Write and Sign the Honor Pledge Here

Nombre ________________________________
Nota __________
Clase ____________________________________
Write and Sign the Honor Pledge Here:
Spanish 1A Fall Exam 2014
Sra. Finch, Sra. Smith, Sra. Tuohy
Please take a moment and read through the entire exam before you begin so that you know how to budget
your time. If you qualify for extended time, you should report to your Spanish Classroom at 10:00 to finish
your exam.
______________ / 45
______________ / 50
______________ / 90
______________ / 90
______________ / 50
Final exam grade:
______________ / 325
Final semester average:
I. Read the following story. Then answer the questions below in ENGLISH.
Hay un niño que se llama Diego Alonzo. Tiene siete años. Él es de Lima, Perú pero vive ahora en Atlanta con
sus padres y su hermano, André. Diego tiene el pelo negro y los ojos negros también. Diego tiene un
problema – necesita un lápiz para ir a la escuela.
El sábado por la mañana, Diego habla con su madre. Le dice: “ Mamá, yo necesito un lápiz nuevo. ¿Tienes un
lápiz para mi?” Su madre trabaja como cocinera en un restaurante. Ella cocina comida italiana y no tiene un
lápiz. Tiene solamente espaguetis.
Después, le pregunta a su padre y le dice: “Papi, yo necesito un lápiz nuevo. Quiero ir a la tienda para
comprar un lápiz. ¿Tú puedes manejar a la tienda conmigo?” Su padre le contesta: “Yo necesito trabajar y no
puedo ir contigo.”
Entonces, Diego le pregunta a André: “¿André, tienes un lápiz?” André le responde: “¿Por qué quieres un
lápiz?” Diego le contesta “Para ir a la escuela.” André tiene trece años y va a la escuela también. Tiene veinte
ocho lápices. André le da a su hermano dos lápices. Ahora Diego está muy contento y va a la escuela con sus
Answer the following questions in English. A complete sentence is not necessary. (20 points)
1. Why does Diego’s dad not help him?
2. Why does Diego need a pencil?
3. What is Diego’s mom’s job?
4. How many pencils does André have at the end of the story?
5. What does Diego want to do with a pencil?
6. On what day and at what time of day does Diego speak with his mom?
7. How many years older is André than Diego?
8. Where does the family live?
9. Why is Diego happy at the end of the story?
10. How specifically does Diego ask his father to help him?
II. Read the following story and complete the two exercises below.
Hay una mujer qué se llama Gloría. Gloría es aventurera. Gloria tiene cuarenta años y su cumpleaños es el
catorce de octubre. No tiene novio y no tiene hijos. Gloria es profesora. Ella trabaja en la universidad donde
enseña clases de surfear. Los lunes, Gloría no trabaja. Ella duerme todo el día. Los martes, Gloria tiene
aventuras. Ella monta en bicicleta en la playa y busca congos. Los sábados y los domingos, ella da clases de
surfear en la universidad. Justin Beiber es un estudiante en la clase de Gloria porque él quiere surfear.
Después de las clases, ellos van a la playa con una tabla de surf pero ellos no surfean. Ellos bailan y cantan por
treinta horas.
Answer the following questions in ENGLISH, based on the story above. A complete sentence is NOT
necessary. (10 points)
1. According to the story, name one thing that Gloria does not have.
2. When is Gloria’s birthday?
3. Name two things that Gloria does at the beach.
4. On Mondays, what does Gloria do instead of working?
5. What is the relationship between Gloria and Justin Beiber?
¿Cierto o falso? Decide if the following statements are “cierto” or “falso” based on what you read from the
story above. You must write “cierto” or “falso” in the space provided. Not all answers are stated explicitly
in the story- you will have to infer some of the information. (10 points)
1. __________ Gloría es una mujer atlética.
2. __________ Ella hace muchas actividades diferentes durante la semana.
3. __________ Ella baila por 30 horas en la playa.
4. __________ Ella trabaja cinco días a la semana.
5. __________ Ella hace ejercicios los lunes.
III. Read the following story and then answer the True/False questions.
Hay una chica que se llama Celina. Ella no es alta ; es baja y muy pequeña. Tiene el pelo castaño como Selena
Gómez. Celina también es bonita y simpática. Celina estudia en la escuela Lovett. Entonces, Celina siempre
lleva una blusa blanca y una falda gris porque es el uniforme de Lovett.
Un miércoles, Celina se levanta para ir a la escuela, pero no encuentra su blusa blanca. Ella busca y busca su
blusa blanca pero no la encuentra. Entonces le pregunta a su hermana, “Sonia, ¿robas tú mi blusa blanca?”
Su hermana, Sonia, le dice “no.” Después, Celina le pregunta a su hermano, Martín, “¿Tienes tú mi blusa
blanca?” Martín le responde, “No.”
Luego, Celina va a la casa de su amiga, Dora. Toca la puerta por nueve horas y finalmente Dora abre la puerta.
Celina le dice “Necesito mi blusa blanca. ¿Tú la tienes?” Dora le contesta “No.” Entonces, Celina va a la casa
de Rene y le dice “Hoy voy a la escuela y necesito mi blusa blanca. ¿Tú la tienes?” Rene le responde, “Sí, yo
tengo tu blusa blanca pero tu blusa no es blanca. Ahora tu blusa está roja.” Celina le pregunta “¿Por qué está
roja?” Rene le explica que la blusa está roja porque la salsa de tomate se cae en la blusa. Celina llora por
dieciséis horas porque su blusa está roja. ¡Pobre Celina!
¿Cierto o falso? Please read the statements. Write “Cierto” or “Falso” in the space provided. (20 points)
1. __________ Celina habla con cuatro personas cuando busca su blusa.
2. __________ Celina es estudiante de la universidad.
3. __________ Usualmente, Celina se pone un uniforme para ir a la escuela.
4. __________ Celina encuentra sus pantalones.
5. __________ Celina se pone su blusa blanca y sus pantalones negros.
6. __________ Rene tiene la blusa de Celina en su casa.
7. __________ Celina llora por 16 horas porque su blusa está roja.
8. __________Celina está triste al fin del cuento.
9. __________Celina necesita una blusa roja para ir a la escuela.
10. __________ Dora va a la casa de Celina.
Based on the previous story, follow the directions to complete each task below. (30 points)
1. Circle five different adjectives in the story with a RED colored pencil.
2. Underline three different cognates in the story with a GREEN colored pencil.
3. Write the only infinitive verb used in the story in the blank and tell what it means in English.
 Infinitive verb: _____________________
Translation: ____________________
4. Which two different numbers are used in the story? Do NOT spell the numbers out. Simply use numerals:
 _____________________
 _____________________
5. On what day of the week does the story take place? _____________________
6. Explain the difference between “tú” and “tu.” __________________________________________
7. Change the following sentence to be a masculine sentence that could describe a boy.
Ella no es alta; es baja y muy pequeña.
Vocabulary & Grammar
I. Write the letter of the subject pronoun that corresponds to the verb phrases on the left. Write ONLY the
letter of the correct answer. Remember the subject is the person who PERFORMS the action. (10 points)
1. ___________
tiene pelo rubio
a. Yo
2. ___________
canto mucho
b. Tú
3. ___________
viven en Atlanta
c. Él/Ella/Ud.
4. ___________
soy mexicana
d. Nosotros
5. ___________
vas a la escuela
e. Ellos/Ellas/Uds.
6. ___________
se pone una camisa roja
7. ___________
le dan una flor
8. ___________
no tenemos carro nuevo
9. ___________
estoy contenta
10. ___________
lo miramos
II. Write the correct conjugation of the verb given in parenthesis to complete the sentences. (15 points)
1. Yo ______________________ Waka Waka con Shakira. (bailar)
2. Mi amigo ______________________ al fútbol. (jugar)
3. Mi profesora ______________________ inteligente. (ser)
4. Tú ______________________ con Justin Bieber. (cantar)
5. Ella ______________________ en Argentina. (vivir)
6. Nosotros ______________________ en la cafetería. (comer)
7. Pablo y Paula ______________________ muchos amigos. (querer)
8. Yo ______________________ triste. (estar)
9. Mi padre ______________________ la televisión. (mirar)
10. Mi hermano ______________________ al parque. (ir)
11. Tú ______________________ helado de chocolate. (comer)
12. María ______________________ a su hermano. (ver)
13. Yo ______________________ al fútbol. (jugar)
14. Nosotros ______________________ el pan dulce. (tener)
15. Los estudiantes ______________________ a la escuela. (ir)
III. Read each sentence carefully, then decide whether the sentence requires an infinitive verb
(unconjugated verb) or a conjugated verb. Then, circle the correct answer. You do not have to write the
verb in the blank. (5 points)
1. Ella quiere ______________________ ojos verdes.
a. tiene
b. tener
2. Él ______________________ mucha ropa en Sears.
a. compra
b. comprar
3. Ellos ______________________ comer fruta.
a. necesitan
b. necesitar
4. Yo necesito ______________________.
a. estudio
b. estudiar
5. Me gusta ______________________ Waka Waka.
a. bailo
b. bailar
Read the following story. Then, translate it into English sentence by sentence. Write each sentence on a
separate line. (20 points)
Isabela tiene una mascota que se llama Sam. Isabela viaja con su mamá a Costa Rica y quiere capturar un
congo. Isabela no quiere tener leones o ranas. Solamente quiere un congo que puede dormir en su cama.
Isabela encuentra un congo, pero el congo se electrocuta en un cable eléctrico. El congo se cae al suelo y no se
mueve. Un hombre maneja con el congo hacia la oficina del veterinaria. El congo regresa a su familia en los
árboles. Isabela y su amigo quieren ayudar a los congos. Ellos construyen un puente de cuerda para los
1. ________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________________________________________________
7. ________________________________________________________________________________________
8. ________________________________________________________________________________________
9. ________________________________________________________________________________________
10. _______________________________________________________________________________________
V. Draw a representation of the following things. Use colored pencils as needed. (20 points)
1. El perro tiene miedo del mango.
2. El chico rubio come el helado.
3. Un caballito azul y amarillo vomita.
4. Al congo le duele la boca.
5. Hay dos flores pequeñas y una flor grande.
6. La niña tiene un juguete enorme.
7. La tabla anaranjada me pega en la nariz.
8. Cinco niñas bajas y una niña alta bailan.
9. Un fotógrafo saca fotos de las escalaras.
10. La niña le canta al gato.
VI. Write the letter of the word on the right that is the OPPOSITE of the word on the left. Write ONLY the
letter in the space provided.(10 points)
1. ___________
a. pobre
2. ___________
b. estudiante
3. ___________
c. castaño
4. ___________
d. inteligente
5. ___________
e. despacio
6. ___________
f. contento
7. ___________
g. delgado/flaco
8. ___________
h. hombre
9. ___________
i. pequeño
10. ___________
j. bajo
VII. Fill in the blanks with a word from the word bank below. Each word may ONLY be used one time. (10
Me llamo Isabela. Mi mamá y yo vamos al ___________________________ en México. Compramos
______________________ y _________________________. Mi fruta favorita es el
________________________. Mi mamá me da ______________________ para comprar mi fruta. Yo saco
muchas ______________________ de la fruta con mi cámara. Yo compro un mango por tres
______________________ pero no me _____________________ el mango porque yo pongo
______________________ en mi mango. Es ___________________________ en México, pero en mi opinión,
es muy feo.
I. Answer each question in Spanish using a complete sentence. (20 points)
1. ¿Cómo te llamas?
2. ¿Cuántos años tienes?
3. ¿Cómo se llama tu perro o tu gato? (If you don’t have one, write that you don’t have one in Spanish.)
4. ¿Quién te maneja a la escuela normalmente?
5. ¿Cuántos estudiantes hay en la clase de español? (Please estimate the number.)
6. ¿Cómo estás hoy? (¿Cómo te sientes?)
7. ¿Cuándo haces la tarea? (You will probably need to use the word “después” in your answer)
8. ¿Qué haces después de la escuela?
9. ¿Dónde trabaja tu padre o tu madre?
10. ¿Cuál es tu comida favorita?
II. Use the space below to describe yourself in Spanish by writing a paragraph. Include the following
information in your description: (15 points)
 Your name and age
 Physical description of yourself… What do you look like?
 Description of your personality
 Description of your family
 Your after-school activities or sports
 Your likes and dislikes
 Things you wear or buy
 Things or places that you like to eat.
III. In Spanish, describe someone that you admire (family member, someone at school, a celebrity). Use as
much detail as possible. Don’t forget to change adjectives to the feminine, masculine, or plural forms as
necessary to describe your person. (15 points)
1. What was your average going into this exam? __________
2. How long (round up to the nearest 15 minutes) did you spend studying for your Spanish exam? __________
3. How many days did you spend studying for this exam? __________
4. What did you do to study? _______________________________________________
5. On a difficulty scale of 1-10 (10 being the most difficult), how would you rate this exam? __________
6. What should you have done differently to prepare for this exam?
What kinds of activities do you most enjoy doing in our class?
What do you wish we did more of?
What do you wish we did less of?
Are you learning more or less than you expected to learn this year? Explain….
Does your current overall average reflect your level of effort in this class? Why or why not?
What are the biggest / most important things going on in your life right now?
What else do you want me to know?
Nombre ______________________________________
_____ / 45
Clase _________________________________________
Spanish IA Fall Listening Comprehension Exam
Section 1: Listen to the following sentences. Then, write a translation of each sentence in English. (20 points)
1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________________
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________________
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________________
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________________
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________________
10. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Section 2: Listen to the following sentences carefully. Then, draw a representation of what you hear. Include as much
detail as you can in your drawing. (8 points)
Section 3: Listen to the following sentences carefully. Then, answer each question below in ENGLISH. A complete
sentence is NOT necessary. You will hear the passage read three times. (17 points)
Take notes here:
1. What does the girl have?
2. What color is the thing that she has?
3. What two color is the girl’s hair?
4. What do we know about the girl’s height and weight?
5. What is super big?
6. What two things do we know about her mouth?
7. What is unusual about her eyes?
8. What three things is she wearing and what color are they (if mentioned)?
Listening Script:
Section 1:
Listen to the following sentences and write the translations in English. (20 points)
1. A Isabela le gusta el color verde.
2. Felipe golpea a las niñas.
3. Tú eres guapo.
4. Los chicos viven en el parque.
5. El perro mexicano llora mucho.
6. Yo toco la puerta quince veces.
7. Nosotros tenemos cinco pingüinos.
8. Ella va a la casa de Sofía.
9. Isabela compra helado en la heladería.
10. Tú pagas mucho dinero por los zapatos.
Section 2: Listen to the following sentences carefully. Then, draw a representation of what you hear. Include as much
detail as you can in your drawing. (8 points)
Hay una casa grande (1) con cuatro puertas (2). También hay cuatro ventanas (3). Dos ventanas tienen flores
rojas (4) y dos ventanas tienen flores amarillas (5). Hay un caballo (6) gordo (7) que vive en la casa. Tres
personas viven en la casa también (8).
Section 3: Listen to the following sentences carefully. Then, answer each question below in ENGLISH. A complete
sentence is NOT necessary. You will hear the passage read three times. (17 points)
Hay una chica que tiene una flor (1). La flor es verde (2) y azul (3). La chica tiene el pelo rubio (4) y rosado (5).
Ella es una chica alta (6) y flaca (7). Su nariz es súper grande (8) y su boca roja (9) es muy pequeña (10). La
chica tiene tres ojos en su cabeza (11). Ella lleva zapatos (12) negros (13) y una camisa (14) marrón o café
(15)muy pequeña (16). La chica lleva un sombrero(17).
Nombre ______________________________________
Clase _________________________________________
Spanish IA Fall Speaking Exam
You are all developing into wonderful speakers of Spanish! This is your chance to show off
all that you know how to do in the language. Follow these guidelines as you record yourself
telling a story, just like we rehearsed in class.
Recording your story
 Do not write anything down
 Speak only in Spanish; using English will result in points being deducted from your
 You may record only ONE TIME
 You may NOT push “pause” during the time that you are recording
 Make sure that your story is logical and flows well
 You need to say 2-3 sentences per picture; more is great!
Once you have finished speaking and have pushed “stop”
 Once you are finished recording, you should save your recording as follows:
Spanish1ALastnameFirstname (Spanish1ASmithChristina or Spanish1AFinchKendraSue)
 Save your recording to your desktop
 Email your teacher the copy of your recording that has been saved on your
desktop; be sure to include a subject line
 Relax and wait for everyone else to finish
Rubric for Spanish 1A Fall Exam (50 pts)
Little or no response to the
material presented.
Student shows very limited
ability to speak about the
pictures in the story.
Student exhibited virtually
no ability to communicate
about the storyline
Student was able to
describe some of the
pictures, but the storyline
is broken and somewhat
unclear. Gaps exist in the
storyline. There are many
long pauses or attempts to
start a sentence over again.
The majority of the
material is presented. The
storyline is clear and
somewhat complete. All
pictures are described, but
not expounded upon.
Student shows good use of
vocabulary and grammar.
All aspects of the scene
from the books are
described, and extra details
are included. Student
shows ability to speak with
ease about the topic. A
wide variety of verbs and
vocabulary are used.
Student exceeds
Virtually no grammar skills
are displayed. Student
shows extremely limited
ability to use verbs
correctly. Verbs are
usually not conjugated
correctly and are misused.
It is difficult to understand
the storyline.
Story Telling
The listener can
understand the story with
some thought. Numerous
grammatical mistakes
occur. Student misuses
verbs frequently, but
shows an ability to
A few minor grammatical
errors exist. The student
uses verbs correctly most
of the time. A variety of
verbs are used and
conjugated correctly. The
storyline is clear and
Very few grammatical
errors exist. Student uses a
variety of verbs correctly
and shows great
grammatical competence.
Storyline is well developed
and embellished. Shows
mastery of grammar.
The student’s vocabulary is
so limited that he/she has
difficulty describing the
story. The storyline is not
Limited vocabulary is used.
This hampers the student’s
overall ability to tell the
story, but enough
vocabulary is used to
convey a shallow storyline.
The storyline is somewhat
Student shows an ability to
use much of the vocabulary
needed to tell the story.
Vocabulary is sufficiently
precise to convey a clear
Student shows mastery of
the vocabulary needed to
tell the story clearly.
Student uses a variety of
vocabulary and uses
circumlocution to describe
words that we have not
learned. Student tells an
excellent story.
Student mispronounces
almost all of the words.
The majority of words are
difficulty to understand.
Common words are
mispronounced frequently.
Student mispronounces
some words; however, the
student is successful in
communicating some ideas
with difficulty. Some
common words are
Student pronounces many
words correctly, including
common words, but does
mispronounce some words
from time to time.
Student pronounces almost
all words correctly. When
words are mispronounced,
they are uncommon words
that we have not studied
Student lacks ability to tell
the story effectively.
Student is not able to join
the pictures together to tell
a story. Student can not
move through the pictures
to connect ideas.
Student shows limited
ability to tell the story.
Student has difficulty
moving through the
pictures, but some form of
story does emerge.
Student is able to tell a
clear story by connecting
the pictures together.
Student tells a clear story
that lacks embellishment,
but is clear.
Student is able to weave all
pictures together to tell a
clear story. Student reads
between the lines and
embellishes the story and
adds details that may not
be pictured.