Painting I Watercolor Assessment NAME_______________________________________ Critique Friday, November 22 DUE Tuesday, November 26 Critique ________________________ Date Handed In__________________ Assignment Create an 11 x 16” or 16 X 20” watercolor. Use all the techniques developed during the first marking period. Work in multiple layers! Subject matter is completely up to you. Your piece can be abstract, surreal, observational… Be creative and challenge yourself. Pull from your previous successes and other artists to inspire and develop your ideas. Focus on creating a dynamic composition. Written Critique (20 points) Include the following information in your sketchbook: DESCRIPTION 1. Title of artwork 2. Medium 3. Measurements of artwork 4. Date completed 5. Hours spent on the work 6. Factual information such as “the image is of a child holding a lollipop” ANALYSIS- Use the Elements of Art and Principles of Design to write a reflection. Be sure to discuss the composition of the work. Elements of Art- Line, shape, space, form, texture, color, and value Principles of Design- Unity, pattern, rhythm, contrast, emphasis, balance, movement, harmony, proportion, repetition INTERPRETATION/MEANING What is your artwork about? Don’t make this up! If your work is an observation drawing, it may not have a “deep” meaning, but you can still talk about what your goals were. For example “I was interested in drawing a still-life using repetition of form and color to create a whimsical rhythm throughout the piece.” Include what/who inspired this work of art. EVALUATION – How good is the artwork? Were you successful in accomplishing your desired outcome? How are you going to improve the artwork? What would you do differently next time? What did you learn from this work of art? Rubric Exceptional 20 Strong 18-19 Good 16-17 Moderate14-15 Weak 13> Watercolor Techniques Techniques were completely developed. Attention was given to fine details. Full composition was developed. All techniques and subject matter were completely unified, creating a balanced composition. Multiple techniques were use properly and appropriately Techniques were used appropriately. Painting is about 75% developed. Techniques were underdeveloped. Only the basics were attempted. Full composition was developed. Most of the techniques and subject matter were unified creating a balanced composition. Emphasis/ focal point A clear focal point was emphasized within a dynamic composition. Viewers eye moved easily around the picture. A clear focal point was developed. Composition was slightly static. Full composition was developed. Composition was unified but lacked balance Or composition was balanced but lacked unification. There were points of interest, but focal point was hard to define. Composition was slightly confusing. Techniques were mostly used appropriately. Painting is about 50% developed 75% of the composition was developed. Composition lacked balance and/or unity. Composition was confusing or bland. Little emphasis was placed on points of interest. There was no clear focal point. Color palette Color palette was harmonious, Combinations of colors created depth and dimension. Saturation levels of paint varied to create interest All layers were translucent. the works displays an original, imaginative and inventive articulation of the elements and principles of design It shows successful engagement with experimentation, and/or risk taking Color palette was harmonious. Saturation levels of paint varied to create interest. Some areas were slightly opaque. Color palette was mostly harmonious. Saturation levels were slightly to light or to dark. Multiple Colors were used but palette lacked harmony. Colors were basic and used directly out of the palette. Saturation levels were opaque or extremely light. Little to no exploration with color was present. The work generally demonstrates imaginative ideas and effective manipulation of the elements and principles of design. It may show engagement with experimentation, and/or risk taking but with uneven success.. The composition of the works demonstrates some imaginative ideas and purposeful manipulation of the elements and principles of design. It may show attempts at experimentation, and/or risk taking, but with limited success. Some imaginative ideas about the use of the elements and principles of design appear to be emerging. It shows little attempt at experimentation or risk taking, or the experimentation has little success. The work relies heavily on unoriginal ideas and lacks invention or imaginative use of the elements and principles of design. It shows negligible experimentation or risk taking, or the experimentation is unsuccessful. Balance and Unity of composition Creativity Final Grade_____________________________ Written Assessment Grade________________ 50% or less of the composition was developed. Composition lacked balance and unity.