MASTER COURSE OUTLINE Big Bend Community College Date: March 2008 DEPT: ACCT NO: 260 (Formerly: BUS 260) COURSE TITLE: COMPUTER ACCOUNTING CIP Code: Intent Code: Program Code: 52.0302 21 505 Distribution Desig.: PREPARED BY: CREDITS: Total Contact Hours Per Qtr: Lecture Hours Per Qtr: Lab Hours Per Qtr: Other Hours Per Qtr: 3 55 11 44 Leslie Michie COURSE DESCRIPTION: A presentation of Windows based accounting techniques used in a service business and a merchandising business. Also presented is the proper use of a voucher system, departmental accounting, partnership accounting, corporate accounting, financial statement analysis, fixed assets, inventory, payroll, and accounting system setup. PREREQUISITE(S): ACCT& 202 TEXT: Integrated Accounting For Windows; 3rd Edition, Klooster and Allen, SouthWestern Publishing Company COURSE GOALS: The student will develop an awareness of the effective ways of working with accounting data while using the computer and also develop the necessary skills of entering, maintaining, and retrieving critical financial information and other related accounting data from the computer. COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to prepare computer input forms, input data into the computer, retrieve key data from the computer, and complete audit reports on assigned projects relating to the following accounting functions: 1. Accounting cycle for a service type business and a merchandising business. 2. The voucher system. 3. Departmental accounting. 4. Partnership and corporations. 5. Financial statement analysis. 6. Fixed assets. 7. Inventory. 8. Payroll. 9. Budgeting. 10. Accounting system setup. COURSE CONTENT OUTLINE: 1. Introduction 2. Accounting cycle of a service business 3. Accounting cycle of a merchandising business 4. Voucher system 5. Inventory 6. Sales order processing Document1 Page 1 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Fixed Assets Payroll Partnerships and Corporations Budgeting Financial Statement Analysis Departmental used accounting Accounting System Setup EVALUATION METHODS/GRADING PROCEDURES: Total points possible are allocated as follows (approximately): Student Exercises Audit Tests Completed Computer Problems Final Test TOTAL 10% 30% 50% 10% 100% Grade determination will be as follows (approximately): 90% - 100% = A- to A 80% - 90% = B- to B+ 70% - 80% = C- to C+ 60% - 70% = D- to D+ Below 60% = Fail PLANNED TEACHING METHODS/LEARNING STRATEGIES: X Lecture Small Group Discussion X Special Project X Laboratory Audiovisual Other (List) Supervised Clinical X Individualized Instruction Division Chair Approval Document1 Page 2