Diversity in Families
Maxine Baca Zinn
D. Stanley Eitzen
Chapter Eight:
Contemporary Marriages
Chapter Eight Overview
Marriage: Private and Public Spheres
Recent Trends
Are There Benefits to Marriage?
Micro Aspects of Marriage
Marriage: Private and Public
 Marriage creates a unique relationship
in profound and complex ways.
 Marriage is a dynamic rather than a
concrete entity.
Macro Influences on Marriage
 The Law
 The Issue of Homosexual Marriages
 Religion
 Societal Gender Expectations
Recent Trends
1. Unmarried Adults – The number of
singles and cohabiting heterosexuals is
Unmarried—never m, widowed, divorced
Living alone—1/4 of all households
1. Same sex partners-marriage prohibited
2. Financial
sharing expenses
not-econ stable for marriage
3. Prelude to marriage
4. Older couples—lose econ benefits
Soc security, widow status, estate
2000—4.9 million—opp.sex—co-habitation
1980---1.6 million
41%--include a child under 18
½--first marriages preceded by cohabitat.
Most marry or split within 18 months
½ cohabitating couples marry
Somewhat higher divorce rate than never cohab.
40% of all children will spend time with mother &
cohabitating partner
2. Age at First Marriage – The median age of first
marriage is increasing for women and men.
90% eventually marry
Median age of first marriage:
Effect: advanced educ, reduces # child., indep and
flexibility—life choices.
3. Family Size – The fertility rate has declined
steadily throughout most of the last 200 years.
average household 2.6 persons
3.1 –thirty yrs ago
native amer
asian amer
Recent Trends
 Racial Mixed Marriages – Interracial and
interethnic marriages are increasing, but
95% of all marriages are between partners
of the same race. (homogamy)
 Life Span and Marriage – Increased
longevity is one explanation for the
relatively high rate of divorce.
Recent Trends
 Divorce – Stabilized in the late 1990s at
around 4.2 couples divorcing per 1000.
 Remarriage – Most divorced persons
• Remarriage—
• Tendency—majority soon after divorce
½ within 3 years.
less likely for older women
The Benefits of Marriage
 Research shows that marriage benefits
the partners involved in several ways:
1) Better physical and mental health
2) Better sex lives
3) More economic resources
Health benefits
• Causes:
males—less risky behavior
monitored by spouse
wife assists in dealing with stress
sense of meaning, obligation,
responsibility to others
improved mental health—less depre,
2. Better sex lives
• More often--comparative frequency
• Enjoy it more—physically & emotionally
3. More economic resources
• 1. Increased productivity of men
• 2. economic contribution of women
• Effect: better nutrition, housing, travel
• May be that econ benefits—
• Instead of marriage bond that generates
better emotional & physical health
The Benefits of Marriage
The benefits of marriage change when race, class, and
gender are factored in:
1) The poor do not necessarily benefit
economically from marriage.
less marriage-where jobs unstable, low-w
women not interested in marriage
2) This is especially true for racial minorities.
3) Many times, there is a “his” and “hers”
Men benefit more from marr.--receive more care
regardless of emotional quality
Women benefits—depend on quality
Marital Success: Stability & Quality
• Cuber and Haroff—stability not same as satisfaction
• Study of affluent couples—similar
• 5 types of stable/enduring marriages:
• a. Conflict-habituated-centered on tension:
quarreling, nagging, sarcasm, put-down
• b. Devitalized –duty
• c. Passive congenial—love not expected
stability allowed other pursuits
• d. Vital marriages—true intimacy in all import.
• e. Total—more multi-faceted—involved in work
Marital Success: Quality
 Factors that influence marriage quality:
1) Shared social characteristics-homogamous—
why? shared values, politics, religion
2) Economic and personal resources—success
can hold a marriage together.
3) Dual-earner couples
positive—financial; negative--conflicts
4) The division of household labor
women spend twice as much time
2/3 to 1/3 relationship of housework
less women, more men— 1960
men increase housework when:
1. higher male education
2. wives’ jobs -similar or higher p
Marital Success
 Factors that influence marriage quality:
5) Role fit—consensus
6) Social class—m/cl—more egalitarian
7) Children—not correlated with m.quality
U curve or declining over time
1st 10 yrs sharply, then gradually
8) Life cycle
9) Communication—negotiation over difficulties
The Sexual Relationship in Marriage
 Gendered Sexual Intimacy – Women and
men differ in their sexuality.
 The Sexual Stages in Marriage – Sexual
contact occurs most often early in
 Sex as Power – Sex can be used as an
instrument of power.
Power and Decision Making
in Marriage
 Sources of Power in Marriage
a) Resources—income
75%--7000 couples--power related
to income
b) Social Class --ideology & behavior
c) Race and Ethnicity
Latinas—more equality when wife works
Af Amer---most egalitarian
Power and Decision Making
in Marriage
Individual Factors—age & size
Reconstructing gender roles
Building an egalitarian marriage
Pepper Schwartz—Peer Marriage
Study of couples—based on equality,
equity and intimacy
1. household work—no more than 60/40
2. both believe equal influence-decisions
3. both feel equal control of econ. Assets
4. work of each given equal weight
Future of marriage
• Changing or dying