Guidelines for the Use of Pair Programming in a Freshman

Guidelines for the Use of Pair
Programming in a Freshman
Programming Class
Jennifer Bevan, Linda Werner, Charlie McDowell
Department of Computer Science
University of California, Santa Cruz
Problem Statement
Initial exposure to computers and
programming directly affects the retention
of students within the field.
 Conventional introductory programming
classes do not prepare students for later
collaborative work.
 How do we increase retention and prepare
students for working within a group?
Solution Approach
We used pair programming in the freshman
programming class at UCSC for three
quarters, as part of an NSF research project.
 Good early results were achieved, but some
pairs were unstable or ineffective.
 The problems encountered by these pairs
were used to create guidelines for future
implementations of pair programming.
Pair programming is one aspect of eXtreme
Programming (XP).
 Partners alternate between driving and
observing at (in our case) 1-hour intervals.
 All or most individually produced code is
treated as a throwaway prototype.
 Reduces ego involvement, typographical
bugs, improvisational design changes.
Implementation Details
3 classes, with 3 different instructors, used
pair programming (Fall 00, Winter 01).
 1 class, with an instructor who previously
used pair programming, did not (Spring 01).
 Each class required 9 programming
assignments (one per week).
 2 TAs were assigned for each class.
Implementation Details (cont.)
Paired students were required to submit
individual logs for each assignment:
 Time spent driving, observing, and
working alone; confidence in solution;
satisfaction with the experience.
 Unpaired students submitted similar logs:
 Time spent; confidence in solution;
satisfaction with the experience.
Class-Level Implementation
2 of the paired classes had mandatory
sections, 1 did not.
 1 of the paired classes only allowed pairing
within sections, 2 allowed pairing between
 Week n assignments covered similar
material but varied in the expected average
solution time.
Pairing Difficulties
Inability to schedule enough time together.
 Unreliability of a partner.
 Friction caused by different experience
levels and/or rates of learning.
 Lack of understanding or caring about the
pair programming guidelines.
 Unwillingness to raise these issues in a
timely fashion.
Scheduling Conflicts
Just under 5% of all pairs had significant
scheduling/reliability problems.
 Students’ methods of handling these
problems were hampered by inexperience
with a 10-week term.
 Scheduling difficulties were exacerbated
between partners that were not enrolled in
the same section.
Experience Conflicts
Just under 2% of the pairs experienced
friction due to differing experience levels or
rate of learning.
 These “higher” level students thought:
 Pairing is a waste of their time.
 They are not required to be teachers.
 Better to just complete the assignment
alone and submit it with both names (!).
Understanding and Buy-In Issues
Some pairs divided and conquered.
 Others alternated development by emailing
the latest version back and forth.
 Some partners did not want to drive at all.
 In most cases, this behavior was discovered,
not reported.
 These issues were caused by a lack of
understanding or caring.
Overcoming Pair Problems
Most of these students do not have the
experience or the inclination to quickly
resolve these problems.
 Introductory programming courses need to
agressively address these issues.
 Classes need to be structured within
constraints of TA and instructor time limits.
Pairing Guidelines 1
Pair Within Enrolled Sections
 Reduces scheduling problems by using
enrollment system as conflict resolver.
 TAs can facilitate ice-breaking activities
and partner test-drives during first-week
Pairing Guidelines 2
Pair (somewhat) by skill level
 Ask student about willingness to work
with a partner of a higher or lower level.
 Unwilling students can be paired with
others at a similar level.
 After one successful pairing, willingness
to accept another partner increases.
L. Williams, R. Kessler, W. Cunningham, and R. Jeffries, “Strengthening the
case for pair programming,” IEEE Software, vol. 17, pp. 19-25, July 2000.
Pairing Guidelines 3
Make Sections Mandatory
 TA can identify reliability problems faster,
because both partners are expected to be
 Students’ grades are linked to meeting with
 A set of acceptable excuses and attendence
requirements add little work for TA or
Pairing Guidelines 4
Assign Work as a Function of Section Time
 Tailor the problem size such that an
acceptable percentage of the pairs finish
during section.
 Does not reduce topic coverage, only
reduces overhead and busywork.
 Requires planning by instructor.
Pairing Guidelines 5
Institute a coding standard
 Experienced programmers can code to a
standard regardless of opinions on
readability, past familiarity, etc.
 Most others have their own “right” style.
 Reducing conflicts between styles
reduces conflict between partners.
Pairing Guidelines 6
Create a Pairing-Oriented Culture
 Openly discuss common problems inclass or in-section.
 Reiterate goals of pair programming.
 Added awareness can lead to selfcorrection of problems.
 Submission and grading policies need to
support collaborative process.
Why Bother?
“Not that many pairs had problems”
 Small target size doesn’t prohibit simple
“Their degree is an individual achievement”
 The workplace is a collaborative environment.
Any preparation is helpful.
“My students wouldn’t have these problems”
 We didn’t think so either.
Many valuable lessons learned from the
variety of pair-programming
implementations during our experiment.
 Introductory classes have several common
problems not frequently found in workplace
(or upper division) environments.
 Time management, scheduling support,
professional behavior not developed.
Conclusions (cont.)
We developed guidelines for future
implementations that address these
 As more introductory classes adopt pair
programming, these guidelines should be
expanded and adapted.
 Paper on impact of pair programming to be
presented at SIGCSE 2002.
Dr. Heather Bullock, Dr. Julian Fernald, Wendy R.
Williams, M.S, and Tristan Thomte, from the
Psychology Department at UCSC.
Dr. Alex Pang and Dr. Scott Brandt from the
Computer Science Department at UCSC.
Project funding by the National Science
Foundation (NSF EIA-0089989, “Retaining
women in computer science: Impact of pair
Thanks! Any Questions?