Welcome to CIS 120. My name is (Your Name Here) and I will be your facilitator for this course. Here are a few things that you should do to get started in this course. Student Orientations: If you have not taken an online class or this is your first time taking an online course with City Colleges of Chicago, I highly recommend you attend the CDL student orientations either online or in person. For more information click the following link http://www.ccc.edu/departments/Pages/CDL-Student-Orientation.aspx Textbooks: For information on ordering your textbook, click on the following CDL bookstore link http://www.ccc.edu/departments/Pages/CDL-Textbooks.aspx Proctored Exams: In this course you will have at least one proctored exam that you will take at one of the seven city colleges proctoring centers. It is recommended that you sign up for all of your proctored exams at the beginning of the semester to ensure desired locations and times. For information on how to sign up for your exam click here http://www.ccc.edu/services/Pages/CDL-Proctored-Exams.aspx Student Email: All CDL students are expected to know how to use their CCC student email. Please make sure that you check your email at http://student.ccc.edu . Use your Blackboard username and password to access it. I am looking forward to our 16 weeks in this course. If you have any questions please make sure you review your syllabus, it contains all the information that is needed for this course Good luck to you all!