Great Depression Learning Targets

Great Depression/ New Deal Learning Targets and Review Sheet
Name__________________________ PF#____
Learning Target:
1. I can define the Great Depression.
2. I can state the short term cause of the Great Depression.
3. I can explain how the short term cause helped lead to the Great Depression.
4. I can state the long term causes of the Great Depression.
5. I can explain how the long term causes helped lead to the Great Depression.
6. I can describe the impact of the Great Depression.
a. Economy
b. Society
7. I can define Dust Bowl.
8. I can describe the impact of the Dust Bowl on the U.S.
a. Economy
b. Society
9. I can define New Deal.
10. I can explain the goals of the New Deal.
11. I can describe the impacts of the New Deal on the U.S. economy.
12. I can explain the impact of the Great Depression on the expansion of the role of the federal
13. I can analyze political cartoons for bias.
14. I can interpret political cartoons to determine perceptions of President Roosevelt and President Hoover.
Key Terms and People:
Great Depression
direct relief
Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act
deficit spending
Bonus Army
Dow Jones
Dust Bowl
installment plan
New Deal
buying on the margin
rugged individualism
Social Security Act
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Herbert Hoover