Welcome Back to Awesome Achievment at Arp!

Welcome Back
to Awesome
Achievement at
New Laws
Children's Internet Protection Act
The Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA)
became law on April 20, 2001. Schools and
libraries must certify by October 28, 2001 that
they have the policies and technology
measures in place. Schools or libraries that
knowingly fail to comply with CIPA are
required to reimburse any E-rate discounts
they received during the time the law was in
To be in compliance, applicants must certify that they are
enforcing a policy of Internet safety that includes measures
to block or filter Internet access for both minors and
adults to certain visual depictions. To demonstrate this, they
must adopt and implement an Internet safety policy.
The applicant must also certify that its policy of
Internet safety includes monitoring the online
activities of minors. Finally, CIPA requires that
funding recipients provide reasonable public notice
and hold at least one public hearing or meeting to
address their proposed policy of Internet safety.
Public Hearing: August 13, 2001 at 6:00 pm before
the next board meeting.
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) - Your school's AUP
sends a strong message about online conduct
permitted at the school level. Some email
services require each user to sign or accept the
AUP prior to using the system.
The AUP, often signed by parents as well, can be
used to enforce against misuse of the system.
Acceptable Posting Policy (APP) - Regardless
of who is creating and maintaining the
content of school Web pages (it could be
the Webmaster, designated teachers or
even students) an APP clarifies what is and
is not appropriate for the school's online
presence. Both your AUP and APP should
include a clear, concise message that
includes the consequences of breaking the
Arp’s APP
The Arp ISD Posting Policies require
that we present our students,
community, faculty, and stakeholders as
successful and motivated in all
academic and athletic areas. All
productions and publications for Web,
CD, Video, newspapers, magazines,
yearbook, or any media are as follows:
Posting Policies
Promote successful students and educational
Provide educational and technical awareness to
parents, community, faculty, students, and all
Allow students the opportunity to develop
ethical and technical expertise in the fields of
communications, broadcasting, and
Provide a learner-centered environment for:
Posting Policies continued
demonstration of SCANS competencies,
character-building skills
research and information skills,
use of hardware components,
software programs,
digital and analog video systems,
media input, output, & storage devices,
and contributors to the electronic community
Posting Policies continued
5. Provide a forum for the ethical
exchange of knowledge and
educational objectives
6. Allow students & teachers to gain
recognition for successful practices.
The ISP must never gather individual
information on its users nor will they
ever provide that information to a
third party. In addition, your school
should own outright any and all data
placed on the system.
Domain blocking - Some services allow you to
set up domain blocking so that email
messages from certain domains cannot
enter or leave your system, and that certain
Web pages are made inaccessible. While it
can be tricky to ensure that appropriate
access is given to all levels of users, this
filtering is the type mandated by CIPA.
Closed Systems?
Closed systems - Some email services allow you
to close down the email system so that
students are only able to send email to, and
receive email from, teachers and other
students within the school community. This
way, students gain the full benefits of using
email for educational purposes without the
risk of unwanted messages from the
Communicating Expectations
for Excellent Education
While the World Wide Web has been around
now for over six years, its effects (both good
and bad) are just now beginning to be felt by
K-12 schools. No one has all the answers, but
it's clear that the more we communicate with
our students, teachers, parents, and each
other, the more well-informed, savvy, and
safe our users will be in schools. ..Provided
by eChalk, 2001
New Procedures
Each grade level will develop a flyer that
incorporates the
Arp’s AUP,
New Email SPAM laws,
and grade level appropriate Technology
Application (TA) Knowledge and Skills Student
Expectations. This flyer will be for students and/or
Each grade level will develop an
accountability quiz to test each students
understanding of the material they develop.
The new materials and accountability
piece will be in place before children are
allowed to access the Internet or Email.
These materials will be submitted to
parents and Mrs. Rousseau for
publication on the Web.
Computer Maintenance
Teacher machines for first two weeks
Email Laura Dacus
Describe Symptoms clearly and
precisely……DO NOT give a Diagnosis
Examples: My lap top doesn’t work …when in fact it is
an ethical problem
My printer is broken…when in fact there is a message on
the screen that says your not connected to the network
I don’t have gradebook on my machine…when in
fact…you have simply deleted the short cut
I need more RAM….when in fact the message tells you
that you are running low on virtual memory.
Inservice Calendar
Inservice Options
TA Modules
Training Café
TIF Tech Training
Curriculum Calendar
Basic Networking
TAKS Research & Reporting
Department Chairs Meet with
me at 3:00pm
Curriculum Calendar Procedures.
Six Life-skill strands
Project-based Curriculum
Online Quick Helps
We have new online quick helps … check out
the Computer Maintenance site…for how to
release a print “jam” or “batch”
 How to take ownership of folders
 Adding a new printer
 Sharing printers
Contact an Instructional Technologist on your
campus before emailing Laura.
Laptops will be distributed in BATCHES
 Bring your Office2000 software…make sure you are
 Expect to spend about 2 hours
 First session….tonight, August 2 from 4:00-6:00pm
 Second session…Monday from 4:00-6:00pm
 Third session…Tuesday from 4:00-6:00pm
You must have valid software on your laptop. You
must agree facilitate your students in an INTEL
type project this year. You must utilize the TCET