Roman Modification, Hannibal, and the Punic Wars

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Roman Modification,
Hannibal, and the Punic
Major Carlos Rascon
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Learning Objectives
Know and explain the organization of the
Roman Army, with emphasis on the legionary
 Know and explain the First Punic War with
emphasis on the campaign against King
 Know and Explain the Second Punic War to
include the battles of Trebia, Lake
Trasimene, and Cannae
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Learning Objectives Cont.
Evaluate Hannibal as a Captain
 Know and explain Hannibal’s failure to gain
strategic victory despite tactical success
 Know and explain the Battle of Zama and
Scipio’s impact on the outcome
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References and Texts
1. Dupuy and Dupuy, The Encyclopedia of
Military History
 2. Jones, The Art of War in the Western
World, pp.26-45, 65-72
 Montross, War Through the Ages, pp. 43-69
 Preston and Wise, Men in Arms, pp. 32-39
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Roman Military
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Roman Military Organization
Chain of Command
Centurian-Controlled 100 men
 2 Centuries-Maniple
 Cohort-Maniple from each of 3 lines
 Legion- 10 Cohorts
 Corps- 2 Legions
 Consular Army- 2 Corps
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Military Organization and
Legionary System
Legionary Composition- A citizens Army
 Three lines
 First two: 20 maniples spaces in a
checkerboard fashion. Carried 7ft javelins
and a 2ft sword
 Video 1min-(Short Sword)
 Third: 120 and 60 man maniples. Carried a
12ft Spear plus a sword and javelin
 Supported by cavalry, archers, and
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Military and Legionary System
Highly disciplined
 Harshest discipline ever inflicted on a citizen
 Very well trained
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First Punic War
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First Punic War Causes
1. Carthage- Mediterainian Sea Power
2. Rome- Land Power with no Navy
3. Warring Factions in Sicilly
 One wanted Roman support
 One wanted Carthaginian support
4. Rome takes the battle to Carthage to avoid
an outside influence so close
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First Punic War Causes Cont.
5. Pyhrrus is hired by an Italian city-state
for protection against Romans
 Greek soldier/king
 Brings 20000 infantry and 3000 cavalry
 Defeats Romans in 280 B.C.
 Defeated by Romans in 275 B.C.
 Returns to Greece and is killed
 Quoted- “What a fine field of battle I
leave here for Rome and Carthage”
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Romans build a Navy
Utilized a Carthaginian ship that had washed
ashore as a model
Weaknesses Not a good handling vessel
 Tough to maneuver in close boat combat
Strength Utilized the Corvus-huge hook used to
grapple an enemy boat
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First Punic War
1. Romans win decissive victories at
 Mylae, 260 B.C.
 Cape Encomus 256 B.C.
 Romans go ashore and set down surrender
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First Punic War Cont.
1.Carthaginians react by hiring Xanthippus
 Xanthippus is a Spartan warrior
 Defeats Romans in Africa
2. Carthaginian Fleet is destroyed in 241 B.C.
during the Battle of Aegusa
3. Rome wins the First Punic War
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Took control of Spain in 221 B.C.
 Good field commander (could win battles)
 Bad tactician
 One officer told him, “You know how to win
victories, but not how to use them.”
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Second Punic War Causes
1. Roman intersest in Spain
2. Recouperate losses from the First Punic
3. Hannibal’s leadership
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Second Punic War
1. Hannibal takes the intitiative
 Told Saguntum (only Roman city in Spain) to
 Upon refusal, he took it
 Knew Romans would respond
 Advanced from Spain into Northern Italy
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Second Punic War
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Trebbia- December 218 B.C.
Romans crossed river-extremely cold
 Hannibal attacked
 Mago (Hannibal’s brother) attacks upstream
 Only 10,000 of 40,000 Romans escape
 5,000 Carthaginian casualties
 Hannibal wins
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Lake Trasimene
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Lake Trasimene 217 B.C.
Hannibal moves south to sever Roman’s
lines of communications back to Rome
 Romans use a quick attack
-sacrafice security for speed
 Hannibal sets up an ambush
-Heavy infantry halts Roman advance
-seals the rear with cavalry
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Lake Trasimene Cont.
-Attack causes panic
-only 10,000 of 30,000 Romans escape
 Hannibal wins again
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Second Punic War Cont.
Fabius Cunctator takes power in Rome
217 B.C.
 Takes a delayed approach against Hannibal
 Wants to rebuild the Army
Hannibal takes advantage of the situation
 Continues to destroy the countryside
 Romans turn on Fabius
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Cannae 216 B.C.
Hannibal still on the march
Romans attempt to siege Carthaginian camp
 11,000 men sent
 Planned a war of attrition
 Hannibal halts the Roman phalanx and
slaughters them
 70,000 Roman casualties- 6,000
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Zama 202 B.C.
Scipio is leader of the Roman Army
 Had good success in Spain while Hannibal
was on his conquest through Italy
 Attacks Carthage in Africa
Hannibal is recalled to defend Carthage
 Hannibal’s Army is weakened
 40,000 Carthaginians vs 40,000 Romans
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Zama Cont.
Scipio uses the Cohort (more
maneuverable than the Legion)
 Transitioned from defense to offense
and defeated Hannibal
 20,000 Carthaginians dead and 15,000
 5,500 Roman casualties
 Hannibal escapes
 Hannibal is defeated!
 Second Punic War ends
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