Dear Prospective Camp Parent

Community Day Care and Preschool Inc.
Summer Camp
1611 Westminster Pl, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
phone: (734) 761-7101 - fax: (734) 761-9610
Dear Prospective Camp Family,
Enclosed is enrollment information for this year's Community Day Camp. We are happy to announce that once
again camp will be at Ann Arbor Learning Community, where we also have a before and after school program
during the school year. This is a wonderful building with lots of natural light, a gymnasium and a playground, and
access to a bus line. During camp our curriculum centers on a different theme and corresponding field trip each
week. Some of the exciting field trips we have planned for this summer are: the Henry Ford Museum, the Binder
Park Zoo, the Parade Company, and of course Rolling Hills Waterpark!
All of the traditional camp arts, crafts, games, swimming, and sports are included in our programming. We will
take an Ann Arbor Public School Bus to Buhr Park Pool each non-field trip day for swimming. Children are
encouraged to participate in the planning of activities in order to accommodate their individual and group
interests. The camp day is a good mix of teacher directed and child-initiated activities. It includes choice time in a
mixed age setting as well as a group time based on age. This gives the younger children a much needed
opportunity to connect with a single counselor, and the older children a chance to work on more intensive
teambuilding. We are committed to a quality and fun summer camp program!
Our camp overnight for campers and their families will take place on July 25th at Hudson Mills Metropark. All
families are welcome, whether your child attends camp that week or not.
Community Day Camp is for children post kindergarten through pre-sixth grade; hours of operation are 7:30AM –
5:45PM. Enrollment is limited to 45 children per day. Applications for enrollment will be accepted starting March
3rd, 2014. Please return your registration form by April 25th in order to receive your camp confirmation by May 2nd.
As a service to our families, we will continue to offer a morning only program. Morning only campers will be able
to participate in a wide range of activities with the all day campers including: choice time, group time, interest
areas, and Fun Friday activities. Families who choose this option can drop off as early as 7:30AM and pick up no
later than 12:30PM. Morning only campers will be picked up before lunch. There will be no morning only option on
days that we take all day field trips. To ensure that we are able to accommodate as many families as possible,
scheduling priority will be given to all day campers.
Community Day Care is a non-profit organization and has limited scholarship money available for qualifying
families who apply. If you feel you may qualify, please email our main office for an application
( The deadline for scholarship applications is April 17th. Scholarship awards
will be distributed to qualifying families by May 9th. Those who’ve applied for scholarships will be able to reduce
their summer schedule commitment if necessary. Reductions must be made by May 30th.
We hope that you will consider us when choosing a summer camp! We look forward to hearing from you. Feel
free to call or email with any questions you may have regarding camp or find us on the web at
Kind Regards,
Community Day Camp Administration
Amy Latham
Camp Director
Michelle Slocum
Camp Director
Mary Anna Dickinson
Director of School Age Programs
Community Day Camp is for children post kindergarten through pre-sixth grade.
Dates of Operation:
June 18th through August 15th, 2014 (Closed July 4th)
Ann Arbor Learning Community: 3980 Research Park Dr. Ann Arbor 48108
Monday through Friday: 7:30am-5:45pm
Full Day Schedules: $255.00 per full week/$69.00 per day
Morning Only Schedules: $158.00 per full week/$36.00 per day
APPLICATION PROCESS: Application for enrollment will be accepted starting March 3rd, 2014. All forms
received before this date will be dated March 3rd. Enrollment will continue until the program is full. Be
sure to include both pages of the registration form to ensure enrollment is complete.
ENROLLMENT PRIORITIES: Community Day Camp runs on a 1:10 staff/child ratio. We use this ratio to
determine the number of children we can accommodate each week. Enrollment applications will be
considered according to the following categories in order of priority.
1: full day/full week schedules
2: full day/partial week schedules
3: morning only/full week schedules
Any remaining slots will be filled with those who are requesting morning only/partial week schedules.
CAMPER FORMS: Before the first day of attendance all campers’ files must be complete and up to date.
This includes an annual update of the child information record, permission and statements of
understanding, consent form, family questionnaire, and notification of licensing notebook.
CONFIRMATION OF ENROLLMENT: Confirmations will be emailed to all families on or before May 2nd,
2014. Those families whose requests can be accommodated will be responsible for payment of the
tuition for the time they requested. You are financially responsible for all requested time at camp.
Sorry, no schedule changes can be accommodated once registration is submitted.
SCHOLARSHIPS: Community Day Care offers limited scholarships to qualifying families. If you feel you
may qualify, please email our main office for an application ( The
deadline for scholarship applications is April 17th. Scholarship awards will be distributed to qualifying
families by May 9th. Those who’ve applied for scholarships will be able to reduce their summer schedule
commitment if necessary. Reductions must be made by May 30th.
SWIM PROGRAM: The children will take an Ann Arbor Public School bus to Buhr Park Pool and swim
every afternoon (except for afternoon or all day field trip days). Children are expected to bring a bathing
suit and towel to camp everyday.
CAMP MEETING: A MANDATORY camp meeting will take
place at CDC preschool, 1611 Westminster, on Thursday
May 15th, 2014 from 6:00-7:00PM. Please mark the date
on your calendar.
This meeting is for adults only.
REGISTRATION FEE: A $50.00 per child registration fee is payable at the time of enrollment.
This fee is non-refundable
TUITION SCHEDULE: Full time (full day/full week) - $255.00 per week
Part time (full day/partial week) - $69.00 per day
Morning only (full week) - $158.00 per week
Morning only (partial week) - $36.00 per day
PAYMENT POLICY AND LATE PAYMENT FEE: Payment for the summer will be broken into three sessions.
Session I is from June 18th-July 3rd, Session II is July 7th-25th, Session III is July 28th-August 15th. Payment is
due on the first day of each session. Late payments will be assessed a $25.00 late payment fee.
Session I due 6/18
Session II due 7/7
Session III due 7/28
TUITION RESPONSIBILITY: Those families whose requests can be accommodated will be responsible for
payment of the tuition for the time they requested. You are financially responsible for all requested
time at camp that Community Day Camp can accommodate. Sorry, no schedule changes can be
accommodated after registration form has been submitted. Confirmations will be emailed to families
on or before May 2nd, 2014. There will be a trade sheet available for families at the family meeting and
at the attendance table at camp. Families can buy and sell weeks to each other using this sheet. CDC
Camp administration will handle the credit and charges for weeks traded. Financial information will
ONLY be released to those signed at the bottom of the enrollment form.
RETURNED CHECKS: There is a $25.00 charge for checks returned due to insufficient funds.
ABSENCES: You are expected to pay for registered days when your child is absent. This includes
illnesses and vacations.
LATE PICKUP FEE: Community Day Camp closes at 5:45pm sharp. A $25.00 per child late pick up fee is
assessed during the first 15 minutes for families whose children are still at the site after the program
closes. A $1.00 per minute fee per child is charged for each additional 15 minutes. The fees will double
and triple for the second and third offense respectively. After the third offense corrective action will be
taken which could result in disenrollment. These fees apply even if the center was informed that the
child would be picked up late.
JOINT CUSTODY: If separated or divorced parents have joint custody, each parent will contract
separately with the Center. Any scholarship money awarded will be based on each parent's income. The
number of days/weeks for which each parent is financially responsible is to be determined by the
parents and reported to the Program Directors.
FINANCIAL OBLIGATION: You will not be allowed to enroll in ANY of our CDC programs if there is a
balance on your account.
Week 1 – Camp Kickoff: It’s a Jungle in Here!
June 18th-20th
CDC Camp is kicking off with a roar, hiss, growl, croak, and moo! Campers will be
getting in touch with their wild sides this week, where every day will be an animal
adventure. Not only will we be testing our animal strength (how far can you jump?
how fast can you run? how loud can you roar?) and getting in touch with our
artistic instincts, but we’ll also be topping off our adventures with a trip to the
Binder Park Zoo! So come and join us for a camp kickoff that’s sure to be
‘panda’monium! We promise we aren’t ‘lion’!
Week 2– Symphony of the Senses!
June 23rd- 27th
Camp never looked, tasted, felt, smelled or sounded so good! This week at camp, CDC campers
will be exposed to a symphony of the senses! Each day will be dedicated to exploring one of our
amazing senses- we’ll cook and taste test foods, build instruments and explore sound through
music, build an art and texture wall, become smell detectives, and so much more! In addition,
we’ll also be going on a ‘tasty’ field trip! So get ready to see camp as you’ve never seen it before!
Or smelled it before! Or heard it before! Or…
Week 3 – Planes, Trains and Automobiles!
June 30th- July 3rd
It’s 4th of July week here at camp, and what better way to celebrate our American
history (and Michigan history!) than by fast cars and cool trains. America was
shaped by the evolution of transportation, and CDC camp is going to undergo its own
transportation transformation this week! Campers will be building every variety of
vehicle you could think of: from make-believe space ships and toy planes to real life
boxcars! And if that’s not enough car talk for you, we’ll also be going to the Henry Ford
Museum. So get revved up because this week is going to be car-tastic!
Week 4 – “Honey, We Shrunk CDC Camp!”: July 7th-11th
No, it’s not your imagination! Things really are looking ‘life-sized’ here at camp this week. We’re
not shrinking kids, but instead making our toys and games larger than life! CDC campers will be
building a real-life teepee and playing with people-sized Lincoln logs. And speaking of games,
have you ever played a game of Monopoly where the dice and cards are as big as you? Well we’ll
do all that and so much more this week at camp. And what ‘larger than life’ week wouldn’t be
complete without a tour of the huge floats at the Detroit Parade Company? So come prepared
for some ‘giant’ adventures!
Week 5 – Thar She Blows: It’s Pirate Week!
July 14th-18th
Aye aye matey! You heard us right, CDC camp has been overrun with pirates! Campers
will be going on swashbuckling adventures this week- we’ll be searching for buried
doubloons, perfecting our pirate outfits, and exploring the high seas at Rolling Hills
Waterpark! And don’t forget to join us as campers attempt to follow the treasure
map and gain clues to uncover the lost CDC treasure chest! It’s shaping up to be a
shipshape week! Savvy?
Week 6 – Your Tribe has Spoken: It’s Survivor Week!
July 21st- 25th
During this week of camp, your child will become a member of the game Survivor!
Group time will be transformed into ‘tribe time’, and throughout the week tribes will
participate in challenges designed to push their physical and mental strength to the
max! Every challenge will result in either immunity or a reward, and tribes will have to
decide at tribal council what they need the most in order to survive another day on
Camp Island. And don’t forget about the hidden immunity idols! Your camper can
practice their geocaching skills at Hudson Mills Metropark while on the hunt for these
precious idols. Make sure not to be caught hunting without your tribe, or you may be
the next one voted off the island!
Week 7 – World of Discovery!
July 28th- August 1st
Calling all campers who love science- this week is for you! Have you ever had an idea
for a super cool experiment that is just a little too messy to make at home? Have you
ever had an invention stuck inside your brain, but you just didn’t have the materials to
create it? Well, during this super science week at camp we’ll be performing experiments
galore! And with a trip to the Michigan Science Center, we are bound and determined
to find the hidden mysteries that help create this fascinating world of discovery and
Week 8 – Captain Planet: CDC’s a hero!
August 4th-8th
We’re going to take pollution down to zero during this ecofriendly week at CDC
Camp! We’re going to learn all about how we can help take care of our planet- one
camper at a time. And campers should be on the lookout for a gang of evil
polluters (who look suspiciously like CDC Camp counselors…) who have invaded
camp to try and destroy it with their garbage and grime. We need campers who
have the skills of Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, and Heart to help drive these villains out
of camp! Do you have what it takes?
Week 9 – Best of the Best!
August 11th-15th
We’re better than all the rest! As camp comes to a close, we will be revisiting all of our
favorite times this summer. Who loves experiments? Let’s do some! Who loves life
sized board games? Let’s play them! Who can’t stop talking like a pirate Mat’ey? This
week will be filled with all the awesome activities that have kept campers buzzing all
summer long. And as always, we’ll be hosting our very own carnival at CDC Preschool
to keep our camp tradition alive! So be sure to join us this week and send out the
summer with a blast of the best CDC camp has to offer!
Daily Schedule
choice time; snack
group time
get together (announcements, recognition, awards)
interest areas; change for swimming
morning only camper pick up
lunch/free play; siesta
return to camp from swim; snack; choice time
quiet choices
~~ On rainy/stormy days we try to take campers on an indoor field trip. ~~
Camper Equipment List
Each day campers should bring
the following LABELED items:
Swim suit
Water bottle
Light jacket/Sweatshirt
Sandals (for the pool)
Each week has a different theme, and
campers may be encouraged to come in
“costume” some days 
Community Day Camp 2014 Registration Form (page 1)
Enrollment deadline
April 25th, 2014
Registration Fee: A $50.00 per camper fee is payable at the time of
enrollment. This fee is non refundable and must accompany this form.
(we will continue to enroll campers
until our program is full)
Tuition: Full time (full day/full week) - $255.00 per week
Part time (full day/partial week) - $69.00 per day
Morning only (full week) - $158.00 per week
Morning only (partial week) - $36.00 per day
Please return this form with
registration fee on or before 4/25/14
to receive your confirmation by May
Camper Information
CAMPER’S NAME _____________________________ GRADE IN SCHOOL (2013/14) ____ BIRTH DATE ____________
CAMPER’S NAME _____________________________ GRADE IN SCHOOL (2013/14) ____ BIRTH DATE ____________
ADDRESS______________________________________ CITY ______________________ ZIP _______________
GUARDIAN NAME ______________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS
CELL PHONE ____________________
WORK PHONE ___________________
HOME PHONE __________________
ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT) ___________________________________ CITY ______________ ZIP ________________
GUARDIAN NAME ______________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS
CELL PHONE ____________________
WORK PHONE ___________________
HOME PHONE __________________
ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT) ___________________________________ CITY _______________ ZIP _______________
IF YES, PLEASE EXPLAIN __________________________________________________________________
IF YES, PLEASE EXPLAIN __________________________________________________________________
How did you hear about CDC Camp? __________________________________________________________________
 My child is currently enrolled in a CDC program.
 My child was formerly enrolled in a CDC program.
All time is contracted. Once you turn in the registration form, you are
financially responsible for all requested time.
Sorry, no schedule changes can be accommodated after
registration has been submitted.
Confirmations will be emailed to families on or before May 2nd, 2014.
Community Day Camp 2014 Registration Form (page 2)
Camper’s Name _______________________________
grade in school (2013/14) _______
Fill in the grid by checking off the days/weeks/hours you want to register for CDC Camp.
Leave the days/weeks blank that you do not need. Please note that we have a two day minimum per week.
All time is contracted. Once you turn in the registration form,
you are financially responsible for all requested time. Sorry, no schedule changes can be
accommodated after registration has been submitted
*Morning only hours 7:30am-12:30pm; Full day hours 7:30am-5:45pm*
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
AM Only
Camp Closed
Camp Closed
Full Day
Camp Closed
Camp Closed
Office use
All Day Field Trip
AM Only
Full Day
AM Only
Full Day
Camp Closed
Camp Closed
All Day Field Trip
AM Only
Full Day
AM Only
Full Day
All Day Field Trip
AM Only
Full Day
All Day Field Trip
AM Only
Full Day
All Day Field Trip
AM Only
Full Day
AM Only
Full Day
*Note there is no AM only camp on days with all day field trips*
All time is contracted. Once you turn in the registration form, you are financially responsible for all requested time.
I understand that this is a CONTRACT FOR SERVICES and that I am responsible for the full tuition charged for
the above schedule as outlined in the financial policies of Community Day Camp. I understand that no
schedule changes can be accommodated and that I am financially responsible for all tuition charged for the
schedule I’ve submitted to Community Day Camp. Only those signed below will have access to financial
information from CDC.
Signature ________________________________ Date____________
Signature ________________________________ Date____________