Emergency Procedures Training For Students, Faculty & Staff By the Pacific Alert Team Emergency Response Plan •Complete information on specific situations and how they should be responded to by the campus community and University officials. •Living document continuously updated •Emergency response is based on principles set forth with ICS (Incident Command System), S.E.M.S. (Standard Emergency Management System) and N.I.M.S. (National Information Management System) •Review it on the web page: http://web.pacific.edu/x7450.xml • Emergency Communication Plan Activate phone tree for housing and administrative offices Pacific Emergency notification to all registered on Connect Ed Emergency notification via E-news Emergency FAX to administrative offices Blast E-mail to “_____@pacific.edu Broadcast on KPAC radio at 89.7 FM and Pac 2 TV Public Safety alert via car amplification Emergency information published on the website: http://web.pacific.edu/x15311.xml EMERGENCY PLAN ACTION DESCRIPTIONS • • • • STAND-BY means to direct students, faculty and staff to remain in the building pending further instruction. Faculty & Staff remain at work stations. LEAVE BUILDING means the orderly evacuation of students, faculty and staff from inside the buildings to an outside area of safety away from the building. This will occur when buildings are deemed unsafe for occupancy. LEAVE THE CAMPUS means to direct all students, faculty and staff to a safe location off campus or home. This action shall be directed by the President. DROP TO SAFE POSITION IN LOCATION means that all students, faculty and staff immediately take protective positions under desks or tables with backs to the windows. Everyone should drop to his/her knees, protect his/her face with arms, and make his/her body as small an object as possible TEAM LEADER RESPONSIBILITIES • • • • • • • • 1. Make sure that appropriate authorities have been notified regarding the emergency. Call 9-946-3911 Public Safety Emergency Number and/or Public Safety will call 9-911 for emergency fire, police, ambulance. 2. Determine extent of emergency and implement one of the following plans: If your building is not threatened by the emergency, (1) Stay alert and monitor the situation. (2) Avoid using the telephones unless necessary. (3) Make sure all students, faculty & staff understand the situation and are prepared to act if the situation changes. TEAM LEADER RESPONSIBILITIES • • • If your building itself is threatened: The Team Leader must determine how much time is available and attempt to complete as many of the following items as possible: Evacuate all personnel. Protection of life is the most important duty of the Team Leader. Be sure that all students, faculty, staff and anyone else in the building are notified and evacuated. Check the area and close the doors. Go to your pre-determined meeting area, take roll call of persons assigned to your area and wait for instructions. As one area is cleared, post faculty or staff in such a way that a person cannot accidentally re-enter the area. MEDICAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE • • • • • • • • • Contact Public Safety at ext. 6-3911 from a campus phone or 946-2537 from an outside line. If Emergency is during business hours call The Cowell Wellness Center at 209-946-2315 If after hours and any Student is involved in a Medical Emergency call Kathy Hunter, the Director of Health Services at 209-401-5814. She will then respond or follow up at the hospital. When you make contact with the dispatcher: Identify yourself and your location. Give the location of the victim and his or her identity, if known. Describe the victim's condition (breathing, alert, bleeding, etc.). Do not hang up until the dispatcher tells you to do so or hangs up first. Send someone to the facility entrance doors to open them and direct emergency response personnel. MEDICAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE CON’T • • • • • • • • • • • Initial Response Aid: First survey the area to see if it is safe to enter. Do respond quickly, using accepted standards of care. Stabilize anyone who is unconscious, has a broken limb or injured back. Administer first aid as trained. Practice Universal Precautions to avoid exposure to blood. Do check for breathing/open airway, and administer rescue breathing if needed. Do administer CPR if needed (and you are trained). Do try to stop severe bleeding. Do treat for shock and make patient comfortable. Do get all information concerning the patient and accident or illness if person is conscious (signs, and symptoms, allergies, medication taken, pertinent past illnesses, last oral intake, events leading to pertinent past illnesses, events leading to the illness/injury). If contact was made with blood or body fluids advise the Emergency Responder. MEDICAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE CON’T • • • REPORTING: Public Safety should assess if Risk Management should be notified immediately. Officers should take statements from witnesses and pictures injuries are involved. Reports will be forwarded to Risk management for insurances purposes. Faculty and Staff injuries must be reported to the employee’s supervisor. A report must be filed within 24 hours of the occurrence with the Human Resource Department. After contacting Public Safety, and after meeting with the University Police, contact your supervisor. BOMB THREATS • • • • • • • • • • Any person on campus who receives a bomb threat via telephone call, voice mail, e-mail message, letter, or other communication should proceed as follows. All University of Pacific personnel receiving a bomb threat by telephone call should: remain calm and listen carefully keep the caller on the line as long as possible. For example, ask the caller to repeat the message: "I'm sorry, what did you say?" identify and record the number from the display on the phone, if available record every word spoken by the person gather as much information as possible call Public Safety, ext. 63911 fill out the attached Bomb Threat Checklist immediately immediately deliver Bomb Threat Checklist to the Public Safety Officer. BOMB THREATS Con’t • • • • All University of Pacific personnel receiving a message by voice mail, e-mail message, letter, or other communication should call Public Safety immediately, ext. 63911 If the bomb threat is received via written communication, do not handle the communication any more than is absolutely necessary and turn the document over to the police when they arrive. The police will want to know the following information: Who found it? Who else was present? Where was it found or how was it delivered? When was it found or delivered? Who has touched it? Have any previous threats been received? A Public Safety officer will obtain the information about the bomb threat. The officer will immediately notify the local authorities. Public Safety officer will assess if the Stockton Police Department is notified of the bomb threat. Public Safety may request people working in the area to assist in sweeping the building. This may be done because people working in the area will be most familiar with what does and does not belong. If a suspicious package or object is located, do not touch it. Immediately notify Public Safety at 63911. CHEMICAL SPILL OFF CAMPUS • • • • • • • • Warning of a chemical accident off campus is usually received from the Fire or Police Department officials. When such accidents occur near the School it is a threat to the safety of the campus. An overturned truck, a broken fuel line, or an accident in a commercial establishment that uses chemicals are all potential hazards if the wind is such that it would carry fumes from such accidents to the campus. If you hear of such an incident from an outside authority, news, T.V., etc., follow these procedures: 1. Notify Public Safety Dept (6-3911, or 9-946-3911). Provide your name and telephone number and department and the source of your information. 2. Work with Public Safety to determine whether students, faculty and staff shall evacuate the building and/or campus. 3. If evacuation is necessary, move cross-wind, never directly with or against the wind which may carry fumes. 4. Render First Aid as necessary. 5. Public Safety will direct further action as required. Students and staff must not return to campus until the Fire Department via Public Safety officials have declared the area safe. • • • • • • • • • HAZARDOUS MATERIAL SPILL ON CAMPUS Warning of a chemical accident is usually received from the Public Safety Department. When such accidents occur on campus it is a threat to the safety of the campus and the community. All chemical spills are potential hazards if the wind is such that it would carry fumes from the area of the spill throughout the campus and community. The procedure to be followed is as follows: 1. Notify the Public Safety Dept (6-3911, or 9-946-3911). Provide your name and telephone number and location of spill. 2. Public safety determines if it is an emergency spill cleanup or nonemergency spill cleanup. 3. If emergency spill clean-up contact Fire Department and Universal Environmental, 707-747-6699 , University’s hazardous waste removal company. If non-emergency, contact Risk Management Department. 4. Determine whether students, faculty and staff shall evacuate the building and/or campus. 5. If evacuation is necessary, move cross-wind, never directly with or against the wind which may carry fumes. 6. Seek First Aid as necessary. 7. Students, faculty and staff must not return to campus until the Fire Department officials have declared the area safe. CRIMES OF VIOLENCE AND GENERAL CRIMES RESPONSE CRIME IN PROGRESS PROCEDURES: • Remain calm and avoid any action that might incite the suspect to act violently. The suspect may be nervous. Further excitement by the employee can cause the suspect to panic and harm the employee or bystanders. • Obey the suspect’s instructions, even if it appears that employees cannot be harmed. Money and property are not worth the price of a life. • Activate a holdup alarm at a safe time; i.e., when the suspect is leaving. Do not let the suspect see the alarm being activated; it may further incite the suspect to violence. • Call the department of Public Safety at ext. 6-3911 from a campus phone or 946-2537 from an outside line. • Fill out the Description of Physical Characteristics on the web page at www.pacific.edu EARTHQUAKE • • • • • • • • • • • • • Earthquakes occurs, the following actions will be taken: INSIDE School buildings: 1. The Team Leader and/or alternates implement ACTION: DROP. 2. As soon as possible, everyone shall move away from windows and out from under suspended light fixture and book shelves. 3. Implement ACTION: LEAVE BUILDING when the initial tremor is over. Do not run! 4. Do not light any fires after the earthquake due to possible gas leaks. 5. Avoid touching electrical wires that may have fallen. 6. Take roll call. 7. No one re-enters the buildings for any reason until they have been notified by Public Safety, Team Leader and/or alternates. 8. Request assistance as needed from the City. OUTDOORS on the School Grounds: As soon as possible, evacuate students, faculty and staff away from buildings, trees, and exposed wires. The safest place to be is in the open. FIRE EXPLOSION EMERGENCY RESPONSE • Fire in a University building is the most likely campus emergency that could result in loss of property and threat to lives. It is, therefore, most critical that individuals react quickly and responsibly to any indication of fire in their surroundings. • Procedures: • If you SMELL smoke or gas: • From the nearest safe phone call the Department of Public Safety, at ext. 6-3911 from a campus phone, or 946-2537 from an outside line. • If you observe fire or smoke: • Do not shout “Fire!” Remain calm. • Pull the nearest fire alarm. • Notify those in immediate danger. FIRE EXPLOSION EMERGENCY RESPONSE Con’t • • • • • • From the nearest safe phone call the Department of Public Safety at ext. 63911 from a campus phone or 946-2537 from an outside line to notify the department of the exact location of the fire. If possible and safe to do so after initiating the fire alarm, attempt to extinguish the fire with a fire extinguisher. Never use a fire extinguisher on a fire that is large enough to frighten you or when you do not have a way of escape. No matter how small the fire, never use an extinguisher without sounding the fire alarm, in case you are overcome. If you cannot extinguish the fire by yourself with one extinguisher, leave the area and let the professionals handle it. If it is not possible or safe to extinguish the fire, from the nearest safe phone contact the Department of Public Safety at ext. 6-3911 from a campus phone, or 946-2537 from an outside line and provide the exact location of the fire. FIRE EXPLOSION EMERGENCY RESPONSE Con’t • Do not prop any fire doors open. (Fire doors have automatic closers on them.) • Evacuate, using appropriate exits and escape routes (do NOT use elevators). Provide assistance for those who need it. • If the fire alarm sounds: • All alarms should be treated as a valid fire alarm until Public Safety personnel verify that it is a false alarm. • Stop what you are doing immediately, remain calm and follow instructions. • Do not look for other people or attempt to take along belongings (other than your purse or backpack) – don’t take the time to gather up your “stuff,” your life is more important! • Do not prop any fire doors open. FIRE EXPLOSION EMERGENCY RESPONSE Con’t • • • • • • • • Using the nearest appropriate exit or escape route (do NOT use the elevators), leave the building quickly and calmly. Persons with disabilities should be assisted out of the building or removed to a safe haven to await evacuation by emergency responders. Proceed to safe ground at least 50 feet away from the building and out of the fire lane(s). The instructor/supervisor should notify emergency response personnel of missing or disabled persons. Do not obstruct fire hydrants or any fire/rescue workers. Do not re-enter the building until informed by a uniformed officer (fire or police). Reporting: After contacting Public Safety, and after meeting with the University Police, contact your supervisor. Any time that the fire alarm is activated, the building is to be immediately evacuated. • • • • • • • • • • FLOOD INTRODUCTION This University of the Pacific Administrative Flood Plan provides guidelines and establishes protocols for an organized response to a flood. It addresses pre-storm preparation and post-storm recovery as well as management of the campus during a storm. The primary objectives of the plan are as follows: • Safety and security of faculty, staff, students and visitors • Mitigation of damage • Restoration of business and academic operations as quickly as possible The National Weather Service Offices issues two types of flash flood advisories: a flash flood watch, and a flash flood warning. FLOOD WATCH: Heavy rains are occurring, or are expected to occur, and may soon cause flash flooding in certain areas. FLOOD WARNING: Flash flooding is occurring or is imminent on certain streams or designated areas, and immediate action must be taken by those threatened. FLOOD Con’t • • • • • • • • SECTION I – GENERAL INFORMATION AND PLANNING GUIDELINES A Purpose of the Plan The Flood Plan is designed as a guideline to coordinate and control the university’s flood preparation and response steps. The timing and implementation of any or all steps may be altered based upon the facts and circumstances surrounding any individual flood event. The plan document includes sections on preparation, response during a flood, and recovery. . B Departmental Plans All university departments are required to have a departmental flood plan in place. The primary purpose of the departmental plans is to document an orderly preparation and response strategy to a flood. The primary responsibilities of individual departments are as follows: To identify a department Emergency Response Team To develop a procedure to establish contact with department personnel after a flood. To secure department assets including equipment, data, lab samples, etc. FLOOD Con’t • • • • • • SECTION II – PREPARATION AND RESPONSE A Weather Advisories University of the Pacific will receive expert weather consultation through San Joaquin County Office of Emergency Service. Public Safety and the Office of Emergency Preparedness continually monitors weather reports for threatening weather and storm development. B Responding to Weather Related Threats University of the Pacific receives regular flood warnings from the Office of Emergency Services during the flood season. The Director of the Office of Emergency Services (OES) acts as the point person to initiate flood warnings. The University of the Pacific will receive notification from the Office of Emergency Services when there is a flood watch or a flood warning. The Pacific Alert Team will inform the President or the senior cabinet administrator once a threat review has been initiated. All decisions regarding further activation of the flood plan are made by the President or senior cabinet administrator in the chain of command, in consultation with those persons he or she deems necessary. FLOOD Con’t • • • • • • • • 1. Threat Identification and Assessment Upon receipt of information from Office of Emergency Services indicating a potential flood, the Pacific Alert Team (PAT) notifies the President or the next available senior cabinet member in the chain of command. That senior administrator, in consultation with those he or she deems necessary, determines the next steps for response and preparation. 2. Communications Upon direction from the President or the senior cabinet administrator in the chain of command, University Communications will issue a flood warning to the university community, advising of the potential for suspension of classes and reminding students and employees to make travel plans in the event of university closure. Storm updates will be made available on the University of the Pacific emergency website and the Alert Line (SEE ADDENDIX A) and will include: Official university instructions regarding class cancellation and university closure Links to information on progress and track of flood Links to information on evacuation routes, city advisories, etc. Update on projected opening of the university and resumption of classes after a flood FLOOD Con’t • • • • • • 3. University Closure The President or the senior cabinet administrator will call for a university closure when he or she deems it necessary. Faculty and staff will be instructed to secure work areas and relocate equipment if flooding is expected, and then they will be released. When the university is closed, students and non-essential personnel (faculty and staff) are officially instructed to leave the university and advised to seek shelter. The university and its facilities are not available as use for shelter during a flood closure. In addition, if the university closes for emergency, all scheduled on-campus events will be cancelled. Students are responsible for securing their own lodging and transportation arrangements. When the university closes, students are encouraged to pursue the following options as they leave the area: Secure transportation via airline, train, or bus service. The University of the Pacific may transportation between the university and airline, train or bus stations to the extent possible. Share rides and sheltering options with students who do not have a personal means of transportation. Relocate to designated shelters outside of the designated flood zone which is determined by the Office of Emergency Services FLOOD Con’t • • • • . 4. Student Evacuation While students maintain responsibility for vacating the university by making their own transportation and lodging arrangements, the potential exists that a number of on-campus students simply may not comply. Therefore, the university has developed a contingency plan to provide assistance to these students. Students will be transported to another location outside the designated flood zone. No students will be allowed to remain on the University of the Pacific’s Stockton campus. 5. Emergency Operations Centers (EOC) In case of a flood, an Incident Command Center will be established on campus that is not affected by the flood or off campus if the entire campus is affected by the flood. This will serve as a base for those essential administrators and personnel who will remain on campus during a flood. Non-essential personnel and students will not be allowed to use these facilities for shelter. FLOOD Con’t • • • • • 6. Locking Down Campus Employees other than those assigned to an Incident Command Center or other critical personnel identified by the President or the senior cabinet administrator are prohibited from occupying campus facilities during a university closure and evacuation. After the university closure is in effect, all buildings will be searched by public safety for persons attempting to use the campus for shelter. After each building is searched, it will be secured against key or card access by disabling card readers and using special locks or other devices. 7. Essential Employees and First Responders Employees directed to work before, during, or after a flood when other employees have been released are essential employees. Essential employees not required to remain on campus will be required to call in after the flood warning has passed to determine their work assignments. (See “Expectations for Employees after flood”) Work assignments may vary as necessary from an employee’s normal responsibilities. As deemed necessary, the university will establish a team of first responders consisting of members of the Pacific Alert Team and Business Continuity Plan who will be available to return quickly to campus to begin university asset protection, if necessary, after a storm UTILITY FAILURE • • • • • • • • 1. Non-business hours notify Public Safety 946-3911. 2. Business hours notify Physical Plant 946-2541. 3. Team Leader and/or alternates bring out flashlights. During electrical failures, emergency lighting may not provide enough lighting. 4. Team Leader and/or alternates should check to see if anyone is trapped in an elevator. If someone is trapped contact Public Safety 946-3911. 5. Shut down and step back from equipment as necessary to prevent overloading injury if equipment comes back on. 6. Team Leader and/or alternates evaluate the need for evacuation. 7. If evacuation is determined, Team Leader and/or alternates direct the evacuation in an orderly manner. Loss of electricity might affect telephones, heating, light and ventilation. 8. Team Leader and/or alternates assist the handicapped in evacuating. If you smell gas follow instructions for gas leak. GAS LEAK • • • • • Gas leak inside of building. If gas leakage should occur, do not turn on lights or power. Switching on lights or equipment could cause electric shock or an explosion. Do not use matches or lighters. Use only the flashlights. Team Leader and/or alternates evacuate building immediately moving people out of area away from building in case of an explosion. Call Public Safety 946-3911 Public Safety contacts Physical Plant to determine if Stockton Fire Department should be contacted. Gas leak outside of building. If gas main brakes contact Stockton Fire Department and Physical Plant immediately. EVACUATION • • • • • • In the event it becomes necessary to evacuate disabled personnel from buildings during a fire or other emergencies take the following actions: 1. Public Safety – Dispatch a Public Safety Officer to the location of the Disabled Person. 2. Public Safety – Notify Supervisor, Fire Department and responding officers 3. Public Safety – If possible contact Team Leader or alternate inside the building and have them move the disabled person to the staging area or the base of the stairwell. 4. Team Leader or Alternate – Insure a Public Safety Officer remains with the person until they are removed from the building or until it is determined that it is safe for them to remain inside the building. 5. Team Leader or Alternate – Provide assistance to assembly point. EVACUATION CON’T • • • • A. PREPARING FOR AN EVACUATION Know your building's floor plan. Know where the stairs and fire extinguishers are located. Determine in advance the nearest exit from your work location and the route you will follow to reach that exit in an emergency. Know the locations of alternate exits from your area. If you work in an office, know exactly how many doors you will pass along your evacuation route before you reach the nearest exit door. In heavy smoke, exit signs may be invisible. Even in heavy smoke, you can count the number of doors as you pass, so you will know when you reach the exit door. EVACUATION CON’T • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • B. DURING AN EVACUATION If time and conditions permit, secure your workplace and take with you important personal items such as car keys, purse, medication, glasses. Follow instructions from emergency personnel. Check doors for heat before opening. (Do not open door if hot.) WALK -- do not run. Do not push or crowd. Keep noise to a minimum so you can hear emergency instructions. Use handrails in stairwells; stay to the right. Assist people with disabilities. Move to your assembly point unless otherwise instructed. If relocating outside the building: Move quickly away from the building. Watch for falling glass and other debris. Stay with your Team Leader or Alternate. Keep roadways and walkways clear for emergency vehicles. If you have relocated away from the building, DO NOT RETURN until notified that it is safe to do so. EVACUATION CON’T • • • • Whenever the fire alarms/strobes are activated, occupants MUST evacuate the building and reassemble at your designated assembly point. Occupants on floors above the ground floor must use emergency exit stairwells to leave the building. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS !!!! For certain emergencies such as a bomb threat or a natural gas leak, the fire alarms/strobes may not be activated. Instead, building Team Leader or Alternate will move through the building and order the occupants to evacuate. Emergency evacuation signage is posted in buildings so that occupants can become familiar with the evacuation routes and assembly points for their area. Building Team Leaders and Alternates are responsible to assist and direct building occupants in assigned areas to the fire exit stairwell and confirm that all occupants have evacuated the areas. The building safety coordinator will report to an authorized emergency responder that their area is clear. Authorized emergency responders are DPS employees, members of the fire department. Try to remain calm, and give clear evacuation instructions. Keep existing groups together. EVACUATION CON’T • • Building Team Leaders and Alternates are responsible to work with departmental chairs and directors to identify any Pacific employees with a disability who would need consideration and assistance during an evacuation. At least two staff members should be assigned to each person identified with a disability to provide assistance, ensuring that the disabled person will be assisted during the evacuation. Should the disabled person not be able to use the fire exit stairwells, he or she must be escorted to the exit stairwell landing as a “Safe Area of Rescue.” The Team Leader should remain with the disable person at the landing to provide additional assistance. The Team Leader will inform an authorized emergency responder that a disabled person is waiting for rescue on the specified floor within the exit stairwell. Faculty and instructors are responsible to identify any student(s) with a disability that would need consideration and assistance during an evacuation. At least two Team Leader and Alternates should be assigned to each person identified with a disability to provide assistance, ensuring that the disabled person will be assisted during the evacuation. Should the disabled person not be able to use the fire exit stairwells, he or she must be escorted to the exit stairwell landing as a “Safe Point of Rescue.” The Team Leader should remain with the disabled person at the landing to provide additional assistance. The Team Leader will inform an authorized emergency responder that a disabled person is waiting for rescue on the specified floor within the exit. EVACUATION CON’T • • C. EVACUATION OF DISABLED PERSONS A. Persons Using Crutches/Canes or Walkers • • In emergency evacuations, these individuals should be treated as if they were injured. Have the individual sit on a sturdy chair, preferably a chair with arms, and follow the procedure for non-ambulatory persons below: B. Non-ambulatory persons Evacuation may not be necessary or advisable. Many stairwells are designed to provide temporary protection from fire or other danger. A Team Leader should stay with a wheelchair user in the platform area of the stairwell while an alternate notifies emergency personnel or paramedics of the exact location of the wheelchair user. EVACUATION CON’T • • • • • • • • • If immediate evacuation is necessary, be aware of the following considerations: Wheelchairs have movable parts; some are not designed to withstand stress or lifting. You may need to remove the chair batteries; life-support equipment may be attached. In a life-threatening emergency, it may be necessary to remove an individual from their wheelchair. Lifting a person with minimal ability to move may be dangerous to their well-being. Wheelchairs should not be used to descend stairwells, if at all possible. Non-ambulatory persons may have respiratory complications. Remove them from smoke or fumes immediately and determine their needs and preferences. Check the evacuation routes for obstructions before assisting the person to the exit. Delegate other Team Leader and Alternates to bring the wheelchair. Reunite the person with their wheelchair as soon as it is safe to retrieve it. EVACUATION CON’T • • • • • • • • Always consult with the person in the chair regarding how best to assist him/her: The number of people necessary for assistance. Ways of being removed from the wheelchair. Whether to extend or move extremities when lifting because of pain, catheter leg bags, spasticity, braces, etc. Whether to carry forward or backward on a flight of stairs. Whether a seat cushion or pad should be brought along if the wheelchair is being left behind. In lieu of a wheelchair, does he/she prefer a stretcher, chair with cushion/pad, or car seat? Is paramedic assistance necessary? EVACUATION CON’T • • • • • C. Visually Impaired Persons Most visually impaired persons will be familiar with their immediate work area. In an emergency situation, describe the nature of the emergency and offer to act as a "sighted guide"; offer your elbow and escort him/her to a safe place. As you walk, describe where you are and advise of any obstacles. When you have reached safety, orient the person as to where you are and ask if any further assistance is needed. D. Hearing Impaired Persons Because persons with impaired hearing may not perceive emergency alarms, an alternative warning technique is required. Two methods of warning: Write a note describing the emergency and nearest evacuation route. ("Fire. Go out rear door to the right and down, NOW!") Turn the light switch off and on to gain attention, then indicate through gestures what is happening and what to do. Intruder or Hostage Situation • • • • • Intruder or Hostage Situation - Generally In the event of an intruder or hostage situation in a university building or on campus grounds, university personnel shall follow the following procedure: Initiate Emergency Lockdown: Conduct an immediate assessment confirming the type of incident, what has happened, what is happening, who is involved, etc. Notify Public Safety of the situation and if it represents a danger to students or staff. Call 6-3911 and have someone stay on line with the dispatcher to explain the current situation and update status. Initiate the University’s Emergency Communication Plan to university personnel and students and make an announcement of a lockdown over. Notify President’s office and institute Lockdown procedure. Intruder or Hostage Situation Con’t • • • • • • • • Lock all classrooms. Keep all students in the classroom. Move students to the safest place in the classroom. Turn off light and close blinds or drapes. Take accurate roll and account for any missing students; if possible, communicate to Public Safety the names of missing students. Employ immediate sheltering action for those exposed to danger (those outside of classroom). Ensure that all others are sheltered in place or moved to a safer location if possible Wait for Public Safety and local police to arrive. • • • • • Intruder or Hostage Situation Con’t Faculty Emergency Procedure Upon receiving an announcement for a lockdown the instructor shall do the following. Initiate Lockdown procedure and shelter in place. Either lock or barricade the door with available furniture. Use basic duck and cover techniques: lie flat, face down, on floor; cover head, get under tables/desks if possible. In classrooms, stay away from windows, doors, and outer walls; watch for shattered glass. Close drapes/curtains/blinds ONLY if safe to do so. Turn out lights. In open areas, use objects immediately available in the open (tree, bushes, walls, etc.) For shelter; lie down, stay motionless. Be ready to move students instantly; know possible escape routes, including windows. If your current location is judged too dangerous, move to possible alternate locations in other rooms or areas in the building, when it is safe to. Intruder or Hostage Situation Con’t • • • • • Faculty and students are taken hostage. Stay calm and do not be a hero. Follow instructions of captor. Cooperate, be friendly if possible; do not argue with or antagonize captor or other hostages. Inform captors of medical or other needs. Be prepared to wait; elapsed time is a good sign. Do not try to escape; do not try to resolve situation by force. Be observant and remember everything you see and hear. If a rescue takes place, lie on the floor and await instructions from rescuers. School Disturbances Dealing with Intruders All school personnel and students should be instructed to report any intruder on the campus to Public Safety at 6-3911 immediately. When incidents involving an intruder occur, it is imperative that faculty, staff and students be observant and attentive and then determines the appropriate course of action to secure the school premises and protect students and staff. Should a disturbance take place on campus involving individuals who are not students, the following procedures should be followed: Report the incident to Public Safety by calling 6-3911. Explain the situation and the type of disturbance. Describe the location of the activity; a description of the participants and the number; a description of the type and number of weapons possibly in the possession of the participants. Intruder or Hostage Situation Con’t • While awaiting the arrival of Public Safety: • Remain calm, use good judgment. Tell students and staff involved in the disturbance to return to their classes. Attempt to keep students in their classrooms, but do not use force. Keep halls clear of students. • Isolate individuals who are not students; however, do not put yourself or other staff members at risk. Keep hands off students unless restraint is needed to provide safety for individuals who are members of the student body. Once Public Safety arrives, follow their instructions. • If members of the campus have taken part in this disturbance, determine the extent of their involvement. If students are active participants in the disturbance, notify the Public Safety Officer of their involvement. Public Safety will notify the On Call Professional. Intruder or Hostage Situation Con’t • • • • • Intruders/Students with Weapons The University of Pacific prohibits anyone from carrying, exhibiting or displaying a weapon on the campus. If staff becomes aware of the presence of a weapon, the following procedure should be followed: Report the incident to Public Safety by calling 6-3911. In no case should staff endanger themselves or others to secure a weapon. Contact Public Safety when information of the existence of a weapon on school grounds is known. Escort the person with the weapon to an isolated office if possible. When a serious threat of immediate harm to a member of the campus is known on campus, the campus will initiate a Lockdown. A call will immediately be made to 6-3911. After the Lockdown alarm is sounded, Public Safety will notify dispatch who will notify the Professional on Call of the situation. Public Safety will assess whether city police should be notified and if the Pacific Alert Team needs to be activated. Active Shooter • • • • • • • • • • • • Active Shooter Secure the immediate area – whether classroom, bathroom, or office. Lock the door. This may require advanced planning to ensure ability to lock the door – key and type of lock. Most doors in university buildings are solid core, and many walls are block and brick. This may provide some protection Block the door using whatever is available - desks, file cabinets, books, other furniture… If the shooter enters your room and leaves, lock/barricade the door behind him If safe allow others to seek refuge with you Treat the injured Remember basic first aid For bleeding apply pressure and elevate Be creative in identifying items to use for this purpose - clothing, paper towels, feminine hygiene products, news papers, etc. Un-securing an area Active Shooter Con’t • • • • • • • • • • • • • The shooter will not stop until his objectives have been met, unless engaged by law enforcement Consider the risk exposure created by opening the door Attempts to rescue people should only be made if that can be done without further endangering the persons inside a secured area The shooter may bang on the door and yell for help to entice you to open the door Remember the safety of the masses versus the safety of a few If there is any doubt to the safety of the individuals inside the room, the area needs to remain secured Doors, Windows, Openings, and Noise Close blinds Block windows Turn off radios and computer monitors if necessary Silence cell phones Signs can be placed in interior doors, windows, but remember the shooter can see these Place signs in exterior windows to identify the location of injured persons, keeping occupants calm and quiet Active Shooter Con’t • After securing the room. People should be positioned out of sight and behind items that might offer additional protection - walls, desks, file cabinets, etc. • What to Report • Your specific location • Building name • Office/classroom number • Number of people at your specific location • Injuries • Number of people injured • Types of injuries • Dispatcher may provide instructions on how to care for injured until medical assistance can be provided Active Shooter Con’t • • • • • • • • • • • • • – If contacted by the police, the following information on the Assailant(s) would be of help Specific location Number of assailant(s) Race and Gender Clothing color and style Physical features – height, weight, facial hair, glasses Type of weapons (rifle/shotgun, handgun) Backpack Do you recognize the shooter? What’s his name? Have you heard explosions separate from gunshots? If you find yourself in an open area, immediately seek protection Put something between you and the shooter Is escape your best option? Do you know where the shooter is? Is escape immediately available? If in doubt find a safe area and secure it the best way you can