Of Mice and Men

Of Mice and Men Study Guide
Character List
Below is a list of the major characters from Of Mice and Men.
 Lennie Small: a nondescript, hulking creature of a man whose childlike mentality
continually gets him into scrapes with men who neither respect nor understand him.
 George Milton: a small, lean man, used to fighting for his place in the world. He
oversees and protects Lennie.
 Slim: a tall skinner (a highly skilled mule-driver) that serves as a counselor to the ranch
 Candy: The one-handed ranch worker who has lived past his prime.
 Curley’s wife: never named, she is not respected by the men on the ranch.
 Crooks: the African-American stable buck is called Crooks because of a spinal injury
inflicted by a kicking horse.
 Curley: the boss’ son, he possesses a jealous, cruel streak.
John Steinbeck’s novel Of Mice and Men places the reader in Depression-era California,
traveling from job to job with two migrant laborers, George Milton and Lennie Small. The novel
explores their friendship, in contrast to the isolation of their peers, and the way dreams can either
sustain or discourage people. It also addresses a variety of issues, including racism, sexism, and
other forms of discrimination, that play out against the backdrop of lonely people seeking
happiness. In addition examining important ethical dilemmas, studying Of Mice and Men
provides an opportunity to discuss literary devices such as foreshadowing, symbolism, and point
of view.
Pre-Reading Questions
What does the title mean?
But, Mouse, you are not alone
In proving that looking into the future may be in vain:
The best laid plans of mice and men
Often go askew
And leave us nothing but grief and pain
These lines are taken from a poem. The title of Steinbeck’s book alludes to this poem. What is
the poem saying? What predictions can you make about the book?
Section 1
1. Describe the atmosphere that is created by the imagery in the first two paragraphs of the novel.
2. What does the dead mouse in his jacket pocket reveal about Lennie?
3. What is the purpose of the story of the rabbits that George tells Lennie?
4. Before they go to sleep, George tells Lennie to “hide in the brush” near their campsite and wait
for George to come if he gets into any trouble. What prediction can readers draw from George’s
This is probably an example of _______________________.
5. Why does Steinbeck describe Lennie in animalistic terms?
6. Why does George get angry with Lennie after they arrive in the clearing?
7. Why does George urge Lennie to remain quiet when they meet the boss at the ranch where they’ll
be working?
8. As they prepare the campfire for dinner, Lennie remarks that he likes his beans with ketchup,
sending George into a rage. What does this reveal about George?
9. On pgs 13-14, George says, “Gus like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the
world. They got no family. They don’t belong no place…With us it ain’t like that. We got a
future. We got somebody to talk to that gives a damn about us.” According to this passage, is
having a companion an advantage or disadvantage? Explain.
10. Is Lennie capable of manipulating George?
Name _________________________ Date__________ Period______
Chapter 2 Study Questions
Of Mice and Men
1. As the chapter begins, why is the new boss angry before George and Lennie even arrive? Are the men worried
about angering their new boss?
2. Why isn’t George happy with his bunk? Who was Smitty?
3. How did Smitty treat the African-American who worked in the stable?
4. Describe the boss. Why doesn’t Lennie respond to the boss’s questions? How does the boss feel about Lennie’s
mental slowness?
5. Describe Curley based on:
How he looks –
How he acts –
What he says –
6. How does George feel about Curley?
7.Describe the relationship between Candy and his new wife.
8. Describe Curley’s wife based on:
How she looks –
How she acts –
What she says –
9. Describe Slim based on:
How he looks –
How he acts –
What he says –
10. How does Slim treat George and Lennie?
Of Mice and Men
Ch. 3 Study Questions
1. At the beginning of Ch. 3, George is thanking Slim for something. What did Slim do?
2. What does George tell Slim about his past? (2 things)
3. Why did George stop picking on Lennie?
4. Why does Carlson want to shoot Candy’s dog?
5. What does Whit try to convince George to do?
6. Where does Curley think his wife is?
7. What does George warn Lennie about? (Hint: Women)
8. What does Candy want from George?
9. Explain the fight that broke out between the men.
10. What story does Slim make up about Curley’s hand?
Ch. 4 Study Questions
1. How is Crooks different from the other ranch workers? (Give at least three differences.)
2. Why does Crooks invite Lennie to stay and talk with him?
3. How does Crooks think that he and Lennie are similar? Is Crooks correct in this estimation?
4. How does Crooks upset Lennie? What is Lennie’s reaction?
5. What is Crooks’s opinion of Lennie and George’s dream of owning their own land?
6. What offer does Crooks make to Candy and Lennie?
7. Why does Curley’s wife come to the stable?
8. What does Curley’s wife reveal about her marriage to Curley?
9. How does Curley’s wife treat Lennie? How does Lennie respond to her attention?
10. What prompts Curley’s wife to threaten Crooks? What threat does she make?
11. What is Curley’s wife’s final comment about her husband before she leaves the stable?
Chapter 5 Study Questions
Of Mice and Men
1. How is Lennie’s treatment of his dead puppy typical of his character?
2. In what way is Curley’s wife also a dreamer? Is her dream any more realistic than George and Lennie’s?
3. How does Curley’s wife feel about him?
4. How does she entice Lennie into touching her?
5. What makes Lennie get angry with her?
6. How does Lennie react to what he has done?
7. How does George’s reaction to the murder relate to his belief in the dream?
8. What plan does George come up with after Candy find the body?
9. Compare the reactions of Curley and Slim.
11. What is Curley’s immediate reaction to the death of his wife? What plans do they make?
Chapter 6 Study Questions
Of Mice and Men
1. The nature theme occurs again at the beginning of this chapter. How is Lennie in conflict with nature?
2. How did George know where to find Lennie?
3. Why isn’t George mad at Lennie?
4. Again, the point is made that on the ranch they will have each other to look after. Why is this point mentioned so
5. Why does George take the action that he does?
6.What earlier action foreshadowed George’s action?
7. What is the last comment in the novel? What is its significance?
8. Why do you suppose George shoots Lennie?