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Social Networking in Distance Learning:

Help or Hindrance?

Kelley A. Conrad


University of Phoenix School of Advanced Studies

Mary Weber


University of Phoenix School of Advanced Studies

We have been exploring the Garrison, Anderson, &

Archer (2000) Community of Inquiry Model of educational experience as it applies to distance learning and specifically Social Networking.

The CoI model explores the combinations of

Social Presence

Cognitive Presence

Teaching Presence

In the formation of optimal educational experiences.

CoI Model for Education

Social Presence

Ability of participants to identify with the community, communicate purposefully in a trusting environment, and develop interpersonal relationships by projecting individual personalities.

Cognitive Presence

Extend to which learners are able to construct and confirm meaning through sustained reflection and discourse.

Teaching Presence

Design, facilitation, and direction of cognitive and social purpose of realizing personally meaningful and educationally worthwhile learning experiences.

(Garrison, Anderson, & Archer, 2000)

Community of Inquiry Model

Reprinted with permission of D. R. Garrison

Student Ratings Importance of CoI Dimensions

(Diaz, Swan, Ice, & Kupczynski, 2010)

Growing Social Media Use 2006-1012


Student Use of Facebook

Percentage Reasons why Students use Facebook ®












Yermolayeva, &

Calvert, 2009)

Twitter is Noticeably Less Popular

Our Research Question

Given the recent major increase of Social

Networking in all population groups and the little research on its use and effects in the distance education classroom,

What are the practices and experiences of current online distance learning instructors incorporating social networking or social media?

We expected the major influences would be in the overlap areas of the CoI model.

Value of “overlaps” in the CoI Model

Supporting Discourse

Scardamalia & Bereiter (1991)


Regulating Learning

Brown & Campione (1990)

Brown (1994) Jigsaw

Setting Climate

Neuman Systems Model

Community of Inquiry Model Research

For Understanding Distance Learning

Dewey (1938) Practical Inquiry and community and


Henri (1991)

Newman, Johnson, Cochrane, and Webb (1996)

Newman, Webb, and Cochrane (1997)

Gunawardena (1995)

Hiltz and Turoff (1993)

Chafe and Danielewicz, (1987)

Garrison, Anderson, and Archer (2000)

Garrison, Anderson, and Archer (2010)

Generation Y Motives to Join Facebook ®

(Gangadharbatla, 2009)

Popular Social Networking Activities

Some things we expected we might find

Here are a few of the practices from distance learning that we expected we might find in classrooms using SN as part of the online experience.

Principles from

DL Communities of Practice

Students need to be actively engaged, not passive

Students must see problems as worth the investment of their time

Teacher’s role is to be a facilitator of learning more so than content expert

Students need the opportunity for reflection

Problems should be ill-structured to invite student solutions

Support the students rather than simplify the problems

Work is collaborative and social – Meaning is negotiated in the social environment

The learning context is motivating

(Barab & Duffy, 2000)

Principles of Design for Effective DL CoI - 1

Community-Growth Principle

Emergent-Goals Principle

Articulation-of-Goals Principle

Metacognitive Principle

Beyond-the-Bounds Principle

Respect-for-Others Principle

Failure-Safe Principle

(Bielaczyc & Collins, 1999)

Principles of Design for Effective DL CoI - 2

Structural-Dependence Principle

Depth-over-Breadth Principle

Diverse-Expertise Principle

Multiple-Ways-to-Participate Principle

Sharing Principle

Negotiation Principle

Quality-of-Products Principle

(Bielaczyc & Collins, 1999)

CoP Participatory Method

Integration of the Specific Community of Practice

Individual Consultation






Presentation of Results (Velazquez-Guzman & Laura-Rosano, 2012)

BE VOCAL – Successful Online Instructors


Social Presence reduces student anxieties


“Bullet proof” assignments and instructions


Give students permission to communicate directly with you


Manage the learning environment


Model best practices and being professional

(Savery, 2010)

Our Sample and Process

A convenience sample of 11 experienced online distance educators representing at least 6 different institutions.

Average online teaching experience was 8 years.

Interviewed past data saturation.

Most instructors (7) did not use SN in class.

Of the 4 who did, 1 made very limited use of SN.

Used semi-structured interviews of 14 questions taking

20-30 minutes.

SN Positives

Instructors using SN in classes keep it clearly defined and closely related to course work.

When integrated in classes, SN helped students:

Identify with the community as a course of study.

Increased their comfort with the classroom.

Sometimes increased their satisfaction with a class.

Sometimes contributed to communications in class.

SN Negatives

Most SN occurs outside of class.

Even when Instructors carefully use SN in classes:

It can be a distraction (sometimes a major one).

It can counter the other instructional design and facilitation.

It can disrupt the effort to create educationally worthwhile learning outcomes

Our Conclusion:

SN not Ready for Prime Time in DL

Few Instructors (27%) currently use SN in their classes.

Instructors and students valued the promise of SN for:

Clarification, information, and quick contact with the student.

Most instructors (91%) were skeptical about using SN more generally in classes fearing it would not support learning outcomes.

Meaningful Guidance

We found Sull’s (2010) Secrets of Successful Distance

Learning Instructors a concise summary of many elements identified by our interviewees as reflecting the ways they evaluated the value of SN in their classes.

Even though not all of Sull’s secrets are directly applicable to SN, they are worth briefly reviewing.

Secrets of Successful DL Instructors - 1

Be Consistent, Timely, and Upbeat presence in the class


Gather Websites – Both you and the Students

Use Puzzles, games, and Fun Problems to cement the subject

Take a Deep-Plunge into Audio-Visual

Be sure Students Use your Distance-Learning Tutor

Fully Introduce Students to the DL Library

(Sull, 2010)

Secrets of Successful DL Instructors - 2

Create a Thorough Template Bank

Take a “Reality-Based” Educational Approach

Never only do Minimum Requirements

Provide Detailed Feedback on Student Assignments

Be Proactive Anticipating Problems and Concerns

Stay Organized and Wisely Manage Your Time

(Sull, 2010)

Summary of

Social Media and Community of Interests

In Distance Learning


Educational tool to be leveraged

Enhances student engagement

Improves communications among students and teachers

Helps prepare students for employment


Social Media can be a distraction

Cyberbullying occurs

Discourages face-to-face communications


We invite your comments and discussion.

Thank You

Contact Information

Kelley A. Conrad , 402 Genesee Street, Apt. 201, Delafield,

WI 53018 Phone: 262-443-3662

Mary J. Weber , 3512 Highland Center, Green Bay, WI

54311 Phone: 920-609-1039
