Šablona: III/2 č. materiálu: VY_32_INOVACE_AJ660 Jméno autora: Mgr. Petr Kubík Třída/ročník: 3. r. Datum vytvoření: 14. 1. 2014 Vzdělávací oblast: Jazyková výchova Tematická oblast: health and a healthy lifestyle - ways to treat some diseases Předmět: Anglický jazyk Výstižný popis způsobu využití, případně metodické pokyny: Prezentaci lze využít při výkladu či procvičování maturitní otázky health & hygiene/healthy lifestyle. Student se seznámí s příznaky běžných nemocí či poranění, způsoby jejich léčení či ošetření stejně jako jejich prevenci. Klíčová slova: symptoms,, treatment, prevention, disease, cold, flue, sunstroke, nosebleed, cut, scratch, bruise, twisting, fracture, burn, sunburn/t, shock, concussion. Druh učebního materiálu: Pracovní list + textový dokument How to treat some diseases? A cold, the flu and other common diseases or injuries •Although the flu and common cold have similar symptoms, the flu tends to be more severe. •In general, the flu is worse than the common cold. A cold or the flu? Flu symptoms include: •A 100°F or higher fever or feeling feverish (not everyone with the flu has a fever) •A cough and/or sore throat •A runny or stuffy nose (more common in a cold) •Headaches and/or body aches •Chills •Fatigue •Nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea A cold or the flu? A runny nose A cough and/or sore throat Symptoms - Flu symptoms include a body aches, fever, tiredness, and cough. What would you recommend someone with a cold / the flu? • To cure/get rid of a cold a headache, a scratchy throat and a stuffy nose you should stay indoors to get plenty of rest, take cough drops for your sore throat, nasal drops for your runny nose, eat chicken noodle soup, have hot tea with lemon or ginger to get yourself sweaty, take two aspirins or cold and flu tablets, use cough syrup or breathe in a salt solution. • It’s no use taking antibiotics because they don’t help as flu is a virus What could you do to prevent from catching a cold or flu? • to prevent getting sick /falling ill you can take regular exercise , dressed reasonably, get hardy, get vaccinated/ flu shots/ immunized against cold/ flu/ viruses... • Did you know? Cooler weather doesn’t cause colds, but the beginning of autumn and spring. • To prevent an infection we should limit contact (even shaking hands and using the same objects) with the affected/infected people and keep distance when someone sneezes, coughs or sniffles. Also when having a cold, we should cover our mouth when sneezing or coughing. Treating some injuries and basic diseases Treating some injuries and basic diseases SYMPTOMS TREATMENT kýchání, kašel, ucpaný nos, rýma COLD FLU hodně odpočinku, pobyt uvnitř, vitamín C, cibule, česnek, horký čaj s citronem, zázvorem, kuřecí vývar, aspirin, nosní kapky× no antibiotics teplota, zimnice bolest klid na lůžku, pocení, podobné hlavy, kloubů, svalů, jako u nachlazení – česnek, očí, schvácenost, med, zázvor, křen suchý kašel, bolest a pálení v krku, nechutenství bolest hlavy, závratě, chladné obvazy,dostatek SUNSTROKE zvracení, spálení od kapalin, léky proti bolesti slunce PREVENTION dostatek spánku, bylinné čaje, posilování imunity, dobrá hygiena, pobyt na čerstvém vzduchu jako u nachlazení, očkování, otužování,podobné omezit kontakt s nemocným, čerstvé ovoce, zelenina, sport cvičení, dobra hygiena pokrývka hlavy, chladit hlavu, hodně pít, sluneční ochranný krém Treating some injuries and basic diseases SYMPTOMS NOSEBLEED tlačit naTREATMENT nosní dírky, předklonit se, nelehat si, chladit kořen nosu/zátylek ledem či studeným obvazem CUT, BRUISE, SCRATCH omýt + vyšistit ránu, přiložit tampon a náplast TWISTING, FRACTURE BURN/ SUNBURN otok, modřina/ krevní výronbolest na dotek, při zátěži přiložit chladivý obvaz, led, znehybnit obinadlem, nezatěžovat nohu, klidový režim silná bolest, změna tvaru, otok, krevní výron, možný šok, krvácení zarudlá kůže, puchýře znehybnit závěsem či dlahou, dopravit k lékaři, RTG dát pod proud chladné vody, možno použít led či studený obvaz či ledový zábal PREVENTION opalovací krém, nezdržovat se nadměrně na slunci, rukavice, dostatek tekutin Treating some injuries and basic diseases SYMPTOMS bledé a studené končetiny, Zrychlený, špatně hmatný tep, lepkavý studený pot, žízeň, zimnice, chlad, SHOCK únava, schvácenost, apatie nebo naopak neklid úzkost, zmatenost, hysterie, mdloba, poruchy vědomí bolest hlavy, závratě, poruchy vědomí, CONCUSSION zmatenost, nevolnost, únava, zvracení TREATMENT protišoková poloha, udržovat při vědomí, pravidlo 5T teplo, ticho, tekutiny (ne ústy), tišení bolesti(nepodávat léky), doprava k lékaři nic pít, jíst, udržovat při vědomí, přivolat či dopravit l lékaři, RTG.. léky proti bolesti, klidový režim PREVENTION Treating some injuries and basic diseases SYMPTOMS COLD FLU TREATMENT PREVENTION sneezing, coughing, a lot of rest, stay inside, a stuffy nose, runny vitamin C, onion, garlic, hot nose tea with lemon, ginger, chicken broth, aspirin, nasal drops × no antibiotics get enough sleep, herbal teas, strengthening immunity, good hygiene, stay in the fresh air temperature, chills, rest in bed, sweating, similar to colds – garlic, honey, ginger, headache, muscle, joints, eyes, fatigue, horseradish dry cough, pain and burning in the throat, loss of appetite the same as a cold, vaccination, conditioning, similar to restrict contact with the sick, fresh fruit, vegetables, sports exercises, good hygiene headache, cold bandages, plenty of dizziness, vomiting, fluids, painkillers SUNSTROKE burning from the Sun headdress, cool head, a lot of drinking, Sun protective cream Treating some injuries and basic diseases SYMPTOMS NOSEBLEED CUT, BRUISE, SCRATCH TWISTING, FRACTURE BURN/ SUNBURN TREATMENT push on the nostril, bend forward, nelehat, refrigerate the root of nose/head ice or cold bandage PREVENTION wash + blow, cleanse the wound, apply a pad and patch swelling, a bruise/ apply cold compress/ice, hematom, sore to the immobilize/fix with a bandage, touch, when you load do not load, keep in rest it fix with a sling or splint, severe pain, a change transportation to the doctor, in shape, swelling, X-ray hematom, a possible shock ... bleeding swelling, a bruise/ hematom, sore to the touch, when you load it flushed skin, blisters sunscreen, do not stand the excessively to the Sun, gloves, plenty of liquids put under a stream of cold water, ice or cold can use a bandage or an ice pack severe pain, a change in shape, swelling, hematom, a possible shock ... bleeding Treating some injuries and basic diseases SYMPTOMS TREATMENT pale and cold limbs, scoop position, keep rapid, poorly palpable awake, the rule 5T pulse, sticky, cold heat, quiet, fluid sweats, thirst, fever, (not by mouth), SHOCK cold, fatigue, apathy relieving pain (do or agitation, anxiety, not apply confusion, hysteria, medication), fainting, loss of transportation to the consciousness doctor headache, dizziness, nothing to drink, eat, unconsciousness, keep awake, call or CONCUSSION confusion, nausea, transport to the fatigue, vomiting doctor, X-ray. painkillers, bed rest PREVENTION Choose the right possibility • How long 1have you been/2 are you here? • What time 1are you sneezing/2 have you sneezed/3have you been sneezing for today? • How many tablets 1have you taken/2have you been taking? • When 1has it come/2 did it come? • You’re so sleepy. What’s up? 1 I’ ve ached/2 I’ve been aching all over. • You’re back. Where have you 1 been/ 2 gone? • How long 1are you/2have you been 3 /are you been ill? • How long 1 has she stayed/2 has she been staying? Since morning… • What have you 1 done/2 been doing with your leg that there is a bandage round it? • What 1have you 1done/2 been doing with my medicine that it isn‘t here?! • Why 1did she buy/2 has she bought the pills? • Since when 1are you feeling/2 have you felt/3 have you been feeling like that? • Where 1did you get/2 have you got the cold? • How many times 1have you had/2 are you having/3do you have flu this year? • She 1has never caught /2hasn’t never caught/3has never been catching flu. Použité zdroje a literatura: http://youtu.be/U8eIE3caNA4 http://webctor.com/articles/cold_and_flu_cures__true_or_false,118,1.html http://www.evolutionezine.net/natural-remedies-ready-flu-season/ http://rescu.com.au/how-to-prevent-cold-and-flu/ http://victoriachiropractor.ca/build-a-natural-defense/ http://blog.naturalhealthyconcepts.com/2013/11/09/winter-health-woes/ http://www.ordinace.cz/clanek/horeckou-vam-telo-rika-ze-neco-neni-vporadku/ http://www.luminearth.com/2014/01/04/home-remedies-for-colds-and-flu/ http://www.herbalhealthpharmacy.com/images/4197/benylin-cold-and-fluday-and-night-max-strength-capsules.jpg http://www.terrywhitechemists.com.au/codral-relief-cold-flu-plusdecongestant-pe-10-tablets.html http://www.realstylenetwork.com/news/beauty/2012/01/natural-cold-fluremedies/ http://cinestars.stltoday.com/saint-louis-healthguru/ http://feedingyourhealth.com/7-foods-to-fight-the-common-cold-and-flu/ http://www.feedthemind.com.au/