What high school did Amy go to for her junior year? Raven Rock

What high school did Amy go to for her junior year?
Raven Rock High School in Raven Rock, California 9Raven Rock is a suburb of Los Angeles
What six classes did Amy take her junior year? Final Grades?
American Lit (A), American History (A), Chemistry (B-), French (B+), physical education (B-),
and Honor Theater (A)
What high school is Amy attending her senior year?
Stanwich High school in Stanwich, Connecticut
How many times was Amy absent from Raven Rock High School? What were her reasons?
6 excused absences; 1 for illness, 5 for Bereavement
What is Amy's email?
What is net mail’s slogan?
The Internet with a safety net
Who emailed messages to Amy that Amy did not read in her inbox?
Julia Anderson
What was Hildy's email to Amy about?
To let Amy know she will showing house at 4 to prospective buyers so she can make
arrangements to be elsewhere
What is Hildy's email?
What is Amy's mom email?
Who checked on Amy while she was still at the house in California?
Amy's aunt
When did Amy's mom expect Amy to be in Connecticut?
No later than June 10th
How was Amy supposed to pay for meals, gas, and hotels?
With her emergency credit card
What did Amy's mom leave in the glove compartment?
AAA information
How is Amy supposed to contact her brother at the facility?
What is the trip route?
Start: Raven Rock, CA
1st night: Gallup, New Mexico
2nd night: Tulsa, Oklahoma
3rd night: Terre Haute, Indiana
4th night: Akron, Ohio
5th night: Stanwich, Connecticut
*Then Amy's mom will drive Roger to his father house in Philadelphia
What is the California state motto?
Eureka [I have found it]
What kind of car did Marilyn have?
Beige Subaru station wagon
What rookie mistake did most FedEx guys make?
Swinging the quickly around the cul-de-sac, reaching the end before realizing it
How many houses were there on Raven Crescent?
Three houses
What did Marilyn's bumper sticker say?
My Son was Randolph Hall's student of the month and my kid and my $$$ go to Colorado
What sign was on Amy's lawn that was there for three months?
Realtor's sign, that said For Sale, & then in big letters underneath that, Welcome Home
*determined that it must have been a nice thing to see if was a house you were thinking about
moving into, not so nice if you were moving out
Who taught Amy her fifth grade English class? What words did she hear from her teacher?
Mr. Collins; never end a sentence with a preposition
What were Amy's parents careers?
Both professors at College of the West, a ten minute drive from their house that was close
enough for easy commute but far way enough to not hear frat parties, Mom taught English
Literature (Modernism), dad taught history (Civil War & Reconstruction).
What did Charlie get on the PSAT?
A perfect verbal score
How was Charlie able to escape a possession charge?
When he managed to convince the cop who busted him that the ounce of pot in his backpack
was a rare California herb blend known as Humboldt and that he was an apprentice at the
Pasenda Culinary Institute
Where did Julia move to & when?
Moved to Florida in January
When did Amy's mother decide to put the house on the market?
Almost immediately after the accident; Charlie or Amy hadn't been consulted just informed
Since the car accident, what has Charlie constantly been doing?
Almost constantly being high
What has Charlie been doing since the 7th grade?
Partying on a semi regular basis
What was Amy’s mom solution to their problem in California?
A fresh start/ a place without so many memories
Who lived in Connecticut that Amy’s family knows?
Her grandmother lives there
Where does Amy’s mom work in Connecticut?
Stanwich college English department went straight to teach some summer courses at the
college to get things settled.
What help did Amy’s mom get from Stanwich college?
College helped her find an available house to rent
What did Amy’s mom do when she couldn’t stop pretending what was going on with Charlie?
She pulled him out of school and installed him in a teen rehab facility in North Carolina
Why did Amy’s aunt come to check on Amy & from where?
She came from Santa Barbara to make sure she managed to feed herself and hadn’t started
making meth in the backyard.
What kind of car did Amy’s mom have?
Red Jeep Liberty
Why did Amy’s mom need her car?
It was getting complicated to keep borrowing her mother’s car since the grandmother was
missing a lot of bridge games and didn’t care that she needed to go to Bed, Bath & Beyond.
What kind of car does Amy’s grandma have?
Ancient Coupe Deville
On what day of the week, did Amy’s mom tell Amy the solution to the car problem?
On a Thursday night, this was the opening night of the spring musical, “Candide.”
What was different about the play, “Candide,” then the rest of the plays she was in?
No one had been waiting for her in the lobby/ she wasn’t accepting bouquets of flowers &
What did Amy do immediately after “Candide?”
She took a cab home
How did Amy describe herself in the kitchen after ‘Candide”?
The Cunegonde makeup was heavy on her skin; her false eyelashes began to irritate her eyes,
and the “Best of All Possible Worlds” songs running through her head.
What time was it in Connecticut when Amy’s mom called her after “Candide”?
1 am
What did Amy eat after the Candide show?
Casa Blanca pizza (leftovers), that she set in the microwave to reheat
What did Amy say before she prefaced any information she was about to give Amy that she wasn’t
going to like?
“So listen”
If Amy’s mom had a lot more money, what would she have done with the car instead of Amy & Roger
driving to give it to her?
She would have shipped it on a car carrier, and pay for Amy to go on a plane.
When was the last time Amy drove?
She hasn’t driven since the accident
Why was Roger coming along for the ride to Connecticut?
Since he needed to come to the East anyway to spend the summer with his father in
Where did the Sullivan’s used to live?
Used to live on Holloway
After Marilyn’s divorce, where did she move to?
She moved to Pasadena
What game did Amy & Roger play when they were young?
What did Amy’s mom map out for Amy & Roger for the trip?
She mapped out an itinerary
According to Amy’s mom, how many days would it take Amy & Roger to get to Connecticut?
Four days
What did Roger take out of his mom’s cars hatchback?
He took out a stuffed army style duffel and a backpack
What is the quote by, “The Lucksmiths”?
But I think it only fair to warn you, all those songs about California lied.
What was Amy wearing when she met Roger?
She was barefoot, in old jeans and the show T-shirt from last year’s musical (de facto outfit)
Over the years, what happened to Charlie & Amy’s hair?
Charlie’s had darkened over time to auburn, whereas Amy’s stayed vividly red
What started happening to Amy’s hair?
It started falling out
What cover up did Amy’s mom make up for Charlie’s rehab?
That Charlie was in North Carolina at an academic enrichment program
Why didn’t Amy tell Julia what happened, relating to the car accident?
She knew if she told her, she wasn’t going to let her off the hook, and she wouldn’t go away
What did Julia do, when she found out about what happened in the car accident?
She had called her constantly after, and Amy let the calls go to voicemail. Then, after the calls
didn’t work she started emailing.
What subjects were on Julia’s emails to Amy?
“Checking In,” and “Worried About you,” and “For God’s Sake, Amy.”
Why hasn’t Amy talked to Julia about the car accident?
If she talked to Julia it would become real in some way he couldn’t quite handle
Where did Amy go right after the funeral?
She invited herself to Michael’s dorm room
What did Amy’s shirt say the day she met Roger? What was it relating to?
Anyone Can Whistle; a musical
What were the first words Roger said to Amy? What was he referring to?
“It’s not true, you know” referring to the shirt she was wearing that said Anyone Can Whistle
Where was the gift that Amy’s mom sent for the trip?
The gift was sitting on the kitchen table
Why didn’t Amy open the gift for days?
If she opened it, it meant that the trip was actually going to happen
What was the gift that Amy’s mom sent to Amy for the trip?
A heavy & spiral bound book with a dark blue cover called, “Away You Go!” that was printed
in white fifties style script and underneath that, Traveler’s Companion.
Journal/Scrapbook/Helpful Hints
When Amy flipped through the pages of her gift that her mom gave her before the trip what was
It had a scrapbook station for preserving “Your Lasting Memories”, and a journal section for
recording “Your Wandering Thoughts,” and quizzes, packing lists, and traveling tips.
What was still in Amy’s house even though her family was moving out? Why was it still in the house?
All their furniture was there; Hildy preferred not to sell empty houses
What has happened ever since Hildy was hired by Amy’s mom?
She has taken over the house to the point where sometimes Amy has trouble remembering
what it used to feel like when her family lived in it.
What did Amy do when Hildy was doing a showing in her house?
She would walk around the neighborhood with her IPod blasting Sondheim
According to Amy, How did Amy’s room look like after Hildy took over?
It looked like the ideal teen girls room, with arranged stacks of books, alphabetized CDs, and
carefully folded piles of clothing.
What was on Amy’s nightstand in her room?
Amy had her alarm clock and a paperback copy of “Food, Gas, and Lodging,” on her
What was Amy’s father’s favorite book? When did Amy receive it?
“Food, Gas, and Lodging”; her father gave her his battered copy for Christmas
What was Amy hoping for when her dad gave her a gift?
A new cell phone
How much of the book did Amy read, from the book her father gave her?
She hadn’t gotten any further than the title page
What did the inscription say in the book Amy’s dad gave her?
To my Amy- this book has seen me through many journeys. Hoping you enjoy it as much as I
have it. With love, Benjamin Curry (your father)
What page did Amy stop at in “Food, Gas, and Lodging?” Why?
Page 61; page 61 was the place he gotten to when he last read it, and she couldn’t bring
herself to turn the page and read beyond the page
What did Amy mark page 62 in “Food, Gas, and Lodging?”
She marked page sixty-two with a note card with her father’s writing in it, some notes about
Lincoln secretary, part of the research he’d been doing for the book
As Amy was dragging her suitcase downstairs, what did she stop to do?
She stopped and looked down the hall the her parents’ bedroom, since she hadn’t been in it
since the morning of the funeral
How long has Charlie’s door been closed?
Ever since Amy’s mother slammed it behind her after yanking Charlie out of his room
What was still recognizable to Amy in her parent’s bedroom?
The king size bed and stacks of books on each nightstand
What kind of books did Amy’s dad have in his nightstand?
Thick historical biographies alternating with thin paperback mysteries
What could Amy still see inside her father’s closet?
The tie rack Charlie had made for him in his fifth grade workshop, with all his ties hanging on
it, all pre-knotted (to save him time in the morning)
What did Amy do on impulse when checking her mother’s top drawer? Who told her about it?
She reached into the very back, on the left side and grabbed an ancient pantyhose egg with
L’EGGS printed on the side in gold script that was flacking off, inside the egg was cash. Charlie
told her found it last year.
How much money did the egg always have in it that Amy’s mom hid? How much really have?
It always had six hundred dollars in it, mostly hundreds and fifties; $400
What was Roger doing after Amy finally brought her suitcase downstairs?
He was staring at the fridge
What did Amy’s mom tell Amy about Roger?
That he was nineteen and he just finished his freshman year
Why was Roger staring at the fridge in Amy’s kitchen?
The fridge was covered with magnets that were all from different places -- cities, states, and
countries that Amy’s parents visited.
When did Amy’s parents start collecting magnets? When did they stop?
They started collecting them on their honeymoon; when Amy’s mom spoke at a conference in
Montana and came back with a magnet that was just a square of bright blue with Big Sky
Country printed on it.
What are the only two places Roger had visited, before the trip?
California, Colorado
Where did Amy go when she was out of the country for the first time?
They spent a very damp summer in the Cotswold’s, in England, while her mother did research
for a book. (California being the only state she has been in)
How did Amy justify it to people when she told them the only state she has been to is California?
That California’s a pretty big state
When does Roger’s father come to visit Roger in California?
He comes out to CA a couple times a year, for business
What program did Amy try to avoid that was on the fridge?
ITACHA is GORGES! Magnet in the lower left corner. It was printed on beige card stock and
had a picture of Amy’s father on it., one that someone had taken of him teaching. It was black
and white and he was wearing the tie Amy got him for Father’s day, the one with tiny hound
dogs on it. He had chalk dust on his hands and was looking to the left of the camera, laughing.
Underneath the picture it said Benjamin Curry: A Life Well-Lived.
What sentence did Amy think Roger was going to say after looking at the program of Amy’s father?
“How sorry he was, what a tragedy it was, and how he didn’t know what to say.
What did Amy grab from the house, before finally leaving officially?
She picked up the travel book, and pulled the program of her father from behind the Ithaca
magnet and stuck it in the scrapbook section.
What is another name for the state of California?
The golden state
What is the motto for California?
Eureka - I have found it
What is the meaning of California?
It means hot oven, she got her information from rest-stop info kiosk
What notes did Amy take on the state of California?
That is was so big that it is possible for someone to not leave the state until the age of 17,
which is not true for Rhode Island.
What was Roger doing when Amy first entered the car ready to start the trip?
He was playing with the seat adjustment
Who said the quote, "California is a garden of Eden, a paradise to live in or see. But believe it or not,
you won't find it so hot, if you ain't got the do-re-mi?
Woody Guthrie
What was on Amy's mother’s itinerary?
It had the list of towns she chosen for them to stop in, MapQuest directions, and a list of
hotel reservations-for two rooms in each place-along with the estimated driving time and
mileage for each leg of the journey
What places did Amy's mother choose for Amy & Roger to travel through in order to get to CT?
Gallup, New Mexico; Tulsa, Oklahoma; Terre Haute, Indiana; Akron, Ohio
Where did Amy grab the road atlas from?
The backseat
According to Amy, why did Amy's mother plan the trip the way she did?
By mileage
What had once been Amy's favorite thing to do?
Driving; it helped her organize her thoughts as she listened to music, like therapy on
How many hours did Amy expect to get to Gallup when first starting the trip?
9 hours
What was the last thing Amy saw before her house disappeared from the view?
The Welcome Home sign
When Roger was making a right onto Campus Drive, what did Amy tell him? Why?
To take Alvarez because it’s faster; she didn't want to be close to seeing the intersection at
University since she had no idea if the ribbons and signs were still there
What landmarks in Raven Rock did Amy mention that she had history in?
The Fosters Freeze - where Charlie & Amy used to walk to get shakes
The Jamba Juice - where Charlie deeply humiliated Amy when they were twelve, after
he told her if you yelled out "JAMBA at full volume they would yell back "Juice,"
which was a lie
For how long did Roger & Amy drive in silence as they were leaving Raven Rock?
20 minutes
As they left Raven Rock what did Amy do every time Roger moved?
She sat at the very edge of her seat, pressed practically into the door, so they wouldn't bump
elbows on the console or anything.
How did Roger drive? How did Amy drive?
He drove with one hand on the wheel, and the other resting on the glass of the window; she was
ten-and-two girl
Where is the first place Amy & Roger ate at? How much did they spend, who was their cashier, what
did they buy, what was the date?
The In-N-Out (Burger Rock Falls) took it To-go
(June 6th at 12:01 pm, cashier Katie, paid 12.21, guest #19
-Dbl-Dbl Animal Style
-Dbl-Dbl Xtra Sauce
-2 Fries
-Med Root Beer
-Straw Shake
-Med Coke
What did Charlie & Amy call the back of the Liberty?
The way-back, the open space designed for storing things
Why didn't Amy wear any sunglasses when the sun was hitting her face?
Her sunglass shattered three months ago and she gotten used to squinting
While Roger & Amy were eating their food from the In-N-Out in their car what was happening to the
left & right of them?
To the right of the car, cars on the freeway rushed past, to the left an In-N-Out employee
was breaking up with her boyfriend loudly over the phone whose name was Kyle
Why didn't they take the In-N-Out food and eat on the road?
Because Roger struggled to take a bite of his burger while pulling out of the parking lot, it
became clear it was an eat, then drive situation
What did Roger tell Amy about the In-N-Out?
That it was a West Coast only burger chain, there were none in Connecticut
What is the closest In-N-Out to Colorado?
What school does Roger go to?
Colorado College, in Colorado Springs
Since Roger already planned at staying at his college all summer why didn't he?
After finals, his father began insisting that he spend the summer with him in Philly
How did Roger's father react, when he saw his sons grades?
He freaked out when she saw his grades, and said he wanted him there so he could learn
some discipline.
Who lives in Philly with Roger's father?
His new wife and her son
What did Amy say Roger could do since Roger had no idea what to do in Philadelphia?
Eat Cheesesteak, and Roger added cream cheese
Where had Roger taken a road trip?
Up to San Francisco, down to San Diego
How many fries were there left in the In-N-Out bag that Roger offered Amy?
There were three, but he took one, and offered Amy two, and she only took one leaving the last
one for him
Before leaving the In-N-Out what did Amy & Roger decide?
That they would pick their own route, so the trip could be more of a road trip and still get to
Connecticut in four days by the tenth. And they would need road trip essentials.
What two things did Roger mention were absolutely necessary if they were going to hit the road?
Snacks and tunes
What was mostly on Amy's iPod?
Broadway musical soundtracks or oldies (Andrew Lloyd Webber)
Where did most of Amy's knowledge of Billy Joel come from?
The musical, "Movin' On"
Where were Roger & Amy at when Roger insisted they couldn't start driving unless there was a
Sunshine Mart
How many pages did the state of California take up on the atlas?
Five pages
What state did Connecticut share with in the atlas?
Rhode Island
What was the first place Amy chose to go to, to start the road trip? How long of a trip would it be to get
there? Who found it?
Yosemite National Park; six hour drive from Raven Rock; part of it had been founded by
Amy's ancestors on her father's side
When did Amy & her family go to Yosemite National Park? Why did they stop?
They used to go up every summer for two weeks -Amy, her father, and Charlie; no specific
reason it just seemed like none of them had the time anymore
*Amy avoided places that reminded her of things she didn't want to be reminded of
What did Amy & Roger purchase from the Sunshine Mart? How much did it cost/date?
$42.95 worth of gas (87 grade), cream soda, root beer, 2 red vines, 5 Abba-zaba (could be only
found in California), Tostitos, Doritos, skittles, Reese’s piece
Nine years earlier, when Amy's family was going to Yosemite National park, what was Charlie doing
that annoyed Amy?
He was kicking the back of her seat
Why was Amy allowed to sit in the front seat when they took family trips?
When she was little she gotten carsick and it later became a habit while Amy's mom & Charlie
sat in the back reading their respective books the whole time
What were Amy’s responsibilities since she sat on the front seat with her father, on family trips?
she was the navigator, in charge of making sure they were going the right way and if there
traffic or a road closed, finding an alternate route, or when a CD need changing she was in
charge of putting in the next one ("all right, my Sancho Panza tell us our course")
What artist did Amy’s family listen to when her father was driving?
What did Amy’s father put in the cup holder that Amy was allowed to eat as much she wanted?
Two packs of Life Savers (when Amy’s father held out his hand, she had to be ready to unwrap
one and drop it into his palm).
How did Charlie act when it was just Amy, Charlie, and their father?
He acted extra annoying
How much did you have to give the guard in the green uniform at Yosemite?
$20 and then he gave you a permit and a map
What did Amy’s father say when they passed through the gates of Yosemite?
We’re back, you glorious old pile of rocks. Did you miss us?
What was the name of Roger Playlist #1?
“Leaving California” aka “Hitting the Road” aka “Snacks Are Important, But Not Quite as
Important as Tunes”
What camp did Roger & Amy stay at when they were at Yosemite National Park? How much did they
spend? What accommodation did they receive compared to the one they requested?
Camp Curry; Cabin 9; $40 (cash)
Accommodation Requested: Cabin with Bath & Cabin without Bath
Accommodation Available: Canvas-Tent Cabin/1 bed
(Gave specific instructions to contact if any of the cabins with more than one bed became available)
What items did Yosemite tell its visitors to remove if it was in their car?
All objects that had a scent: soap, shampoo, toothpaste, trash, makeup, perfume, drinks, food,
coolers (Even if they were empty, and to lock all items with a scent in the bear locker outside
your cabin)
When did people make reservations for Yosemite National Park?
They made reservations for their cabins months in advance
How were Amy & Roger able to get a cabin at Yosemite National Park?
There was a cancellation so they got the last available cabin
How long did it take to get to Camp Curry after reaching the Yosemite gates?
One hour
What did Amy & Roger have to do after paying for their room at Yosemite National Park?
They had to watch a video of a bear mauling a station wagon; and sign releases saying they
wouldn’t sue if their car got mauled even if there was nothing inside to attract the bears. (The
message of the videos was that the bears at Yosemite were dangerous, especially to vehicles)
What did Amy call the lodge at Yosemite National Park?
Curry Dining Pavilion
What was the reason people didn’t bring big rolling suitcases to Yosemite National Park?
Because when the paved path turned to gravel and wood chips it was difficult for the suitcase to
move through
Describe the cabin Amy & Roger stayed at, at Yosemite National Park?
The cabin was made of white canvas with a green painted door. A set of four steps and a railing
painted green, led up to it, the bear locker at the bottom of the steps. It was very small, the bed
was metal, painted white, and unmade with a set of sheets and two gray scratchy-looking
blankets on top. Inside the cabin it was white canvas with green painted wooden beams crossing
it. There was a chair in the corner, and a wooden dresser with a wood framed mirror.
What did Amy & Roger do immediately before entering their cabin at Yosemite National Park?
They went through there things and locking anything the bears might think was food inside the
metal box
What side did Roger say he had to sleep on & why?
Right side; because his ex-girlfriend always had to sleep on the left side
Who was the only person Amy shared a bed with?
Julia; in the seventh grade they would sleep over each other’s houses every weekend
What was the name of Yosemite’s most famous mountain?
Half Dome
What did Amy & Roger do when they met at the lodge at Yosemite National Park?
They talked to two loquacious dentists from Palm Desert and then watched the evening
entertainment, an informational video on Yosemite and Its History
What was Roger wearing to go to sleep at the cabin at Yosemite National Park? Amy?
A blue and gray Colorado College T-shirt and a pair of black mesh shorts; sweatpants and long
sleeved shirt
What did Hadley used to call Roger?
The space heater
When Amy went to turn off the lights in the cabin, how was she able to get back to her side of the bed?
Because of the white walls, and the moonlight filtering in
Since Amy started having insomnia what did she do while she waited to go to sleep?
She would lie awake for hours, and then watch the Weather Channel. After watching the
Doppler radar for a while she would finally doze off after an hour or two
What did Amy like about the Weather Channel?
She found it soothing-the preciseness of it, the way it essentially predicted the future. She liked
the meteorologists because they could tell people across the country what their days and weeks
would bring so you wouldn’t be caught off guard and unprepared if anything hit you.
How did Amy’s family say goodnight when they stayed at Yosemite National Park?
“Sleep tight, don’t let the bears bite.”
What pictures did Amy put in her travel scrapbook of Yosemite National Park?
She put pictures of what they ate for breakfast, Curry Dining Pavilion, and Yosemite in the
What did Amy & Roger purchase from the Curry Market? How much did it cost?
1st receipt ($18.13)
1 Yosemite mug – “Amy”
1 skittles
1 postcard
1 disposable camera
2nd receipt ($19.89)
1 Yosemite mug – “Roger”
1 Reese’s pieces
“Bear Necessities” T-shirt
What were Amy’s ancestors responsible for in Yosemite National Park?
The Firefall – in which flame was poured, down a chute carved into a mountain which was
stopped in the sixties (surprising because nobody was killed in it)
What did Amy eat at breakfast at the lodge?
Oatmeal, two muffins, and a banana
What was Roger eating while reading the Yosemite Guide?
A piece of sausage
What motel were Amy & Roger supposed to be staying at if they went to New Mexico?
Gallup Holiday Inn
What scenery were Amy & Roger looking at when sitting on the outside patio of the Curry lodge?
The enormous pines, the stunning mountains, the sunlight filtering through the trees
What were the Yosemite Daily Activities being offered on June 7th?
Half Dome Climb, Hike around Yosemite Valley, Ranger Rob’s Nature Lecture: “Which Roots
and Berries are your friends?” Act like Ansel! – Photographic tour of Yosemite, Wildflower Viewing
Walk, Hike-u!
Who led the Yosemite Hike-u?
Ranger Carl
How long has the Hike-u tradition been around?
Seven years
What happened throughout the Yosemite Hike-u that was part of the activity?
They would have designated stopping times where people could record their feelings on the
paper given
What pattern was supposed to be kept during the Yosemite Hike-u?
5/7/5 pattern
Who did Amy run into at Yosemite National Park?
Cathy Summers
Who told Roger about what happened to Amy’s father?
Roger’s mom (probably went to the service)
What did Roger offer Amy after she left the Yosemite bathroom after seeing Cathy?
His sunglasses
What gift did Amy’s father give Amy in February? Why?
A Frommer’s guide to Memphis, Tennessee; clues to where they were going during the summer
What gift did Amy’s father give Charlie in February?
A book on the history of blues
Where was Amy’s family supposed to go for the summer before Benjamin died?
In July they would be going to (Memphis, Tennessee) Graceland to go see the King
What was Amy’s mom flipping through when Amy’s father turned to her for support on the Elvis trip?
New York Review of Books
What things did Benjamin mention they would do when they got Memphis?
Beale Street, the ducks at the Peabody, and get some barbecue
What did Roger call Amy since she was going to be navigating the whole trip?
His Chekov, the navigator of the Starship Enterprise from Star Trek (Amy thought Anton
What highway were Roger & Amy driving on ever since they left Yosemite?
Highway 50, the two lane highway
When Roger stopped the car because he thought they had to stop to mark the moment what was he
talking about?
They finally left the state of California, and reached the state of Nevada
What is another name for Nevada?
The Silver State
What was Roger Playlist #2 called?
“What do you mean we’re still in California!” aka “The Very Long and Winding Road” aka
“The Ballad of Amy’s lost sunglasses”
What were the only two interstates that ran through Nevada?
Eighty up by Reno and 15 down by Vegas
What route did Amy decide to take once reaching Nevada?
Take Highway 50 across Nevada into Utah onto Interstate 70
What was the second state Roger & Amy stayed at?
Colorado, Colorado Springs
What did Amy & Roger notice that was wrong after navigating on Highway 50 for so long?
There was suddenly nothing after driving through; it was just a huge open deserted landscape.
In the two hours Amy & Roger drove on Highway 50, how many cars did they see?
Three other vehicles
Where did Amy & Roger find two pumps and a mini mini-mart after driving down Highway 50 for so
Fallon, Nevada
What did Amy & Roger grab from the mini-mart they found after driving down Highway 50 for so long?
Amy grabbed a cream soda, a root beer, Skittles, a candy bar in a red wrapper call LOOK!
Roger grabbed a bag of Reese’s Pieces, BBQ chips
Why did Amy always hate any kind of peanut butter candy?
She believed peanut butter belonged in sandwiches and nowhere else
How much did Amy spend at the store in Fallon?
What did the lady at the counter in Fallon, Nevada tell Amy & Roger about the road?
That it was the Loneliest Road in America
Why did Barb give Amy & Roger her number?
Her brother-in-law was a state trooper and that if they had car trouble, to give her a call and she
would let him know
What did Amy do when Roger’s direct look began to make her uncomfortable?
She played with his sunglasses that were on the cup holder
How long did Barb say they would have to drive on the Loneliest Road of America before making it to
the interstate in Utah?
At least eight more hours on Highway 50
When did Amy feel like for the first time her & Roger were doing something?
When they made the decision to keep driving on Highway 50
After leaving Barb’s mini mart, what warning signs did Amy & Roger see on Highway 50?
There were signs warnings that there would be no more “gas or services” for a hundred miles
After an hour of Amy of continuing on Highway 50, and Amy’s butt began to hurt what did she do?
What did Roger do?
She kicked off her flip-flops and placed one foot on the dashboard; Roger put the car on cruise
What did Amy & Roger see when driving past the mini-town called Middlegate?
They passed an enormous cottonwood tree that had hundred/thousands of shoes dangling from
After a half an hour after the shoe tree what did Amy do?
She made Roger pull over so she could take a picture, and ended up turning in a circle taking a
picture in every direction
What is another name for the state of Nevada?
The Silver State
What is the motto for the state of Nevada?
All for our country
What facts did Amy put down for the state of Nevada? Notes?
That they could use a restructuring of their highway system; state highways have a drawing of
the shape of the state and the highway # is inside it
According to Amy, what is the friendliest town on the loneliest road?
Eureka, Nevada
What was on the note Barb gave Amy & Roger?
“It said call if you into trouble (775) 555-2847 Remember to FILL UP! – Barb
What was the name of Roger playlist #3?
“Road to Nowhere” aka “Cruise Control on Highway 50”
*when reaching Eureka, it started to get dark
Why didn’t Amy & Roger stop to eat dinner while on Highway 50?
Partly because there didn’t seem to be anywhere to stop and get dinner, but mostly because
Roger seemed to want to get across Highway 50 as quickly as possible
What snacks did Amy load up on when on Highway 50?
Amy added some granola bars and trail mix
What color case did Roger keep his glasses in?
Brown case
When does Roger wear his glasses?
He only wears them for driving at night and movies
According to Roger, how does Roger’s glass make Roger look?
Like a substitute math teacher
When putting Roger’s glasses case back in his bag what caught Amy’s eye?
A small sketch pad
What were most of the portraits in Roger’s sketch pad?
A beautiful girl with long light hair, Hadley
What majors did Roger plan on doing?
History major, political science minor
When Amy fell asleep while her & Roger were driving on Highway why did Roger wake her up?
He woke her so she could keep him awake, so they could make it to Colorado Springs the next
How did Amy keep Roger awake while they were on Highway 50?
She played mix # 4 that was made by Hadley, played twenty questions
What was under the sign, “Welcome to Utah”?
It said mountain day light time zone
How many rounds of twenty questions did Amy & Roger play on Highway 50?
Six rounds
What people did Roger choose when playing twenty questions on Highway 50? What do they all have
in common?
Drake, Livingstone, Sir Edmund Hillary, Vasco de Gama; they were all explorers
What did Roger like about explorers?
He loved the idea that people could discover things, that you could be the person to see
something first or see something that nobody else had been able to
When Roger asked Amy, what her biggest regret was, what did Amy think of to avoid the real answer?
The morning in March, carrying her flip-flops, and her feet covered in glass clippings
What does Amy & her mother tease Ben about all the time?
They always teased him about the lawn
When did Amy’s father mow the lawn?
Every Saturday morning
Why didn’t Amy answer immediately on March 8, when her mother asked her where her brother was?
Because Charlie didn’t send Amy an alibi text
What was Julia’s relationship with Charlie?
She used to have a huge crush on him in middle school, but it faded during high school when he
headed down a very different path than Amy & Julia
On March 8, what information was Julia trying to get from Amy?
Information about the college boy, she wanted the scoop about the date & what was going on
between them two
Where did Amy & Roger stay at in Delta, Utah? When did they check in, what was there check out
Beehive Inn
When Amy & Roger stayed at the Beehive Inn, what did they sign their names as? Address? How much
there room cost?
Edmund Udell/Hillary Udell; Address – 1 Salt Lake City Blvd; stayed in the honey room suite
and paid $99 + tax
What was the first town Amy & Roger reached on Highway 50?
Delta, Utah
How did Amy & Roger get there room at the Beehive Inn?
When they walked in, the desk clerk assumed that Amy & Roger were the Udells since the
Udells didn’t show up. And the reservation made by the Udells was the last room
What kind of key did the desk clerk at the Beehive Inn give Amy & Roger?
He handed them an old-fashioned brass key with a small heart charm dangling from it
What did Amy notice when walking into their room at the Beehive Inn?
The king size bed was covered in rose petals and to side of the bed was a bottle of champagne
bobbing in a bucket of water which should have been ice
What did Amy take from the Beehive Inn?
A memo pad that was on the desk and a yellow and black Beehive Motel pen, bubble bath, the
complimentary shampoo, the sewing kit, and the hand lotion
What is a scone at Mom’s café? How many did Roger eat?
A huge funnel cake; four
What is another name for the state of Utah?
The Beehive State
What is Utah’s motto?
What facts did Amy put down for the state of Utah in her travel journal?
That all the signs that tell you what highway you’re on have pictures of beehives on them
What is the zip code for the Salt Lake City?
What notes did Amy write for the state of Utah in her travel journal?
“There was a sign on the side of the interstate, Open Range Caution.” & the zip code for the
Salt Lake City.
What was Roger Playlist #4 called?
“Hillary & Edmund Hit the Highway” aka “People who take pictures of trees”
What animal signs did Amy see while driving through Utah?
An antelope, a cow, and a cow with horns, and deer signs that she had seen before in Yosemite
How did the landscape change as Amy & Roger crossed into Colorado?
The open flatness became more mountainous and the pine trees were back, the grades of the
incline were now posted on the signs on the side of the road, and the road got more winding and
much steeper
What signs did Amy see that surprised her for the trucks?
Steep grade ahead, truckers! Use caution and truckers! It’s not over yet! More 6% grade and
winding roads! And the one that she stared at the longest: If brakes fail, do not exit, stay on
*Charlie showed Amy how to send a message to her mother’s cell, meaning the voicemail showed up
on her phone without it ringing. So Amy’s mom assumed that she missed the call.
What state were Amy & Roger supposed to be when they reached Colorado?
What did Amy & Roger stop for when about twenty miles outside of Colorado Springs?
They stopped for gas
Where did Roger arrange for him &Amy to stay at in Colorado Springs?
One of the houses off campus, International House, for people who are taking summer courses
What did Roger say was the reason for why he wanted to go to Colorado?
Because he heard Hadley was there, and he wanted to talk to her
Where does Hadley live?
In Kentucky
Why did Roger think Hadley was in Colorado?
Because she was there taking summer courses
How did Roger & Hadley break up?
They were supposed to meet at the library because Roger was going to help her study for the
history final. He made note cards, but she came to his dorm and she said it was over between
them. That she had been feeling that way for a long time, and she needed it to get it off her chest
because it was interfering with her studying
After Hadley broke up with what did she leave Roger a voicemail about?
She left him a voicemail saying that she was sorry about the way she left things, and told her to
come by her sorority house so they could say good-bye
Why didn’t Roger go to say goodbye to Hadley after the breakup?
Because he doesn’t say goodbye, not since he was eleven, it’s a superstitious thing. Three of his
grandparents died that year, each time after he talked to them to say goodbye. So if you don’t
say goodbye, it means you’ll have to see them again
What exit did Roger take for Uintah Street/Colorado College?
Exit 143
According to Amy, how did she describe Colorado College International House when first approaching
A dilapidated two-story house with peeling white paint and a half inflated plastic palm tree
drooping on the lawn
What was Leonard doing when Amy first saw him?
Playing a video game call Honour Quest, he just made it to the Forest of Doom
According to Leonard, where would the party that he heard about be located?
At the Quiet dorm
Whose room did Leonard tell Roger to avoid? Why?
Avoid Conrad’s room; because he’s keeping a rabbit in his closet that turned on him
What words were painted on the wall of Leonard’s kitchen?
It said just eat your own goddamn food and nobody gets hurt
What was Bron’s desk full of? Her room?
Science textbooks; full of clothes, she had a shopping problem
What was Bron wearing the first time she met her?
She was wearing a white t-shirt with a few gold necklaces, gold flats, and jeans
What is the explanation for Bronwyn full name?
It was her older sisters’ fault; she was obsessed with National Velvet around the time she was
born, five year old at the time.
What are the benefits of being an RA for Bron?
Free room and board, keeping her from having to be home all summer and provide slave labor
at her aunt’s day care
Who was in the picture that Bron showed Amy?
Four people in the picture, Bron, Roger, Hadley, and Jaime (horns were drawn on top of
Hadley’s head with a red marker)
How did Bron meet her boyfriend?
She got to know him since he’s Rogers’s best friend
Where were the wildest parties over the summer located at Colorado College?
At the substance free dorm
What was the first thing that Amy saw when approaching the quiet dorm?
She saw a fake beach in front of the wraparound porch
What was next to the volleyball net of the quiet dorm?
A small campfire
At the quiet dorm party what was everybody drinking?
Mile-High Ale
What party did Amy go to that she compared to the quiet dorm party?
Parties at the College of the West
When Amy went to parties at College of the West what did they drink?
Dos Equis
What is the Taylor family motto?
You get up, you dress up, you show up. And usually have a pretty good time by the end of it
(and sometimes if you don’t feel great on the inside, just look great on the outside, and after a
while you won’t be able to tell the difference.)
What outfit did Bron give Amy to wear for the party?
A long sky blue top edged with yellow, a denim skirt, a green bra and thong, and a pair of
slingback heels
Describe the bra & underwear Bron gave Amy for the party?
It was a pale green with underwire and delicate lace, the underwear was a matching pale green
thong with the tags still attached
What would Julia and Amy do before a party?
Julia would do Amy’s hair; they would choose clothing, blast music, and get ready for the party
Who did Bron go to talk to when Amy & her ended up in the Quiet’s dorms kitchen?
Someone she recognized from her organic chemistry class
After spending quite some time at the party, what argument was Amy tired of hearing?
Arguments about which sociology professor was the best
What game did Amy get to see Bronwyn decimate?
A game of Quarters
When at the Quiet Dorm, what did the glasses-wearing guy have to do since he lost a bet?
Do a pretty fantastic set of dance moves, including the Worm
What did Amy say her name was to Bradley?
Hilary Udell
On March 11th, when Amy was at Michael’s dorm what was she wearing?
A skirt and a purple tank top that Amy borrowed from Julia back in November
What happened on March 11th?
Amy’s dads funeral & reception, and Amy went to Michael’s dorm
What did Amy’s mom insist that Amy wear for her father’s funeral? How did it make Amy feel?
Black tights; throughout the service Amy concentrated on the feeling of how itchy they were
and how they made her legs feel compressed so she wouldn’t have to hear anything being said
After Amy’s father service, where did everybody go?
To Amy’s house
Where did Amy’s mother & brother sit after Ben’s service?
Amy’s mom sat on the armchair, Charlie sat on the middle of the couch
Where else did Amy wear the black heels that she wore to her dad’s funeral?
To the winter formal in January
What did Michael call Amy after their first make out session?
Pretty girl
According to Amy what did Michael always smell like?
Smelled faintly of Irish Spring
Where was Hugo on March 11th?
At a study group
When Amy left the Quiet Dorm, what was Leonard wearing?
A faded yellow T-shirt that said Call me Kevin
What words flashed across the screen of Leonard video game after Amy’s returned from the Quiet
dorm? What was wrong with the message?
Quickly! You must save Princess Jenna! The real name was Princess Arundel, but Leonard
figured out how to hack the game and change it
What did rumors say about the end of the game of Honour Quest?
That at the end of the game the game reboots and you’re on a new quest. And you actually just
spend the quest gaining knowledge and strength and faeries acorns in preparation for it
What is the correct word for wolves in Honour Quest?
Lupine were-demons
When Amy came back to Bron’s room after the Quiet dorm party, what was there for her?
A sleeping bag, a folded green T-shirt & sweatpants
How did Michael’s room smell to Amy on March 11th?
Like pizza
What states did Amy & Roger have to go through in order to reach Kentucky?
Kansas & Missouri
What time did Amy wake up the day after the Quiet dorm party?
10 am
What did Amy notice that was gone the day after the Quiet dorm party? What was on the bed for her?
Bronwyn & her suitcase; Amy’s jeans were folded on the bed, along with a white T-shirt and a
yellow post-it lying on the clothes that read for Amy and a pink Post-it next to the yellow one
that said Wear me
The day after the Quiet dorm party, what was Roger wearing?
Wearing the Bear Necessities T-shirt he bought from Yosemite National Park
What did Amy notice about the screen of the game Leonard was playing the day after the Quiet Dorm
It said, “Make haste! You must save Princess Amy!”
Why wasn’t Bron able to say goodbye to Amy?
She had a meeting early in the morning, to do mediation for two people
What did Bron tell Amy to do if she goes through Texas?
Give it a six-clap
What were Bron’s instructions on Amy’s suitcase to Roger? If Roger didn’t follow Bron’s instructions
what was Bron’s threat toward Roger?
Not to open it, or let Amy open it until they were on the road; she threatened to turn the rabbit
on him
Where did Amy & Roger stop at after leaving the International House at Colorado College?
Fran’s Pancake House
What did Amy notice about her suitcase when checking it at Fran’s?
All her clothes were gone, except her underwear and “Anyone Can Whistle” T-shirt, and Bron
also gave her the green thong & matching bra, and the outfit she wore to the party
What time was Fran’s Pancake House open?
At Fran’s pancake house what were all breakfasts served with?
Coffee or tea
Why did Roger choose to go to Kentucky?
To go see Hadley
Who was in Kansas that Roger knew?
What did the guy at the Quiet Dorm party mean when he said Roger had fire?
He thought Amy was hot and thought Roger & Amy were together
What did Roger want to get Amy at the Sunflower mart?
$4.99 sunglasses
What is another name for the state of Colorado?
The Centennial State
What is the motto for Colorado?
Nil sine numine (Nothing without Providence)
What facts did Amy write for the state of Colorado in her travel journal?
“America the Beautiful” was written in Colorado, mountains were the one from the song
What is the name of Roger Playlist # 5?
“No place like home” or “Why won’t Amy buy sunglasses?” or “The Sunflower State”
What came with Amy & Roger’s sonic lunch?
Two mints stapled to the brown paper bag
What was Roger’s nickname for Drew?
What was Drew’s nickname for Roger?
What did Amy write on the sonic napkin after Drew’s call with Roger?
Wrote the address and directions Roger dictated to Amy for the Wichita Country Club
What did Amy & Roger approach when reaching the Wichita Country Club?
A small wooden house with an intimidating guard checking cars as they drove through
What was Drew wearing when Amy first met him?
A teal polo shirt, pressed khakis, and loafers
Where did Drew buy Amy & Roger food to eat?
NuWay Café (A Wichita landmark) and to Freddy’s Frozen Custard
What did Amy compare Freddy’s Frozen Custard to?
Twenty-one choices, a frozen yogurt place in Pasadena
In what colors is NuWay café spelled out in?
Spelled out in white on a red and yellow awning
What was NuWay decorated with?
Decorated with framed black-and-white pictures of NuWay and its customers through the years
What was confusing about Wichita to Amy?
It had a highway running across the city, dividing it in two
What sign was outside NuWay café?
Crumbly is good!
What sport did Charlie play when younger? When did he quit?
Tennis; two years ago
What did Amy’s father paint on the side of their garage back when Charlie & Amy were younger?
Painted a white line to represent the net
Where did Amy & Roger eat the food that Drew got for them?
In the Wichita Country Club gold course, at the tee by the twelfth hole, par four
What did Drew buy from NuWay Café?
Burger which is what NuWay is famous for crumbly like taco meat with onions mixed in, tater
tots, French fries, and onion rings
What major did Drew go for?
First an English major and then philosophy
What is song “That’s you funeral” from?
The musical Oliver!
Name of Walcott’s band? What is it from?
The Henry Gales; from the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy’s uncle
According to Walcott, who did Roger abandon when he left Kansas?
The Hawks
Where did Walcott get his tattoo done from? What is his tattoo?
Sailor Gerry’s, a black tattoo wrapped around his bicep that said ad astra per aspera/ to the stars
through adversity (the Kansas state motto)
After almost leaving the golf course of Wichita Country Club why did Amy have to go back?
She left her flip flops
What did Walcott do after telling Amy he was sorry for her loss?
He put his headphones on Amy’s ears and let her listen to his music
What did Walcott give Amy?
His demo, in a yellow jewel case
What did Walcott’s grandma used to say?
Tomorrow will be better
Where did Amy put on her flip flops after finally getting them back from the golf course?
Seventh hole-par five of the Wichita Country Club
What favor did Drew ask Amy to do?
Keep an eye on his friend Magellan, be his Sancho Panza from Don Quixote
What is the name of Roger Playlist #6?
“Tornado Season??” aka “Frozen Custard Headache”
What were Amy & Roger’s stops throughout the book, in order?
Yosemite National Park in California, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Kentucky
What is another name for the state of Kansas?
The Sunflower State
What is the motto for Kansas?
ad astra per aspera (To the stars through adversity)
What facts did Amy write about the state of Kansas?
Tornado season is April to June
What notes did Amy write about the state of Kansas?
If you see a tornado coming you are supposed to pull over to the side of the road and lie down
in a ditch
What did Amy & Roger purchase at the Sunflower Mart? What day was it?
Saturday, June 9th; Gas 87 grade ($34.99), root beer, cream soda, PB M&Ms, skittles, Doritos,
and postcards. Total = 47.73 (credit)
Around what time did it start to rain when Amy & Roger were driving through Kansas? What did Amy
have to show Roger?
Midnight; showed him how to adjust the wiper settings
When did Amy feel safe?
When driving inside cars at night when it rained (Julia hated it)
*worst could happen during daylight on a sunny Saturday morning 15 minutes from homes
What game did Amy & Roger play so Roger could get her talk about the accident?
Twenty questions
What was the first question Roger asked Amy when he finally got her talk a little about the accident?
"Why don't you want to drive?
"There was an accident"
"A car accident"
"When was this?"
"Three months ago, march 8th"
"That's all"
"Do you want to tell me what happened?"
When did Amy see a flash of her old self? What did the other piece of herself tell her?
In Bronwyn's mirror in Colorado; told her to turn away and pull the covers over her head
and keep on hiding
On March 8 when Amy went into Charlie's room what scent hit her?
Glade Plug In (potpourri)
What posters did Charlie have in his room?
Posters of James Blake and Maria Sharapova
What did Charlie tell Amy that was relating to making your bed?
If you never made your bed it was harder for people to tell if you'd slept in it the night
What conversation did Amy & Charlie have in September, six months before March 8th?
Amy threatened to tell Mom and Dad, and to stop covering for Charlie
Who was Amy's mom favorite?
Where did Amy & Roger stay when they stopped in Fairfield, Missouri? Room #? Cost?
The Fairfield Hotel (600 Hawley Ave, Fairfield, Missouri) "best in Midwest"; 245 (double
bed, $95 (credit); arrival: June 10 2:47 am depart: June 10th 12 pm
How many hours did Amy stay lying awake when reaching the hotel in Missouri?
Three hours
What did Amy do finally when reaching the hotel in Missouri?
She called her mother
What message was on the room key for Fairfield Hotel?
“Wandering is encouraged”
Instead of really going back to sleep, after Amy talked to her mother at the Fairfield Hotel what did she
do to pass time?
Just stared at the gradually lightening ceiling and replayed the conversations with her mother
What was Amy’ mothers last words to Amy after Amy told her plans & not the one her mother wanted
to hear?
“I am very, very disappointed with you”
What happened at 9am when Amy & Roger stayed at the Fairfield Hotel?
Wake up call
What did the hotel desk clerk’s name tag at Fairfield Hotel say?
Kiki…Here to Help
What did Amy find out after she tried to pay the room at the Fairfield Hotel?
That her mother cut her off from the funds from the emergency credit card
What was etched into the table where Amy & Roger ate at, at the Fairfield Diner? What were they
Ryan Loves Megan Always; bacon
What did waiter at the Fairfield diner give Amy & Roger when giving them their check?
Cellophane-wrapped mints
How many hours did Amy & Roger estimate to get to Kentucky?
eight hours
How much money did Amy & Roger have to get to the East Coast?
$440.75 (Amy $335.25; Roger $105.50)
How much did Amy & roger spend &eat at the Fairfield diner? What table did they sit at?
Pancakes, waffle w/fruit, side bacon/crisp, root beer, cream soda; Total: $19.85 (cash)
Table # 4
What is the motto for Fairfield Diner?
“Showing-You” a great meal
Seven years earlier, when Amy’s dad & Amy showed up at the Raven Rock tennis complex what did
Amy do? What was it called by Amy’s father?
She would reach over to honk the horn, honk-honk-honkhonkhonk which Amy’s dad called
shave and a haircut
What did the CD, From Nashville to Memphis, do for Amy & Amy’s father seven years earlier? What
did they listen to after it finished?
It got them from home to 21 choices and then to the tennis complex; “Elvis at the Movies” the
song “All that I am” played first
What was not permitted in Ben’s car?
To listen to a CD on repeat because then you stopped hearing its nuances
Why did Amy stick with tennis for a couple of years?
Because she liked the clothes, and her mother bought her a new tennis outfit every year
What was an example of swearing in Ben’s car?
When you talked about Elvis in a bad way
Where did Ben write in name when he went to Graceland?
On the graffiti wall
Where did Amy’s father want his ashes to be scattered?
At Graceland
What is another name for the state of Missouri?
The Show-me state
What is the motto for the state of Missouri?
Salus Populi Suprema Lex Esto (The welfare of the people shall be the supreme law)
What facts did Amy write for the state of Missouri in her travel journal? Notes?
That people in Missouri don’t trust you and they demand you show them the proof of things.
The pronunciation of the word Missouri, is pronounced miz-OR-ee and miz-OR-uh
What is another name for the state of Illinois?
Prairie state
What is the motto for the state of Illinois?
State Sovereignty-National Union
What are residents in Illinois called?
What notes did Amy write for the state of Illinois in her travel journal?
To keep an eye out for a log cabin
What is another name for the state of Indiana?
The Hoosier state
What is the motto for the state of Indiana?
The crossroads of America
What facts did Amy write for the state of Indiana?
If you drive through Indiana with Roger don’t let him talk about the movie Hoosiers
What notes did Amy write for the state of Indiana?
She doesn’t feel like she’s giving Indiana its fair share since they just drove right through. The
roadside amenities were excellent.
What is another name for Roger Playlist #7?
“Missouri-Illinois-Indiana-Kentucky” aka “When will Amy be the DJ? When?” aka 1500 miles
on 400 dollars
What did Amy & Roger buy from Mo Mart?
Cream soda & root beer
What did Amy & Roger buy from Chick-fil-A?
Amy got a chicken sandwich & they shared an order of spicy fries
What was the movie “Hooiser” about?
Gene Hackman is the coach of the Indiana high school basketball team and their underdogs so
nobody expects them to win. The shooter, Dennis Hopper starts coaching along with the coach
and they end up winning the big game.
What explorer was Roger talking about that presumably wasn’t dead?
Amelia Earhart
When Roger told Hadley he loved her, what did she do?
She just smiled and kissed him
Where exactly does Hadley live?
Hummingbird Valley
What gas station did Roger pull in to after reaching Kentucky?
How does Roger have Hadley’s address?
When he sent her flowers over Christmas break
How did Hadley react when she got red roses from Roger?
Like he committed some crime against female kind
What did Roger get Hadley for Valentine’s Day?
He got her chocolate
According to Roger, How many people are located in Hummingbird Valley?
200 people (one of the wealthiest towns in Kentucky)
What is Hadley’s address?
1205 Westerly Road
Why was it so hard to find Hadley’s estate?
There weren’t any house numbers; there were endless white fences and the occasional gated
entrance with a plaque with estate’s name on it.
What was the name of Hadley’s estate?
Armstrong Farms estates
Describe the gates of Hadley’s estate?
Gates were wrought iron, and huge connected to two brick pillars on either side. Armstrong
farms estate was carved on a silver plaque on the pillar on the left. Hummingbird Valley was
carved on a plaque on the right.
When Amy & Roger were about to ring Hadley’s doorbell what was Amy distracted by the sight of?
A very large person wearing a white doctor’s mask and brandishing a chain saw
What was Lucien wearing the first Amy & Roger met him?
Wearing boat shoes, khakis, and a polo shirt
Where was Hadley when Amy & Roger came to her house?
She left for a horse show a few hours ago
Where were the Lucien’s parents?
The parents were down in Hilton Head for the week
Where did Lucien suggest they go to eat?
The Brown hotel
How did Amy describe Louisville?
The cleanliest city she’d ever seen
How was Louisville landscaped?
With trees in bloom, making the air smell wonderful
Why was there horse everywhere in Louisville?
It was home of the Kentucky Derby
What museum did Lucien drive by?
Louisville Slugger Museum
What sport does Charlie like a lot?
What was the very first thing Amy saw when first looking at the brown hotel?
A huge canopy, with the Brown written on it in gold lettering
Describe the lobby of the Brown hotel?
It was filled with antique-looking couches, oriental rugs, and oil paintings of horses
Where did Amy, Roger, and Lucien eat inside the Brown hotel?
J. Graham’s Café and Bar
How does Lucien know the staff at the Brown hotel so well?
Every Derby season, the parents rent out a suite on the eleventh floor
What did Amy hope that Lucien did not order for her?
A famous dish with snails or anything to do with sweetbreads
What did Lucien order for Amy & Roger?
A hot brown
What did Amy & Roger find out about Lucien while they waited for their food to arrive?
They found out that Lucien was eighteen and was beginning college at Vanderbilt in the fall
Describe the hot brown?
A hot brown was a turkey breast on big pieces of soft looking bread, covered with parmesan
cheese and a creamy sauce, flanked by tomato slices and finished with parsley and two pieces of
bacon laid across the top.
What did everyone order for drinks at the Brown hotel?
Roger ordered a Coke, since root beer was not on the menu. Lucien & Amy ordered sweet tea,
iced tea but very sweet with the sugar not grainy and mixed in
What did Lucien order Amy & Roger for dessert at the Brown hotel? What did Lucien order along with
Derby pie, a Louisville tradition; a glass of Maker’s Mark
*Kentucky was exempt from the drinking laws of the rest of the county
Describe the Derby pie? Maker’s Mark?
A pie was a mixture of chocolate and strawberries and pecans; a short glass filled with two ice
cubes and a dark brown liquid (Kentucky Bourbon)
*unless bourbon is made in Kentucky it can’t be called bourbon, otherwise it’s called sour mash. Same
with the champagne region of France, it’s just called sparkling wine, where she learned from rehearsing
a Noel Coward play
When Amy drank a sip of the Kentucky bourbon what did Lucien and Roger do?
They started laughing and Lucien slapped a twenty on the table, they wanted to see if Lucien
could get her to drink it
What was Lucien opinion on Kentucky bourbon?
That it was disgusting, and you can’t actually drink it until you’re in your fifties and can no
longer taste anything
What does MO stand for?
Modus operandi (Latin)
How much older was Amy than Charlie?
By three minutes
What did Roger’s step brother do to Roger?
He bit him, making a small circular scar on his palm
What did Hadley do to Lucien when he was eight?
Hadley trained her horse to kick him
What did Roger steal from Amy’s plate at the Brown hotel?
He stole a strawberry
What was outside the guest house of the Armstrong estate?
Jeeps, in case they wanted to get around but didn’t want to use their car
Describe the guesthouse of the Armstrong Estate?
It was two stories and was more cabin-like; it was made of dark wood, with a peaked roof, glass
windows that went from floor to ceiling
Where did Lucien write his cell phone number?
On the pristine whiteboard on the fridge
What was on the kitchen table in the guest house of the Armstrong estate?
A laptop that belonged to the house that had Wi-Fi
What did Amy wear as a nightgown when she slept over the guesthouse of the Armstrong estate?
A gray sweater with Colorado College printed in blue on one leg and a navy tank top
Where did Lucien take Amy at night?
To the meadow to show Amy his topiaries
How many topiary’s could Amy see that Lucien made?
Describe the first topiary Amy saw in the Meadow? What was it for?
A life-size horse with a garland around his neck; it was for the Derby last month
What was Lucien’s hobby? How did he learn it?
Making topiaries; when his family hired a gardener who was really great at it, he taught him
what he knew
What quote does Lucien like my Michelangelo?
The one when he said that he could see the angel in the marble and was carving to set him free.
But instead he sees the wildcat in the shrubbery
*Lucien applied for a few colleges that had landscaping programs
What career does Amy want to do?
She wants to be an actress
When Amy drove for the first time after the accident, what did she run over?
Maurice, a topiary moose with antlers
Why does Lucien think Hadley rides horses?
Because she has been trying to escape since she was little
When Amy told Lucien that her brother was in rehab, what did Lucien tell Amy?
That his mother goes to rehab almost every summer, telling everyone that they’re just on the trip
just to get some golf in
What is Amy’s favorite animal?
Owls because she likes lollipops and potato chips, the one with glasses
After Amy told Lucien her favorite animal, what did she find on the front porch of the guest house the
next day?
A very small topiary owl with a pair of glasses
What is Charlie’s email?
When did Charlie email her? When did Amy reply?
June 10, 4:45 pm; June 10, 11:45 pm
According to Lucien, why was Hadley back from her little trip?
Probably going to bring the horse trailer around to the stables, get them settled in, and then go
back to the main house
What was the subject line of Julia’s email that Amy kept staring at?
Last email
What was the building near a pond that Amy saw on the Armstrong’s estate?
The hunting camp (Lucien’s father’s favorite thing to do, Lucien tries to make fake ducks)
When was the trip Lucien’s father planned for Lucien & him?
In Canada, during November
What was Hadley wearing the first time Amy saw her in person?
Wearing jeans and a polo shirt (walked out of the main building)
What did Amy tell Lucien that he should do about the trip with his father?
That he should go on that trip with his father because at some point you might not be able to
*Lucien kissed Amy as a goodbye
What did Roger tell Hadley that go her so mad?
He told her goodbye
What is another name for the state of Kentucky?
The Bluegrass State
What is the motto for the state of Kentucky?
United we stand, divided we fall
What facts did Amy write for the state of Kentucky?
Roger was disappointed that they didn’t eat KFC in Kentucky. He wanted to know if they call it
FC there
What notes did Amy write for the state of Kentucky?
Kentucky excels at food thumbs up to sweet tea, hot browns, and derby pies. Thumbs down to
drinks that taste like stump
Where is the waffle house located?
Munfordville, KY
What did Amy & Roger purchase from the Waffle House? Total purchased?
June 11th, Waffle Meal #1 with scrambled eggs, cheese grits, side bacon, crisp, and sweet tea
Waffle Meal #3 double stack, side bacon, crisp, and root beer. Total: $18.96
How long does it take to travel from Louisville to Memphis?
5 hours
What interstate did Amy & Roger drive down to Tennessee?
Interstate 65
Name of Amy playlist #1?
“Going to Graceland” or “Roger gets an Introduction to musical theater”
When did Amy finally play her own music in the car?
After leaving Kentucky and going to Tennessee
When Roger finally got to talk to Hadley, what things did he think about that he had forgotten about her?
How she hated his music, kept him waiting for hours to call him back, never got along with his
friends, and thinking back to the way she ended things
What did a Days Inn promise when staying at the hotel?
Promised a guitar shaped pool and Elvis movies on demand twenty four hours a day
What was next to the Graceland parking lot?
The Heartbreak Hotel advertising reduced rates
How much did Amy & Roger pay to park in the parking lot?
Ten dollars
What directions did the ticket give to the Elvis mansion?
Across the street from the parking lot, Elvis’s airplanes, three gifts shops, and restaurant
What did the VIP package for the Elvis mansion tour include?
Access to the jumpsuit room
What did Amy & Roger do after getting their tickets for the Elvis mansion?
Stood on line for the bus behind a German couple of three generations, every group directed to
stand in front of a Graceland backdrop to get their pictures taken
What is the Graceland gate decorated with?
Decorated with Elvis with his guitar and musical notes
What did every room in the Elvis mansion have?
A motif
What room did Amy stay in the longest?
The Jungle Room
When Amy turned off her audio guide where did she go?
Amy made her way through the house into the office, and then the studio and the building
dedicated to memorabilia full of costumes, an entire room full or records, jumpsuits, and Elvis
What was at the end of the pool in the Elvis mansion? What was it surrounded by?
Elvis’s grave; flowers and wreaths and teddy bears in front of an eternal flame and flanked by
the graves of his parents
What was the inscription on Elvis’s grave that Amy couldn’t look away from?
God saw that he needed some rest and called him home to be with him. We miss you son &
What county is Ben’s grave in? Where is the cemetery?
Orange County an hour and a half away from Raven Rock; Pacific View
What was written on the small brass marker of Benjamin’s grave?
Benjamin Curry – beloved husband, father, and educator
Where did Amy prefer to scatter her father’s ashes?
In the Jungle Room or over the fields of Gettysburg or on her lawn
Two months earlier when Amy went to her father’s grave what did she bring to place on top of the
Life savers – Butter Rum and Wint-O-Green
What is another name for the state of Tennessee?
The Volunteer State
What did Amy leave on top of the graffiti wall on top of the heaviest rock she could find in Graceland?
A postcard for her father
What did Roger buy from Graceland for Amy?
Elvis style gold rimmed sunglasses
Where did Amy & Roger eat at after Graceland? What view did they have?
Krystal’s (burgers were mini burgers and fries were extra salty); had the view of the TennesseeAlabama Fireworks emporium
After getting out of Asheville, what did Amy & Roger listen to?
Walcott’s demo and listened to Amy’s musicals, “the producers” twice
What is the name of Amy Playlist #2?
Pay no attention to the boys behind the curtain/ the henry gales
Where did Amy decide to go after going to Graceland?
To go see her brother in North Carolina
While driving to North Carolina, where did they go to take stock of the money they had for the hotel?
What was strange about it?
Pulled into the parking lot of Wal-Mart; Amy assumed it would be close but the parking lot was
full of RVs and semi-trucks
How much money did Amy & Roger have when they pulled into the parking lot of Wal-Mart?
What unusual thing did Roger & Amy do in Wal-Mart? What aisle did Amy run down?
Roger got a pair of white tube socks put them on, gave some to Amy and slid down the empty
aisle in his socks; the toothpaste aisle (almost crashing to Crest aisle)
Why were there RVs in the Wal-Mart parking lot?
Wal-Mart policy include free overnight parking (Amy & Roger decided to sleep in the parking
lot of Wal-Mart, instead of a hotel)
How much did Amy & Roger spend at Wal-Mart?
What did Amy wear as a nightgown in Asheville?
The navy blue tank top and a pair of shorts with Texas Forever printed across the bus
How did Amy & Roger sleep in the car when in Asheville?
Placed the pillows by the door, so their feet would face the front seats
What phase did Julia go through last year?
“Energy healing” phase
How much did Roger spend on the blanket that he bought at the Wal-Mart in Asheville?
*Roger wears his Colorado College T-shirt & shorts most of the time as a nightgown
What did Amy & Roger figure out about their windows in their house?
Their windows were close enough to the porch, that you could climb out your window and
make it onto the porch (allowing them to sneak out at night)
What is the South Carolina motto?
While I Breathe, I hope
Where did Amy & Roger go to eat breakfast in North Carolina?
Cracker Barrel
How did Amy get into the rehab center? What was the first thing she saw when going in? Where was
Roger gave her a lift to get through the window; there were two beds and a girl on each one;
three doors down from the room she was already in
At what time did Amy & Roger get to Promises Kept?
Around ten
What gave off the indication that Promises Kept was a rehab center?
The parking spaces, clearly labeled visitors, medical practitioners, and drop-off
Why did Amy & Roger’s plan fail to go through the front door of the rehab center to see Charlie?
They were stopped by a woman wearing white scrubs, Courtney, and said the guests at Promises
Kept were in the middle of their treatment plan so that meant no contact with family members
except email until plan was completed
Who does Roger room with at Promises Kept?
Zach (Muz)
What was the first thing Amy heard on the intercom when trying to find Charlie in Promises Kept?
“I hope that your morning reflection been pleasant and fulfilling. Reflection time will be ending
in twenty minutes. In twenty minutes, please make your way to your designated pre-lunch
Describe the hallway of Promises Kept? What was in front of every room & end of hallway?
The hallway was decorated in an Asian theme. There was a potted bamboo in front of every
room, and a quietly trickling fountain at the end of the hallway
What was the first thing Amy saw when entering Charlie’s room at Promises Kept?
She saw a guy in his underwear doing a headstand against the wall
What did Charlie toss Amy when they were talking at Promises Kept?
Tennis ball
What familiar book did Charlie have on his bedside table at Promises Kept?
Food, Gas, and Lodging
What did Zach ask Amy if she could do if she passed by Richmond? Why?
He gave her a crumpled envelope and told her to give it to Corey who hangs out at the Dairy
Queen, or give it to one of the counter staff and they will give it to him; Corey needs to know
why Zach never showed up when he said he was going to because he got sent to Promises Kept,
if he doesn’t find out Corey is going to kill Zach’s fish
Why was Roger such in a hurry to get out of Promises Kept when he was trying to get her out of the
Because there was possibility that they might’ve attracted some attention and the white scrub
people were carrying walkie talkies
For how long did Charlie not slow down for after leaving Promises Kept?
Five minutes
What did Amy tell Charlie about the accident right after leaving Promises Kept?
That her and her father was listening to Elvis when the car accident actually happened
On March 8th what did Charlie do that Amy was worried about?
He got picked up by the police for sleeping on a park bench, still stoned
After Amy's father would pick up Charlie from the jail where did Amy's mother say to go?
To go to the store and pick up some things
What was Amy missing when Amy tried to leave with her father to pick up Charlie from the jail?
Missing her shoes (grabbed her flip-flops from the basket in the mudroom
When Amy's mother said "Ben, keys," what voice did she say it in?
Her exasperated voice
Since Amy's father hated wearing seat belts how did Amy & Charlie get Ben to wear it?
They refused to put their own on until he buckled up too
On March 8th how long did Amy have her license for?
3 months
What was difficult for Amy when she had her permit?
The three point turn
How was Amy picky about the Elvis music?
She said none of the Hawaii stuff was permitted
What Elvis song did Amy's dad put on, on March 8th? What did Amy's father suggest about the song?
All that I am; that they should dance to it at Amy's wedding
How did the car accident happen?
Amy & Ben were going to pick up Charlie from the police station, Amy took University and
when the light turned green she went, but a red SUV that was trying to run the light ended up
slamming into the car and a street pole crushed Ben's skull
How much money did Amy & Roger have when going to Richmond?
What did the paramedics say about the car accident?
That if Ben didn't have the seat belt on, he most likely would have been thrown into the
backseat and suffered only minor bruising
When traveling to Richmond, Amy & Roger played four rounds of Twenty Questions, who were the
Eleanor of Aquitaine, Jonathan Larson, Sir Francis Drake and Bernadette Peters
What is the Virginia motto? What is significant about it?
Sic semper tyrannis, Thus always to tyrants; It's what Booth yelled after he shot Lincoln
What did Amy order from DQ?
A Reese's pieces blizzard with half vanilla ice cream and chocolate, and a Oreo blizzard
What surprising thing did Amy do when at DQ?
Kissed Roger
Name of the diner Amy & Roger ate at in Asheville, NC? What did they order? Total?
Blue Ridge Diner, Table #7, Server: Jennie; ordered 2 orders of pancakes, 1 side bacon, 1 root
beer, 1 cream soda; Total: $12.98
What is another name for the state of North Carolina?
The Tar Heel State
What is the motto for the state of North Carolina?
Esse Quam Videri (To be rather than to seem)
What facts did Amy write for the state of North Carolina?
Blue Ridge Mountains are beautiful
What is another name for the state of Virginia?
The old Dominion
What is the motto for the state of Virginia?
Sic Semper Tyrannis (Thus Always to Tyrants)
What notes did Amy write for the state of Virginia?
No word on whether the state believes there is a Santa Claus
What state did Roger want to kiss Amy in?
What is another name for the state of Maryland?
The old line state
What is the motto for the state of Maryland?
Fatti maschii, parole femine (Manly deeds, womanly words)
What facts did Amy write for the state of Maryland?
The state beverage is milk
What notes did Amy write for the state of Maryland?
Do not let Roger talk about The Wire while driving through Maryland
Where did Amy & Roger stay at in Towson, Maryland? Cost?
Towson Inn; Mr. Edmund Udell & Hillary Udell for $89
Describe the bed at the Towson Inn?
The bed was king-size and covered with an authentic reproduction of a Pennsylvania Dutch
quilt from Lancaster County
What did Amy & Roger wear to dinner when staying at the Towson Inn?
Amy wore a dress that was long and periwinkle blue with a sweetheart neckline; Roger wore
khakis and a button-down shirt
How many tries did it take Amy & Roger to get back in their room after dinner at the Towson Inn?
Three tries
When did Amy start driving for the trip?
After leaving Towson Inn
What did Amy & Roger eat when in Linwood, Pennsylvania? Total?
Burgertown USA; June 13; 2 burgers, 2 fries, cream soda, and root beer; total:$11.45
What is another name for the state of Pennsylvania?
The Keystone State
What is the motto for the state of Pennsylvania?
Virtue, Liberty, and Independence
What facts did Amy write for the state of Pennsylvania?
The state beverage is also milk
What is the name for the state of Roger's last playlist?
"Pennsylvania, Here we come" aka "Journey's End"
What is the name of Amy Playlist #5?
"The End of the Road" or "The Beginning"
When Amy dropped Roger off in Pennsylvania, what did Roger slip into Amy's front picket that he told
her not to open until she got to Connecticut?
It said you + me saw this... A magnet that had America written across it... Thanks for finding
America with me
What is the state motto of Connecticut? Since when did Connecticut have the motto?
He who transplanted sustains; 1622
What did Amy decide to do with her copy of Food, Gas, and Lodging at the end of the book?
Read past page 62 and discuss it with Charlie
Where did Amy & Roger eat in Philadelphia, PA on July 19th? What did they buy? Total?
(Philly’s Best Cheesesteak!) Liberty Place; Table #5
1 cheesesteak, 1 deluxe cheesesteak, 2 orders of fries, root beer/medium, cream soda
Total: $19.50