Sample Questions

1 The word "vernacular" is used to describe
the structure of the human skeleton
the spoken language of the common people
a type of crossbow used by Swiss archers early printing presses
a plot against the Medici rulers
2 The Medici family gained their fame as
Venetian condottieri Roman nobles
secretaries of the popes shipowners in Venice
Florentine bankers
3 Which of the following passages appeared in "The Prince"?
"Loyality to a small city is a foolish diversion of human devotion."
"It is much better to be feared than to be loved."
"Only through prayer can a man achieve his full measure of virtue."
"In diplomacy, honesty is the best policy."
"Civilization reached its lowest point during the Roman Republ;ic."
4 An important feature of the Renaissance was an emphasis on
alchemy and magic the literature of Greece and Rome
chivalry of the Middle Ages the teaching of St. Thomas Acquinas
works produced in monasteries
5 In his book "Praise of Folly," Erasmus
used satire to attack the evils of society related a series of short stories
urged people to accept things as they were advised princes on how to rule
suggested strategies for successful seige warfare
6 The Medicis, Sforzas and the Popes played a significant part in the Renaissance as
painters of everyday themes
scientists who furthered scientific knowledge
rulers of Italian cities and patrons of culture
military leaders whose conquests spread the Renaissance to northern Europe
writers who made important contributions to Renaissance literature
7 Which was NOT a characteristic of the Renaissance?
emphasis on individuality
confidence in human rationality
the emergence of merchant oligarchies
the development of social insurance programs
emulation of classical manuscripts
8 The northern Renaissance differed from the Italian Renaissance in its
emphasis on religious activity and reform among common people
greater appreciation of pagan writers and painters
decline in the use of Latin and Greek
pagan themes in art
9. Which of the following statements about Florence at the time of the Renaissance is false?
a. Its major industry was wool production.
b. It lost probably half its population to the Black Death.
c. It was a major banking center.
d. It was an important Mediterranean port city.
10. The most influential book on Renaissance court life and behavior was
a. Castiglione's The Courtier. b. Machiavelli's The Prince.
c. Augustine's City of God. d. Boccaccio's Decameron.
11. Humanism emphasized all of the following EXCEPT
reading Classical writings in the original Latin and Greek.
developing the ability to speak and write eloquently.
rejecting religious rituals, institutions, and beliefs.
pursuing perfection through moral philosophy.
12. As humanism spread, it had an impact as all of the following EXCEPT
an educational system stressing knowledge useful for members of the social elite.
a literary movement that reshaped the form and content of virtually all genres.
a body of knowledge and manners that served to distinguish the upper classes.
a political philosophy that caused the decline of despotism and rise of democracy.
13. The neoplatonists (people who follow Plato's ideas) changed humanism by emphasizing all of the following
the study of Greek. the philosophy of Plato.
pursuit of personal perfection. the irreconcilablity of divergent truths.
14. The three friends who started the artistic revolution of the Renaissance include all EXCEPT
Masaccio, the painter who emphasized nature, perspective, and classical models.
Donatello, the sculptor who revived classical representation of the beauty of the human body.
Brunelleschi, the architect who created the largest dome built in Europe since antiquity.
Van Goph, the multifaceted genius who painted masterpieces, studied nature, and eventually committed
15. The High Renaissance in Rome (contrasted to the Low Renaissance in Florence)
was defined by a single man of overpowering genius, Leonardo da Vinci.
saw the steady decline of the artistic trends begun the previous century.
brought to a climax the artistic trends begun a century before.
saw a shift in cultural initiative from artists to writers and philosophers.
16. The status of artists rose during the Renaissance because
people were looking for a substitute for the clergy, whose reputation suffered because of their corruption.
their works became status symbols for the upper classes, who sought distinction as patrons of the arts.
they were drawn more and more from the upper classes, who needed new occupations as warfare declined.
people felt that artists were gifted by God, and therefore patronage was a form of religious devotion.
17. Northern culture was characterized by all of the following EXCEPT
a fascination with death, decay, and demons. the elaboration of chivalry and court culture.
a commitment to the religious point of view. a rejection of Renaissance culture as impious.
18. Most of the northern Renaissance thinkers agreed that
a. democracy, not monarchy, was the only workable political system.
b. humanity is basically sinful.
c. Christianity is unacceptable.
d. society is perfectible
19. The popes attempted to restore their power and prestige through all of the following EXCEPT
a magnificent building program in Rome.
patronage of artists and humanist scholars.
a vigorous military campaign to secure the Papal States.
a thorough reform of corrupt Church institutions.
20. Humanism influenced religious dissent by
emphasizing the superiority of original texts.
pointing up the sinfulness of material concerns.
refuting the Church's claims about transubstantiation.
mobilizing the princes against Church power.
21. Proximity to the ancient ruins and texts, political instability, and _____ acted as catalysts to the rise of
Renaissance ideas in Italy.
A. individualism
B. humanism
C. economic prosperity
D. the plague
22. _____ formed the basis of an ideal Renaissance education.
A. Grammar
B. The humanities
C. The arts
D. Rhetoric
23. Humanist scholarship and the arts of the Renaissance...
A. were the achievements of determined young men.
B. suffered because of the lack of patronage.
C. were made possible by patronage.
D. would not have existed without the patronage of the church.
24. The two general categories of Italian city-state governments were...
A. republics and principalities.
B. republics and communes.
C. communes and principalities.
D. principalities and hereditary monarchies.
25. Pope Julius II made Rome a cultural hub by hiring artists like...
A. Platina.
B. Machiavelli.
C. Michelangelo.
D. Brunelleschi.
26. Leonardo gained his knowledge of human anatomy...
A. by studying Renaissance architecture that was based upon human form and proportion.
B. by dissecting cadavers.
C. by reading the classics.
D. by sketching classical sculpture.
27. Among the famous Renaissance figures brought to the French court was...
A. Castiglione
B. Rabelais
C. Machiavelli
D. Leonardo da Vinci
28. Which of the following is NOT an important cause of the Italian Renaissance?
The Plague The Growth of Cities The growth of nation-states
The increased trade from the middle east Italy’s cultural heritage (Roman Empire)
29. Peasants constituted ________________ of the total European population.
95 to 98 percent 85 to 90 percent 60 to 65 percent 75 to 80 percent
30. At the top of urban society were the____________, whose wealth from capitalistic enterprises in trade,
industry, and banking enabled them to dominate their urban communities economically, socially, and
Patricians Princes Popes Monks Traders.Merchants
31. Although, slavery is not commonly thought of as a part of the Renaissance. Slaves did exist, especially in
the cities during the early Renaissance. Most of them were
young, hard working men women, including many young women wise old men
agricultural workers street cleaners, cooks and household servants
32. It appears that in Renaissance society black slaves were
a. valued as soldiers.
b. valued as servants and entertainers.
c. considered undesirable and not allowed in society.
d. not much in demand.
32. Which of the following was not one of the powers dominating the Italian peninsula?
the duchy of Milan Venice Pisa
the Papal States Florence
33. The Renaissance began in
a. the Low Countries b. Rome. c. France. d. Florence.
34. The patrons of the FlorentineRenaissance were mostly
a. churchmen. b. the popes. c. the common people. d. merchants and bankers.
35. The frail and ugly king who began French economic
and political recovery in the early fifteenth century was
a. Henry Tudor. b. Charles VII. c. Philip the Fair. d. Louis XI.
36. A major difference between northern and Italian humanism is that northern humanism stressed
a. economic gain and materialism. b. social reform based on Christian ideals.
c. pagan virtues. d. scholastic dogma over reason.
37. The late-fifteenth-century ruler of England who ended the civil war and strengthened the crown was
a. John I. b. William III. c. Henry II. d. Henry VII.
38. Erasmus advocated
a. paganism.
b. Christian education for moral and intellectual improvement.
c. a monastic life of contemplation and divorce from the material world.
d. unthinking obedience to church doctrine and ritual
39. The Wars of the Roses were
a. civil wars between the English ducal houses of York and Lancaster.
b. between England and France.
c. civil wars between the English king, Henry VI, and the aristocracy.
d. minor disputes among English gentry.
40. Just before the advent of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Iberian Peninsula could best be described as
a. a homogeneous region sharing a common language and cultural tradition.
b. a heterogeneous region consisting of several ethnic groups with a diversity of linguistic
and cultural characteristics.
c. tolerant of religious and ethnic traditions different from Christianity.
d. a region dominated equally by Arabs and Jews.
41. The culture of the Renaissance
a. was largely limited to a small mercantile elite.
b. was widely spread and practiced by a broad middle class.
c. was confined to the church.
d. affected all classes, including the peasants.
42. Both Florence and Rome were sacked by the
Northern Barbarians Muslims the French The English the slaves
43. ______________ became one of the largest industries in Europe, and its effects were soon felt in many
areas of European life. It encouraged the development of scholarly research and the desire to attain
knowledge. It facilitated cooperation among scholars and helped produce standardized and definitive texts.
Wool making Teaching Painting Printing Singing
44. In Spain, the royal dynasty provided the centralizing force and when the grandson of Ferdinand and
Isabella, succeeded both rulers as _____________. 1n 1516, he inherited lands that made him the most
powerful monarch of his age.
Charles I Henry IV Don Juan III Louis XI George V
45. By the end of the 15th century the _______ were threatening Hungary, Austria, Bohemia, and Poland.
Bohemians Christians Ottoman Turks Crusaders Spanish
46. The primary concern of the papacy is governing the Catholic church as its spiritual leader, but as heads of
the church, popes had other preoccupations as well, and the story of the Renaissance papacy is basically an
account of how
the Popes tried to build large buildings to glorify themselves rather than God
temporal (wordly) concerns came to overshadow the popes’ spiritual functions.
Teaching Greek and Roman classics to help people understand Scripture
Bringing more and more people into the Church rather than helping those already in it
47. Henry VII was especially successful in building up England because he
fought many wars after consolidating his power avoided war to stabilize his country
became an important patron of the arts in England loved to ride, hunt and socialize with peasants
48. Louis XI was especially successful in building up France because he
was scary looking and so everyone did what he said
maintained the important taille (tax) which gave him a solid source of income
helped everyone see that a large France was better able to fight England
had many mistresses so he had many children to help him hold the throne
49. Which of the following statements about the earliest printed books is false?
a. They dealt mainly with economic and business subjects.
b. They encouraged literacy.
c. Movable type was first developed in Germany.
d. They improved the process of learning.
50. The frenzied world of the Italian territorial states gave rise to a political practice that prevented any one
state from dominating the peninsula. This was the result of
lack of unity between city states the balance of power
reliance on the Pope rather than allegiance to a Prince all of the above
51. Who was hired by Pope Leo X to sell indulgences in Germany?
a. John Tetzel
b. Albrecht, Archbishop of Mainz
c. Frederick III of Saxony
d. Charles V
e. Ulrih Zwingli
52. What was the major struggle between England and France?
a. War of the Roses
b. Indulgences
c. Catholic Church
d. Hundred Years' War
e. Pluralism
53. The Renaissance was focused on three main points
A. Humanism, Individualism, Classicism
B. Religion, Money, Community
C. Art, Music, Architecture
D. History, Individualism, Religion
54. The best description of Machiavelli's The Prince is that it is
a. a description of how government should be organized and implemented.
b. a satire on sixteenth-century politics.
c. a call for Italian nationalism.
d. an accurate description of politics as practiced in Renaissance Italy.