First Days of School 2014-2015 1 School Mission Honesty Attitude Work Ethic Knowledge Success 2 “Positive Inches” Success is achieved through inches. Success is achieved through baby steps. Baby steps are the royal road to skill. Your future is a confluence of many small decisions that will contribute to your success. LITTLE becomes BIG! Each decision and action you make is either leading you towards success or failures Are your actions leading towards positive inches or negative inches? GO HAWKS! 3 Daily Schedule Monday and Friday st 1 Period 7:45 – 8:32 (47 min) 2nd Period 8:37 – 9:24 (47 min) 3rd Period 9:29 – 10:16 (47 min) 4th Period 10:21 – 11:08 (47 min) Lunch11:08 – 11:39 (30 min) 5th Period 11:44 – 12:31 (47 min) 6th Period 12:36 – 1:23 (47 min) 7th Period 1:28 – 2:15 (47 min) Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 1-2 Period 7:45 – 8:55 (70 min) 2-3 Period 9:00 – 10:10 (70 min) 4th Period 10:15-11:03 (48 min0 Lunch 11:03-11:45 (42 min) 5-6 Period 11: 50 – 1:00 (70 min) 6 – 7 Period 1:05 – 2:15 (70 min) 4 School Arrival Expectations Busses will drop students off at the bus loop. Students will be dismissed via administration signal to the bus drivers at 7:30 AM. Late busses will drop students off at the front entrance of the school. Students will walk along the sidewalk located next to the football field and cross at the designated crosswalk. Breakfast will be available to students in the cafeteria until 7:40 AM. Students need to clean up their area. 5 School Arrival Expectations Students dropped off at school or driving to school need to remain in supervised areas until 7:15 AM Students driving to school will need to park in the designated student parking and will need to obtain a parking permit from Mrs. Humphreys. The first period warning bell will ring at 7:40 AM 6 “Work Hard, Be Nice.” 7 Dress and Appearance Prohibited Clothing includes revealing clothing that is transparent or extremely low cut, visible undergarments including attire with holes above the knee: shirts or tops that do not cover the waistband of pants. Shorts or skirts, and shorts, dresses, and skirts higher than 3 inches above the knee. (If you are unsure- use the short side of a 3X5 notebook card). Leotards and spandex must be covered to the thighs. Pants should be high enough to cover underwear. 8 Dress and Appearance Clothing and accessories must not display racial or ethnic slurs or symbols, gang affiliations, vulgar, subversive, sexually suggestive, or otherwise inappropriate language or images; promotion of products that students may not legally buy such as alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs; or anything that promotes harm to another or oneself. (This includes Salty Dog Saloon and Brewery insignia- If you have a question-See Mr. Ainsworth). 9 Dress and Appearance Prohibited Items include hats, hoods, headbands, studded jewelry, chains, sunglasses, sleep-wear or clothing resembling sleep-wear or blankets. Hats and Hoods are to be removed prior to entering the school building. Hats are allowed at the end of the day (2:15) Special circumstances will have specific procedures for construction trades, welding, culinary arts and lunch workers. 10 Lunch Expectations Four microwaves are available in the cafeteria for student use. Utensils and napkins are located by the hot lunch line. Students will need to clean up their lunch area. Garbage cans are located throughout the lunch room. Closed campus- If a student needs to leave the building, they must sign out with the main office and get a pass. 11 Lunch Expectations cont… Monday & Friday 30 minute Lunch Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 42 minute lunch Closed Campus Academic Wings open for students during lunch as long as garbage is picked up Library Open Individual arrangements with teachers for classroom- passes required 12 Lunch Expectations cont… Foosball Tables Located on the stage- game balls available for check out in the main office. Snack shack open in the Construction Trades Hallway Italian Sodas available in the commons Outside organizations will have materials available in front of guidance as announced 13 Mistakes “You will make mistakes. You will mess up. We will too. But we will all work hard and have AWESOME behavior. Because everything in life is earned. Everything is earned. Everything is earned.” 14 Hall Passes Students must obtain a pass before leaving class. It is up to the individual teacher to determine their hall pass. For extended time passes, the office will provide an alternative such as a tardy or administration pass. Student aides will have designated passes. Students aren’t allowed to leave class before the 1st 10 minutes Students who abuse hall passes will be put on a temporary hall pass moratorium 15 No Passes st 1 10 Minutes of Class 16 HHS-C H A M P S Bathroom Expectations C - Conversation: 0 or 1 talking levels H - Help: clean-up after yourself and flush toilet. A - Activity: quickly going to the bathroom. M - Movement: walk slowly and promptly return to class within 2-5 minutes. P - Participation: use the bathroom, wash hands for 30 seconds, use 2 squirts of soap, and dry hands. S - Success: “Positive Inches” 17 Tardies A warning bell will ring one minute prior to the class bell. Teachers will shut and lock doors when the tardy bell rings. Students remaining in the halls will report to the main office. Tardy students will quietly stand in a line and sign in on the tardy student sheet. Students will be issued a pass and sent back to class. Students should promptly return to class 18 Tardy Consequences: 1st Tardy Warning 2nd Tardy Warning and student calls parent/guardian 3rd Tardy Student calls parent/guardian and assistant principal contacts parent 20 minute lunch detention 4th Tardy Assistant Principal contacts parent and meets with student 20 minute lunch detention 5th Tardy Assistant Principal contacts parent and meets with student 2 20 minute lunch detentions 6th Tardy Assistant Principal contacts parent and meets with student 1/2 ISS (in-school suspension) *Students are allowed 3 excused late arrivals to school before lunch detention is applied **Tardies start over per quarter ***Additional tardies will result in progressive consequences at the discretion of the administration 19 SLANT S-Sit up L-Listen A-Ask and Answer Questions N-Nod your Head T-Track the Speaker Are you SLANTing? 20 School Dismissal Expectations Students are expected to stay in their designated classes until the final school day bell. Students in PE will need to wait behind the closed gym doors. Students who need a bus pass, must get a pass before school or during lunch from the main office. Do not wait until the end of the school day. Students must have a bus pass per parent permission to ride a different bus. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!!! 21 BUS EXPECTATIONS BE RESPONSIBLE BE SAFE Treat everyone with Remain in assigned seat facing forward Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself and out of the aisle Use voice level 2 while riding the bus Maintain silence at Railroad Tracks respect Use polite language Report any harassment to bus driver, parent or teacher as soon as possible No eating or drinking on the bus Mat-Su School District Requires Assigned Seating on All Buses 22 School Dismissal Expectations Bus Riders will need to stay on the sidewalk and cross at the designated crosswalks. Busses will be released via an administration schedule at 2:25 PM. Students will need to be respectful to every adult at the bus loop and follow their instructions. Walkers and Bike Riders will need to follow the “Rules of the Road.” Reminder- All vehicles must be street legal to drive or park on school property. Off road vehicles such as dirt bikes, motorcycles and snow machines are not permitted on school property. 23 School Dismissal Expectations Student vehicles- Driving a vehicle of any kind to school is a privilege – not a right. All students must exit the building within 15 minutes after the PM dismissal time unless involved in a sanctioned school activity or directly supervised by a sponsor, advisor or coach. Students waiting for transportation should remain in the main foyer. 24 “Self-discipline not IQ is the key to success---discipline is 2x more accurate than IQ at predicting success.” –Dr. Dweck 25 Non-Negotiables The following will not be tolerated at HHS and are grounds for suspension Harassment: behavior intended to trouble or annoy someone. Hazing: is defined as any action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether on or off the school grounds, (i.e. trips) to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. Discrimination: may be based on culture, ability, physical appearance, size, sexuality, or religion among other things. Bullying: an intentional electronic, written, verbal or physical act or series of acts directed at another student or students, or staff, which occurs in a school setting that is severe, persistent or pervasive. Cyberbullying: misuses of technology to harass, tease, intimidate, threaten or terrorize another student or staff member. 26 After School Tutoring After school tutoring is available Monday through Thursday in the library for FREE. After school tutoring will be from 2:30 -4:30 PM. Students should have transportation arrangements prior to staying for tutoring. Students will sign in with Mr. Hall and designate the purpose for their attendance. 27 Co-Curricular Activities Athletics Fall: Cheerleading, Cross Country Running, Football, Volleyball Winter: Basketball, Cheerleading, Hockey, Wrestling Spring: Baseball, NYO, Soccer, Softball, Track 28 Clubs BPA- Business Professionals of America Clay Target Shooting Drama Guitar Club National Honor Society Peer Helpers SAB- School Advisory Board Skills USA Student Government T.A.T.U- Teens Against Tobacco Use Yearbook 29 Goals: “I want X, so I better do Y like crazy right now.” 30 Student Government Sophomores President Nichole Radmer Vice President/Rep Christen Bohl SecretaryDakota Watson TreasurerMason Norman Juniors President Megan Wilbur Vice President Amanda Carver Secretary/ Treasurer William Matzke Seniorsors President Samantha Nida Vice President Samantha Beaman Secretary/ Treasurer Teddi Irvin Executive Board President – Victoria Baybado( SAB) Secretary Russell Clark Treasurer – Warren O'Mara Comm. Dir. – Kimberly Quincy Activities Dir. – Jace taylor Jaden Sears (SAB) 31 Student Code of Conduct Middle School Visitation: No high school student is permitted to visit the middle schools during the school hours unless previous arrangements and approval has been granted. Public Display of Affection: Students are to conduct themselves in a SOCIALLY acceptable manner at all times within the school. Excessive displays of affection will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary actions. NO KISSING! 32 “I have always maintained that excepting fools, men did not differ much in intellect, only in zeal and hard work.” -Charles Darwin 33 Student Code of Conduct Failure to Identify Self: All students in school building, on school grounds, or at a school sponsored event, upon request, identify themselves to authorized school district personnel or their designee. Fighting: A physical altercation where shoving, pushing, striking, kicking, and or other physical violence is used against another person. Provoking a fight will be dealt with through the same sanction applied to fighting. 34 Student Code of Conduct Guests: Parents/guardians are welcome as guests at HHS. Students from other schools aren’t permitted to visit during the academic day. All lunch time visitors must be approved by the front office. All guests must sign in at the front office and wear a Visitor Badge. 35 Student Code of Conduct Leaving school during the school day. HHS is a CLOSED Campus per MSBSD policy. Students are not permitted to eat lunch off campus. Once a student has arrived on the school campus, they may not leave before normal dismissal hours unless parent/guardian consent is obtained. All students leaving campus must sign out in the main office. No student, regardless of age may leave campus without parental consent and signing out in the front office before leaving. Students may not go to the parking lot without signing out in the main office. 36 Electronic Devices Cell phones, pagers, electronic games, personal music devices and all other electronic devices are not permitted to be used during academic time/class time. This includes when in the hall with a hall pass. Students are allowed to use cell phones in class with teacher and administrative approval for academic purposes. Electronic devices with the capability to take pictures are not permitted in the locker rooms or bathrooms. This is considered a federal offense. 37 After School Tutoring Mr. Hall will coordinate after school tutoring. The library will be open after school MondayThursday from 2:30-4:30 p.m. Tutoring will provide a quiet place for students to get homework help. 38 Student Code of Conduct Truancy: an absence from school/class without the prior knowledge or consent of the student’s parent/legal guardian AND school official. A student that is more than 10 minutes late to a class without a valid reason from the office will be considered truant. 39 Tap Out WHAT IS THE ‘CHOKING GAME’? It's a generations old oxygen deprivation activity passed on by youth on play-grounds, the internet, at school, slumber par-ties, at camp, and from friends. The goal is a desired 'floaty', 'tingling', 'high' sensation accomplished through depriving the brain of oxygen. Not all participants are seeking a high, some play as a pass time, out of curiosity, or as a result of peer pressure. WHO IS ‘PLAYING”? Unlike other risk-taking behaviors, oxygen deprivation activity (Choking Game) occurs across the spectrum of adolescents; Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, wealthy, low income and those in between. Some participants do not typically engage in risk taking behavior, while others are looking for an alternative ‘high’. Age 9 -16 is the common age. Both boy and girls participate. Males are more likely to participate alone and therefore have a higher fatality rate. It often begins among a group of teens and is then taken home by a solo player. CONSEQUENCES Falling upon unconsciousness can result in brain injury and broken bones. Brain cells die when deprived of oxygen and do not regenerate. The lack of oxygen also causes short term memory loss, seizures, strokes, heart attack and retinal damage. If the pressure is not released, death will occur. Students participating in Tap Out/Choking Game on the school campus or school sponsored activities will receive disciplinary consequences. 40 Student Code of Conduct Lockers: A locker or other container provided by the school or the school district may be searched and examined with the permission of the principal to determine compliance with school regulations, school district regulations, and local, state, and federal laws. Personal Property: The MSBSD and HHS are not responsible for damage, theft or loss of property on school grounds. Do not bring large sums of cash or other valuable items onto school grounds. 41 Lost and Found All lost and found items of personal nature (watches, rings, etc.) are held in the school office. Library materials are routed to the library and textbooks to the appropriate department. General items are placed on the Lost and Found table located in the lunch room. Items not picked up for 30 days will be given to the local charitable organization. 42 Questions and Answers Specific Information Regarding this Presentation can be found in The Houston High School Student Handbook. Student Handbook can be located on our HHS website Mat Su Borough School District Student Handbook can be found at the following web address: 43 Assignment What was the muddiest point and why? What 2-3 points were the clearest? Have students sign agreement form and collect 44