Classical Period Theme Park Project

The Classic Park
AP World History 2015-2016
Get into your groups bringing all information that you have on your assigned empire. Each group of 3-4 will
design a section within a theme park (Disney World, Six Flags) based upon the Classical Period. Each group
will design a different section of this theme park for one of the Classical civilizations. All sections of the park
will fit together to make one map when completed. Assign the following roles: Project manager (will keep
everyone on task and work with other project managers to make sure the combined map flows), Artist(s) (will
draw characters, events, rides and trails on the map), Public relations (will put information into an attractive
brochure). If four members are in a group, then the fourth person can be an assistant to the Pubic Relations or
Artist. All members will conduct initial research with each member choosing a different element of classical
history. (See below)
The map: Cut two pieces of large white paper about a yard long. Tape these two pieces together to create a
map that makes a square. Cut the large map into equal pieces, giving each group one section. The Project
Managers should work together to ensure that the theme park has an entrance and an exit, a central focal point
(i.e. the castle at Disney World) and trails that lead from one quadrant to the other and will connect together.
These students may also want to establish a common scale to be used within each quadrant.
Park Sections
Qin Dynasty
Han Dynasty
Mauryan Dynasty
Gupta Dynasty
Persian Empire
Roman Empire
The following must be included in your project:
1. Map (one quadrant of the entire map)
2. Rides (At least one roller coaster and 2 rides for each member of group)
3. Eating establishments (At least one per member of group).
4. Entertainment (At least two total)
5. Character appearances (At least one per member of group
6. Souvenir Shops (At least two total)
7. Auxiliary (restrooms, arcades, fountains, greenery, etc)
In addition, a paragraph should be included about each ride, restaurant, show, character, and souvenir shop
connecting this part of the park to the empire’s history. For restaurants, think about the type of food that your
civilization may eat. For souvenirs, think about the type of items you civilization would value, or want to trade
to other areas. These paragraphs can be combined to form a pamphlet about the park or they can be placed on
the map itself.
This project will be worth 100 points. You will receive an individual grade and a group grade that will be
averaged. Make sure to divide up the responsibilities. When theme parks are turned in, each group will present
the teacher with an accountability sheet that describes the contributions of each member of the group. All
members will sign off on this sheet. The rubrics attached will be used to evaluate your theme park.
Individual Assignment Sheet
Circle: Political
Social (class, gender)
Cultural (religion)
Global interaction
Attraction development:
Eating establishment: ____________
Show (opt):
Park Construction:
Artist (s)
Public Relations:
Job Descriptions:
Manager: Plans with other groups to put park together, keeps group on task, responsible
for project’s timely completion, assignment of duties.
Artists: Draws out map including trails and individual rides. Responsible for artistic
rendering and overall appearance of map.
Public Relations: Puts information from each individual group member into an attractive
brochure. This can be done on a computer using Publisher, or by hand.
Accountability Sheet
Project Manager: <Name and contribution to group>
<Name and contribution to group>
<Name and contribution to group>
Signatures and comments:
Unit 2 - Criterion D: Critical Thinking (Empires Theme Park)
i. Discusses concepts, issues, models, visual representations and theories
ii. Synthesize information to make valid, well supported arguments
iii. Analyze and interpret a wide range of sources/data in terms of origin and purpose, examining values and
IB Descriptors
Task-Specific Descriptors
The student:
The student:
1. completes a detailed discussion of
concepts, issues, models, visual representation
and theories
2. synthesizes information to make valid, wellsupported arguments
3. effectively analyses and evaluates a wide
range of sources/data in terms of origin and
purpose, recognizing values and limitations
4. thoroughly interprets a range of different
perspectives and their implications.
Each aspect of park demonstrates 100% accuracy of
empire based on thorough research. The brochure shows
concise and clear information concerning the connection
between the empire and each aspect of park, providing
detailed analysis of the park. The park makes sense in
layout and is detailed in construction. High levels of
unique and creative ideas are demonstrated.
The student:
The student:
1. discusses concepts, issues, models, visual
representation and theories
2. synthesizes information to make valid
3. effectively analyses and evaluates a range
of sources/data in terms of origin and purpose,
recognizing values and limitations
4. interprets different perspectives and their
Each aspect of the park demonstrates close to 90-100%
accuracy of empire based on substantial research. The
brochure is clear concerning the connection between the
empire and providing analysis of park. The park layout
makes sense and is somewhat detailed. Substantial levels
of unique and creative ideas are shown.
The student:
The student:
1. analyses concepts, issues, models, visual
representation and theories
2. summarizes information to make arguments
3. analyses and/or evaluates sources/data in
terms of origin and purpose, recognizing some
values and limitations
4. interprets different perspectives and some
of their implications.
Each aspect of the park demonstrates 80-90% accuracy of
empire based on adequate research. The brochure shows
a connection between the empire and attempts to provide
analysis of park. The park layout is somewhat logical and is
not very detailed. Adequate creativity is shown.
The student:
The student:
1. analyses concepts, issues, models, visual
representation and theories to a limited
2. summarizes information to a limited extent
to make arguments
3. describes a limited number of
sources/data in terms of origin and purpose
and recognizes few values and limitation
4. identifies different perspectives and minimal
Shows limited research for theme park. Brochure shows
limited connection between park aspects and empire and
limited analysis of park. The park is illogical and not
detailed. Poor levels of creativity shown.
Criterion A: Knowing and Understanding (Theme Park Brochure)
i. Use a wide range of terminology in text
ii. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of subject-specific content and concepts through developed
descriptions, explanations and examples.
IB Descriptors
The student:
The student:
i. consistently uses a wide range of
terminology effectively
Uses a wide range of terminology appropriate
to empire effectively throughout brochure. Is
able to provide detailed knowledge and
understanding of content with descriptions,
explanations and examples that are thorough
and accurate. Has 3 sources (MLA Format)
including at least 1 written source. Uses
internal citations.
ii. demonstrates detailed knowledge and
understanding of content and concepts through
thorough, accurate descriptions, explanations
and examples.
The student:
The student:
i. uses a range of terminology accurately and
Uses a range of terminology appropriate to
empire accurately throughout brochure. Is able
to provide substantial knowledge and
understanding of content and concepts of
empire with accurate descriptions,
explanations and examples. Has 2-3 sources
(MLA format) including at least 1 written
source. Uses internal citations.
ii. demonstrates substantial knowledge and
understanding of content and concepts through
accurate descriptions, explanations and
Task-Specific Descriptors
The student:
The student:
i. uses some terminology accurately and
ii. demonstrates adequate knowledge and
understanding of content and concepts through
satisfactory descriptions, explanations and
Uses some terminology appropriate to empire
accurately throughout brochure. Is able to
show adequate knowledge and understanding
of content and concepts through satisfactory
descriptions, explanations and examples. Has
2 sources (MLA format) and may/may not
have 1 written source. Some internal citations.
The student:
The student:
i. uses limited relevant terminology
Uses limited relevant terminology for empire
in brochure. Shows basic knowledge and
understanding of content and concepts of
empire with minimal descriptions and/or
examples. Less than 2 sources (MLA format)
and may/may not include 1 written source.
Few/none internal citations.
ii. demonstrates basic knowledge and
understanding of content and concepts with
minimal descriptions and/or examples.