Anatomy & Physiology II BIO 212 Things to Know For Lab Reference: Disclaimer: Marrieb, Elaine N. , RN, MD, and Hoehm, Katja, MD, PhD, Anatomy and Physiology, (8th ed )2009, Pearson, Benjamin, Cummings, Co. USA Laboratory Manual for Anatomy & Physiology I & II (Camden County College ed.). Wiley, 2006 Good Atlas is Recommended: VanDeGraaff, K. & Crawely, J. 2003 A Photographic Atlas for the Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory, Morton The following information is a projected schedule and is for guidance only. It is by no means displaces the student’s responsibility to come to class and learn the changes to the material needed to master the course. Lab Exercise 1 Blood Formed Elements Slides: Erythrocytes Leukocytes Granulocytes: neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils Agranulocytes: lymphocytes, monocytes Platelets Artery: Tunica interna, tunica media, and tunica externa Vein: Tunica interna, tunica media, and tunica externa Lab Exercise 2 The Heart Human Heart Model & Sheep Heart: adipose tissue interventricular sulcus coronary arteries and veins base apex R & L atria R & L ventricle pulmonary trunk aorta brachiocephalic artery superior and inferior vena cava tricuspid valve bicuspid (mitral) valve aortic semilunar valve pulmonary semilunar valve interventricular septum papillary muscles chordae tendineae endocardium, myocardium, epicardium. 1 Additional on the Human Heart Model: R & L pulmonary arteries L common carotid artery L subclavian artery R & L pulmonary veins fossa ovalis R & L coronary Artery Marginal artery Circumflex artery Anterior and posterior interventricular arteries Small, middle, anterior, posterior cardiac veins Coronary sinus Lab Exercise 3 Cat Vessels Cranial to the Diaphragm or Models: Diaphragm lungs R & L pleural cavities mediastinum aorta esophagus pericardial sac parietal layer of the serous pericardium epicardium (visceral layer of the serous pericardium) pericardial cavity heart R & L atria R & L ventricles interventricular sulci Arteries: pulmonary trunk R & L pulmonary arteries aortic arch thoracic aorta brachiocephalic artery R & L subclavian arteries R & L common carotid internal mammary artery axillary artery brachial artery Veins: inferior and superior vena cava R & L brachiocephalic veins subclavian veins anterior facial axillary brachial external jugular 2 posterior facial transverse jugular Arteries and Veins Caudal to the Heart Cat and model: Arteries: descending aorta (abdominal aorta), adrenal gland, renal arteries, testicular or ovarian arteries, lumbar arteries, caudal artery, femoral artery Veins: inferior vena cava, common iliac veins, lumbar veins, ovarian or testicular veins, renal veins, hepatic vein Lab Exercise 4 Pulse and Blood Pressure Blood Typing Be familiar with the superficial pulse points: carotid, temporal, brachial, radial, femoral, popliteal, dorsal pedis. Blood typing A, B, AB, and O. LAB PRACTICAL I Lab Exercise 5 The Lymphatic System & Immune Response Lymph Nodes: Axillary Cervical Inguinal Cisterna Chyli Spleen Thymus Right Lymphatic duct Thoracic duct Lymphatic vessels Lab Exercise 6 Human Respiratory Head & Neck Model, Human Head (sagittal section): Skull brain spinal cord cervical vertebrae frontal sinus sphenoidal sinus hard and soft palates oral cavity tongue nose nasal bones external nares 3 Nasal cavity: vestibule nasal conchae meatus internal nares Pharynx nasopharynx opening of the auditory tube (eustachian tube) oropharynx palatine tonsils fauces laryngopharynx esophagus hyoid bone Larynx: epiglottis vocal folds - vestibular and true glottis thyroid cartilage cricoid cartilage Trachea Model, Human - Thoracic Organs: Thyroid gland larynx trachea R & L primary bronchi R & L lungs: apex, base, hilus, root, R & L lung lobes and fissures (by name), heart diaphragm esophagus Lab Exercise 7 Gross Anatomy of the Lower Respiratory System Cat and model: larynx thyroid cartilage cricoid cartilage arytenoid cartilage epiglottis vocal folds - vestibular and true glottis 4 trachea thyroid gland esophagus R & L primary bronchi; Lungs: R lung lobes - cranial, middle, caudal, accessory; L lung lobes - cranial, middle, caudal; phrenic nerve diaphragm LAB PRACTICAL II Lab Exercise 8 Digestive Organs of the Head & Neck. Cat or models: parotid gland submandibular gland sublingual gland lingual frenulum oral cavity hard palate soft palate tongue external nares lips cheeks vestibule Tongue: lingual papillae: filiform, fungiform, circumvallate Teeth: incisors, canines, premolars, molars, Lab Exercise 9 Abdominal Cavity Human Model Diaphragm Liver ,lobes and ligaments, (round, and falciform) Gallbladder Stomach - cardiac region, fundus, body, pyloric region, greater & lesser curvatures Spleen Small intestine - duodenum, jejunem, ileum Large intestine - ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, rectum, appendix Pancreas - head, tail 5 Cat dissection or model: Visceral peritoneum parietal peritoneum peritoneal cavity (be able to describe) Abdominal cavity liver falciform ligament Lobes of liver: left lateral, left medial, quadrate, right medial, right lateral, caudate Gall bladder Stomach: cardiac region, fundus, body, pyloric region, rugae, greater and lesser curvatures Spleen Small intestine: duodenum, jejunum, ileum, mesentery, lymph nodes, Large intestine: cecum, colon: ascending, transverse, descending; rectum, anal canal, anus Pancreas: head, tail Ducts: cystic, common hepatic, common bile Lab Exercise 10 The Kidney Kidney and Nephron Models: Kidney Renal cortex Renal medulla renal pyramids renal papilla Renal columns Renal pelvis ureter arteries and veins: renal segmental lobar interlobar arcuate cortical radiate, aka, (interlobular) Nephron afferent arteriole glomerulus efferent arteriole 6 peritubular capillaries vasa recta, Bowman's capsule Renal Tubule: proximal convoluted tubule loop of Henle - thin portion, thick portion distal convoluted tubule Collecting tubule Lab Exercise 11 Urogenital System Cat: kidneys adipose tissue fibrous capsule hilus renal artery and vein ureters urinary bladder kidney (cortex and medulla, renal pyramid, pelvis) LAB PRACTICAL III Lab Exercise 12 Male Reproductive System Study the models from the external and internal views. Human Models: urinary bladder pubic symphysis rectum anus adipose tissue scrotum testis epididymis vas deferens ejaculatory duct urethra - (prostatic, membranous, penile, urethral orifice) urogenital diaphragm glans penis body of the penis 7 corona prepuce corpus spongiosum corpus cavernosum, seminal vesicle prostate gland cremaster muscle dartos muscle Lab Exercise 13 Female Reproductive System Study these from an external and internal view. Human Models: ovaries uterine or fallopian tubes (isthmus,ampulla, infundibulum, fimbriae) uterus (body, fundus) cervix (cervical canal, internal os, external os) endometrium, myometrium, perimetrium vagina urinary bladder urethra rectum fornix of the vagina ligaments,( broad, ovarian, suspensory ligagment of ovary, uteroscaral, lateral cervical(cardial), round ligament of uterus) External reproductive organs: vulva mons pubis adipose tissue pubic symphysis labia majora labia minora clitoris (prepuce, glans, body) urethral orifice vaginal opening anus clinical perineum LAB PRACTICAL IV 8