Particle Physics Literature: “Introduction to Elementary Particles” D. Griffiths “Quarks & Leptons” F. Halzen & A. Martin “Quarks, Leptons & Gauge Fields” K. Huang “Collider Physics” V. D. barger & R. J. N. Phillips “Introduction to High Energy Physics” D.H. Perkins “The Review of Particle Physics” 2008 1st semester Physics Department, Hanyang Univ. ByungGu Cheon Ch. 1. Historical Introduction to the Elementary Particles Mendeleev: periodic system of elements Chaos order better understanding predictions (new elements) new insights 1.1 The Classical Era (1897-1932) Thompson (1897): electron E BE E,B0 v=Ec/B B0 R=vmc/qB No deflection in EB configuration: Ec v 0 F q E B v B c Measured q/m much larger than for (with electron charge) me31026 g Circle with radius R with only B0: mc q vc R v qB m RB 1H-atom “Plum”-model of the atom atom Joseph Thomson (1856-1940) Nobel Prize 1906 In recognition of the great merits of his theoretical and experimental investigations on the conduction of electricity by gases 1909 13: Rutherford’s scattering experiments Discovery of the atomic nucleus observation: unexpected a few number of alpha particles deflected over large angles! all positive charge at center! Atom consists of a positively charged nucleus surrounded by a cloud of electrons R+<10-12 cm “Solar system”-model nucleus of the atom note: compare shooting bullets at bag of sand Cross-section of Rutherford’s Scattering Note : b( ) Z 1 2E tan / 2 density ; velocity v flux: v [#/cm2/s] Effective transverse cross-sectional area = 2bb 2 2 N 1 Z cos 1 Z v 2 v 2bb v 2 t 2 E tan / 2 tan / 2 2 E 4sin 4 / 2 Z 1 d d 2 E 4sin 4 / 2 2 Earnest Rutherford (1871-1937) Nobel Prize 1908 (Chemistry!) For his investigations into the disintegration of the elements and the chemistry of radioactive substances He discovered alpha and beta rays, set forth the laws of radioactive decay, and identified alpha particles as helium nuclei. Atomic Model: Atom consists of a positively charged nucleus surrounded by a cloud of electrons Nuclear radius 1013 cm 105 x atomic radius Mass of the nucleus mass of the atom Bohr (1914): energy levels in atoms Experiment showed emission (absorption) of specific, element dependent, wavelengths! Example: Balmer series in hydrogen 1 1 1 RH 2 2 n 3,4,5,... n 2 410 434 486 Discreteness of energy levels hard to reconcile with the classical atomic model Bohr’s Atomic model v p+ e r Hydrogen: 1 proton with 1 electron Electron angular momentum quantized! Discrete lines: transitions between states 1 L mvr nh E 2 n n 656 nm Niels Bohr (1885-1962) Nobel prize 1922 For his services in the investigation of the structure of atoms and of the radiation emanating from them" First (wrong) ideas about nuclear structure (before 1932) Observations Mass values of light nuclei multiples of proton mass (to few %) (proton nucleus of the hydrogen atom) b decay: spontaneous emission of electrons by some radioactive nuclei Hypothesis: the atomic nucleus is a system of protons and electrons strongly bound together Nucleus of the atom with atomic number Z and mass number A: a bound system of A protons and (A – Z) electrons Total electric charge of the nucleus = [A – (A – Z)]e = Z e Problem with this model: the “Nitrogen anomaly” Spin of the Nitrogen nucleus = 1 Spin: intrinsic angular momentum of a particle (or system of particles) In Quantum Mechanics only integer or half-integer multiples of ħ (h 2) are possible: integer values for orbital angular momentum both integer and half-integer values for spin Electron, proton spin = ½ħ (measured) Nitrogen nucleus (A = 14, Z = 7): 14 protons + 7 electrons = 21 spin ½ particles TOTAL SPIN MUST HAVE HALF-INTEGER VALUE Measured spin = 1 Chadwick (1932): the neutron discovery Chadwick’s experiments: a 210Po radioactive source (5 MeV – particles ) mixed with Beryllium powder emission of electrically neutral radiation capable of traversing several centimetres of Pb: 4 He + 9 Be 12 C + 1 neutrons 2 4 6 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 m v m c m v m c m c Energy Conservation : N N N mnvn mnc B 2 2 2 m v mnvn mN vN Momentum Conservation: mn=938 1.8 MeV Chadwick postulated the existing of a neutral particle inside the atomic nucleus: neutron! James Chadwick (1891 – 1974) Nobel Prize 1935 For the discovery of the neutron After Chadwick discovered the neutron, the proton, electron and neutron accounted for all the atoms of all the elements in the Universe. Thompson Rutherford Chadwick/Bohr e- 1H atom nucleus p+ nucleus e- 4He “Plum”-model of the atom 14N “Solar system”-model of the atom nucleus: 14 protons + 7 electrons experiment: spin 1 spin ½ “modern”-model of the atomic nucleus nucleus: 7 neutrons 7 protons + 7 electrons experiment: spin 1 2 p+ 2n 14N spin 1 1.2 The photon (1900-1924) as a particle Einstein/Millikan • Photoelectric effect: observation: electron emission stops abruptly as soon as wavelength exceeds a certain (material dependent) value. explanation: Ee h-W • Compton Scattering observation: deflected photon wavelength shifted from incident photon wavelength according to: f= i + (1-cos) h/mc •Blackbody radiation spectrum Planck Raleigh -Jeans Planck: ( , T ) 8 4 kT Raleigh - Jeans tot ( ,T ) d 1 (,T ) 8hc 5 exp hc KT 1 lim ( ,T ) 0 lim ( ,T ) Planck RJ 0 0 Max Planck (1858-1947) Nobel prize 1918 In recognition of the services he rendered to the advancement of Physics by his discovery of energy quanta E nh In 1916 Millikan stated on the poto-electric effect: “Einstein’s photo electric equation … appears in every case to predict exactly the observed results…. Yet the semi-corpuscular theory by which Einstein arrived at this equation seems at present wholly untenable” Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Nobel prize 1921 For his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect Robert Andres Millikan (1868-1953) Nobel price 1923 For his work on the elementary charge of electricity and on the photo-electric effect Arthur Holly Compton (1892-1962) Charles Thomson Rees Wilson (1969-1959) Nobel prize 1927 "for his discovery of the effect named after him" "for his method of making the paths of electrically charged particles visible by condensation of vapour" - 1.4 Anti-Particles (1930-1956) 1927: Dirac equation with two energy solutions: 2 2 2 2 4 E p c m c E p 2c 2 m 2c 4 E p 2c 2 m 2c 4 How do you avoid that all particles tumble into the negative energy levels? Simple: assume that all negative energy levels are filled (possible thanks to Pauli exclusion principle!) E=0 - Excitation of an electron with negative energy to one with positive energy yields: - a real electron with positive energy - “hole” in the sea i.e. presence of a + charge with positive energy! 1940-1950: Feynman Stuckelberg interpretation: negative energy solutions correspond to positive energy solutions of an other particle: the anti-particle! e n p e n p Erwin Schrodinger (1887 – 1961) Paul Dirac (1902 – 1984) Nobel Prize 1933 For the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory P. Dirac E. Schrödinger m v 2 p2 E 2 2m Non-relativistic kinetic energy: Relativistic kinetic energy (Einstein): E 2 m 2c 4 p 2c 2 E m 2c 4 p 2c 2 “negative” solution is related to the existence of antimatter C. D. Anderson (1905 – 1991) : positron Nobel Prize 1936 For his discovery of the positron Co-winner: V. F. Hess For his discovery of cosmic rays Photon conversions e+ e in a bubble chamber C. Anderson (1905-1991) e+ e- V. F. Hess (1883-1964) Antiproton were identified in 1955 by Emilio Segre and Owen Chamberlain Nobel Prize 1959 For their discovery of the antiproton O. Chamberlain E. Segre Proton Synchrotron at U.C. Berkeley p Copper target p 6.3 GeV p p p p p p p p p p p Sin-Itiro Tomonaga (1906 – 1979) Julian S. Schwinger (1918 – 1994) Richard Feynman (1918 – 1988) Nobel prize 1965 For their fundamental work in quantum electrodynamics, with deepploughing consequences for the physics of elementary particles Quantum-Electro-Dynamics (QED) Tomonaga Schwinger Feynman Discovery of muon () Phys. Rev. 51 (1937) 884. In 1937, Discovery of muon () S. Neddermeyer, C. Anderson penetrating cosmic ray tracks with unit charge but mass in between electron and proton muons were proven not to have any nuclear interactions and to be just heavier versions of electrons decays to electron and two invisible neutrinos via weak interactions (b decay): - → e- e first encounter of the generation problem Particle Electric charge (x 1.6 10-19 C) e 1 1 p n 1 0 0 Mass (GeV=x 1.86 10-27 kg) 0.0005 0.106 0.938 0.940 0 70 years later we still don’t have a good answer I.I Rabi, Nobel 1944 Discovery of pion meson () Yukawa Hideki Prediction of pion existence :Yukawa 1935 Nucleons (protons and neutrons) are held together by stronger force than electrostatic repulsion of protons In 1935 Yukawa predicted existence of a mediator of the strong interactions. Estimated its mass to be around 0.1 GeV. Nobel Prize in 1949 Discovery of pions :Cecil Powell 1947 (Nature 159 (1947) 186.) detected in cosmic rays captured in photographic emulsion Unlike muons they do interact with nuclei charged pions eventually decay to muons: → view of the particle world seemed complete for entire two months... Nobel Prize in 1950 Particle Electric charge (x 1.6 10-19 C) C.F. Powell Mass (GeV=x 1.86 10-27 kg) e 1 1 0 p 0.938 n 1 0 110 0.14 0.0005 0.106 } Leptons: no strong interactions } Hadrons: feel strong interactions 0 0.940 Neutrinos () existence of the neutrino postulated by Pauli (1930) n p e e not this but this # events # events n pe mn-mp-me 17 keV mn2 m 2p me2 2 c Ee 2mn Ee Ee experiment to demonstrate neutrino’s existence was done by Clyde Cowan & Frederick Reines from 1953-1956 e pne followed by e e n-capture n e e+ e+ e annihilation 1947, Discovery of strange meson (kaon) Rochester, Butler using a cloud chamber saw something unusual. Two tracks appeared from a single point beneath a lead plate, as if from nowhere. cosmic ray particles with masses in between pions and protons which were just like pions except for strangely long lifetime (decay to pions or a muon and neutrino) Mass ~ 0.5 GeV (Nature 160 (1947) 855) Butler K0 →+ - 0 →p+ - Rochester Production of particles with a very long lifetime! Typically in pairs production mechanism decay mechanism (strong interaction) (weak interaction) The peculiar properties led to the new quantum number, strangeness. In 1950’s, Discovery of entire particle Zoo thanks to the rapid progress in particle accelerator technology • new particles either pion-like (mesons) or proton-like (baryons) • either type can be strange or non-strange • mesons and baryons (hadrons) feel strong interactions contrary to leptons (e,,) Periodic tables of particles S - Strangeness Q - Electric Charge Q= -1 S=+1 S= 0 S= -1 K Q= 0 K0 0 Q=+1 K K0 Q= -1 Q= 0 Q=+1 n p S= 0 S= -1 0 S= -2 0 S= S= S= S= 0 -1 -2 -3 Q=-1 Spin 0 Meson Octet Q= 0 0 0 0 Q=+1 Spin 1/2 Baryon Octet Q=+2 Spin 3/2 Baryon Decuplet Quark model of hadrons : Gell-Man Nobel prize 1969: Murray Gell-Mann For his fundamental contributions to our knowledge of mesons and baryons and their interactions Also for having developed new algebraic methods which have led to a far-reaching classification of these particles according to their symmetry properties. The methods introduced are among the most powerful tools for further research in particle physics. 0 0 1232 MeV 1385 MeV ddd ddu sdd sud 1533 MeV 1680 MeV duu ssd sss ssu suu uuu Fundamental particles: u-, d- & s-quarks! THE QUARK MODEL 1964 (Gell-Mann, Zweig): Hadron classification into “families”; observation that all hadrons could be built from three spin ½ “building blocks” (named “quarks” by Gell-Mann): Gell-Mann G. Zweig s S=1 Q=-1/3 Q=2/3 d u S=0 u d Q=-2/3 s S=-1 Q=-1/3 Eightfold Way Baryon Octect: three quarks bound together 33 3=(6 3) 3= 6 3 +3 3= 8+10+8+1 proton uud ; neutron udd p n S=0 suu ; 0 sud ; sdd S=-1 Σ- S=-2 Σ+ Σ0 ; Λ Q=1 Ξ- Ξ0 Q=-1 Q=0 0 ssu ; ssd Meson Octet: quark – antiquark pairs 33=8+1 Examples of non-strange mesons: ud ; u d ; 0 (dd uu ) / 2 Examples of strange mesons: S=1 K su ; K 0 sd ; K s u ; K 0 s d K0 K+ 3 π- S= 0 S= 1 π+ π0 ; η Q=1 K- K0 Q=0 Prediction and discovery of the – particle A success of the static quark model 3 The “decuplet” of spin 2 baryons Mass (MeVc 2 ) Strangeness 0 –1 –2 –3 N*++ uuu N*+ uud *+ suu N*– ddd N*° udd *– sdd *° sud *– ssd *° ssu – sss 1232 1384 1533 1672 (predicted) –: the bound state of three s – quarks with the lowest mass with total angular momentum = 3 2 Pauli’s exclusion principle requires that the three quarks cannot be identical The first – event (observed in the 2 m liquid hydrogen bubble chamber at BNL using a 5 GeV/c K– beam from the 30 GeV AGS, 1964) V.E. Barnes et al. PRL 12 (1964) 204. Chain of events in the picture: K– + p – + K+ + K° (strangeness conserving) – ° + – (S = 1 weak decay) ° ° + (S = 1 weak decay) – +p (S = 1 weak decay) ° + (electromagnetic decay) with both – rays converting to an e+e – in liquid hydrogen (very lucky event, because the mean free path for e+e – in liquid hydrogen is ~10 cm) – mass measured from this event = 1686 ± 12 MeVc2 In 1975, Discovery of Tau Lepton () • In 1973, at the electron-positron storage ring SPEAR was installed to search for the reaction mechanism for production of new leptons viz., e- + e+ => X+ + X-. Experiment at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center in 1975 by M. Perl et al using the Stanford positron-electron asymmetric ring (SPEAR). Centre of mass energies of order 4GeV 24 events out of 35,000 interaction events: (Phys. Rev. Lett. 35, 1489 (1975)) m~1.8 GeV Martin Perl (1927) Frederick Reines (1918 – 1998) (Cowan had died) Nobel Prize 1995 For pioneering experimental contributions to lepton physics: for the discovery of the tau lepton for the detection of the neutrino Lepton Family 1962: Experiment shows that there exists something like “conservation of lepton number” Particles count as “+1” Anti-particles count as “1” Lepton lepton # electron# muon # e 1 1 0 e 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 () () e n p e e n p e e Yes No No p n Yes p e n No Lepton lepton # electron# muon # e 1 1 0 e 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 () () Later: We will see that these particles can be organized in doublets; much alike e.g. the electron spin states: Spin-up: Spin-down: Lederman, Schwartz, Steinberger And many many more particles ……… Leon M. Lederman (1922) Melvin Schwartz (1932) Jack Steinberger (1921) Nobel Prize 1988 For the neutrino beam method and the demonstration of the doublet structure of the leptons through the discovery of the muon neutrino In 1974, Discovery of Charm Quark • S. C. C. Ting et al.: p Be → J (→e+ e-) X at Brookhaven AGS proton synchrotron Phys. Rev. Lett. 33 (1974) 1404 m =3.1 GeV • B. Richter et al.: e+ e- → ψ(1s) →e+ e- at SLAC SPEAR e+ e- collider with Mark-I detector m= 3.105 0.003 GeV Phys Rev. Lett 33 (1974) 1406 mc~1.5 GeV Charmed particles (1974) SLAC: excess events @ s 3.1 GeV ee hadrons Brookhaven: excess events @ Mee 3.1 GeV p+Be ee Burt Richter Sam Ting interpretation: new quark: ee cc hadrons interpretation: new bound state: cc ee Burton Richter (1931) Samuel Ting (1936) Nobel Prize 1976 For their pioneering work in the discovery of a heavy elementary particle of a new kind quark baryon # u / d # c / s # 1 u 3 1 0 ( d) c ( s) 3 1 0 3 1 0 1 3 0 1 1 1 Later: We will see that these particles can be organized in doublets; much alike e.g. the electron spin states: Spin-up: Spin-down: In 1977, Discovery of Bottom quark ( Fermilab) Leon Lederman : Upsilon (Y(1s) →+-) "Observation of a Dimuon Resonance at 9.5 GeV in 400 GeV ProtonNucleus Collisions," Physical Review Letters 39, p. 252, (1977). p+ nucleus (target) →Υ(1s)X → +- X mb~4.7 GeV 1995, Discovery of Top quark (Fermilab) • The experiment was carried out at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory's Tevatron, by the CDF and the D0 collaborations. • The CDF found 37 top candidate events as against an expected background of 12 events. The D0 collaboration found 17 top candidate events and estimated a background of about 4 events • CDF reports a mass of 176 GeV (statistical uncertainty of 8 GeV and systematic uncertainty of 10 GeV). D0 reports 199 GeV (statistical uncertainty of 20 GeV and systematic uncertainty of 22 GeV) Double b-tagged dilepton event @ CDF CDF D0 The t-quark: Tevatron collider pp Xtt tt Wb Wb W e e or (clean) W qq (difficult ) What are the fundamental building blocks? The fundamental particles are split up into two families, namely the quarks and the leptons. Both of these families consist of six particles, split into three generations, with the first generation being the lightest, and the third the heaviest. Summary of Matter Particles Present Atomic Model • Particle Physicists study the fundamental particles that make up all of matter, and how they interact with each other. What holds it together? There are four fundamental interactions between fundamental particles, and all forces in the world can be attributed to these four interactions! What holds it together? There are four fundamental interactions between fundamental particles, and all forces in the world can be attributed to these four interactions! What's the difference between a force and an interaction? The force is the effect on a particle due to the presence of other particles. The interactions of a particle include all the forces that affect it, but also include decays and annihilations that the particle might go through. How do matter particles interact? Magnetic force Electric Forcr All interactions which affect matter particles are due to an exchange of force carrier particles, a different type of particle altogether. Electromagnetic Interaction The electromagnetic interaction acts between all particles that have electric charge. It is attractive for oppositely charged particles, and repulsive for particles of the same charge. The force carrier particle of the electromagnetic interaction is the photon (). So the electromagnetic interaction is what allows atoms to bond and form molecules, allowing the world to stay together and create the matter you interact with all of the time. Strong Interaction The nucleus of an atom consists of a bunch of protons and neutrons crammed together. We cannot account for the nucleus staying together with just electromagnetic force. In addition to electric charge, quarks also contain something called “colour charge”. The force between colour charged particles is very powerful, thus it is called the "strong interaction". • The strong interaction actually acts between quarks, and it's the residual strong force that causes nucleons to attract. • The force carrier of strong interaction is the gluons. While quarks have color charge, composite particles made out of quarks have no net color charge (they are color neutral). What is the Color Charge ?? • Quarks and gluons are color-charged particles. • Just as electrically-charged particles interact by exchanging photons in electromagnetic interactions, color-charged particles exchange gluons in strong interactions. •When two quarks are close to one another, they exchange gluons and create a very strong color gluon force field that binds the quarks together. The force field gets stronger as the quarks get further apart. • Quarks constantly change their color charges as they exchange gluons with other quarks. Quark Confinement Color-charged particles cannot be found individually. For this reason, the color-charged quarks are confined in groups (hadrons) with other quarks. These composites are color neutral. The quarks in a given hadron madly exchange gluons. For this reason, physicists talk about the color-force field which consists of the gluons holding the bunch of quarks together. If one of the quarks in a given hadron is pulled away from its neighbors, the colorforce field "stretches" between that quark and its neighbors. At some point, it is energetically cheaper for the color-force field to "snap" into a new quark-antiquark pair. In 1979, Discovery of Gluon The TASSO experiment at the PETRA of the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) shows three jets of particles produced in an electron-positron collision at s= 27.4 GeV. Similar three-jet event topologies were announced by JADE, MARK J and PLUTO, the other groups working at PETRA. Three Jet Events in TASSO Collaboration JADE Collaboration 1980 Phys. Lett.B91 142., MARK J Collaboration 1979 Phys. Rev. Lett.43 830. PLUTO Collaboration 1979 Phys. Lett.B86 418., TASSO Collaboration 1979 Phys. Lett.B86 243. Gluon discovery q e+ q e- q e+ q g e- The Weak Interaction Weak interactions are responsible for the decay of massive quarks and leptons into lighter quarks and leptons. When a quark or lepton changes type (a muon changing to an electron, for instance) it is said to change flavor. All flavor changes are due to the weak interaction. The only matter around us that is stable is made up of the smallest quarks and leptons, which cannot decay any further. Neutron decay The force carrier particles of the weak interactions are the W+, W-, and the Z particles. The W's are electrically charged and the Z is neutral. 1983, Discovery of mediators of weak interaction (W±, Z0) • The W and Z particles were first observed at CERN by the UA1 and UA2 experiments. • Both proton and antiproton were accelerated to 270 GeV and brought into collision in two interaction regions at √s = 540 GeV. • In April/May 1983 came the next run with 118 nb-1 of integrated luminosity for UA1. This gave an additional sample of 54 W → eν events, giving Mw = 80.3 + 0.4-1.3 GeV • In UA1, four Z → e+e- events with no visible experimental background in 55 nb-1 of data were observed. The first mass determination gave Mz = 95.5 ± 2.5 GeV C. Rubia and van der Meer W decay to e in UA1 Z decay to e+e- in UA1 e e e The W and Z bosons: SppS collider pp WX with W e e or W pp ZX with Z e e or Z Carlo Rubbia (1934) Simon van der Meer (1925) Nobel Prize 1984 For their decisive contributions to the large project, which led to the discovery of the field particles W and Z, communicators of weak interaction Sheldon Lee Glashow (1932) Abdus Salam (1926 – 1996) Steven Weinberg (1933) Nobel Prize 1979 For their contributions to the theory of the unified weak and electromagnetic interaction between elementary particles, including the prediction of the weak neutral current Gerardus 't Hooft (1946) Martinus Veltman (1931) Nobel Prize 1999 For elucidating the quantum structure of electroweak interactions in physics The Gravity Gravity acts between all particles that have mass. Mass will attract other mass with a force that gets weaker as the distance between them gets larger. Gravity is responsible for the large scale structure of the universe. Here's a pretty picture of a galaxy, which, of course, is held together by gravity. Although gravity appears to be a very powerful force, when it comes to things on smaller scales, like tiny particles, can be ignored because of its weakness. The carrier of the gravitational force is the graviton. Although it has never been observed in experiment, it is strongly believed to exist. Standard Model of Particle Physics Physicists have developed a theory known as the Standard Model that explains our current understanding of the nature of matter -- what it's made of and how its components interact. All the particles in the universe can be grouped into just three "families" of particles: quarks, leptons, and force carrier particles. Matter Particles Fundamental Forces and Force Carrier Particles The Standard Model A quantum theory that successfully describes how all know fundamental particles interact via the strong, weak and electromagnetic interactions based on a gauge field theory with a symmetry group G SU (3)c SU (2) L U (1)Y Fermions Symmetries Three families, with leptons eL eL , R, eR, 1) Poincaré Group 2) Gauge Symmetries: and quarks uL dL , uR, dR. c t s b Someone said, “Let there be mass !”. And there was mass… U(1)Y SU(2)L SU(3)c Bosons, Interactions : QED, g’ Z, W : Weak, g tan W g g (electroweak unification) 8 gluons : QCD, gs And others saw that mass was bad, because it broke the SU(2)L symmetry. Only known solution: the Higgs Mechanism Important Questions of Particle Physics 1. What is the origin of mass? Higgs? 2. The question of unification of interactions? 3. Why matter/anti-matter balanced distorted? Dark matter in universe? 4. Why 3 families? 5. Neutrino masses? 6. Gravity? 1. What is the origin of mass? e e- . . u d s c b top quark u- d- -s -c b- anti-top quark . . -e - - e+ leptons gluons W+, W- quarks Z Gauge bosons (force carriers) (Mass proportional to area shown but all sizes still < 10-19 m) The Higgs Boson In the “Standard Model” the origin of mass is addressed using a mechanism named after the British physicist Peter Higgs. This predicts a new particle: the Higgs boson. What is the Higgs boson? In 1993, the then UK Science Minister, William Waldegrave, issued a challenge to physicists to answer the questions 'What is the Higgs boson, and why do we want to find it?' on one side of a single sheet of paper. This cartoon is based on David Millar’s winning entry. Does the Higgs particle exist proposed by P. Higgs (1964)? The mass of the Higgs is a free parameter in the Standard Model. Constraints : 114.4 GeV/c2 (exp.) < mH < ~ 1000 GeV/c2 (theo.) SM Higgs-boson mass now quite constrained: 114.4 < mH < 193 GeV at 95% C.L. from beautiful precision measurements and direct searches from the e+e- colliders “This does not necessarily mean that this is the Higgs mass !” “Particle physics know everything about this particle, the only thing they don’t know is whether it exists.” LHC ?? Higgs discovered @ LEP? signal: e e ZH qq bb background: e e ZZ qq bb 2. The question of Unification Is there a universal force, a common origin of the different interactions? • Einstein tried to unify electromagnetism and gravity but failed. • 1864, Unification of electricity and magnetism (J.C. Maxwell) • 1962-1973: Glashow, Salam and Weinberg • Unification of the electromagnetic and weak Interactions electroweak interaction • Prediction of W- and Z-bosons J.C. Maxwell • Higgs mechanism as a cornerstone of the model • The Standard Model fails to unify the strong and electroweak forces. • The Supersymmetry (SUSY) Model can unify the strong and electroweak forces. Strong Weak Electromagnetic Need to find SUSY particles in LHC, LC, .. What is Supersymmetry ? There are two types of particles in nature: fermions and bosons. Fermions have half units of spin, and tend to shy away from each other, like people who always stay in single rooms at the fermion motel. Bosons have zero or integer units of spin, and like to be with each other, like people who stay in shared dormitories at the boson inn. Supersymmetry says that for every fermion in Nature there must be a boson and vice-versa. Supersymmetric particles have not been observed (yet) so they must be heavier - SUSY must be broken by some mechanism u c t d s b e e The Generations of Matter SPIN 0 Sleptons Squarks Leptons Quarks SPIN ½ FERMIONS BOSONS u c t d s b e e The Generations of Smatter BOSONS FERMIONS Gravitino W W Z0 Photino Gluino Unifying gravity to the other three forces may possible by String theory. String theory predicts extra hidden dimensions in space beyond the three dimensional space we sense daily. Inverse Strength Gravitational Force G EM/Hypercharge Force Weak Force Strong Force x5 MGUT 102 MPl 1016 1019 E [GeV] 3. What is the origin of the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe? What is the origin of the CP-violation? Accelerators Create particles & antiparticles that existed ~0.001 ns after Big Bang Inflation Big Bang particles anti-particles Where did all antimatter go? Can we produce dark matter? Accelerating Universe! Where does energy come from? particles Summary of open questions in SM • Why do some particles have a mass, and others do not, and what determines the value of a particles mass? Higgs mechanism ?? Where is the Higgs? • Are there just three generations of matter, and if so, why? • Are quarks and leptons fundamental, or are they also composed of something smaller? • What is the origin of the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe? What is the origin of the CP-violation? • Dark Matter • Dark Energy • + others