the office to take the medication. 3. There must be a written statement from the physician and the parents or legal guardian, addressed to the Principal, requesting that such medication be administered during the school day. The duration of such requests must be noted. 4. Doctor notes must be provided on a student’s return to school if you have had: Mononucleosis, pink eye, (or treatment for 24 hours), ring worm (or treatment for 48 hours), scarlet fever (or treatment for 48 hours). If she child had a fever he/she must be fever free for 24 hours. This does not include every possible disease, and it should be noted that the school nurse will use his/her discretion concerning other issues that might arise. Evidence of the parental or legal guardian permission will be kept on file along with all records of medication which have been administered to the child. Any medications in the possession of the student, not so covered by parental requests outlined above, will be considered illegal substances, and will subject the offending child to proper disciplinary action. 5 —ACADEMIC— SCHOLARSHIP The grading scale at Clyde Boyd Junior High is as follows: A 90% - 100% B 80% - 89% C 70% - 79% D 60% - 69% F Teacher’s and Principal’s Decision NOTE: All Semester Grades are figured on a percentile basis. Report cards will go out one week after the close of the semester. Any student owing charges in the library or cafeteria or who have other outstanding fees will not receive the grade card until such charges have been paid. HONOR ROLL The Superintendent’s Honor Roll shall consist of students who made “A’s”. The Principal’s Honor Roll shall consist of students who made a “B” or better. Any grade of “C” or lower will disqualify the student from consideration of either honor roll. Eligibility will be based on full time attendance at Clyde Boyd. Students who made either Honor Roll will continue to receive recognition for excellence in academic classes and is a reward for which students strive. ON-LINE ACCESS TO STUDENT GRADES: You will receive information about this after the school year begins. —STUDENT BEHAVIOR— AND —RESPONSIBILITY— The State and Local Board of Education vests in the school administration and school personnel the power to establish student behavior rules and regulations necessary to create and preserve conditions essential to orderly operation of the school. STUDENT DRESS CODE The purpose of a dress code is to promote learning and an attitude of self worth, good grooming and a positive image in the school community. The attire of all students should be reasonable, modest, in good taste, and in such style as will not distract from the educational process. ENFORCEMENT OF DRESS CODE When a student wears unacceptable attire to school, that student will be given the option of wearing clothes provided by the school and/or contacting a parent for acceptable clothing. If the student refuses to accept school clothing or a parent cannot come the student will be placed in In School Intervention.. Any subsequent offenses will result in After School Detention or In School Intervention. 1. Midriffs, halter tops, backless dresses, with spaghetti straps, and sleeveless garments resembling tank tops are not permitted. Midriffs should be covered at all times. Cleavage will be kept covered at all times. Shirt/dess straps should be at least 2 inches in width. Sundresses with spaghetti straps may be worn with a blouse, t-shirt, or shirt. 2. No hats, caps, headscarves, or bandanas shall be worn inside the building except for medical reasons. 3. Shirts, jewelry, or clothing which display any type of slogan promoting vulgar or illicit behavior, tobacco or alcohol products, or gang symbols,or other inappropriate matters will not be permitted. Patches or monograms having one or more meaning, one of which is generally considered obscene or illicit are also prohibited, 4. Students must wear shoes while in school. House shoes will not be allowed. Flip flops will not be permitted at the 6th Grade Center and are not recommended for the rest of the campus for safety concerns 5. All students participating in approved school activities will be expected to comply with required dress and appearance regulations for that activity. 6. Thermal underwear, sleepwear (including pajama bottoms) may not be worn as outer garments. 6 7. Students shall wear undergarments that are expected to be worn with their appropriate sex and attire and not as outside garments (includes boxer shorts). 8. Students will wear their hair clean and well-groomed. Unnatural colors will not be accepted. (Examples: blue, pink, green, purple, orange,or some shades of red) Unnatural multi-colored hair will not be permitted. Extreme hairstyles that disrupt the educational process or endanger the health and safety of pupils will not be permitted. Students may be required to alter their hairstyles to meet the requirements for participating in activities as well. 9. Shorts or skirts worn, must have a hemmed or finished look. NO cutoffs allowed. Jogging shorts which feature a split on each side, or short shorts will not be permitted as acceptable school attire. Shorts, skirts, and dresses should touch the fingertips when the arm is extended palm side down and flat against the thigh, with shoulders in a relaxed position. 10. Jeans or pants with holes or slits in them may be worn as long as the holes are below the fingertips or the student wears leggings or shorts under the pants. No skin is allowed to show through holes or slits above the fingertips. 11. Articles of clothing that are too tight are inappropriate. 12. Tights and leggings may be worn only under other garments, which meet the provisons of the dress code. 13. Sagging will not be allowed. 14. No visible tattoos are allowed. 15. Excessive jewelry i.e. multiple rings with extended mounting, heavy chains, spiked collars, etc. that could potentially be dangerous should not be worn. Body piercing, other than earrings, will not be allowed for boys or girls. Clear piercing are also unacceptable except in ears. * If any unusual situation arises, which is not specifically covered in the above dress code, the Principal shall have the authority to rule on the appropriateness of attire and that ruling shall be final until such time as the policy is revised or changed to cover the situation. BOYD STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO: A. Obey all rules and regulations pertaining to the students, while on the school campus, on the way to and from school, and when representing Boyd in a school sponsored activity. B. Apply themselves to the established course of study as well to: 1. Be prompt and have regular attendance. 2. Complete school assignments on time. 3. Pay attention to teachers. 4. Respect the authority of the Administration, Faculty, and Staff. C. To comply as directed, and when substitute teachers are in charge, students will be held to the same discipline codes as when the regular teachers are in charge. STUDENT MISBEHAVIOR Definition of offense, type and severity: An offense will consist of any act, which, in the judgement of the principal or delegated authorities, is in disobedience to given,written,or oral instructions. Generally, offenses are classified as either minor or major in severity, and the type may be classified in those 2 categories, including the following: MINOR Some offenses may be considered minor and may receive after school detention: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Disrespectful conduct toward an adult or another student, in or out of the classroom. Classroom disruption. Problems in the hall, cafeteria, or bus line. Public Display of Affection (PDA). Gum chewing, candy, sunflower seeds, etc. Cheating: an act or intent to gain or give information/knowledge for or during an assignment, test, quiz, examination, etc. The penalty for the act or intent of cheating will not only be a zero for the assignment, test, quiz, examination but also disciplinarian procedures will be imposed. 7. Classroom rules where not stated major. 8. Cafeteria rules where not listed major. 7 9. Possession and use of electronic devices is prohibited during operating school hours, from the first bell to the last. These devices will be held in the office until parents can pick them up. CELL PHONES will not be used once in the building. If a student has a cell phone at school it should be turned off and in a locker. All cell phones collected will be returned to a parent/guardian. Detention may be assigned. 10. Laser lights and pointers are not allowed. 11. Multiple minor offenses may lead to a major discipline procedure. 12. Issues that may arise while being transported by SS transportation also become a matter of minor or major discipline as well. MAJOR These offenses may result in automatic suspension/intervention: 1. Truancy 2. Fighting/Excessive violence will not be tolerated and will result in immediate out of school discipline action. Instigating, provoking, or being part of a fight or encouraging to fight will carry the same consquences. 3. Arson :The intentional setting of fire on school property. 4. Assault: Striking, threatening to strike, or threatening to cause injury to another person. 5. Possession or threatened use of dangerous weapons of any nature. 6. Obtaining or attempting to obtain anything from another student by force or threat of force. 7. Sale, use, or possession of alcoholic beverages, or controlled dangerous substances, or substance purported to be illegal. 8. Trespassing: Being present in an unauthorized place, or refusing to leave when ordered. 9. Smoking: Use or possession of tobacco products and/or substitutes, either chemical or organic, within the school building, on school grounds, buses, or at any school sponsored activity. 10. Vandalism: Destruction of School Property, or articles on School Property, (includes defacement of school property). 11. Larceny :Theft of personal property or theft of school property. 12. Intense verbal abuse and/or cursing toward any staff member or others 13. Repeated minor offenses as stated above. 14. Use or possession of substance or items which detract from the daily school routine. 15. Immoral Acts or Indecent Exposure Acts considered to be publicly lewd, immoral, or obscene shall not be tolerated. 16. Defiance of Direct Instruction. 17. Aggressive Outbursts and Aggressive Behavior that disrupt the normal school routine. 18. Possession of any kind of lighter or matches. 19. In the area of major offenses where drugs, weapons, larceny, vandalism, arson and fighting are involved, a minimum of 10 days home up to a full year expulsion may take place. 20. Blatant disrespect toward a staff member. 21.Sexual harassment. 22. The use of profanity. 23. Acts of bullying. 24. Fireworks: possession or detonating will be a major offense which may result in a long-term suspension. 25. Transportation issues while being transported by Sand Springs Transportation. * Those students with excessive office visits will be subject to suspension or other alternative placement at the discretion of the administration. * All students should make a reasonable effort in their classes. Appropriate materials should be brought to classroom on a consistent basis, i.e. pencils, paper, and text. Repeated disregard for these academic standards will result in disciplinary action. * If ISI is not available, home suspension will be substituted. WIRELESS COMMUNICATION DEVICES Wireless communication devices including cell phones, iPods, and other smart devices are not needed at school. Students who bring these to school will be asked to leave them in a locked locker during the school day. There may be occasions when these devices may be used in a classroom with the approval of the teacher. Students using wireless communication devices in classrooms must do so only with the permission of the teacher and solely for the academic purpose intended. Wireless communication devices may be confiscated by staff and sent to the office where they will be held until a parent or guardian picks them up. Repeated incidents will result in discipline to be determined by the administrator. 8 Students using wireless devices to record activities and/or people during the school day must first be given permission by an administrator. Students may not record the actions of other students or staff (either audio or visual) without the express permission from a building administrator. Students found to have recorded actions taking place during the school day without the permission of an administrator will be subject to discipline. Students found to have recorded and/or distributed and/or posted students engaged in fighting will be subject to discipline up to and including suspension for the current semester plus the following semester. FIGHTING Fighting will result in out-of-school suspension using the following guidelines: 1st fight- 5 days suspension 2nd fight- 10 days suspension 3rd fight- 45 days home suspension *Consequences can be more severe depending on the harshness and/or the circumstances of the fight. Suspension: The school principal may suspend a student for a current semester and the succeeding semester. The student and his/her parents have the right to appeal the suspension by consulting the principal. The usual first suspension may be for 3 days. If a second suspension is necessary, 5 days is usual. If an additional suspension is necessary, it will result in a two week suspension or longer based on the offense; and further suspensions would result in semester long periods. Some offenses may result in an automatic out of school suspension. The district policy will be provided to parents upon a suspension of student from school. Tobacco Products /Substitutes: The use or possession of tobacco products and/or substitutes either chemical or organic are positively forbidden on school grounds, buses, or at any school sponsored event. These products, taken from a student, will be disposed of promptly. Knives & Other Weapons Students are not to carry knives on campus, or at school sponsored events. Weapons, other than knives will be referred to the Superintendent of Schools and/or the Sand Springs Police Department. Electronic Devices State Law (HB1008) directs school boards to develop a policy affecting electronic devices. The Sand Springs Board of Education directs that no student shall use an electronic device during the operating school day. ALCOHOL OR CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES There will be no possession of alcoholic beverages or controlled chemical substances on the grounds, or in the building, or at any school sponsored activity. Any student coming to school or to a school activity after drinking or using drugs, will be disciplined. Parents and students are notified that Clyde Boyd is in compliance with (HB1183), relating to the reporting of students under the influence of, or possession of intoxicating beverages, alcoholic beverages, or controlled dangerous substances. The Superintendent, or Principal shall have the authority to detain and authorize the search for controlled substances of any pupil, or pupils, on any school premises, or functions sponsored by the school. Local Law Enforcement Officials will be notified. We will be available to discuss this issue if it affects your son/daughter. Teachers are required to notify the office if they suspect any student is under the influence of any controlled substance. GANGS, CULTS, OR HATE GROUPS IN THE SCHOOL Gangs, cults, and hate groups that initiate, advocate, encourage, or promote activities that threaten the safety or well being of persons or property on school grounds or which disrupt the orderly environment of the school are detrimental to the educational process. While the school or the Board of Education assumes no authority to interfere with or in the rights of students to belong to any organization or group of their choosing, it is the position of the Board of Education that the use of hand signals, graffiti, apparel, jewelry, accessories or manner of grooming which demonstrates an association or affiliation with a gang or group which engages in violence, intimidation, threats of bodily harm or drug trafficking should not be permitted on school premises. To permit such to exist creates an atmosphere in the school system that is dangerous and unsafe. The Superintendent is directed by the Board of Education to develop procedures and regulations to ensure that any student wearing, carrying, or displaying gang, cult, or hate group paraphernalia or exhibiting behaviors or gestures which symbolize gang, cult, or hate group membership or who participate in any group activities which intimidate or affect the attendance or safety of another student shall be subject to disciplinary action. Such actions may include 1st warnings, parent conference, and later suspension if the warnings are ignored. 9 POSSESSION OF GUNS ON SCHOOL PROPERTY The Gun Free School Act of 1999, states that it is unlawful for any person to possess a firearm or facsimile of a firearm of any type at a place known as a “school zone”. A school zone includes the school buildings, school grounds, and all property within 1,000 feet of the school property of the public school unless that property is private property. A facsimile of a gun is anything that resembles, looks like, or appears to be a firearm. Such law does not apply to persons who are licensed by appropriate governmental agencies to carry firearms or law enforcement officers acting in their official capacities. The Sand Springs Board of Education is of the belief that any student who brings a gun, a facsimile or replica of a gun, or other firearm onto school premises is a threat to the safety and security of the school staff and students and to the orderliness of the learning and working environment. Therefore, such a student shall be suspended from school for a minimum of 7 days up to the end of the current semester and the succeeding semester as permitted by law (70 24 101). Such students shall also be turned over to the police in every instance for appropriate prosecution under the illegal possession of firearms laws of the state and government. Any student who threatens a school employee or another student with a firearm shall be suspended from school participation by the Board of Education, and the school shall file changes against the student as permitted by Oklahoma School Law (70-6-113). Any such suspension may be appealed to the Board of Education. LOST OR STOLEN ITEMS The school will not be responsible for reclaiming items claimed to be stolen or not returned. Including, large sums of money, expensive jewelry, toys, electronic devices or other items that are not related to the educational process. DRIVING No student is allowed to drive to school and park on the premises during school hours. This includes driving motorcycles or scooters as well. DETENTION After school detention is a form of discipline that may be assigned by teachers or administrators for minor infractions. If detention is assigned, a detention slip will be given to the student to be taken home and be signed by a parent/guardian before the detention may be served. The date and time of the detention(s) to be served is printed on this slip. The student will not be allowed into the detention room without a signed detention slip. Parents are responsible for transportation of students in detention. If a student is absent on the day that detention is assigned, the student will be expected to serve the detention on the next detention day after he/she returns to school. Students are expected to work on homework assignments for the duration of the detention period, and no talking will be allowed. Failure to attend detention will result in actions beginning with Saturday School. The student may exchange after school detention for 2 days of lunch detention. However, lunch detention is only available to the students on one occasion (one time per year). In School Intervention Program or ISI The primary purpose of the In School Intervention program (ISI) is to offer a structured, supervised program to students and their parents, in lieu of an unsupervised, unstructured, out of school suspension. The ISI Center offers an educational environment with total isolation from peers during school operating hours. Students are not allowed to practice, participate, or attend any school activities while in ISI. This includes being at any district school site or activity. The office will obtain all assignments for the students in ISI. Students must arrive at ISI with all necessary educational materials and parent/student signed contract in order to begin intervention. The work will be kept in the ISI room and returned to the office for release to teachers after completion of ISI. Suspension from the ISI Program by the ISI Director is not appealable. Permission to attend the ISI Program and receive credit for makeup work while being disciplined is a privilege. Violation of any part of the ISI contract may result in loss of the student’s right to attend the ISI Program. Additional days of suspension at home may be added to an original disciplinary action if the student is suspended from the ISI Program. HOME SUSPENSION POLICY After returning from a 3 day, At Home Suspension, students must request make up work from each teacher. The first day back counts as a zero day in order for students to obtain assignments. All work is due at the start of each class on the 3rd day. All teachers shall follow this procedural arrangement to ensure consistent practice in the enforcement of policy. Students suspended to home for 4 days or more may have work for the suspension picked up by a parent or other representative. The suspended student may not be on the school campus. Work will be given and expected to be returned by student on four day suspension, for long-term suspensions work may be obtained and returned on a weekly basis. 10 While students are serving a suspension, they are not allowed to attend or participate in ANY school sponsored function (assembly, practice, game, etc.), nor are they allowed on any school property in the district. APPEAL PROCEDURES When the student is suspended, if possible, the parent will be reached by phone on the day the suspension is given. Should the parent wish to appeal a suspension, exceeding ten days, notice must be given to the school within 24 hours from the start of the suspension. A conference with the principal shall be arranged to take place within the following 3 days. At this conference further procedures to be followed are outlined in the Sand Springs Schools Policy Manual. If a student is suspended longer than 10 days, the parent will be given the policy concerning such suspension. HOMEWORK While the faculty at Boyd presents lessons that cover the concepts, skills, and techniques our students need to become competent, selfreliant young people, our schedules do not always allow sufficient time for our students to practice these skills; therefore, as parents and students, you should expect to have homework in each of the 4 academic subjects; (English, Math, Social Studies, and Science) on a regular basis. Parents, if your child does not have homework for a period of several days, please feel free to contact the counselors or principals. We want to work with you to ensure your child meets his/her classroom requirements. Please refer to the section on School Attendance Policies and Procedures for making up homework. REPORT TO PARENTS At the end of each six week period, the student will be given a copy of his/her progress report, which he/she is to give to his/her parent or guardian. Parents are urged to confer with the principal or counselor, when there is a question concerning these reports, or when regarding the progress of a student. Please contact the school office if you want to discuss a particular situation with a teacher. STUDENT SUCCESS Parents are encouraged to take an active role in their child’s progress at home and school. Frequent positive parent student interactions go a long may towards improving academic achievement and self-confidence. Skateboards: Skateboarding is not allowed on school property. . —EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES— ATHLETIC EVENTS AND/OR SCHOOL SPONSORED EVENTS Boyd students are encouraged to participate in extra curricular activities and athletic events. Such events are planned to provide wholesome opportunities for our students to develop favorable habits and attitudes on social and group living in a democratic world. RESPONSIBLE BEHAVIOR IS EXPECTED OF ALL STUDENTS. Students are encouraged to support the music, drama, athletic, and science activities, through attendance and encouragement. Parents are also asked to be supportive of their children in their own participation. Any student, ineligible due to academics, cannot be pulled out of class for an activity, rehearsal, or practice. Parents: It is very important that your child is picked up at the conclusion of an activity. Recurring incidents of students not being picked up will constitute students’ attending privileges being revoked. Any student attending any school related activity (Charles Page, Central Ninth Grade Center, etc.) will be expected to adhere to all school regulations covered in the handbooks, because school activities are considered an extension of the school day. 11 —EMERGENCY WARNINGS— In order to be prepared for an emergency, fire, tornado, and intruder drills will be conducted each year. Please become familiar with the proper safety procedures and escape routes. These are posted in the classrooms. NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATION Sand Springs Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex/gender, age, or disability in admission to its programs, services, or activities, in access to them, in treatment of individuals, or in any aspect of their operations. The Sand Springs Public Schools also does not discriminate in its hiring or employment practices. Questions, complaints, or requests for additional information regarding this commitment may be forwarded to the designated compliance coordinator, Lonetta Sprague, Assistant Superintendent, available at 246-1400. SEXUAL HARASSMENT OF STUDENTS The policy of this school district forbids discrimination against, or harassment of any student on the basis of sex. The Sand Springs Board of Education will not tolerate sexual harassment by any of its employees or students. This policy applies to all students and employees including non-employee volunteers whose work is subject to the control of school personnel. Sexual harassment includes verbal or physical sexual advances, including subtle pressure for sexual activity, touching, pinching, or brushing against, comments regarding physical or personality characteristics of a sexual nature; and sexualy-oriented “kidding”, “teasing”, double meanings and jokes. Demeaning comments about a girl’s ability to excel in a class historically considered a “boy’s” subject, privately talking to a student about sexual matters, hugging or touching a student inappropriately may constitute sexual harassment. Writing graffiti which names a student or otherwise indentifies a student is potentially slanderous and constitues sexual harassment. It is sexual harassment for an administrator, supervisor, support employee, or teacher to use his or her authority to solicit sexual favors or attention from students. Any romantic or sexual affiliation between school personnel and students, including students who have reached the age of majority (18), during school hours will have a negative impact on the educational process and shall constitute a violation of school policy. Such violations may result in suspension of the student and suspension or termination of the employee. Any sexual affiliation between teachers and students under the age of 18 may constitute a crime under state or federal law. Reporting sexual harassment may be made to either the counselors, assistant principals or to the principal Every attempt will be made to maintian confidentiality, however, absolute confidentiality cannot be guaranteed due to due process concerns which may arise in sexual harassment investigations. No reprisal or retaliation will be allowed to occur as a result of the good faith reporting. Any student found to have engaged in sexual harassment of other students will be subject to sanctions, including but not limited to warning, suspenson, or other appropriate punishment subject to applicable procedural and due process requirements. NOTE: This handbook does not cover all the rules and regulations that govern the students who attend Clyde Boyd. It does attempt to cover the main issues that are most commonly associated with the daily routine that face the students each day. If a situation arises that is not covered in the handbook, it is the student’s responsibility to ask the appropriate administrator, counselor, or teacher before taking action. CALENDAR DAYS TO REMEMBER August 20: First day of school Sept. 2: Labor Day Sept. 26: Homecoming Parade 6 p.m Sept. 27: Homecoming Oct. 14/15: Parent/teacher conference nights Oct. 16: No school all grades Jan. 7: Begin 2nd semester Jan. 20: Martin Luther King day Feb. 17: Presidents’ Day/Professional day Mar. 11: OCCT writing test Mar. 11 & 13: P/T conferences Mar. 14: No school 12 Oct. 17-18: Fall break Nov. 27-29: Thanksgiving break Dec. 20: End of 1st semester Dec. 23-Jan. 6: Winter break Jan. 6: Professional Day Mar. 17-21: Spring break April 9-May 9: State Testing May 23: Last day of class May 27:Professional Day May 28-30: possible snow makeup days 13