Suffolk User Forum The New Hollies, Unit 3a, Grange Business Centre, Kesgrave, Ipswich, IP5 2BY Tel: 01473 329307 Hidden Talents project funded by Time to Change When researching an earlier film project we encountered very strong discrimination in Suffolk from business employers about mental health in the work place. Our Hidden Talents project will work with 10 -20 business networking organisations across Suffolk. It aims to change these employers’ beliefs by starting conversations between employers in Suffolk with people who are employed and who have themselves experienced mental illness. Our employed volunteers with 'hidden talents' will talk about their lived experience and will encourage employers to think about the way they interact with people with mental illness. They encourage employers to talk more openly about their own mental wellbeing and bring about an understanding that everyone has mental health and in business mental health is everyone's business. By encouraging a positive open attitude in the work place employers and businesses can enable staff to reach their potential which in turn allows businesses to achieve peak business performance. We have already made contacts with business organisations in Suffolk. Some hold regular networking events others are more formal meetings, with breaks for networking. We have been advised that we can meet between 20-30 business people at each event. We will have four volunteers for each event to allow us over the 2 hour period to have plenty of time for 20 conversations. We aim to use a mixture of tools to start our one to one conversations. At open networking events we will work with organisers and have a small break out area, with display pull up banners to draw attention to our event, using key strap lines; for example; Everyone has mental health - in business mental health is everyone's business. Suffolk User Forum (SUF) is a Registered Company Number 06946785 and a Registered Charity Number 1133457 Jointly funded by the Ipswich & East Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group; the West Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group and Suffolk County Council, through the Suffolk Mental Health Pooled Fund. We will prepare conversation starters using 'hooks' that will immediately connect with business people, including facts and figures/statistics. We will have copies of press releases from the Government urging society to reduce mental health stigma e.g. In July 2012 Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg and Care Services Minister Paul Burstow called upon employers to take three simple steps to improve the mental health of their staff, and asked employers to play their part in reducing stigma. Taking steps to understand mental illness can save small firms money ― message from the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB). Mental ill-health, such as depression and anxiety, costs British businesses over £1000 per employee every year, or almost £30 billion across the UK economy. This is mostly in lost production through staff being off work or underperforming at work. The wider economic costs of mental illness in England have been estimated at £105.2 billion each year. This includes direct costs of services, lost productivity at work and reduced quality of life. Right now, 1 worker in 6 has a mental health problem - almost 5 million of Britain's 29 million workers. A 2010 survey found that 72% of workplaces had no formal mental health policy. In the same survey 23% of managers were unable to name a single mental health condition. BT has reported that its mental wellbeing strategy has led to a reduction of 30% in mental health-related sickness absence, and a return to work rate of 75% for people absent for more than six months. By being open and starting our conversations we will encourage employers to open up and reflect on their own experiences and understanding of mental illness, to help them feel more comfortable about the conversation. We would like them to leave the conversation with information that they can use, so they leave feeling positive and empowered Suffolk User Forum (SUF) is a Registered Company Number 06946785 and a Registered Charity Number 1133457 Jointly funded by the Ipswich & East Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group; the West Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group and Suffolk County Council, through the Suffolk Mental Health Pooled Fund. to make a difference themselves. We will offer them 5 accessible resources; A resource pack with Mental Health True/False information to reinforce attitude change; Business statistics and reports about mental health and the impact on businesses. A copy of the guide Taking Care of Business guide (PDF), produced by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) and mental health charity Mind, which offers tips on how employers can spot the signs of mental ill health, how to support staff, and how to reduce the chance of problems occurring in the first place. An example of a Mental health policy at work, plus information about how to have a mental health Champion/or first aider. A copy of our SUFFOLK Signposting book for mental health and wellbeing which contains information about all local services and charities that support people with mental illness; from clubs to statutory services; faith to user led support. These resources will also be available on our website under the banner of Hidden Talents Project. Through the Business networks we aim to have 500 one to one conversations. Suffolk User Forum (SUF) is a Registered Company Number 06946785 and a Registered Charity Number 1133457 Jointly funded by the Ipswich & East Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group; the West Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group and Suffolk County Council, through the Suffolk Mental Health Pooled Fund.