Nervous System: Part IV The Central Nervous System The Brain Can you survive when part of your brain is destroyed? 2 Essential Knowledge 3.D.2 2. Cells communicate with each other through direct contact with other cells or from a distance via chemical signaling. 3 Central nervous system (CNS) Brain Peripheral nervous system (PNS) Cranial nerves Spinal cord Ganglia outside CNS Spinal nerves What accounts for the difference between white and gray matter? Gray matter White matter Ventricles Cerebrospinal Fluid • The central canal of the spinal cord and the ventricles of the brain are hollow and filled with cerebrospinal fluid • The cerebrospinal fluid is filtered from blood and functions to cushion the brain and spinal cord as well as to provide nutrients and remove wastes Glia • Glia have numerous functions including to nourish, support, and regulate neurons – Embryonic radial glia form tracks along which newly formed neurons migrate – Astrocytes induce cells lining capillaries in the CNS to form tight junctions, resulting in a blood-brain barrier and restricting the entry of most substances into the brain Central Nervous System (information processing) Peripheral Nervous System Efferent neurons Afferent neurons Sensory receptors Autonomic nervous system Motor system Control of skeletal muscle Internal and external stimuli Sympathetic division Parasympathetic division Enteric division Control of smooth muscles, cardiac muscles, glands Central Nervous System (information processing) Peripheral Nervous System Efferent neurons Afferent neurons Sensory receptors Autonomic nervous system Motor system Control of skeletal muscle Internal and external stimuli Sympathetic division Parasympathetic division Enteric division Control of smooth muscles, cardiac muscles, glands The Vertebrate Brain Is Regionally Specialized • Specific brain structures are particularly specialized for diverse functions • These structures arise during embryonic development Brain structures in child and adult Embryonic brain regions Telencephalon Cerebrum (includes cerebral cortex, white matter, basal nuclei) Diencephalon Diencephalon (thalamus, hypothalamus, epithalamus) Forebrain Midbrain Mesencephalon Midbrain (part of brainstem) Metencephalon Pons (part of brainstem), cerebellum Myelencephalon Medulla oblongata (part of brainstem) Hindbrain Cerebrum Mesencephalon Midbrain Hindbrain Metencephalon Diencephalon Forebrain Telencephalon Embryo at 1 month Embryo at 5 weeks Diencephalon Midbrain Myelencephalon Pons Medulla oblongata Spinal cord Cerebellum Spinal cord Child Brain structures in child and adult Cerebrum (includes cerebral cortex, white matter, basal nuclei) Forebrain Diencephalon (thalamus, hypothalamus, epithalamus) Midbrain (part of brainstem) Midbrain Pons (part of brainstem), cerebellum Hindbrain Myelencephalon Medulla oblongata (part of brainstem) Cerebrum Mesencephalon Midbrain Hindbrain Metencephalon Diencephalon Forebrain Telencephalon Embryo at 1 month Embryo at 5 weeks Diencephalon Midbrain Myelencephalon Pons Medulla oblongata Spinal cord Cerebellum Spinal cord Child Cerebrum Diencephalon Midbrain Pons Medulla oblongata Cerebellum Spinal cord Child Left cerebral hemisphere Right cerebral hemisphere Cerebral cortex Corpus callosum Cerebrum Basal nuclei Cerebellum Adult brain viewed from the rear Diencephalon Thalamus Pineal gland Hypothalamus Brainstem Midbrain Pituitary gland Pons Medulla oblongata Spinal cord Frontal lobe Motor cortex (control of skeletal muscles) Somatosensory cortex (sense of touch) Parietal lobe Prefrontal cortex (decision making, planning) Sensory association cortex (integration of sensory information) Visual association cortex (combining images and object recognition) Broca’s area (forming speech) Temporal lobe Occipital lobe Auditory cortex (hearing) Wernicke’s area (comprehending language) Cerebellum Visual cortex (processing visual stimuli and pattern recognition) Language and Speech • Studies of brain activity have mapped areas responsible for language and speech • Broca’s area in the frontal lobe is active when speech is generated • Wernicke’s area in the temporal lobe is active when speech is heard • These areas belong to a larger network of regions involved in language Information Processing • The cerebral cortex receives input from sensory organs and somatosensory receptors • Somatosensory receptors provide information about touch, pain, pressure, temperature, and the position of muscles and limbs • The thalamus directs different types of input to distinct locations Frontal lobe Parietal lobe Jaw Tongue Tongue Pharynx Primary motor cortex Leg Hip Trunk Neck Head Knee Hip Genitalia Toes Abdominal organs Primary somatosensory cortex Knee Hip Toes Jaw Tongue Primary motor cortex Leg Hip Trunk Neck Head Genitalia Tongue Pharynx Abdominal organs Primary somatosensory cortex Frontal Lobe Function • Frontal lobe damage may impair decision making and emotional responses but leave intellect and memory intact • The frontal lobes have a substantial effect on “executive functions” of thinking making decisions. Created by: Debra Richards Coordinator of Secondary Science Programs Bryan ISD Bryan, TX