Global Studies and Study Abroad Program Proposal

Lamar University
Global Studies
Study Abroad
University-Sponsored Study Abroad
Program Proposals
Dr. Joe Nordgren,
Associate Dean,
College of Arts and Sciences
Director of Global Studies and Study Abroad
Norma Zarzosa,
Instructor of Spanish
Department of English & Modern Languages
Coordinator of Global Studies and Study Abroad
Table of Contents
Hyperlinks to content and internet sites
1. To Faculty
2. Study Abroad Information
3. Student Eligibility
4. Benefits of Study Abroad
5. Proposal Requirements
6. Developing a University-Sponsored Study Abroad Program
7. Points to Consider
8. Developing a Budget
9. Orientation Sessions
10.Group or Individual Travel
12.Contact Information
Study Abroad Information
Study abroad programs align directly with the university’s stated mission of
“preparing students for leadership and lifelong learning in a multicultural world.”
Definition of Study Abroad:
• For the purpose of this mission, study abroad will include any academic work
completed outside of the United States of America, which, in terms of quality and
subject matter, satisfies both the course and degree requirements expected by
Lamar University.
International Education Fee Grant (IEFG):
• IEFG grant awards will be governed by the Director and the Advisory Committee
for Global Studies and Study Abroad .
a) As required by the Texas Coordinating Board for Higher Education, Lamar
students who enroll in study abroad university-level credit earning courses must
know that more than 50% of the actual course contact hours will be met outside of
the United States .
b) Also, Lamar students who enroll in study abroad programs organized by other
institutions must be certain that the credit hours earned at foreign institutions of
higher learning are fully transferable to Lamar for academic credit.
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Student Eligibility
Enrolled in good standing and participating in a designated degree-granting program.
Minimum 2.0 grade point average if an undergraduate student or minimum 3.0 grade point average if a
graduate student.
Enrolled as an active full-time student at Lamar University at the time of the application.
International students, like all other Lamar students, are eligible to apply for a Lamar-approved study
abroad program; however, no money will be awarded to international students for study at Lamar
University or for study in their home country.
Students on academic/disciplinary probation or who have delinquent financial obligations to Lamar are
not eligible to apply.
Applicants must pursue international study that results in academic credit either through Lamar or
through an institution whereby college credit hours are transferable to Lamar.
Applicants must complete an application form, sign an acceptance agreement, and provide the
relevant Transfer Certification Form as approved by the appropriate department chair and college
dean, verifying the course will transfer to Lamar and will count toward the student’s approved degree
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Benefits of Study Abroad
Studying in a foreign country provides students multiple opportunities for:
Promoting personal growth;
Increasing self-confidence and the willingness to take risks;
Increasing personal and intellectual maturity;
Developing a personally informed view of the world;
Developing intercultural competencies;
Learning new traditions and social and academic customs;
Better understanding of one’s own cultural values;
Increasing awareness of diversity;
Interacting with students from around the world;
Stimulating one’s academic interest;
Influencing future educational decisions;
Improving communication and language skills;
Adapting to new environments;
Developing problem-solving skills;
Experiencing diverse business practices;
Exploring global issues facing the world;
Shaping future career development;
Increasing prospective job opportunities.
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Proposal Information
Information for faculty members who are interested in teaching study abroad courses for academic credit
during 2012 (Spring, May mini, Summer or Fall).
Submit a brief proposal of 2-3 pages and attach a budget page
Required Information:
1. Course number and course title;
2. Course syllabus or syllabi;
3. Approval of Department Chair;
4. Minimum and maximum enrollment numbers (minimum enrollment numbers must conform to the same
standards applicable to on-campus courses);
5. Course prerequisites;
6. Country of destination;
7. 2012 mini-session, summer term, or long semester in which the course will be offered;
8. Estimated program cost for students (based on minimum enrollment number);
9. Brief rationale for teaching the course in a foreign country;
10. Mandatory and optional field trips (tentatively) to be embedded with the course;
11. Your anticipated compensation by the way of salary and/or expenses.
Deadline: November 18th, 2012
Send proposals electronically to:
Dr. Joe Nordgren, Parker 203, P.O. Box 10058
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Developing a Faculty-Led Study Abroad Course
Points to Consider
1. How the course, in terms of quality and subject matter, satisfies either the undergraduate or
graduate degree requirements in your department’s program of study.
2. Extent to which the course will add academic value for your majors or extent to which the
course will fit a needed academic niche.
3. Extent to which the selected foreign location will directly relate to and complement the
course content.
4. Certainty that the course being proposed will fulfill the same requirements for number of
contact hours for on campus course.
5. Certainty that the course adheres to the same academic standards and expectations as those
courses within your discipline that are taught on campus; a course syllabus will have to be
developed and up-loaded to the SACS website.
6. Verification that the class attendance policy from the host institution is consistent with the
attendance policy of Lamar University.
7. Process and guidelines for selecting and accepting students into the course.
8. If necessary, the relevant cultural site visits, tours, and lectures that will enhance student
learning outcomes.
9. Academic or professional projects that will help students to mature and be more competitive
in a global market.
10. Collaboration with department chairperson about the appropriateness of the course.
11. Funds collected from the International Education Fee may be used only to assist students in
international programs. No funds are to be used for faculty salaries or for administering the
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Relevant Questions
Is the foreign destination safe for American students? Refer to the State Department
website for the most current Travel Warnings and Travel Alerts.
What are the projected enrollment numbers? As a general guideline, the student to faculty
ratio should be approximately 15 to 1.
Do the course dates fall within the Lamar academic calendar?
Is this program affordable to students?
Are mandatory orientation sessions being developed for pre-departure?
Are mandatory orientation sessions being developed for the point of arrival, and will
guidance be provided during the duration of the visit at the study abroad site?
Are there colleagues within your department who can assist you in providing valuable
information about what students might encounter in terms of general information, laws,
and customs when traveling to a specific foreign locale?
In case of an unexpected emergency, do you know of another faculty member within your
department who can assume the responsibilities of the study abroad venture in the event
that you are unable to participate? Ideally, this person is someone who will be familiar with
study abroad initiatives and the course being proposed and someone who has attended
your pre-departure orientation sessions.
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Developing a Budget
Consider possible currency fluctuations of the US dollar against the local currency of your destination. Provide the
estimated budget in US dollars. Recommended currency converter at:
This proposed budget is based on the enrollment of
___ students and the exchange rate of
______ per US dollar.
Ground Transportation
Required Excursions
LU Tuition
Host Institution Tuition
Other Fees
$ _____________________
NOTE: Cost estimates prepared for this proposed budget reflect an estimated per student cost.
Health Insurance (required) is the responsibility of all students and at their own expense unless it is provided by the host
institution within the program.
Repatriation Insurance (required) is the responsibility of all students and at their own expense.
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Orientation Sessions
Any faculty member who will be the instructor of record for a university-sponsored study abroad course(s) must provide at
least one mandatory orientation session prior to departure and at least one mandatory orientation session upon arrival at
the study abroad site.
During the orientations:
Document attendance (distribute a sign up sheet), summarize the session’s’ content, and keep records.
Topics to address during orientation:
 Program and/or course description;
a) Academic expectations , attendance policy, testing expectations, and grading system;
b) Behavioral issues – review the “Student Code of Conduct and Responsibilities” and the “drug & alcohol policy”;
 Application process ;
 Housing;
 Transportation (air and ground);
 Currency ;
 Cultural issues and cultural shock (adapting to new food and a new environment);
 Passport and visa information at;
 U.S. Department of State webpage at for a list of companies that
provide international health and repatriation insurance;
 “Travel Warnings, Travel Alerts” and the country specific information provided by the U. S. Department of State (“DoS”)
webpage at;
 Require students to become familiar with the “STUDENTS ABROAD” travel information at ;
 Explain to students how to register their trips with a U.S. Embassy at;
 Require students to be up-to-date on all routine and travel-related vaccines recommended by the Department of Health and
Human Services - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at ;
 Encourage students to obtain the International Student Exchange ID - ISE Card, a discount card available to students of any
age, at;
 Invite former student participants to the orientation to talk about their experiences abroad;
 Provide contact information and explain how you can be reached to discuss concerns.
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Group or Individual Travel
Is group travel recommended?
This choice is up to the faculty member. University-sponsored study abroad programs do not require
group travel.
If a faculty member opts for independent travel
As a courtesy, you can provide information about your travel arrangements for those students who want
to make identical/similar travel plans. Request a copy of each student’s travel itinerary before the trip.
Provide the following information to students:
How to get to the study abroad location;
The host university’s contact person, address, and a phone number/e-mail;
Emergency contact information and phone numbers;
Meeting date, time and location location for the arrival orientation;
Country airport ;
Contact person and phone number;
Emergency contact information and phone numbers.
Table of Contents
The Global Studies and Study Abroad Website provides information to faculty and
students about the following:
International Education Fee Grant
International Education Fee Grant Guidelines
Lamar Grant Application Information
Study Abroad Application Procedures – Forms
Grant Acceptance Agreement
Resources for Studying Abroad
Financial Assistance
Student Code of Conduct
Health and Safety
Travel Information
International Health Insurance
International Teacher/Student Identity Card
Table of Contents
Contact Information
Submit all proposals and necessary forms to:
Dr. Joe Nordgren
Director of Global Studies and Study Abroad
c/o Norma Zarzosa, Coordinator
P.O. Box 10058
Or mail to:
Dr. Joe Nordgren
Director of Global Studies and Study Abroad
Lamar University
c/o Norma Zarzosa, Coordinator
P.O. Box 10058
Beaumont, TX 77710
For more information contact:
Norma Zarzosa, Coordinator of Global Studies and Study Abroad
Instructor of Spanish
Department of English & Modern Languages
MAES Office 35
P.O. Box 10023
Phone:(409)-880-8593 Fax:(409)-880-8591
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