Digital Communication Theory and Systems Y. C. Jenq Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Portland State University P. O. Box 751 Portland, OR 97207 @Y. C. Jenq 1 Outlines Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) – – – Probability of Error under AWGN Optimal Receiver & Matched Filter Geometric Representation Multi-Dimensional Orthogonal Signals – – – PSK Systems QAM Systems FSK Systems @Y. C. Jenq 2 Outlines-continued Optimal Receiver for M-ary Orthogonal Signals with Additive White Gaussian Noise – – – PAM Systems PSK & QAM Systems FSK Systems Probability of Error for Optimal Detector with Additive White Gaussian Noise – – – PAM Systems PSK & QAM Systems FSK Systems @Y. C. Jenq 3 Outlines-continued Digital Transmission through Band-limited Additive White Gaussian Noise Channels – – Base-band Channels & Intersymbol Interference (ISI) Pass-Band Channels Power Spectrum of Digitally Modulated Signals Signal Design for Band-limited Channels Probability of Error with ISI and AWGN System Design and Channel Equalization Multi-Carrier Modulation and OFDM @Y. C. Jenq 4 PAM Base-band Systems Binary PAM System (binary antipodal signaling) 1 - represented by a pulse with amplitude A 0 - represented by a pulse with amplitude -A s1(t) A s2(t) Tb Tb Tb : bit interval (second) t Rb = 1/Tb : bit rate (bit/sec) t -A @Y. C. Jenq 5 Probability of Error for Binary PAM Systems with AWGN A simple Receiver – Sample & Threshold Detector yes Gaussian Noise R r(t) = sm(t) + n(t) Am = 1 > 0? no Am = -1 Probability of Error Pe = Pr{Am=1} Pr{R<0} + Pr{Am=-1} Pr{R>0} Pe = Q (Am /sn) = Q ([S/R]1/2) @Y. C. Jenq 6 Probability of Error for Binary PAM Systems with AWGN The Optimal Receiver – The Matched Filter s(t) y(t) h(t) = s(T-t) T y(t) = t T t 0 s(t)h(t-t)dt t t T 2T t = 0 s(t)s(T-t+t)dt y(T) = 0 s(t)s(t)dt T @Y. C. Jenq 7 The Matched Filter The received signal: r(t) = s(t) + n(t) Matched filter output: y(t) y(t) = 0 r(t)h(t-t)dt = 0 [s(t)+n(t)]h(t-t)dt t t Sampled at t=T y(T) = 0 s(t)h(T-t)dt + = ys(T) + yn(T) T T 0 n(t)h(T-t)dt Output Signal to Noise Ratio: (S/N)o (S/N)o = ys2 (T)/ E{yn2 (T)} @Y. C. Jenq 8 The Matched Filter If the noise is White with the power spectral density No/2 The h(t) that maximizes the output signal to noise ratio, (S/N)o , is the Matched Filter: h(t) = s(T-t) And the maximum output signal to noise ratio is (S/N)o = T (2/No)0 s(t)s(t)dt = 2Es/No = Es/(No /2) = Signal Energy/Noise Power Spectral Density @Y. C. Jenq 9 Probability of Error for Binary PAM Systems with AWGN and Matched Filter Receiver The received signal: r(t) = s(t) + n(t) = Amg(t) + n(t) the Matched Filter output: y(t) y(t) = 0 r(t)g(T-t+t)dt t t = 0 Amg(t)g(T-t+t)dt + 0 n(t)g(T-t+t)dt t Sampled at t=T y(T) = 0 Amg(t)g(t)dt + 0 n(t)g(t)dt = ys(T) + yn(T) = AmEg+ (Gaussian Random Variable with s2= EgNo/2) T T Probability of Error: Pe = Q ([Am2Eg /(No/2)]1/2) Pe = Q([ Signal Energy/Noise Power Spectral Density]1/2) @Y. C. Jenq 10 Probability of Error for Binary PAM Systems with Integrate & Dump Receiver The received signal: r(t) = s(t) + n(t) = Amg(t) + n(t) the Intergrated & Dump output: y(t) y(t) = 0 r(t)dt t t = 0 Amg(t)dt + 0 n(t)dt t Sampled at t=T y(T) = 0 Amg(t)dt + 0 n(t)dt = ys(T) + yn(T) T = Am 0 g(t)dt + (Gaussian Random Variable with s2= TNo/2) T T Probability of Error: Pe = Q (Am 0 g(t)dt /(No/2)1/2) T Pe >= Q([ Signal Energy/Noise Power Spectral Density]1/2) @Y. C. Jenq 11 M-ray PAM Base-band Systems M-ary PAM System : k bits per Symbol s1(t) 3A s2(t) T t s3(t) A T t s4(t) T -A T t t -3A T : symbol interval (second), T = k Tb (second) R = 1/T : symbol rate (symbol/sec), Rb = k R (bit/sec) @Y. C. Jenq 12 M-ary PAM Signals sm(t) = Am gT(t) m = 1, 2, 3, .. , M, gT(t) 1 t T Em= 0 0tT Energy of the signal T s2 m(t) dt = A2 T m 0 @Y. C. Jenq g2T(t) dt = A2m Eg 13 Geometric Representation of Signals • Orthogonal Functions • Ortho-normal Functions • Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Procedure • Basis Functions 1(t) = s1(t)/(E1 E1 = - s12(t)dt )1/2, c21 = - s2(t)1(t)dt, d2(t) = s2(t) - c21 1(t) 2(t) = d2(t)/(E2 E2 = - d22(t)dt )1/2 , sm(t) = Sn=1,N sm,n n(t), sm,n= - sm(t)n(t)dt, @Y. C. Jenq 14 Geometric Representation of PAM Signals For M-ary PAM signals sm(t) = Am gT(t), Let Then m = 1, 2, 3, .. , M, (t) = (1/Eg)1/2 gT(t) sm(t) = sm(t), 0tT 0tT m= 1, 2, …, M where sm = Am (Eg)1/2, (PAM signals are one-dimensional signals) Signal Energy:Em= sm2 = Eg Am2 , m= 1, 2, …, M Euclidean Distance: dmn = (|sm - sn|2 )1/2 = (Eg (Am – An)2 )1/2, d 0 @Y. C. Jenq 15 Two-Dimensional Band-pass Signals: Carrier Phase Modulation Phase Modulation signals: um(t) = gT(t) cos(2p fct + 2p m/M), m = 1, 2, 3, .. , M, 0tT 1(t) = (2/Eg)1/2 gT(t) cos(2p fct ), 0tT and 2(t) = -(2/Eg)1/2 gT(t) sin(2p fct ), 0tT Let Then um(t) = Es1/2cos(2p m/M)1(t) + Es1/2sin(2p m/M)2(t) Or um = [Es1/2cos(2p m/M), Es1/2sin(2p m/M)] @Y. C. Jenq 16 Two-Dimensional Band-pass Signals: Carrier Phase Modulation PSK (Phase-Shift Keying) signals: um(t) = (2Es/T)1/2cos(2p fct + 2p m/M), m = 1, 2, 3, .. , M, 0tT 1(t) = (2/T)1/2 cos(2p fct ), 0tT and 2(t) = -(2/T)1/2 sin(2p fct ), 0tT Let Then um(t) = Es1/2cos(2p m/M)1(t) + Es1/2sin(2p m/M)2(t) Or um = [Es1/2cos(2p m/M), Es1/2sin(2p m/M)] @Y. C. Jenq 17 PSK Signal Point Constellations M=4 M=2 01 Es1/2 1 Es1/2 00 0 11 10 Gray Encoding 011 001 Es1/2 010 110 M=8 M=8 Es1/2 000 100 111 110 @Y. C. Jenq 18 PSK Signal Point Constellations Minimum Distances dmin = (2Es)1/2 dmn = 2Es1/2 M=2 Es1/2 1 01 Es1/2 00 M=4 0 11 011 001 Es1/2 010 110 10 dmin = [(2-21/2)Es]1/2 M=8 Es1/2 000 M=8 100 111 110 @Y. C. Jenq 19 Two-Dimensional Band-pass Signals: Quadrature Amplitude Modulation QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) signals: um(t) = AmcgT(t)cos(2p fct)+AmsgT(t)sin(2p fct), m = 1, 2, 3, .. , M, 0tT 1(t) = (2/Eg)1/2gT(t)cos(2p fct ), 0tT and 2(t) = (2/Eg)1/2gT(t) sin(2p fct ), 0tT Let Then um(t) = Amc(Eg/2)1/21(t) + Ams(Eg/2)1/22(t) Or um = [Amc(Eg/2)1/2, Ams(Eg/2)1/2] @Y. C. Jenq 20 QAM Signal Point Constellations [Eg(Amc2+Ams2)/2]1/2 M=2 M=4 @Y. C. Jenq 21 QAM-PSK Signal Constellations @Y. C. Jenq 22 Multi-Dimensional Waveforms For N-dimensional Waveforms sm(t) = S n=1,N sm,n n(t), sm,n= - um(t)n(t)dt, sm=( sm,1, sm,2, sm3, ……. ,sm,N ) For orthogonal signals sm(t) = Es1/2 m(t), m = 1, 2, 3, .. , M, 0tT sm=( 0, 0, 0, … , Es1/2, …. ,0 ) M-th position @Y. C. Jenq 23 Frequency-Shift Keying (FSK) FSK (Frequency-Shift Keying) signals: um(t) = (2Es/T)1/2cos(2p fct + 2p m f t), m = 0, 2, 3, .. , M-1, 0tT Define correlation coefficients gmn as gmn= (1/Es) 0 um(t)un(t)dt, T = sin[2p(m-n)f T]/[2p(m-n)f T] for fc >> (1/T) Then gmn = 0 for m n if f is an integer multiple of (1/2T), and the FSK signals form an orthogonal signal set with m(t) = (2/T)1/2cos(2p fct + 2p m f t), @Y. C. Jenq m = 0, 2, 3, .. , M-1, 24 Optimal Receiver for M-ary Orthogonal Signals with Additive White Gaussian Noise 1(t) Received Signal r(t) X 2(t) X T r1 T r2 0 ( )dt 0 ( )dt To Detector N(t) X T 0 ( )dt rN Sampled at t = T @Y. C. Jenq 25 Optimal Receiver for M-ary Orthogonal Signals with Additive White Gaussian Noise Transmitted signal sm(t) Receivbed signal r(t) = sm(t)+ n(t) + noise n(t) r(t) = sm(t) + n(t) 0 r(t)k(t)(t)dt T = 0 [sm(t) + n(t)]k(t)(t)dt T = 0 sm(t)k(t)dt + 0 n(t)k(t)dt T rk = smk + nk, OR T k = 1, 2, 3, …,N r = sm + n @Y. C. Jenq 26 The Joint Conditional Probability Density Functions: f(r|sm) Given sm(t) is transmitted, we can express the received signal as r(t) = Sk=1,N sm,k k(t) + Sk=1,N nk k(t) + n’(t) = Sk=1,N rk k(t) + n’(t) where n’(t) = n(t) - Sk=1,N nmk k(t) It can be shown that the correlation E[n’(t) rk] = 0 for all k. Therefore n’(t) is irrelevant for the detection of sm(t) It can also be shown that E[nk] = 0 for all k, and E[nk nm] = (No/2)dkm Hence { nk } are zero-mean independent Gaussian random variables with a common variance = sn2 = No/2 @Y. C. Jenq 27 The Joint Conditional Probability Density Functions: f(r|sm) Since r = sm + n, i.e., rk = smk + nk k= 1, 2, …,N Hence {rk, k= 1, 2, …,N} are independent Gaussian random variables with E[rk] = smk, and sr2 = sn2 = No/2 Therefore f(r | sm) = 1/(p No)N/2 EXP[- Sk=1,N (rk -sm,k)2/No ] m = 1, 2, …, M Or f(r | sm) = 1/(p No)N/2 EXP[- (|r -sm,|)2/No ] m = 1, 2, …, M @Y. C. Jenq 28 The Optimal (MAP) Detector • MAP (Maximum A posterior Probability) Detector The posterior probability that the signal sm was transmitted, given that the signal received is r: P(sm |r) = Pr{ signal sm was transmitted | r } = f(r | sm)P(sm) / f(r), m= 1, 2, 3,…. , M where P(sm) is the priori probability and f(r) = Sm=1,M f(r | sm)P(sm) (total probability theorem) @Y. C. Jenq 29 The Optimal (ML) Detector • ML (Maximum Likelihood) Detector The conditional PDF, f(r | sm), or any monotonic function of it is called the likelihood function (i.e., the likelihood that r is received if sm was transmitted). If the priori probability is equally likely, i.e., P(sm) = 1/M , i.e., signals {sm, m = 1, 2, , …, M} are equi-probable, then maximizing the likelihood function is equivalent to maximizing the posterior probability. That is, the ML detector is the same as the MAP detector @Y. C. Jenq 30 Optimal Detectors Minimize Probability of Error Let Rm be the region in the N-dimensional space where we decide that signal, sm, was transmitted when the vector r = (r1, r2, r3, …,rN) is received, then the probability of error P(e) = Sm=1,M P(sm)P(e|sm) = Sm=1,M P(sm)[1- Rm f(r|sm)dr ] = 1 - Sm=1,M Rm f(r|sm)P(sm) dr = 1 - Sm=1,M RmP(sm |r)f(r) dr (1) For equi-probable transmitted signal set P(e) = 1 – (1/M)Sm=1,M Rm f(r|sm)dr (2) MAP detector minimizes (1) & ML detector minimizes (2) @Y. C. Jenq 31 The Optimal (MD) Detector with Additive White Gaussian Noise For the AWGN channel, let us use ln [f(r | sm)]as the likelihood function, then ln [f(r | sm)] = -(N/2)ln(p No) – (1/No)Sk=1,N (rk -sm,k)2 The maximum of ln [f(r | sm)] over sm is equivalent to finding the signal sm that minimizes the Euclidean distance: D(r, sm) = Sk=1,N (rk -sm,k)2 Therefore, for an AWGN channel and equi-probable transmitted signal set, {sm}, MAP detector = ML detector = MD (Minimum Distance) detector. Example: Binary PAM System, s1=-s2= Eb, P(s1)=p. @Y. C. Jenq 32 Optimal Receiver for M-ary Orthogonal Signals with Additive White Gaussian Noise 1(t) Received Signal r(t) X 2(t) X T r1 T r2 0 ( )dt 0 ( )dt To Detector N(t) X T 0 ( )dt rN Sampled at t = T @Y. C. Jenq 33 Probability of Error forM-ary Orthogonal Signals with AWGN r = (Es+n1, n2 , n3 , n4 , ….. nM) P(correct) = - P(n2<r1, n3<r1 , n4<r1 , ….. n4<r1 |r1 )f(r1)dr1 = - [1-Q( 2r12 /No)](M-1)f(r1)dr1 Therefore PM = 1/(2p) - {1-[1-Q(x)](M-1)} e-(x-2Es/No)2 dx @Y. C. Jenq 34 Symbol Error Rate & Bit Error Rate There are k bits in a symbol, and there are (2k-1) possible ways the symbol could be in error. If PM is the symbol error rate, then each possible way has a probability of PM/(2k-1) for occurring. Therefore, the average number of bits in error given that the symbol is in error is Sn=1,k n(kn) PM/(2k-1) = k 2k-1 PM /(2k-1) Let Pb be the bit error rate Then k Pb = k 2k-1 PM /(2k-1) and Pb = 2k-1/(2k-1) PM PM/2 for large k For Gray Coding Pb = PM/k @Y. C. Jenq 35 Symbol Error Rate & Bit Error Rate Let Pb be the bit error rate Then Pb = P{e|symbol in error} PM = 2k-1/(2k-1) PM PM/2 for large k For Gray Coding Pb = PM/k @Y. C. Jenq 36 Bi-orthogonal & Simplex Signals Bi-orthogonal Signals Simplex Signals – not Orthogonal but smaller energy @Y. C. Jenq 37 Probability of Error for Binary PAM Signals with AWGN Binary PAM systems sm(t) = Am gT(t), Let Then 0tT m = 1, 2 (t) = (1/Eg)gT(t) sm(t) = sm(t), 0tT where sm = Am(Eg), A1 = 1, A2 = -1 Signal Energy:Em= sm2 = Eg , m= 1, 2 Euclidean Distance: d12 =(|s1 – s2|2 ) = 2 Eg, s2 - Eg d12 s1 0 Eg @Y. C. Jenq 38 Probability of Error for Binary PAM Signals with AWGN r = sm+ n = Eg + n, m = 1, 2 Where n is a zero mean Gaussain R.V. with variance No/2 Then f(r|s1) = 1/(pNo)1/2exp[-(r-Eg)2/No] and f(r|s2) = 1/(pNo)1/2exp[-(r+Eg)2/No], P(e|s1) = - f(r|s1)dr = (1/(2p)(2Eg/No) 0 -r2/2 e dr = Q[(2Eg/No)] P(e|s2) = Q[(2Eg/No)] and PB(e) = (1/2) P(e|s1)+ (1/2) P(e|s2) = Q[(2Eg/No)] f(r|s2) f(r|s1) - Eg Eg @Y. C. Jenq 39 Probability of Error for M-ary PAM Signals with AWGN M-ary PAM systems sm(t) = Am gT(t), m = 1, 2, 3, .. , M, (t) =(1/Eg) gT(t) Then sm(t) = sm(t), 0tT 0tT Let where sm = Am(Eg), and Am = (2m-1-M), m= 1, 2, …, M i.e., Am are: -(M-1), -(M-3), … -3, -1, 1, 3, …, (M-3), (M-1) Signal energy: Em= sm2 = Eg Am2 , m= 1, 2, …, M Average signal energy: Eav= (1/M)S Em = Eg(M2-1)/3 Average power: Pav = Eav /T @Y. C. Jenq 40 Probability of Error for M-ary PAM Signals with AWGN d … -5 -3 0 -1 1 3 5 (Eg1/2)… r = sm+ n = AmEg + n, m = 1, 2, 3, … M n is a zero mean Gaussian R.V. with variance No/2 PM(e) = (M-1)/M P{ |r- sm| > Eg} = 2(M-1)/M Q[(2Eg/No)] = 2(M-1)/M Q{(6PavT/[(M2-1)No)]} = 2(M-1)/M Q{(6Eav/[(M2-1)No)]} = 2(M-1)/M Q{(6[log2(M)Ebav]/[(M2-1)No)]} @Y. C. Jenq 41 Probability of Error for M-ary PAM Signals with AWGN 0 PM (e), Probability of Symbol Error 10 -2 10 M=16 PAM Systems -4 10 M=8 -6 10 M=4 -8 10 M=2 -10 10 -12 10 -14 10 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 SNR/bit, dB @Y. C. Jenq 42 Probability of Error for Coherent PSK Signals with AWGN PSK (Phase-Shift Keying) signals: um(t) =(2Es/T)cos(2p fct + 2p m/M), m = 1, 2, 3, .. , M, 0tT 1(t) = (2/T)cos(2p fct ), 0tT and 2(t) = -(2/T)sin(2p fct ), 0tT Let Then um(t) = Es cos(2p m/M)1(t) + Es sin(2p m/M)2(t) Or um = [Es cos(2p m/M), Es sin(2p m/M)] @Y. C. Jenq 43 Probability of Error for Coherent PSK Signals with AWGN Assuming the noise process n(t) is AWGN n(t) = nc 1(t) + ns 2(t) r = um + n = [r1,r2] = [Es cos(2p m/M) + nc, Es sin(2p m/M) + ns] where nc and ns are independent zero mean Gaussian R.V.s with variances = No/2 Phase, qr, of the received vector r is tan-1(r2/r1) @Y. C. Jenq 44 Probability of Error for Coherent PSK Signals with AWGN Without loss of generality, let us assume that q = 0 was transmitted, i.e., m = 0, or s0 = (Es,0) then r1 = Es + nc & r 2 = ns and fr(r1,r2) = 1/(pNo) exp{-[(r1-Es )2 +r2 2] /No } Let V = (r1 2 +r2 2) and q = tan-1(r2/r1) Then fv,q (v,q) = v/(pNo) exp{-[v2+Es –2vEscosq] /No } and fq (q) = 1/(2p)e-r sin2q 0 where - ve-(v–(2r) cosq )2/2 dv r = Es/No @Y. C. Jenq 45 Probability of Error for Coherent PSK Signals with AWGN And the probability of error is PM = 1 - -p/M For M=2 p/M fq (q) dq P2 = Q[(2Eb/No )] For M=4 P4 = 1-(1- P2)2 = Q[(2Eb/No )]{2- Q[(2Eb/No )]} For M>4 PM 2 Q[(2Es/No ) sin(p/M)] =2 Q[(2kEb/No ) sin(p/M)], k=log2(M) @Y. C. Jenq 46 Probability of Error for Coherent PSK Signals with AWGN 0 10 -2 PM (e), Probability of Symbol Error 10 M=16 -4 PSK Systems 10 M=8 -6 10 M=4 -8 10 M=2 -10 10 -12 10 -14 10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 SNR/bit, dB @Y. C. Jenq 47 Probability of Error for Coherent QAM Signals with AWGN A coherent QAM system is simply a 2-channel PAM system, Hence PQAM = 1 - (1-PM)2 where PM = 2(1 – 1/M) Q{[(6Eav/(M-1)No]} PQAM 1 – (1 – 2 Q{[(6Eav/(M-1)No]})2 4 Q{[(3kEbav/(M-1)No]} R = (PQAM /PPSK ) [3/(M-1)]/[2sin2(p/M)] R = 1 for M=4 & R > 1 for M >4, QAM is better? @Y. C. Jenq 48 Probability of Error for Coherent QAM Signals with AWGN 10 PM (e), Probability of Symbol Error 10 10 10 2 0 -2 QAM Systems -4 M=64 10 -6 M=16 10 -8 M=4 10 10 -10 -12 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 SNR/bit, dB @Y. C. Jenq 49 Probability of Error with AWGN QAM vs. PSK R = (PQAM /PPSK ) [3/(M-1)]/[2sin2(p/M)] M 10log10R 8 1.65 16 4.20 32 7.02 64 9.95 R = 1 for M=4 & R > 1 for M >4, QAM is better than PSK? @Y. C. Jenq 50 Probability of Error for M-ary Orthogonal Signals with AWGN For N-dimensional Orthogonal Signals sm(t) = Es1/2 m(t), m = 1, 2, 3, .. , M, 0tT sm=( 0, 0, 0, … ,Es, …. ,0 ) Suppose that the signal s1 is transmitted, then the received signal vector is r=(Es+n1, n2, n3, ……. , nM ) and • PM = 1/(2p){1-[1-Q(x)]M-1} @Y. C. Jenq 2 -[x(2E /N )] /2dx s o e 51 Probability of Error for M-ary Simplex Signals with AWGN The same as Orthogonal signals • PM = 1/(2p) {1-[1-Q(x)]M-1} 2 -[x(2E /N )] /2dx s o e Except the saving of signal to noise ratio by 10 log10[M/(M-1)] dB @Y. C. Jenq 52 Probability of Error for M-ary Bi-orthogonal Signals with AWGN For N-dimensional Orthogonal Signals sm(t) = Es1/2 m(t), 0tT m = 1, 2, 3, .. , M, sm=( 0, 0, 0, … ,Es, …. ,0 ) Suppose that the signal s1 is transmitted, then the received signal vector is r=(Es+n1, n2, n3, ……. , nM/2 ) and • PM = 1/[2(2p)] {1-[1-Q(x)]M/2-1} @Y. C. Jenq 2 -[x(2E /N )] /2dx s o e 53 Union Bounds on The Probability of Error for Orthogonal Signals Let Em be the event that sm is received given that s1 is transmitted, then PM = P(m=2,M Em) m=2,M P(Em) (M-1)P2= (M-1)Q[(Es/No)] < M Q[(Es/No)] Noting that Q[(Es/No)] < e-Es/2No We have PM < M e-Es/2No = e-k(Eb/No-2ln2)/2, k=log2(M) As long As Eb/No > 2ln2 = 1.39 (1.42 dB), PM 0 for large M Shannon Limit: Eb/No > ln2 = 0.693 (-1.6 dB) @Y. C. Jenq 54 Union Bounds on The Probability of Error for Orthogonal Signals Orthogonal Signals Union Bound PM (e), Probability of Symbol Error 10 10 0 -2 M=2 10 -4 M=4 10 -6 M=8 10 -8 M=16 10 10 10 -10 -12 -14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 SNR/bit, dB @Y. C. Jenq 55 Coherent Detection of FSK Signals with AWGN 1(t) Received Signal r(t) X 2(t) X N(t) X T r1 T r2 0 ( )dt 0 ( )dt To Detector m(t) = (2/T)1/2cos(2p fct + 2p m f t), T 0 ( )dt rN Sampled at t = T @Y. C. Jenq 56 Non-coherent Detection of FSK Signals with AWGN (2/T)1/2cos(2p fct+f) X Received Signal r(t) Sampled at t = T T 0 ( )dt r1c (2/T)1/2sin(2p fct+f ) X T 0 ( )dt r1s (2/T)1/2cos(2p ft+2pft+f) X T 0 ( )dt r2c To Detector (2/T)1/2sin(2p fct+2pft+f ) X T 0 ( )dt @Y. C. Jenq r2s 57 Non-coherent Detection of FSK Signals -The Envelope Detector (2/T)1/2cos(2p fct+f) X Received Signal r(t) Sampled at t = T T 0 ( )dt (2/T)1/2sin(2p fct+f ) X T 0 ( )dt (r1c)2 + (r1s)2 (2/T)1/2cos(2p ft+2pft+f) X T 0 ( )dt (2/T)1/2sin(2p fct+2pft+f ) X T 0 ( )dt @Y. C. Jenq (r2c)2 + (r2s)2 58 Probability of Error for Non-coherent Detection of FSK Signals with AWGN fr1(r1c ,r1s)= (1/2ps2) e-(r1c2+r1s2+Es)/2s2 I{[Es(r1c2+r1s2)/s2]} frm(rmc ,rms) = (1/2ps2) e-(rmc2+rms2)/2s2 , m=2, 3,.., M Let R = (r1c2+r1s2)/s and Q= tan-1(rms /rmc), Then fR1,Q1(R1 ,Q1)= (R1/2p) e-(R12+2Es/No)/2 I{[R1(2Es/No)]} fRm,Qm(Rm ,Qm)= (Rm/2p) e-Rm2/2 , m = 2, 3,…, M PM = 1 - Pc = 1- P(R2<R1, R3<R1…, RM<R1|R1=x)fR1(x)dx = 1- [P(R2<R1|R1=x)]M-1fR1(x)dx PM = n=1,(M-1) (-1)n+1(n M-1)[1/(n+1)]e –nk(Eb/No)/(n+1) , k = log2(M) @Y. C. Jenq 59 Probability of Error for Non-coherent Detection of FSK Signals with AWGN FSK Systems with Envelop Detector PM (e), Probability of Symbol Error 10 10 10 10 10 0 -2 M=2 -4 M=4 -6 M=8 -8 M=16 10 10 10 -10 -12 -14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 SNR/bit, dB @Y. C. Jenq 60 Comparison of Modulation Methods PAM, QAM, PSK, and Orthogonal Signals Symbol Duration: Bandwidth: Bit Rate: Normalized Data Rate: SNR per Bit: Bandwidth Limited: Power Limited: @Y. C. Jenq T W Rb Rb/W Eb/No Rb/W > 1 Rb/W < 1 61 Comparison of Modulation Methods PAM:Rb/W = 2log2(MPAM) QAM: Rb/W = log2(MQAM) PSK: Rb/W = log2(MPSK) Orthogonal: Rb/W = 2log2(M)/M @Y. C. Jenq 62 Comparison of Modulation Methods Digital Repeater: K repeater Pb K Q(2Eb/No) Analog Repeater Pb Q(2Eb/KNo) @Y. C. Jenq 63 Digital PAM Transmission through Band-limited Base-band Channels Noise n(t) Input Data Transmitting v(t) Filter GT(f) Channel C(f) r(t) y(t) Symbol Timing Estimator H(f)= GT(f)C(f) GR(f)=H*(f)e-j2pfT Output (S/N)o = 2Eh/No + Receiving Filter GR(f) Data y(mT) Detector @Y. C. Jenq Sampler 64 Digital PAM Transmission through Band-limited Base-band Channels Example 8.1.1 gT(t) = (1/2)[1 + cos(2p/T)(t-T/2)], 0<t<T GT(f) = [sin(pfT)/pfT]/(1-f2T2) e-jpfT H(f) = C(f) GT(f) = GT(f), |f|<W = 0, otherwise C(f) gT(t) 1 T @Y. C. Jenq -w t w f 65 Digital PAM Transmission through Band-limited Base-band Channels v(t) = Sn an gT(t-nT), T is the symbol interval r(t) = Sn an h(t-nT)+n(t), h=c*gT & n is AWGN y(t) = Sn an x(t-nT)+u(t), x=gT*c*gR & u=n*gR The receiver samples the received signal, y(t), Periodically, every T seconds, and the output is y(mT) = Sn an x(mT-nT) + u(mT), or in short, ym = Sn an xm-n + um ym = xoam + Snm an xm-n + um @Y. C. Jenq 66 Digital PAM Transmission through Band-limited Base-band Channels n(t) Input Data Transmitting v(t) Filter GT(f) Channel C(f) + ym = xoam + Snm an xm-n + um Output Data r(t) Receiving Filter GR(f) y(t) Symbol Timing Estimator y(mT) Detector Sampler With a matched filter xo= h2(t)dt= |H(f)|2df= |C(f)|2|GT(f)|2df=Eh @Y. C. Jenq 67 PAM Systems with Inter-symbol Interference (ISI) ym = xoam + Snm an xm-n + um xo=Eh The variance of um is sm2= (No/2)Eh Snm an xm-n is the ISI x(t) t @Y. C. Jenq 68 Inter-Symbol Interference ym = xoam + Snm an xm-n + um x(t) t t @Y. C. Jenq 69 ISI and Eye Diagram t Eye opening Optimal sampling time Timing error margin Noise margin Maximum ISI = Snm |xm-n | @Y. C. Jenq 70 Probability of Error in PAM Systems with ISI and Additive Noise Yih-Chyun Jenq, Bede Liu, & John B. Thomas IEEE Transactions on Information Theory Vol. IT-23, No. 5, pp 575-582, September 1977. @Y. C. Jenq 71 Power Spectral Density of PAM Systems v(t) = Sn=- angT(t-nT) E{V(t)} = Sn=- E(an)gT (t-nT) = maSn=- gT (t-nT) RV(t+t,t) = E{V*(t)V(t+t)} = Sm=- Ra[m] Sn=- gT (t-nT)gT(t+t-nT-mT) V(t) is cyclostationary with period T ! RV(t) = (1/T) -T/2 T/2 RV(t+t,t)dt SV(f) = (1/T) {Sm=- Ra[m]e-jm2pfT}|G(f)|2 = (1/T)Sa(f)|G(f)|2 @Y. C. Jenq 72 Power Spectral Density of PAM Systems Example 1: {an} is an uncorrelated sequence Ra[m] = sa2+ma2, m=0 & Ra[m] = ma2, m0 Sa(f) = sa2+ma2 Sm=- e-jm2pfT = sa2+(ma2)/T Sm=- d(f-m/T) SV(f) = (sa2 )/T |GT(f)|2+(ma2)/T Sm=- |GT(m/T)|2 d(f-m/T) Example 1.1: gT(t) GT(f) = AT sin(pfT)/(pfT)e-jpfT A |GT(f)|2 = (AT)2 sinc2(fT) SV(f) = (sa 2)A2T sinc2(fT) + A2(ma2)d(f) @Y. C. Jenq T t 73 Power Spectral Density of PAM Systems Example 2: {an= bn+bn-1} and bn = ±1 are uncorrelated Ra[m] = 2, m=0, Ra[m] = 1, m= ±1 & Ra[m] = 0, otherwisw Sa(f) = 4cos2(pfT) and SV(f) = (4/T) |GT(f)|2 cos2(pfT) SV(f) -1/T -1/2T 1/2T @Y. C. Jenq 1/T f 74 Signal Design for Zero ISI ym = x(0)am + Snm an x(mT-nT) + um We have zero ISI (with normalized x(0)=1) if and only if x(0) = 1, and x(nT) = 0 for all n 0 and this is true if and only if Sm X(f+m/T) = T @Y. C. Jenq 75 Proof of Nyquist Theorem x(nT) = - X(f) ej2pfnTdf = -1/2T 1/2T Sm X(f+m/T) ej2pfnTdf = -1/2T 1/2T Z(f) ej2pnTf df Z(f) = Sm X(f+m/T) is a periodic function of f with period 1/T, and hence has a Fourier series expansion Z(f) = Sn znej2pnTf with zn=Tx(-nT) For zero ISI, z0=T and zn=0 for all n≠0 Z(f) = T @Y. C. Jenq 76 Examples of Zero-ISI Pulse Spectrum T -1/T -1/T -1/T -1/2T -1/2T -1/2T T T 1/2T 1/2T 1/2T @Y. C. Jenq 1/T 1/T 1/T f f f 77 Pulses with a Raised Cosine Spectrum For 0 ≤ a ≤ 1 Xrc(f) = T, 0 < |f| < (1-a)/(2T) = (T/2)(1+cos{(p T/a)[|f|-(1-a)/(2T)]) = 0, |f| > (1+a)/(2T) x(t) = [sin(p t/T)/(p t/T)][cos(pa t/T)/(1-4a2t2/T2)] Xrc(f) -1/T -1/2T a=0 a=1 T 1/2T @Y. C. Jenq 1/T f 78 Raised Cosine Pulses 1 x(t), Raised Cosine Pulses 0.8 a=0 a = 0.25 a = 0.5 a = 0.75 a = 1.00 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 time, t @Y. C. Jenq 79 Controlled Inter-symbol Interference Partial Response Signals Z(f) = Sn znej2pnTf with zn=Tx(-nT) A duobinary signal pulse: Consider x(nT) = 1, and x(nT) = 0, n=0,1 otherwise Then Z(f) = T+Te-j2pTf = 2Te-jpTfcos(pTf) Choose X(f) = 2Te-jpTfcos(pTf), |f| <1/2T X(f) = 0, otherwise and x(t) = sinc(t/T) + sinc[(t-T)/T] @Y. C. Jenq 80 Controlled Inter-symbol Interference Partial Response Signals Another possibility (no DC component) Consider x(-T) = 1, x(T) = -1 and x(nT) = 0, otherwise Then Z(f) = T(ej2pTf - e-jpTf)=2jTsin(pTf) Choose X(f) = 2jTe-jpTfsin(pTf), |f| <1/2T X(f) = 0, otherwise and x(t) = sinc[(t+T)/T] - sinc[(t-T)/T] @Y. C. Jenq 81 Symbol by Symbol Data Detection with Controlled ISI Reveived duobinary signal (am = 1 or -1) ym = bm + vm = am + am-1 +vm Decision feedback decoding Error Propagation Pre-Coding: data sequence dm = 0 or 1 pm = dm – pm-1 (Mod 2) and am = 2 pm – 1 bm = am + am-1 = 2(pm+pm-1 –1) pm+pm-1 = bm/2 + 1 Decoding rule: dm= bm/2 – 1 (Mod 2) @Y. C. Jenq 82 Pre-Coding for Duobinary Signals dm 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 pm 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 am -1 1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 -1 bm 0 0 0 2 0 -2 -2 0 2 2 2 0 0 2 0 dm 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 @Y. C. Jenq 83 Probability of Error for Zero ISI For ideal PAM cases, r = sm+ n = AmEg + n, m = 1, 2, … M n is a zero mean Gaussian R.V. with variance No/2 PM(e) = 2(M-1)/M Q{(6[log2(M)Ebav]/[(M2-1)No)]} For zero ISI cases, ym= x0 am+ vm, where xo = -W |GT(f)|2df = Eg (|GR(f)|2= |GT(f)|2) and vm is is a zero mean Gaussian R.V. with the variance sv2 = Eg No/2 W PM(e) = 2(M-1)/M Q{(6[log2(M)Ebav]/[(M2-1)No)]} @Y. C. Jenq 84 Probability of Error for Partial Response Signals (PRS) For partial response signals (consider binary cases), ym= am - am-1 + vm, and vm is a zero mean Gaussian R.V. with the variance sv2 = No/2 -W |X(f)|df =2No/p W where |X(f)| = |GR(f)|2 =|G*T(f)|2 Therefore the price for saving bandwidth is the decrease of the S/N by 10Log10(4/p) = 2.1 dB! @Y. C. Jenq 85 Digitally Modulated Signals with Memory A NRZ -A NRZI 1 0 1 1 0 @Y. C. Jenq 0 0 1 1 0 1 86 State Diagrams & Trellis of NRZI Signals 0/0 0/1 1/1 S2= 1 S1= 0 1/0 0/-A 0/-A 1/A S2= 1 S1= 0 1/-A @Y. C. Jenq 87 State Diagrams & Trellis of NRZI Signals 0/0 S1= 0 1/1 1/0 S2 =1 S1= 0 S2 =1 1/1 0/0 1/1 1/0 0/0 1/1 1/0 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/0 0/0 0/0 1/1 1/0 1/1 1/0 0/1 @Y. C. Jenq 0/1 88 Maximum Likelihood Sequence Detector – Viterbi Algorithm Let r1, r2, r3, r4, …are the received signals, and sm1, sm2, sm3, sm4, …are the transmitted signals, and rk = smk + nk (for the m-th sequence) For ML symbol by symbol detector Maximize f(rk|smk) for each individual k For ML sequential detector Maximize f(r1, r2, r3, r4 …| sm1, sm2, sm3, sm4, …) @Y. C. Jenq 89 Maximum Likelihood Sequence Detector – Viterbi Algorithm 0/0 S1= 0 1/1 0/0 1/1 1/0 S2 =1 0/0 1/1 1/0 0/1 0/1 t=T t=2T t=3T Minimize the Euclidean Distance: Sk (rk-smk)2 @Y. C. Jenq 90 Probability of Error for PRS with ML Sequence Detector 1/2 S1= 1 -1/0 1/0 S2 = -1 1/2 -1/0 1/0 -1/0 1/0 -1/-2 -1/-2 -1/-2 t=0 1/2 t=T t=2T t=3T P(e) = Q{[(1.5p2/16)(2Eb/No)]1/2} 10log10(1.5p2/16) = -0.34 dB @Y. C. Jenq 91 The Power Spectrum of Digital Signals with Memory M symbols s1, s2, s3, ...., sM, M waveforms s1 (t), s2 (t), s3 (t), ...., sM (t) A Markov chian with M states MxM state transition matrix P=[pij] Steady State Probabilities {p1, p2, s3, ...., pM } v(t) = Sn=- sIn(t-nT) (In = k with Probability pk ) RV(t+t,t) = E{V*(t)V(t+t)} = Sm=- Sn=- sIn(t-nT)sIn+(t+t-nT-mT) V(t) is cyclostationary with period T ! @Y. C. Jenq 92 The Power Spectrum of Digital Signals with Memory RV(t) = (1/T) -T/2 T/2 = (1/T) Sm=- RV(t+t,t)dt Si=1,KSj=1,K Rij(t-mT)pij[m]pi where Rij(t-mT)= - si(t)sj(t+t)dt and pij[m]=Pm[i.j] SV(f) = (1/T) Si=1,KSj=1,K Sij(f) Pij(f)pi where Sij(f)= - Rij(t)e-j2pft dt and Pij[f]= Sm=- pij[m] e-j2pfmT @Y. C. Jenq 93 System Design in the Presence of Channel Distortion Noise n(t) Input Data Transmitting v(t) Filter GT(f) Channel C(f) + Receiving Filter GR(f) r(t) y(t) GT(f)C(f) GR(f)=Xrc(f)e-j2pft 0 Output noise power spectral density Sv(f) = Sn(f)|GR(f)|2 For Zero ISI, ym= x0 am+ vm, Assuming am= ± d and vm is zero mean Gaussian with variance sv2= Sn(f)|GR(f)|2df @Y. C. Jenq 94 System Design in the Presence of Channel Distortion Noise n(t) Input Data Transmitting v(t) Filter GT(f) Channel C(f) + r(t) Receiving Filter GR(f) y(t) Xrc(f) = GT(f) C(f) GR(f) |GR(f) = K |Xrc(f)|1/2 |GT(f) C(f)| = (1/ K) |Xrc(f)|1/2 @Y. C. Jenq 95 Channel Equalizations Noise n(t) Input Data Transmitting v(t) Filter GT(f) Channel C(f) + GT(f) C(f) GR(f)=Xrc(f)e-j2pft 0 r(t) Receiving Filter GR(f) y(t) Equalizer GE(f) GE(f)= 1/C(f) sv2 (f)= (No / 2) -W (|Xrc(f)|/ |C(f)|2)df W @Y. C. Jenq 96 Channel Equalizations • Zero forcing Equalizer • Mean Square Equalizer • Minimum Probability Equalizer •(Jenq, Thomas & Liu: IEEE 1977) • Decision Feedback Equalizer • Automatic (Adaptive) Equalizer @Y. C. Jenq 97 Linear Transversal Filter Input = y(t) = x(t)+n(t) c-2 X t t t c-1 c0 c1 X X t X c2 X S Algorithm for Tap Gain Adjustment @Y. C. Jenq h(t) 98 Linear Transversal Filter z(t)= Sk= - Bk h(t-kT) h(t)= Sj=-N cj y(t-jt) = Sj=-N cj [x(t-jt)+n(t-jt)] N N h(mT)= Sj=-N cj y(mT-jt) N or hm= Sj=-N cjym-j N ZFE – Zero Forcing Equalizer (hj= 0, -N j N, and h0= 1) @Y. C. Jenq 99 Zero Forcing Equalizer h(t)= Sj=-N cj x(t-jt) N h(mT)= Sj=-N cj x(mT-jt) N or hm= Sj=-N cjxm-j N hm = 1, m=0 0, m= -N, -(N-1), …-2, -1, 1, 2, …(N-1), N @Y. C. Jenq 100 Zero Forcing Equalizer Example: x(t)= 1/ [1+(2t/T)2] @Y. C. Jenq 101 Mean Square Equalizer h(t)= Sj=-N cj y(t-jt) = Sj=-N cj [Sj=- Bm x(t-jt)+n(t-jt)] N N h(mT)= Sj=-N cj y(mT-jt) N or hm= Sj=-N cjym-j N E{hm –Bm}2 = Sj=-NN Sk=-NN cj ck RY(j-k) N 2 - 2 Sk=-N ck RBY(k) + E{Bm} where RY(j-k)=E{y(mT-jt) y(mT-kt) } and RBY(k)=E{y(mT-kt) Bm} Sj=-N cj RY(j-k) = RBY(k), -N k N N @Y. C. Jenq 102 Adaptive Equalizers input yk MAC c-2 X t t t MAC MAC MAC c-1 X c0 X t X c1 _ X {ek} @Y. C. Jenq + MAC + c2 X S zk Detector ak 103 Adaptive Equalizers Error Function: e(cj, j=-N, …,-1,0,1,…,N) Gradient Vector: g = de/dc Iterative Method: ck+1 = ck – * gk =step size MSE algorithm: Error function is Mean Square Error gk = -ek yk ck+1 = ck + * ek yk @Y. C. Jenq 104 Symbol Synchronization Receiver : To know When to Sample 1. Master clock distributed 2. Clock comes with data signals 3. Clock recovered from Data signal 1. Spectral line method 2. Early-Late gate synchronizer @Y. C. Jenq 105 Multi-Carrier Modulation & OFDM xk(t) = Aksin (2pfkt) If Then k= 0,1,2,3, … ,(K-1) fk - fm = n/T, where n is an integer T 0 sin (2pfkt+jk) sin (2pfmt+jm)dt = 0 Hence “orthogonal” among all K carriers Multi-carrier signal x(t) = Sk=0,(K-1) Aksin (2pfkt) @Y. C. Jenq 106 Multi-Carrier QAM Signals xk(t) = Rkcos [k(2p/T)t] - Iksin [k(2p/T)t] = Re{(Rk+jIk) exp[jk(2p/T)t]} = Re{Xkexp[jk(2p/T)t]} x(t) = Sk=0,(K-1) Re{Xkexp[jk(2p/T)t]} = Re{Sk=0,(K-1) Xkexp[jk(2p/T)t] } = (1/2){Sk=0,(K-1)Xkexp[jk(2p/T)t] + * Sk=0,(K-1) Xk exp[-jk(2p/T)t] @Y. C. Jenq } 107 Multi-Carrier QAM Signals 2x(t) = Sk=0 (K-1) Xkexp[jk(2p/T)t] + Sk=0 (K-1) * Xk exp[-jk(2p/T)t] For N=2K, and sampling 2x(t) at t = n(T/N), n = 0,1,2,.., (N-1) We have xn = Sk=0 = Sk=0 Xkexp[jkn(2p/N)] +Sk=0 (K-1) Xkexp[jkn(2p/N)] +Sk=0 (K-1) @Y. C. Jenq (K-1) * Xk exp[-jkn(2p/N)] (K-1) Xk exp[j(N-k)n(2p/N)] * 108 Multi-Carrier QAM Signals xn = (K-1) Sk=0 Xkexp[jkn(2p/N)] (K-1) * +Sk=0 Xk exp[j(N-k)n(2p/N)] Now, Let Yk = Xk & YN-k= Xk* for k = 1, 2,…, (K-1), and let We have Y0 = 2Re(X0) & YN/2 = 0 xn = (N-1) Sk=0 Ykexp[jkn(2p/N)] That is, {xn}n=0, (N-1) is the Inverse DFT of {Yn}n=0, (N-1) @Y. C. Jenq 109 Implementation of Multi-Carrier QAM Signals • Given K QAM symbols X0, X1, X2, …, X(K-1) • For N= 2K, let Yk = Xk & YN-k= Xk* for k = 1, 2,…, (K-1), and let Y0 = 2Re(X0) & YN/2 = 0 • Perform Inverse DFT on {Yn}n=0, (N-1) • to obtain {xn}n=0, (N-1) • Feed {xn}n=0, (N-1) to a D/A converter at the rate of (N/T) samples per second @Y. C. Jenq 110 Another Formulation Consider a complex multi-carrier OFDM signal (N-1) x(t) = Sk=0 Xkexp[jk(2p/T)t] Taking samples at n(T/N) for n = 0, 1, 2, …, (N-1) We have (N-1) xn = Sk=0 Xkexp[jkn(2p/N)] Necessary conditions for {xn}n=0, (N-1) to be real are Xk = X*(N-k) for k = 1, 2,…, (K-1), and X0 and XN/2 are real @Y. C. Jenq 111 Another Implementation • Given K QAM symbols X0, X1, X2, …, X(K-1) • For N= 2K, let Yk = Xk & YN-k= Xk* for k = 1, 2,…, (K-1), and let Y0 = Re(X0) & YN/2 = Im(X0) • Perform Inverse DFT on {Yn}n=0, (N-1) to obtain {xn}n=0, (N-1) • Feed {xn}n=0, (N-1) to a D/A converter at the rate of (N/T) samples per second @Y. C. Jenq 112 Frequency Spectrum Interpretation Nyquist band Sampling Frequency N2p/T W 2p/T @Y. C. Jenq (N-1)2p/T 113 TDMA, FDMA and CDMA TDMA - Time Division Multiple Access FDMA - Frequency Division Multiple Access CDMA - Code Division Multiple Access Multiple Access: Many users utilize a physical channel simultaneously @Y. C. Jenq 114 frequency Time Division Multiple Access Control/Access channel & Data channels 1 2 3 4 N 1 2 3 4 N time Frame Framing header @Y. C. Jenq 115 Frequency Division Multiple Access frequency Control/Access channel & Data channels N 4 3 2 1 guard bands time @Y. C. Jenq 116 Code Division Multiple Access frequency Control/Access channel & Data channels 1, 2, 3, 4, ….. N time @Y. C. Jenq 117 DS-CDMA Systems Direct Sequence, Code Division Multiple Access Systems v(t) = Sn an gT(t-nTb) c(t) = Sn cn p(t-nTc) u(t) = Ac v(t) c(t) cos(2p fct), c2(t) = 1 c(t) : pseudo-random noise (PN) sequence waveform Tb : Bit interval @Y. C. Jenq Tc : Chip interval 118 DS-CDMA Systems v(t) t c(t) t v(t)c(t) t @Y. C. Jenq 119 Spectra of DS-CDMA Systems V(f) f 1/Tb C(f) 1/Tc f V(f)*C(f) f @Y. C. Jenq 120 Demodulation of DS-CDMA r(t) = Ac v(t) c(t) cos(2p fct) X X c(t) 0 ()dt T gT(t)cos(2pfct) PN signal Generator @Y. C. Jenq 121 Narrowband Interference r(t) = Ac v(t) c(t) cos(2p fct) + AJ cos(2p fjt) X X c(t) 0 ()dt T gT(t)cos(2pfct) PN signal Generator Processing gain = Tb / Tc @Y. C. Jenq 122 Wideband Interference r(t) = Ac v(t) c(t) cos(2p fct+f) + nc(t)cos(2p fct) - ns (t)sin(2p fct) X X c(t) 0 ()dt T gT(t)cos(2pfct) PN signal Generator Processing gain = Tb / Tc @Y. C. Jenq 123 M-Sequence 1 2 3 4 . . . . . . m + L=2m-1 R[m] = L, m=0 = -1, otherwise @Y. C. Jenq 124 M-Sequence 1 2 3 4 + Gold Sequence & Kasami Sequence @Y. C. Jenq 125 Walsh Coding 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 @Y. C. Jenq 126 Digital Cellular Communication Systems The GSM System CDMA System – IS-95 @Y. C. Jenq 127