White House Museum proposal

White House Heritage Museum Proposal
1600 Pennsylvania Ave, South Bend, Indiana
Presidential Heritage
There are 13 (soon to be 14) official presidential libraries and several unofficial
presidential museums and libraries scattered around America.
– Every president since Hoover has an official library; Lincoln, McKinley, and others are
– They celebrate only one president each
– They average 150,000 visitors a year
– Many are not self-supporting; Congress is trying to raise endowment requirements
No museum is dedicated to the White House.
– The Truman Library contains a great deal about the Truman-era reconstruction
– The White House Historical Association and the Smithsonian preserve its history but not
with substantial standing exhibits.
There is only one small museum dedicated to all presidents:
– The American Presidential Museum in Branson, MO
White House Heritage Museum
The White House Heritage Museum
is a proposed project to create a non-profit
history museum of the American
presidency and White House in the form of
a full-scale replica of the White House
mansion and grounds.
The project would create a major tourist
attraction and public park in the northern
Indiana/southern Michigan area.
The objective is to create a place where
visitors from around the nation and all
over the world can come to:
– Tour a replica of the White House and visit
rooms not open to the public in the real
White House
– Interact with displays of its history and the
history of the presidency
– Enjoy the park and special events
White House Heritage Museum
stores &
stores &
The Museum is an approximately 32-acre
campus with White House replica and
Lafayette Square Park.
The mansion is flanked by two large parking
lots where the EEOB and Treasury buildings
would be.
The north corners provide areas for shops on
either side of “Lafayette Park.”
Shuttle bus service could be available around
the Museum campus as well as to and from
the airport, Notre Dame campus, and
downtown South Bend.
The campus and park are perfect for concerts,
parades, foot and bike races, and other events.
The retail space and other buildings would be
designed to complement the architectural
style of the White House.
Future expansions could include a Marine One
helicopter, Air Force One fuselage,
presidential carriages and limousines, and
even a research library that is a replica of the
Taft-era West Wing, complete with a replica of
the first Oval Office.
Why a Replica?
A “Hall of Presidents” is not enough of an attraction.
The White House has a mystique beyond its physical location.
– Every presidential library includes a replica of the Oval Office and usually other rooms.
– The Zweifel miniature White House is a popular traveling attraction.
– TV shows and movies often capture the popular imagination about what living and
working in the White House is like.
The White House is not available for special events the way museums are.
– Parts of the mansion could be rented for private functions of all types.
– The museum would host special community events open to the public.
The White House offers little in the way of historical exhibits of its own heritage.
– The White House Visitors Center in Washington is virtually empty.
– Museum exhibits would be substituted for the more utilitarian offices of the real White
Zweifel miniature
White House
The President’s Residence
The real White House is a working residence and office building as well as a living
18 acres (Presidential Park only; does not include Lafayette Square)
132 rooms; 55,000 square feet (67,000 total)
$12 million operating budget—staff of 90 inside and 23 on grounds
1.5 million visitors a year—free admission
If the White House charged $8 admission, it would operate in the black
A replica would cost less to run and would be self-supporting with fewer visitors
Real White House tours are difficult to arrange, very limited in scope, and
unavailable on holidays.
Security concerns make White House tours subject to occasional suspension or
last-minute cancellation.
“Public tours of the White House are available for groups of 10 or more people. Requests
must be submitted through one's Member of Congress and are accepted up to six months
in advance. These self-guided tours are available from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Tuesday
through Saturday (excluding federal holidays), and are scheduled on a first come, first
served basis approximately one month in advance of the requested date.”
National Security Concerns
The Museum foundation would work with Homeland Security to be certain that
no aspects important to the safety of the president or security of the White House
would be duplicated accurately or compromised by the museum replica.
– Most of the detailed floor plan information is already publicly available and does not
present a security concern.
– No attempt would be made to replicate or describe escape routes, command centers,
electronic surveillance systems, or sophisticated physical security measures.
– Private areas used as museum offices would not replicate the actual White House floor
plan for those areas.
Conventional museum security measures would be built into the design in
unobtrusive ways, such as electronic locks, video surveillance, and anti-vehicle
A Modular Plan
A major advantage of this plan is its modular approach.
The Museum might ultimately consist of several parts.
Each stage of completion presents an opportunity for media exposure and
celebration, and therefore becomes a tourist event.
– Groundbreaking in the Oval Office location
– VIP tours of the mansion during late-stage construction
– Opening Ceremonies
Museum offices and those rooms that are open to the public in
the real White House are completed
– Garden Party Celebration
The White House grounds are completed, including the Rose Garden, Kennedy
Garden, tennis courts, swimming pool
Lafayette Park is completed
– Grand Opening
Remaining museum rooms are completed
– Opening of expansion exhibits
Presidential auto collection
Decommissioned presidential helicopter on the South Lawn
747 fuselage painted and dressed inside as Air Force One
A Museum and Event Host
The Mansion as Museum
The White House replica would serve both as a living replica of the real
presidential mansion and a museum of American presidential heritage.
All public and residence rooms and certain other rooms (such as the Oval Office)
would be dressed to replicate the real White House décor.
– On special occasions, some rooms could be redressed with props and décor to replicate a
bygone era, such as the FDR administration or Reagan administration
Most staff areas in the wings would feature museum exhibits of White House and
presidential history.
– Floor plan of these areas would be changed to accommodate museum needs
– Some staff areas would be used as museum offices.
Fully secure/classified areas would be eliminated from the replica’s floor plan or
used for museum storage.
Architecture and Furnishings
The appearance of accuracy is enough.
– Since the décor changes from administration to administration, an approximation of the
drapes, carpets, and furniture at any given time will suffice
– Initial furnishings can be replaced with more authentic materials over time
– Woodwork and other permanent fixtures need to appear accurate from the beginning
White House historians can help and provide extensive documentation.
– Trim molding styles, carpet designs, etc.
– Photos, diagrams, measurements, etc.
Replicas of White House furniture and décor are already available and often used
by presidential libraries.
The Oval Office rug is custom made by Hokanson.
New flooring was installing in the Oval Office in 2005 by Carpet One.
Some chairs and tables are made by Kittinger.
Accurate reproductions of the president’s desk
and other White House furniture are available
from New York First and Victorian Replicas
Museum Exhibits
The Museum would learn from and coordinate with presidential library museums
and local attractions to provide interesting and interactive exhibits.
– Multimedia displays, mannequins, and personal effects of past presidents
– Photographs and pieces of White House renovations
History and trivia exhibits
First families
One Observatory Circle: the vice president’s residence
Camp David history and tradition
History of the Secret Service
White House pets
Interactive simulations and video kiosks
– Deliver a White House press announcement on camera
– Sign a bill into law
– Watch great presidential speeches
The Mansion as Event Host
Since the real White House is a working residence of a head of state, replicating
its features would make a practical museum and event host.
Wheelchair/stroller accessibility
Full kitchens for catered events; dinners for 140, receptions for 1,000
Ball room and meeting rooms for gala events, debates, lectures, and conferences
Restrooms for the public and staff
Offices for staff
Carpenter, engineer, and flower shops
For larger events, tents can be set up on the lawn.
Weddings in the Rose Garden,
receptions in the East Room,
dancing in the Entrance Hall.
Special Events
The Museum would host many events to ensure continued service to the
community and attraction to tourists.
December & January: Christmas décor and events can last from Thanksgiving to January
February: Presidents Day celebration, with presidential retrospectives
April-June: Easter, Mothers Day, and Fathers Day events
July: week-long Independence Day celebration, with concerts and fireworks
September & October: School field trips and a “haunted White House” party
November: Thanksgiving Day community dinner in the State Dining Room
The Museum could host national community events.
– Speeches and historical talks
– Political debates
The Museum would coordinate with local community
events and celebrations.
The Museum could be reserved for private functions.
Weddings and wedding receptions
VIP dinners and political campaign events
Business conferences and catered dinners
Private overnight stays (8 rooms + 4 suites)
Awards ceremonies
Christmas celebrations would be special:
concerts, decorations that complement
the real White House’s holiday theme,
ornaments made by local school
children, and more....
The White House Virtual Tour
Elevations and floor plans: the Smithsonian Institution, the Washington Post, and elsewhere.
Photographs: the White House and presidential library collections
White House Layout
The White House mansion consists of:
– The Family Residence (main structure)
– The West Wing (president’s senior staff offices)
– The East Wing (social offices and visitor reception)
The White House main structure is a four-story building with basement and
sub-basement and multiple mezzanines.
– Ground floor: smaller public rooms and special staff offices
10-foot ceilings
On the north side, the rooms look onto “areaways” below street grade
– First floor: main entrance and grand public rooms
18-22-foot ceilings
Ideal for corporate events and dinners
– Second floor: family and guest rooms
14-foot ceilings
Master suite and Lincoln bedroom
Truman Balcony
– Third floor: family and guest rooms,
and offices
10-foot ceilings, set back from edges
Sun room and promenade
The Visitor Experience
Visitors would arrive at the Museum on Pennsylvania Avenue
and see the fenced-in White House on one side and the open
Lafayette Square and shopping district on the other.
They would park in the large lots flanking the White House and
walk or take a shuttle bus to the Visitor’s Entrance near the
East Wing (just as at the real White House).
There they would pay the entrance fee and get badges with
electronic tags.
– These “security badges” would become souvenirs
– They could be programmed to allow entry for one or more days
After passing through a metal detector, visitors proceed to the
East Wing.
Souvenir shop
Exhibits on the early presidency and White House
In the theater, they could watch a short film
Second floor would be museum offices
Then they continue on into the Residence Ground Floor….
The Visitor Experience
Visitors would browse the public rooms on the Ground Floor
and proceed up to the First Floor and Second Floor by stairs or
– Ground and First Floor rooms dressed as real with kiosks playing
clips of curators and residents describing the history of the room
– Food and soft drinks in the Family Dining Room on the First Floor
– Partial Third Floor tours available on special days and for VIPs
They would then descend to the Ground Floor again and
proceed through the West Wing colonnade
– Press Briefing Room and press offices with exhibits
Then they would enter the West Wing First Floor
– Mostly exhibits of later presidency and White House life
– Oval Office, Cabinet Room, and Roosevelt Room dressed as real
– Situation Room and restaurant on Ground Floor, as well as
museum offices
– Second floor would be museum offices
Visitors could exit the West Wing and tour the grounds by a
guided electric cart tour or through other exits and take a
unguided walking tour of the grounds.
The electric cart tour would end at the East Wing, where
visitors could buy souvenirs and catch a shuttle bus back to
where they parked.
East Wing Ground Floor
East Wing Ground Floor
The East Wing contains the visitors entrance, the East Wing gallery, the White House theater,
and offices used by some first ladies and their staffs as well as offices for correspondence,
calligraphers, and the social secretary.
Beneath it is the presidential emergency operations center, which would not be replicated.
Second Floor offices would be used as museum staff offices
First Floor would be turned into exhibit space and a large gift shop.
East Wing Ground Floor
East Wing Ground Floor
The East Wing contains the visitors entrance, the East Wing gallery, the White House theater,
and offices used by some first ladies and their staffs as well as offices for correspondence,
calligraphers, and the social secretary.
Beneath it is the presidential emergency operations center, which would not be replicated.
Second Floor offices would be used as museum staff offices
First Floor would be turned into exhibit space and a large gift shop.
Residence Ground Floor
staff use
Residence Ground Floor
Residence First Floor
staff use
Lower ceiling;
level above
Residence First Floor
Residence Second Floor
staff use
Residence Second Floor
Residence Third Floor
staff use
Some of these rooms would be
configured for and used by museum
staff. Others would be available for
overnight stays.
Residence Third Floor
West Wing First Floor
staff use
West Wing First Floor
West Wing Second Floor
staff use
The West Wing’s entire second floor would be
reconfigured for museum needs and converted
to staff use.
West Wing Ground Floor
The WW Ground Floor would be converted to
museum staff space except for the Navy Mess
restaurant and the Situation Room, which would
be maintained as a replica.
West Wing Ground Floor
The White House grounds include:
A tennis court (1), Oval Office terrace, and swimming pool (2), as well as fountains, basketball court,
putting green, horseshoe pit, and groundskeeping buildings.
Gardens: Rose Garden (3), Kennedy Garden, Children’s Garden
Mature trees would be sought out to match White House trees.
Lafayette Square
Lafayette Square is the park across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House.
Replicating it would provided a picturesque place for community leisure and
events that would be maintained and administered by the museum foundation.
The park would be open and free to the public.
Logistics and Funding
Central Location
Northern Indiana (Michiana) is the perfect place for a large-scale patriotic-themed
museum attraction.
– Centrally located in the US
– Strategically located on the 80/90 toll road that connects Chicago to Toledo and
Cleveland, and on the 31 freeway to Indianapolis
– Big enough to support the project, small enough to avoid traffic issues
– Has a reputation for middle-American values and patriotism (Hummer, Studebaker)
Conventions and Notre Dame give the South Bend area notoriety and potential.
– Attracts affluent and educated visitors
– Spurred the development excellent shopping, restaurants, and hotels in the area
– Spurred the development of a small but very good airport facility
Size comparison
to Notre Dame
proposed location, an
agricultural area
southwest of the city
not far from new
The project should have a substantial positive economic and cultural impact on
the Michiana area.
A major tourist attraction for an estimated 500,000 visitors per year
An attraction for high-profile corporate executives, politicians, and scholars
A public park
A center for community events
$20+ million in local labor and material expenditures during construction
A professional staff of about 20 directors, historians, curators, and department heads
An estimated 120 service jobs, post-construction
Substantial revenues from retail stores in Lafayette Square shopping district
Corresponding increase in revenues from existing area retailers and services
There is no anticipated negative environmental or cultural impact.
The proposed site would develop an agricultural location
Little to no housing would be displaced
Close enough to downtown to promote crossover revenue and visitation
Relative remoteness would reduce any issues of noise and traffic
Environmentally, the construction would compare to the construction of a corporate office
– Green construction techniques would likely be encouraged and supported financially by
interested agencies and organizations
It’s very difficult to estimate the cost of replicating a 200-year-old world-famous
mansion estate.
Some model projects are available to help determine the costs involved.
– Studebaker National Museum 2005 new facility project
$9 million, raised privately
24,000 visitors
50,000 square feet
Professional staff of 8
– National Underground Railroad Freedom Center project, 2004 (Cincinnati)
$80 million
158,000 square feet (2.4 x the size of the White House)
– Computer History Museum project, 2005 (near San Jose)
$125 million, corporate and private
Staff of 30 permanent and 350 volunteers
120,000 square feet (1.8 x the size of the White House)
– Clinton Library project, 2004 (Little Rock)
$165 million, raised mostly privately
150,000 square feet (2.3 x the size of the White House)
Staff of 30 archivists alone
– GHW Bush Library project, 1997 (near Houston)
20,000 square feet of museum exhibit space
$43 million, raised privately
Additional $40 million for a conference center and school of government
professional staff of 10
The controversial
Lincoln Presidential
Museum cost $150M,
of which $50M was
federal money. It had a
highly successful
opening, and continues
to have strong
attendance of about
500,000 annually.
A total of $50 to $65 million would likely be required, with the shopping district paid for by the
businesses who will occupy it.
The modular design would likely allow the museum to open its doors with $28 million and
begin serving the community in approximately 2 years.
$3 million
$3 million
$10 million
$8 million
West Wing
$3 million
$2 million
East Wing
$2 million
$1 million
Grounds (gardens, lawn, fountains) and misc. structures
$4 million
$2 million
Lafayette Square
$2 million
$1 million
$17 million
$5 million
Office and maintenance equipment
$3.5 million
$3.5 million
$5.5 million
$2.5 million
$50 million
$28 million
Land acquisition, planning, and design
Acquisitions and interactive displays and videos
Permanent endowment
$8 million
Auto museum building planning and construction
$4 million
Auto acquisitions (with some donated by federal government)
$1 million
747 fuselage acquisition (donated by Boeing or an airline)
Air Force 1 exhibit outfitting
$3 million
$16 million
These figures closely
match the National
Association for
Museum Exhibition
figures for cost per
square foot, although
this project trades
some showmanship
for green space.
Funding Model
The patriotic nature and national scope of the project lends itself to largescale fund-raising at the highest levels, especially federal and corporate.
– Corporate donations
• $7 million
• Raised thru personal appeals, sponsorship of exhibits and events, VIP reservations
– Federal government
• $40 million
– Private donations
• $3 million
• Raised thru advertising appeals, personal donations, entrance fees
– State government
• Road building
– Local government
• Zoning and permits
• Utility service extension
A substantial degree of public donation and volunteerism can also be
It’s possible that competition among
supporters to provide their preferred
presidents with a higher profile would
produce far greater private donations.
Next Steps
Get support from local officials.
– Sponsorship of funding at the federal level
– Recommendations for contacts
– Recommendations for participants in the project
Form a non-profit organization.
Create a foundation for funding to be applied to
Get an architectural firm to draft concept drawings
Create a communication campaign strategy
Make first contact with White House historians
Create a detailed development plan with cost estimates.
– Explore architects, contractors, suppliers
Pursue broad-based support.
The White House Historical Association
State and federal legislators
General public and news media
Corporate and major private sources
Presidential libraries might be willing to
help identify possible benefactors.
For more information about this project or this proposal document, contact:
Derek Jensen
364 Pine Crest Dr.
Bremen, IN 46506