
What is Advertising - Definition
Who needs Advertising
Importance of Advertising
Role of advertising in brand promotion
How does advertising work
Do’s and don'ts in advertising
Types of benefits – with examples
Classification of advertising
Evaluation – Q & A
“ the action of calling something to the attention of public” WEBSTER’s Dictionary
Advertising is communication of information and values by an
identified sponsor
Advertising is the third partner in the relationship between a
consumer and a product/service
Who needs advertising?
Companies use advertising to:
inform people about their products and services
to make their
names familiar to the public
Who needs advertising?
Companies use advertising to:
to give the company a “personality” which sets it
apart from the others.
to remind customers about their
to tell the public about improvements in products
to help their sales force to be more effective
to reinforce customer confidence in his/her purchase
right time and right place
at the
Importance of Advertising
It is very cost effective method to communicate
To create brand image
To boost the sales volume
To beat the competition
Eg Popular advertising campaigns attract customers attentions
and can help generate sales. For example pepsi’s – ‘Oye
bubbly’, ‘Mera number kab aye ga’, Asian Paints – ‘Badiaya
hai’, Alpenleibe -Lage raho, etc
Role of Advertising in Brand Promotion
Information and persuasion
Introduction of new brand
Building and maintaining brand loyalty
Creating an image and meaning for a brand
How does advertising work?
The stages in consumer purchase process
Need recognition
Information search
Evaluation of options
Outlet selections
Post purchase
Do’s and Don’ts of Advertising
Some do’s
Advertising should be informative
Advertising should be entertaining
Advertising should be involving
Some don’ts
Advertising should never over claim any benefit in a product or a
Never try to put down or talk down your consumers in manner
that will insult them.
Try not to compare your brand with a competitor and try not to
show your competitor in bad light.
What is advertising?
What are the importance of advertising?
What are the do’s?
What are the don’t’s?
Some don’ts
In case you do any comparison with your competitor or show your
competitor it should be done in a intelligent and tactful manner
that such that it is memorable and not in bad taste.
Types of benefits
a) Objective benefits
b) Subjective benefits
c) Values-oriented benefits
Objective benefits
These are tangible, physical and measurable
These are in the product
They are what you get by using it
Example - “Hawkins
pressure cooker
cooks quickest with
least trouble and
greatest safety”
Subjective benefits
These are in the consumers mind
These are perceptions. These are what the
consumer believes she will get as a result of
the objective benefit.
Example - “ Cooking with
Hawkins will make me
feel that I am fulfilling
my role as a wife better”
Classification of Advertising
Advertising in the consumer market
- National Advertising
- Retail/Local Advertising
- Brand Advertising
- Primary/Secondary demand advertising
- Political Advertising
- Directory Advertising
- Direct-Response Advertising
- Public Service Advertising
- Interactive Advertising
Advertising to Business & Professional markets
- Business to Business Advertising
- Professional Advertising
- Trade Advertising