File - Ms. Daniels

Welcome to
Ms. Daniels’ First Day Classroom
Procedures and Guidelines
Bell Ringer
Take out a sheet of paper and finish this
You wouldn’t be able to tell from
looking at me, but this summer I…
Tome una hoja de papel y terminar esta declaración:
Usted no sería capaz de decir de mirarme, pero este verano me ...
 Write
at least 3 complete
Academic: we will go over
policies and procedures, and
play trivia.
Behavior: we will stay on
task and be respectful.
Engaging Activity
Policies & Procedures
Creating: How would you
describe yourself using a song?
Evaluating: Do you agree with
the policies and procedures of
the classroom?
Analyzing: Why do you think we
have classroom policies and
Applying: What would result if
you did not abide by these
policies and procedures?
I will explain at least three things
about myself that I want Ms. AD
to know.
Ms. AD /
Ms. Daniels
I graduated from
Stephen F. Austin
State University
 “Axe ‘Em Jacks”!!
 Reading
 Writing
I’ve been to Ireland,
Israel, and Ethiopia
 I’m mixed
 I have 6 siblings
What will you be doing this year?
Literary Works:
◦ The House on Mango Street
◦ The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
◦ The Odyssey
STAAR Preparation
Grading scale – essays are most
important. We will write at least one
essay per six weeks. Quiz/Test grades
are the next most important grade.
Becoming successful students
and people in life
What will you be doing this year?
Welcome to iLit! iLit delivers a research-proven
instructional model through a groundbreaking
mobile instructional system, making it accessible,
adaptive, and engaging for today’s teachers and
students. iLit uses a gradual release approach.
First, the teacher models an instructional skill,
such as using textual evidence to make inferences.
Then, the teacher guides the class as they work
together to practice the skill. Students then apply
the skill at their own level on adaptive activities.
 STAAR Preparation
Grading scale – Participation is most
important. Quiz/Test grades
are the next most important grade.
Becoming successful students
and people in life
What YOU need
to do to be
successful in this
Ms. Daniels Guidelines & Procedures
L isten and follow all class & MHS
directions, policies, and procedures
quickly and the FIRST time they are given.
 E nter and exit on time and prepared
 A lways try your best and make smart
 R espect yourself and others
 N o excuses
**Consequences are a reflection of the choices you make.
Please CHOOSE to make this a great day**
Enter and exit on time and
Please enter quietly.
Have a seat.
Take out your materials.
Begin bellwork assignment.
Seating chart – You will be
marked tardy if you are not
in your ASSIGNED seat
when the bell rings.
Tardies – 1) Warning; 2) 30
minute detention; 3+) office
When you are tardy . . .
Enter quietly. If it’s excused, place
the pass in the red heart on the table
next to the door.
If it’s unexcused, sign the tardy log
with your name, date, and time.
Have a seat and take out
your materials.
Scheduled Check Out / Field Trip
Please let me know as you enter the
◦ I will be at the door.
When it is time, quietly raise your hand to
get my attention.
Pack your materials and leave
at the scheduled time.
Enter and exit on time and
This means bringing something
to WRITE with (blue or black
pen and/or pencil) and
something to write ON
 I don’t have pencils or paper, so
you will need to bring that stuff
on your own to class everyday. If
you don’t bring it with you, you
will have to figure it out on your
 Also, bring any assignments
that are due
Not being prepared for class
is the #1 reason for failing.
Put your name and class period
on ALL assignments
Manuscript and Heading (upper right hand corner):
Use only blue and black ink for all assignments,
and use the same color ink throughout the
assignment. No gel pens or pencil will be
Write legibly and neat. Papers that are
unreadable or sloppily will receive a
significantly lower grade.
Please put your FIRST and LAST name on
all papers
Put your class period as well
Name (First and Last)
Period #
I grade papers with no names in the summer.
* Points will be deducted from your final grade on
an assignment if the above manuscript rules are
not followed.
Turning in Papers
Place your paper on the desk next to
◦ Left side
If/When you receive a paper, place
yours on top and continue passing the
stack to your left.
I will come by and collect all stacks.
R espect yourself and others
 Talk
only at
R espect yourself and others:
Side Conversations
When an interruption occurs:
If the interruption involves you, take care of the
interruption and return to work.
If the interruption does not involve you, continue
working until the interruption is resolved and the
regular class resumes.
Please keep your side
conversations until
AFTER class
It’s disrespectful to every
one else
If you cause a problem, I
will ask you to fix it. If
you cannot find a
solution, I will find one
for you.
R espect yourself and others:
Classroom Discussions & Safe Learning Environment
PLEASE participate.
I want to hear what you
have to say.
Ask questions, but make
all questions and
comments relevant to the
current discussion.
If your question is off the
topic, write it down and
ask later.
Don’t be afraid to make
mistakes! That is part of the
learning process!
No teasing others
Device Procedures:
 BYOD means bring and use for
educational reasons. The only other
reason for using your phone is to listen to
L isten and follow all class & MHS directions
Keep your electronics put away
Cell phones, chargers, earphones, and other electronic
devices including IPods and tablets are prohibited in the
classroom unless otherwise instructed by teacher. If a cell
phone or other device is seen by the teacher from any
student the following consequences will take place:
First time – a warning will be issued to the class
as a whole
Second time – class will receive an “X” for the
class period
Third time – class will receive a second “X” for
the class period
Fourth time – “Three strikes you’re out!” students receive “THE BOX”
When a class has been assigned “THE BOX”, students will
be required to place their cellphones and other electronic
devices inside “THE BOX”. These items will remain in the
teacher’s possession until the end of the class period.
If a student refuses to turn over their cell
phone or electronic device and it is discovered
during the course of the class period, the
student will be written an office referral for
If you cause a problem, I will ask you to solve it.
If you can’t solve the problem, or choose not to, I
will do something to solve the problem.
What I do, will depend on the person and the
If you feel something is unfair, we will talk as soon
as we can.
No profanity or obscenities will be tolerated in
this class. It is imperative to be respectful of
others at all times.
Typically I will follow this procedure:
Conference, Parent contact, etc.
Detention (to be served before school by the
next time I see you) and Action Plan
Office referral
Any student who uses profanity, fights, damages
school property (this includes the property of the
teacher and other students), or is disrespectful (as
defined by the teacher) will be sent to the office
Fair vs. Equal
Fair vs. Equal
To ensure that you all get the best
education possible, you will each get
what YOU need to be successful
 This does not mean that every student will
get the EXACT SAME thing
 Please remember that you do not know every
one’s story, every one does not have the same
life as you, so please understand I am acting in
the best interest of each individual student.
Getting Your Attention
I will . . .
Stand in front of the class.
Raise my hand & say
“Class, Class”.
Wait for everyone to be
Begin speaking.
Moving Around the Room
Do not ask or get up when I am talking
or during a classroom discussion
unless you are dying.
 You may get up to sharpen your
pencil, blow your nose, or throw away
 All other reasons, you must ask
After an Absence
 Go to the Student Center.
 Check the calendar for what was done
on the day you missed, and grab it from
the pink & green folders or black drop
down file folder.
If you absence is excused, you have the
equivalent days to make it up.
Make-up work for unexcused
will receive proper deductions.
 Make-up quiz/tests will be taken by appointment only.
Restroom passes
You will get three
restroom passes each sixweeks.
 Any pass that you don’t
use can be turned in at the
end of the six-weeks for
extra credit.
 You may not go to the
restroom during prime
time (first 45 minutes of
class), while I am teaching,
or if you don’t have your
passes with you.
During Bell Ringer and Closure
Total And
During Quiz/Tests
Perfect Silence
During classroom discussion
During independent work
Finish Classwork Early
“What do I do next?”
First, check to make sure that you followed
all directions and completed the entire
assignment. Yes, there may be a back side
of the paper!
Work on unfinished English assignments.
Choose a book from the classroom library
to read.
Organize your folder.
If you cannot find work for yourself, work will
be given to you.
Class Dismissal
The teacher dismisses you, not the bell.
Do not start packing up prior to the bell.
“Special” Procedures
These will be introduced on an “as needed” basis.
Library/Computer Lab
 Special guests
 Progress Reports
 Working Cooperatively
 Fire Drill
 Intercom Announcements
 Assemblies
 Substitute Teacher
Extra Credit
You can bring the following for extra
credit points.
◦ 2AB- hand sanitizer (medium-large)
◦ 3A/1B- Kleenex
◦ 4AB- markers, map pencils, or glue
iPad agreement
Read the policies for using iPads.
 Sign and date the bottom of the page.
I will give you an iPad number (found on the back
of the iPad) & that will be your iPad until I tell you
Step 3
The more that you
read, the more
things you will
The more that you
learn, the more
places you’ll go.
Dr. Seuss
• myRoad to Graduation and Beyond
Mesquite ISD
For Students
Entering High School
In 2014 and Beyond
The Foundation Program
24 credits
•4 credits in English
•3 credits in Math
•3 credits in Science
•3 credits in Social Studies
•2 credits in LOTE
•1 credit in PE
•1 credit in Fine Arts
•1 credit in Technology
•.5 credit in Health
•.5 credit in Speech
•5 credits in electives
Minimum of 26 Credits
STEM (science, technology, engineering, math)
Business and Industry
Public Service
Arts and Humanities
All endorsements require Algebra 2 and English IV.
myRoad: High School
• Checklist for Success
– Set goals
– Challenge yourself
– Create a strong course schedule (work hard)
– Identify subjects that interest you
– Make good choices
Creating myRoad to myFuture
Identify Skills for Success
Critical Reading: “The more that you read,
the more things you will know.”
– Words in context
– Reading Closely
• citing evidence
• central ideas/themes
– Summarizing
– Rhetorical analysis
• Text structure - purpose
• Point of view
• Argument – claims, counterclaims, reasoning, evidence
– Synthesis
• Multiple texts
• Graphics
What I do today matters!
Creating myRoad to myFuture
Identify Skills for Success
Word choice/grammatical relationships
Structures used to modify and compare
Sentence structures
Relationships of sentences/paragraphs
What I do today matters!
Checkpoints on myRoad to myFuture
–PSAT (10th grade)
–SAT (11th/12th grade)
myRoad Action Plan
• What comes next?
– Meet the Challenge
– Set a Goal
– Build the Skills for Success
We will play 4 rounds – nerd, sports, Disney, name
that tune, and current events.
The winning group will get extra credit!
 Remember, you are working with your
group so don’t let other groups overhear
your answers.
 You must complete the packet to receive
 You can DOUBLE DOWN on one round,
which means you play for double the points.
You must write double down at the top of
the page for the round that you pick.
Each day we will do an exit ticket, either on paper or
Get out a sheet of paper and write your name at the
Write a letter to me explaining at least three
things that you want me to know about you.
◦ Family, something you look forward to, a concern that you
have, a sport that you play, etc.
Dear Ms. AD,
Tell me three things about yourself in at least three
Your name
“I truly believe in your potential and I know that
you have the ability to succeed!
“Perhaps, the most valuable result of all education
is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have
to do, when it ought to be done, whether you feel
like it or not.”
–Thomas Huxley
Have an awesome year!”
– Ms. Daniels