Humanities RQF Trial Results & RQF Groups September 2007 RQF Trial Results Proporation of assessed staff with rating (%) Humanities v Overall (MQ & UNewc combined) 40 35 30 25 TOTAL HUMN 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 RQF Trial Divisional Results Ancient History Asian English European Modern History Music Pol & IR TOTAL Rate 5 5 0 2 0 2 0 1 10 Rate 4 7 1 6 3 3 1 1 22 Rate 3 1 1 2 3 5 1 1 14 Rate 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 12 Rate 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 3 TOTAL 15 4 11 11 12 4 4 61 Humanities RQF Plan Ancient History Group Leaders: Assoc. Prof. Tom Hillard Dr Trevor Evans RFCD: 430110 (Hist: Class) 430203 (Arch: Med, Levant) 440204 (Rel: Chr. Hist) Modern History and Politics Group Leaders: Prof. Angela Woollacott Prof. Murray Goot RFCD : 430100 (Hist : Discipline code) 420303 (CultSt : Culture, Gender, Sexuality) 360100 (PolSc : Discipline code) English and European Literatures Group Leaders: Prof. John Stephens Assoc. Prof. Martina Möllering RFCD: 420200 (Lit Studies: Discipline code) 420306 (CultSt: Postcolonial and Global Cultural Studies) (Ancient History) (Asian Languages) (English) (European Languages) ______________ Not in trial: 5 (Modern History) (Politics and IR) (Asian Languages) (Division) ______________ Not in trial: 4 In trial: 14 (+ up to 5) Average score: 4.2 5: 5 4: 7 3: 1 In trial: 16 (+ up to 5) Average score: 3.8 5: 3 4: 7 3: 6 In trial: 16 Average score: 3.8 5: 2 4: 9 3: 5 Contemporary Music Studies Anthropology/Cultural Practice group Group Leaders (Preparation of ‘Evidence Portfolio’ for RQF Submission) Ancient History Group: Assoc. Prof. Tom Hillard Dr. Trevor Evans Modern History and Politics Group: Prof. Angela Woollacott Prof. Murray Goot English and European Literatures Group: Prof. John Stephens Assoc. Prof. Martina Möllering RQF Submission ‘Home Panels’ (13): Panel 9: Social Sciences and Politics Panel 12: Humanities Panel 13: Creative Arts, Design, and Built Environment Evidence Portfolio: 1. Group identification 2. Context Statement 3. Details of each researcher 4. Statement of Claims for Impact 5. Metrics (journal rankings) Evidence Portfolio 1. Group identification: • • • Name of Group RFCD codes (up to 3) and SEO codes Home Panel and any cross-disciplinary Panel Evidence Portfolio 2. Context Statement: • Statement of history, strategic focus, and research objectives of the Group • Summary of main achievements of the Group • Extent of Cohesion and Collaboration within the Group • Collaborative research within the Institution (i.e. University) and/or elsewhere (Australia and overseas) • Support for ECRs and HDR students • Esteem factors • Comment on difficulties overcome • Funding income Evidence Portfolio 3. Details of each researcher: • Four ‘Best’ • ‘Body of Work’ (all publications) (i.e. a revised version of information prepared for the RQF Trial, using feedback from comments) Evidence Portfolio 4. Statement of Claims for Impact: • Engagement with end-users (including academic discipline) • Uptake of research (e.g. public policy) • Extent to which research has produced social, economic, environmental, cultural benefits 5. Metrics • (journal rankings)