CAPTAIN’S CAREER COURSE LESSON: SUPERVISE UNIT PERSONNEL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTIONS 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 1 TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE • ACTION: Identify Company Level Personnel Supervisory Functions and Administrative Procedures. • CONDITIONS: In a classroom, given required references and student handouts, • STANDARD: Identify company level personnel supervisory functions and administrative procedures IAW required references and student handouts. 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 2 SAFETY, RISK, AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS • Safety Considerations: None • Risk Assessment Level: Low • Environmental Considerations: None 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 3 PRIMARY REFERENCES • AR 25-400-2 The Modern Army Record Keeping System • AR 165-1 Chaplain Activities in the United States Army • AR 220-45 Field Organizations and Duty Rosters • AR 340-21 The Army Privacy Program • AR 600-8-2 Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions (Flags) • AR 600-8-8 The Total Army Sponsorship Program 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 4 PRIMARY REFERENCES • • • • AR 600-8-22 AR 600-9 AR 600-20 AR 600-200 • AR 601-280 • AR 611-201 • AR 614-200 2/26/02 Military Awards The Army Weight Control Program Army Command Policy Enlisted Personnel Management System Army Retention Program Enlisted Career Management Fields and Military Occupational Specialties Enlisted Assignments and Utilization Management CCC A4-216 Slide 5 PRIMARY REFERENCES • AR 623-105 • AR 623-205 • AR 630-10 • AR 635-100 • AR 635-200 2/26/02 Officer Evaluations Enlisted Evaluation Reporting System Revision Absence Without Leave, Desertion, and Administration of Personnel Involved in Civilian Court Proceedings Officer Personnel Personnel Separations Enlisted Personnel CCC A4-216 Slide 6 MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS AR 25-400-2 The Modern Army Record Keeping System “MARKS” 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 7 MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS AR 25-400-2 Purpose: • Properly manage information from creation through final disposition according to laws and regulations. • Ensures information is available when needed. • Provides for a systematic removal of less active records from office space. • Records support the interests of soldiers during and after their period of service. • Basis for pay and awards. 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 8 STANDING OPERATING PROCEDURES (SOP) FM 101-5 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 11 STANDING OPERATING PROCEDURES (SOPs) Three Types: • Administrative. • Tactical/Field. • External. Promotes: • Teamwork. • Efficiency. • Reduces the need for repetitive instructions. 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 12 DUTY ROSTERS AR 220-45 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 13 DUTY ROSTERS • Provides: An equitable determination of duty. • Maintained: Alphabetically by rank. • Three authorized abbreviations: A = Authorized absence D = Detailed to perform another duty U = Unauthorized absence 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 14 MAIL OPERATIONS DOD MANUAL 4525.6-M Vol. II 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 15 MAIL OPERATIONS • Unit mail is a function of the Battalion S1, deploys with the force, and has a big influence on morale, especially during wartime. • Ensure: – – – – 2/26/02 Mail room and trained staff to operate it. Perform daily and weekly inspections. Prepare SOP. Convenient mail call hours. CCC A4-216 Slide 16 RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES AR 165-1 and AR 600-20 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 17 RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES Policy: Approve requests for accommodating religious practices that will not adversely impact: • • • • • • • 2/26/02 Military readiness. Unit cohesion. Standards. Health. Safety. Discipline. Interfere with the performance of duties. CCC A4-216 Slide 18 SUSPENSION OF FAVORABLE PERSONNEL ACTIONS (FLAGS) AR 600-8-2 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 19 FLAGS • FLAG - initiated immediately when soldier’s status changes from favorable to unfavorable. • MPRJ’s - will be maintained in a flagged status. • All active flag cases will be reviewed monthly. • Flag - removed immediately after soldier’s status returns to favorable status. Two Categories: Transferable, e.g., weight control program. Non-transferable, e.g., courts-martial. 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 20 FLAGS Circumstances requiring non-transfer flag: • Adverse Actions: – Charges, restraints, or investigation. – Courts-martial. – Nonjudicial punishment. – Absent without leave (AWOL). – Administrative reduction. – Letter of censure or reprimand . 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 21 FLAGS Circumstances requiring transferable flag: • HQDA directed reassignment of a flagged soldier. • Movement of adverse action into the punishment phase if punishment does not require the presence of the soldier. • APFT failure, or failure to take APFT in required period. • Entry into the Weight Control Program. 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 22 FLAGS More actions prohibited by a flag: • Retirement. • Advance or excess leave. • Pay of enlistment or reenlistment bonuses. • Assumption of command. • Family member travel to overseas area. • Command sponsorship of family members in overseas area. 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 23 FLAGS Actions Prohibited by a Flag (exceptions): • Flags for APFT failure: - Block promotion, reenlistment, and extension only. - No flag if soldier has a profile prohibiting APFT. 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 24 FLAGS Actions prohibited by a flag (more exceptions): • Flags for weight control block only the following actions: - 2/26/02 Attendance at full time civilian or military schools. Promotion. Awards and decorations. Assumption of command. Reenlistment or extension. CCC A4-216 Slide 25 FLAGS Actions prohibited by a flag (more exceptions): • Retention beyond ETS/ESA: - Soldiers will not be retained beyond their ETS/ESA because they are flagged without HQDA approval. 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 26 FLAGS Transfer flags: • Maintain a copy locally of all supporting documents. • Attach DA 268 transferring flag to all original supporting documents and place in MPRJ. • Mail flagged MPRJ to gaining commander, registered mail. 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 27 FLAGS Erroneous flags: • Flag will be declared void and of no effect if found to be erroneous. • Any favorable actions that would have occurred during the flagged period will be granted retroactively. 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 28 ABSENT WITHOUT LEAVE (AWOL) Absent without proper authority. AR 630-10 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 29 DROPPED FROM THE ROLLS (DFR) AR 630-10 Absent without proper authority for 30 consecutive days. 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 30 WEIGHT CONTROL PROGRAM AR 600-9 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 31 WEIGHT CONTROL PROGRAM • Ensures personnel: - Are able to meet the physical demands of the duties. - Present a trim appearance. - Assist in establishing and maintaining: Discipline. Operational readiness. Physical fitness. Health. Effectiveness. Establish body fat standards. - Provide assistance in meeting the standards. - Foster high standards. 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 32 RETENTION PROGRAM AR 601-280 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 33 RETENTION PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: • Reenlist, on a long-term basis, the greatest number of highly qualified soldiers consistent with Army needs. • Enlist/transfer and assign qualified soldiers into a RC, ARNG/USAR unit. • Achieve and maintain Army force alignment. • Obtain maximum command involvement. 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 34 DISCHARGES AR 635-100 and AR 635-200 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 35 DISCHARGES Two Types: - Voluntarily, e.g., retirement. - Involuntarily, e.g., overweight. 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 36 SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM AR 600-8-8 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 37 SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM • A peacetime function: - Assist during reassignment. - Assist during family separation. - Improve unit cohesion. - Support the personnel life-cycle function. 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 38 ASSIGNMENT AND UTILIZATION POLICY AR 614-200 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 39 ASSIGNMENT AND UTILIZATION POLICY Primary Goal: – To satisfy the personnel requirements of the Army. Secondary Goals: – Equalize assignments by assigning the most eligible soldier from among those of like MOS and grade. – Equalize hardships of military service. – Ensure assignments allow for professional development and promotion. – Meet the soldier’s personal desires. 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 40 OBJECTIVE OF UTILIZATION OF PERSONNEL • Ensure efficient use of enlisted members in accomplishing the Army mission. • Place soldiers in positions that require skill, knowledge, and abilities as shown by their Primary MOS, Career Progression MOS, Secondary MOS, or additional Military Occupational Specialties. • Provide policies on personnel utilization that will strengthen and broaden MOS qualifications and prepare a soldier for: - Career Progression - Greater Responsibility - Diversity of Assignment 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 41 UTILIZE A SOLDIER UNDER: • Proper utilization: The primary concern of commanders and supervisors will be to ensure soldiers are assigned to authorized positions in his or her PMOS or CPMOS, up to two grades higher. • Authorized exceptions: The assignment is under actual combat conditions or the assignment is to meet an urgent military requirement to satisfy an exceptional need for special duty. 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 42 AWARDS PROGRAM AR 600-8-22 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 43 AWARDS PROGRAM The objective of the program is to provide tangible recognition for: • Acts of valor include: – Exceptional service or achievement. – Special skills or qualifications. – Acts of heroism. 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 44 AWARDS AND DECORATIONS ARE: (Paragraph 1-9, AR 600-8-22) • A wartime military personnel function. • Defined in the tables of organization and equipment (TOE). • Deployed with the tactical force. • The functional responsibility of the Personnel Operations Work Center and its tactical counterpart. 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 45 INDIVIDUAL AWARDS ARE GROUPED INTO THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES: • • • • • Decorations - MSM,ARCOM, AAM etc. Good Conduct Medal. Service Medal - Southwest Asia Service Medal. Service Ribbons - Overseas Service Ribbon. Badges and Tabs - Special Forces, Ranger, Air Borne, Air Assault, Diver, etc. • Certificates and Letters. 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 46 ENLISTED PROMOTIONS (AR 600-8-19 with changes) 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 57 ENLISTED PROMOTIONS System Objectives: • Promote the best qualified. • Provide for career progression. • Recognize the best qualified soldiers. • Preclude promotion of unqualified soldiers. • Provide an equitable system. 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 58 ENLISTED PROMOTIONS Promotion Selection: • Decentralized: Advancements to PV2 thru SPC Promotion Authority: Unit Commander. • Semi-centralized: Promotions to SGT thru SSG Promotion Authority: Bn Commander. • Centralized: Promotions to SFC thru CSM Promotion Authority: HQDA. 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 59 ENLISTED PROMOTIONS Terms to Discuss • Promotion, Advancement, or Lateral Appointment? • Primary Zone vs. Secondary Zone. • Primary Zone Counseling per AR 600-8-19, 3-12g Initial and Periodic. • Waivers for advancement to PV2, PFC, and SPC. • DA Form 4187: Used for all advancements. 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 60 CO1 REPORT 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 61 CO1 REPORT 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 62 COMPUTE WAIVER ALLOCATIONS PV2 PFC SPC/CPL 10 37 48 0.20 0.20 0.10 3 Total allowable with waiver 25 ( 7.4 ) = 7 ( 4.8 ) = 4 4 # soldiers already assigned with less than required TIS 8 5 7 5 Subtract 4 from 3 for total waivers authorized 0 2 0 ACTION 1 Total number soldiers assigned and attached 2 Multiply step 1 by total allowable with waiver x (E4 Waiver % Published Monthly by PERSCOM) 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 63 PERSONNEL ACTION For use of this form, see AR 600-8-6 and DA PAM 600-8-21; the proponent agency is ODCSPER AUTHORITY: PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: ROUTINE USES: DISCLOSURE: 1. THRU DATA REQUIRED BY THE PRIVACY ACT OF 1974 Title 5, Section 3012; Title 10, USC, E.O. 9397. Used by soldier in accordance with DA PAM 600-8-21 when requesting a personnel action on his/her own behalf (Section III). To initiate the processing of a personnel action being requested by the soldier. Voluntary. Failure to provide social security number may result in a delay or error in processing of the request for personnel action. (Include ZIP Code) 2. TO (Include ZIP Code) 3. FROM Commander 1st Bn, 509th Inf (ABN) APO, AE 09630 4. NAME (Include ZIP Code) Commander A Co, 1st Bn, 509th Inf (ABN) APO, AE 09630 SECTION I - PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION 5. GRADE OR RANK/PMOS/AOC (Last, First, MI) Bush, George PV2 E2 / 11B1P SECTION II - DUTY STATUS CHANGE 6. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 111-54-9458 (AR 600-8-6) 7. The above soldier's duty status is changed from to effective 8. I request the following action: (Enl only) Service School Special Forces Training/Assignment (Enl only) On-the-Job Training Retesting in Army Personnel Tests Reassignment Married Army Couples Reclassification Officer Candidate School Asgmt of Pers with Exceptional Family Members ROTC or Reserve Component Duty Volunteering For Oversea Service Ranger Training Reassignment Extreme Family Problems Exchange Reassignment Airborne Training 19 hours, SECTION III - REQUEST FOR PERSONNEL ACTION (Check as appropriate) (Enl only) 9. SIGNATURE OF SOLDIER (When required) SECTION IV - REMARKS Identification Card Identification Tags Separate Rations Leave - Excess/Advance/Outside CONUS Change of Name/SSN/DOB Other (Specify) 10. DATE (Applies to Sections II, III, and V) (Continue on separate sheet) ADVANCED TO: Private First Class AUTHORITY: AR 600-8-19, para 2-5 DATE OF RANK: 1 January 2001 EFFECTIVE DATE: 1 January 2001 ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS: NA 11. I certify that the duty status change SECTION V - CERTIFICATION/APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL (Section II) or that the request for personnel action HAS BEEN VERIFIED RECOMMEND APPROVAL RECOMMEND DISAPPROVAL 12. OMMANDER/AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 13. SIGNATURE 2/26/02 contained herein - IS APPROVED 14. DATE IS DISAPPROVED 1 December 2001 RONALD REGAN, CPT, INF DA FORM 4187, APR 95 (Section III) PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE USAPPC V5.00 CCC A4-216 Slide 64 ENLISTED PROMOTIONS DA Form 3355 Promotion Point Worksheet. • • • • • 2/26/02 Initial. Reevaluation. Point adjustments. Timely point turn in for EDAS. Points are awarded for: -PT Score. 50 -Weapons score. 50 -Duty performance. 150 -Awards. 100 -Military education. 200 -Civilian education. 100 CCC A4-216 Slide 65 Promotion Point Standing List C-10 REPORT 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 66 REQUEST AND AUTHORITY FOR LEAVE AND PASS AR 600-8-10 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 67 REQUEST AND AUTHORITY FOR LEAVE AND PASS Purpose: - Officially authorize and account for soldiers on leave, TDY, or on a pass (DA Form 31). Designed for: - 2/26/02 Soldiers requesting regular or emergency leave. Soldiers requesting permissive TDY. Soldiers requesting other (pass). Usage in conjunction with official travel. Accountability for soldiers. CCC A4-216 Slide 68 SUMMARY During this lesson, you reviewed a myriad of policies and procedures that can greatly impact the careers of the soldiers in your command and yourself. Merely knowing the answer is not good enough. Soldiers want to see it, read it or know where to find it. Eliminate any guess work and tab your regulations, make a notebook or have extracts. I guarantee that you will see most of these topics again during your career. 2/26/02 CCC A4-216 Slide 78