CORPORATE CRISIS CONTINGENT CAPITAL: 4Ć RIMS Fairfield / Westchester November 29 2012 For eyes only of companies having signed a non-disclosure agreement with Willis “4Ć” Patent Pending (Product in development) Environment Align with Client Focus Shareholders CEO & Board of Directors Risk Managers Brokers Brokerage Firms Insurance Carriers Reinsurance Capital Markets Focus of Insurance Industry 2 Focus of Clients 2 The top concerns of the C-Suite Catastrophe Regulation Cyber Security Business Disruption Brand Reputation Supply Chain International Issues Source: 10K reports of Fortune 100 companies 3 3 What Companies Need From Resilience Financial Stability (Using Risk Finance) Information Disclosure about Business Continuity Total Assessment 1 Disaster Prevention Plan 0.9 0.8 Emergency Respones & Operations 0.7 Crisis Communications to Stakeholders 0.6 0.5 Secodnary Disaster Prevention Plan 0.4 0.3 Resilience of Supply Chain & Value Chain 0.2 Compliance 0.1 Target 0 Awareness & Training Programs of Business Continuity Strategy of Business Continuity from a View Point of Stakeholde Management Target Resoratation Time Based on Supply Delivery Responsibility Sample Durability of Important Property Distribution and Fungibility of the Head Office & Important Bases Redundacnt of Infromation Systems Understanding & Time Series Priciniple of Business Continuity & Analysis Crisis Management Plan Risk Assessment for Business Continutiy 4 4 Executive Expectations of Risk Management? Importance Sustatinability of future Profiability Infusing a Risk Culture in the Organisation Risk Adjusted Performance Management Enabling Long-Term Profitable Growth Reduced Operational Credit or Market Losses Improved Capital Allocation 5 Achieved 93% 76% 91% 78% 88% 75% 91% 80% 80% 76% 89% 86% 5 6 6 On average, leading companies experience serious and sudden reversals of fortune once every 7 years • IBM 1992 and 1993 Technical obsolescence; management changes • Disney 2001 Terrorism fears reduce revenues at theme parks • Amgen Inc 1993 Market worries on biotech companies • Boeing 2001 Airline industry crisis due to the terrorist attacks • Starbucks 1999 Uncontrolled costs rises in non-core business • • McDonald's 2000 Failed strategy and senior executives changed France Telecom 2002 Heavy leverage caused liquidity problem; government bailout and CEO resigned • Procter & Gamble 2000 Failed strategy and CEO resigned Monsanto 2002 Counter party default in emerging markets • Vivendi 2002 Debt stress lead to liquidity problem; Chairman resigned • Merck 2004 Withdrawal of Vioxx, largest drug recall to date • • Nike 2000 Failure in distribution channels plus unfavourable currency translations • Costco 2000 • Uncontrolled increasing in costs on adding offices and expenses • Microsoft 2000 Estimated cuts in sales and profits combined with the influence of Dot-com bubble • Adidas 2000 Allegation to the abuse of labour • Intel 2000 Market demand decreased sharply in European market 7 Ford 2008 Recall of “Ford Explorer” due to tire failure • Toyota 2010 Engineering issues trigger product recalls • BP 2010 Well blows out triggering huge liability commitments; CEO change • And many more... 1,853 crisis events from our 600 companies sample* Crises can arise from any source of which are very few insurable perils. In these situations, traditional risk financing is not ‘fit for purpose’ * Source: Willis team analysis; companies are members of S&P 500 and FTSE 100 Increasing threat level 4Ć offers the opportunity to pre-fund life-threatening risks Low threat and predictable risks should be retained to avoid value leakage from the Company Risks Retained Current risk management practice Transfers risks at operational level to the market (i.e. pre-funding) Company bears crisis events (postfunding) 8 Pre-funding high severity risks protects corporates from lifethreatening events Risks Pre-funded Ideal risk management should be… Retaining operational risks which have little or no impact on company’s KPIs Pre-funding risks that may threaten company’s survival