Back to Basics, 2015 POPULATION HEALTH : Vital & Health Statistics Dr. Nicholas Birkett School of Epidemiology, Public Health and Preventive Medicine 03/2015 1 LMCC Links • Links to three objectives: 78.2 Assessing and Measuring Health Status at the Population Level 78.1 Concepts of Health and its Determinants Health of Special Populations 78.7 03/2015 2 Important Questions • What are the main causes of illness or death in Canada? – Common things are common • using epidemiology can help you run a better clinical practice • Hippocrates 03/2015 3 Important Questions • How have disease incidence and mortality changed in Canada in the past 20 years? – Little good information on disease incidence except for reportable diseases and cancer (cancer registries) 03/2015 4 TOPICS • • • • • • Demography, population dynamics Mortality Morbidity Summary measures of population health Aboriginal health Many slides present information on key diseases and causes of death 03/2015 5 Population Dynamics, 2007 Canada Nfld Nunavut % aged >65 14% 15% 3% Total fertility 1.7 1.5 3.0 Birth rate/1,000 11.3 8.9 25.8 Death rate/1,000 7.3 8.9 4.3 Rate of Natural Increase/1,000 4.0 0 21.5 03/2015 6 Some definitions • Dependency ratio – a measure of the degree to which a population ‘dependent’ – Usually based on the number under age 15 and over age 65 – Compares to the number between age 15 and 65. • Total Fertility rate – Average number children expected to be born to a women IF: • Current fertility patterns hold throughout her lifetime. 03/2015 7 World Health Report, 2012 (data mostly from 2009) Population (x 1,000) Growth (%) Dependency ratio % % aged > 60 Total Fertility rate LE at birth (both sexes) P dying < 5 yrs (per 1000) Afghanistan 31,412 3.2 100 4 6.3 48 149 Canada 34,017 1.0 56 20 1.7 81 6 1,348,932 0.6 45 12 1.6 74 18 France 62,787 0.6 70 23 2.0 81 4 Japan 126,536 0.1 75 30 1.4 83 3 USA 310,384 0.9 61 18 2.1 79 8 China 03/2015 9 Population Pyramids • • • • Canada, 1901-2001 Ontario 1901-2001 Newfoundland 1949-2001 Yukon 1901-2001 03/2015 10 General (All-Causes) Mortality 03/2015 11 # deaths in Canada from 1979-2004; men and women. Population got: • Bigger • Older 03/2015 12 Mortality RATES in Canada from 1979-2004; men and women. 03/2015 13 Infant Mortality, 1935-2005 03/2015 14 Age/sex-specific Mortality. Canada, 2005 14000 Combined Males Females 12000 Rate/100,000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 20 40 60 80 Age at death (years) 03/2015 15 Age/sex-specific Mortality. Canada, 2005 log-scale for mortality Combined Males Females 10000 Rate/100,000 1000 100 10 1 0 20 40 60 80 Age at death (years) 03/2015 16 16 Age-specific mortality: male:female mortality ratio Canada, 2005 1.0=same mortality in both sexes; > 1.0 -> higher male mortality 2.8 2.6 2.4 Ratio (M:F) 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0 20 40 Age (years) 60 80 17 Rectangularization of the mortality curve 03/2015 18 Cause-Specific Mortality 03/2015 19 Leading causes of death (2009) 03/2015 Cause 2004 2009 Cancer 30 29.8 - Lung 9(M); 8(F) 7.8 - Breast 5 (F) 4.2 (F) - Prostate 3 (M) 3.1 (M) Cardiovascular 28 26.6 - Ischemic heart 17 15.5 - Other circulatory 5 5.2 - Stroke 6 5.9 Respiratory disease 7 7.0 Injuries 4 4.3 Diabetes 4 2.9 Alzheimer’s disease 2 2.6 Suicide 1.6 1.6 20 Circ Disease: 27.6% CANCER: 30.3% † 03/2015 † Pneumonia & influenza grouped with respiratory disease. Would increase infectious % to about 3.4%. 21 CANCER: 29.8% Circ Disease: 29.0% EXTERNAL CAUSES: 4.8%+ { † † 03/2015 † Pneumonia & influenza grouped with respiratory disease. Would increase infectious % to about 3.5%. 22 CANCER: 31.6% Circ Disease: 27.3% EXTERNAL CAUSES: 3.4%+ { † † 03/2015 † Pneumonia & influenza grouped with respiratory disease. Would increase infectious % to about 3.3%. 23 Cancer Cluster Cardiovascular Cluster ‘Other’ Cluster 03/2015 24 ‘Other’ Cluster 03/2015 25 Suicide Crime 03/2015 26 03/2015 27 Cancer and Age Age-Specific Mortality Rates for All Cancers by Sex, Canada, 2003 03/2015 Surveillance Division, CCDPC, Public Health Agency of Canada 28 Cancer and Age Age-Specific Incidence Rates for All Cancers by Sex, Canada, 2003 03/2015 Surveillance Division, CCDPC, Public Health Agency of Canada 29 Time trends in Males Incidence Mortality 100 160 140 Prostate Lung 80 120 Lung 100 ASMR (/100,000) 60 80 Colorectal 40 60 Colorectal Prostate 40 Bladder 20 Stomach Stomach NHL 20 Melanoma 0 1975 NHL Larynx Liver Thyroid 1980 03/2015 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Oral Larynx Hodgkin's 0 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 30 Time trends in Males (up to 2013) Incidence Mortality 03/2015 31 Time trends in Females Incidence Mortality 160 100 140 80 120 100 Breast ASMR (/100,000) 60 80 40 Lung 60 Colorectal Breast 40 Colorectal Lung 20 Thyroid 20 Stomach NHL Stomach NHL Cervix Cervix Larynx 0 1975 0 1980 03/2015 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 32 Time trends in Females (up to 2013) Incidence Mortality 03/2015 33 Injury Mortality in Canada, 2004 350 Total MVA Falls Suffocation Other unintentional Suicide Homicide 300 Rate/100,000 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 20 40 60 80 Age at death (years) 03/2015 34 Injury Mortality in Canada, 2004 Excluding poeple over age 80 70 Total MVA Falls Suffocation Other unintentional Suicide Homicide 60 Rate/100,000 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 Age at death (years) 03/2015 35 Income Inequalities in Health 03/2015 36 Income Inequalities • SES (socio-economic status) – Lower worse health • Life expectancy 6.6 years lower in the poorest group. – Complex causal pathway • • • • • • • Nutrition Race Habits Environmental/occupational Access to/use of health/preventive services Political isolation Others 03/2015 37 03/2015 38 Remaining Life Expectancy at age 25. Based on 10-year follow-up to 1991 census 62 Women 60 58 Men 56 54 52 50 48 46 44 42 40 03/2015 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 Income adequacy quintiles 3 4 5 39 Remaining life expectancy at age 25, 1991-2001 Total, all quintiles Quintile 1 (lowest) Quintile 2 Quintile 3 Quintile 4 Quintile 5 (highest) Difference Q5-Q1 03/2015 Men 53.7 Women 59.3 50.6 57.1 53.0 54.0 59.2 59.7 55.0 56.0 60.6 60.4 5.3 3.3 40 Probability of survival to age 75 (conditional on surviving to age 25), 1991-2001 Total, all quintiles Quintile 1 (lowest) Quintile 2 Quintile 3 Quintile 4 Quintile 5 (highest) Difference Q5-Q1 03/2015 Men 66.9 Women 80.1 57.0 73.3 64.1 67.3 79.5 81.8 69.5 74.1 82.9 83.6 17.2 10.3 41 Summary Measures of Population Health Combine mortality and a measure of morbidity 03/2015 42 Impact of Chronic Diseases Category Mortality Morbidity Cancer Cardiovascular 85% 79% 15% 21% Diabetes 37% 63% Respiratory 33% 67% Neuropsychiatric 8% 92% Musculoskeletal 7% 93% Sense organs 0% 100% 03/2015 43 Summary Measures of Population Health Indicator Life (Survival) Health-Adjusted Life (Survival) Years of Life Lost (YLL) Disability-Adj Life Years (DALY) Health-Adj Life Expectancy (HALE) Type Gap Expectancy 03/2015 Life Expectancy (LE) 44 2001 Life Expectancy and Health-Adjusted Life Expectancy Gender Indicator LE HALE Difference Males Females Difference 76.9 68.3 82.0 70.8 5.1 2.5 8.6 12.8 • HALE always < LE • Females live longer (but gap is narrowing) • Females suffer more morbidity 03/2015 45 Disability-Adjusted Life-Years Lost 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 I II Communicable Chronic Maternal Perinatal Nutritional 03/2015 Morbidity Mortality III Injuries 46 Which Chronic Diseases? 14000 12000 10000 M S u e s n 8000 c s u o l r 6000 o y s 4000 k e l 2000 t a 0 l Ca CVS DMRespN-P M-S Sense Cancer CHD Diabetes Respiratory Neuro-Psych Musculoskeletal Sensory 03/2015 C a n c e r C H D D i a b e t e s R e s p i r a t o r y N e u r o p s y c h Morbidity Mortality 47 Deaths vs Prevalence, Canada 03/2015 48 03/2015 49 Aboriginal Health 03/2015 50 Population Pyramids 03/2015 51 Age-specific Fertility Rates 200 First Nations (2001-2002 average) 180 General Canadian Population (2000) Fertility rate per 1,000 females 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 Age group of mother (years) 03/2015 52 Percentage of Live Births by Age Group of Mother 35 First Nations (2001-2002 average) Percentage of live births 30 General Canadian Population (2000) 25 20 15 10 5 0 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 Age group of m other (years) 03/2015 53 Crude Mortality Rate 03/2015 54 Age-adjusted Mortality Rate 03/2015 55 Age-specific Mortality Ratio 03/2015 56 Life Expectancy at Birth in Years, by Sex Registered Indian males Canadian males Registered Indian females 90 71.8 70 68.0 82.1 80.8 79.0 80 Canadian females 74.3 74.0 76.5 75.5 70.4 66.9 Age (years) 60.9 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1980 03/2015 1990 2001 57 03/2015 M en ta la io u av ra ld an d se iti c as es se s pa ra s di ea se s 100 is or it o de ur rs in ar y di se as es N er vo us sy st em be h us rin e di s ea di s m s la s Age-standardized rate per 100,000 population 120 G en nd tio In fe c e ira to ry do c es p En R st iv N se s In ju ry ea of di s s eo p au se at or y ig e ul irc D C na lC Ex te r Leading Causes of Death (agestandardized) 140 First Nations 2001-2002 (average) General Canadian Population 2001-2002 (average) 80 60 40 20 0 58 Potential Years of Life Lost (PYLL) Infectious and parasitic Endocrine diseases Respiratory diseases Symptoms and ill-defined First Nations Canada Perinatal conditions Congenital malformations Digestive diseases Neoplasms Ciculatory diseases External causes of injury 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 PYLL per 100,000 population 03/2015 59 03/2015 60