
Chapter 7
Memory, Learning, and Perception
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Chapter Spotlights
How consumers accept, retain, and
retrieve market information from
The relationship between learning
processes and marketplace behavior
How perceptions affect consumers’
buying behavior
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Two sources of product information:
External environment: packaging, labels, POS
displays, prices, other marketing information
Memory: past experiences, word-of-mouth, family
Associative network of nodes (concepts) and links
Scripts: information organized in memory around
different types of events or episodes (e.g., a restaurant
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
How Information is Captured
and Stored in Memory
Memory processing areas:
New information is initially captured in sensory
Information is transmitted from sensory memory
to short-term (ST)memory.
processing is shallow; capacity is limited
Analyzing and assigning meaning; limited capacity to a
finite number of chunks (units of memory); information
may be rehearsed to retain its meaning
Information rehearsed in ST memory is
transmitted to long-term (LT) memory for storage
and retrieval as needed; LT memory capacity is
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Information Retention
It refers to the amount of material
previously learned that is remembered
Forgetting – the loss in retention of
material previously learned
Retention affected by:
Incoming information
The person receiving the information
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Retention: Characteristics of
Incoming Information and Processing
Repetition or rehearsal
Competing information (new information
competes with old; ad “clutter” issue)
Completeness of information (Zeigarnik Effect
– if incomplete, info retained for later
Time (lapsed time since exposure)
Mood (positive mood impact)
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How Retention is Influenced
by the Information Recipient
Consumer familiarity or experience
Being more familiar with a product category
increases the chances of remembering information
about new or existing brands
Affects way information is organized in memory
Consumer motivation
Higher motivation to process info is positively
related to doing so at deeper levels of memory
and to retain info longer and more accurately.
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
How Information is Retrieved
from Memory
Retrieval cues – “self-” or
“externally-” generated
(sensory images: sounds,
shapes, colors, smells,etc.)
Interference from competing
cues (make cue to stand out)
Consumer’s state of mind:
higher retrieval levels occur
when info processing and
retrieval mood and/or interest
levels match
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Information Storage in
Memory – Processing Effects
Recall of numerically-coded information
is better than verbal information
“Surface-level processing” (“sensory”)
occurs when there is no analysis of
meaning. Consumer judgment error
rate higher.
“Meaning-level processing”
(“semantic”) implies analysis of
meaning. Consumer judgment error
rate lower.
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Learning – Probability Theory
Learning  formation of habits formed and
changed through experience with products or
Strength of habit depends upon the amount
of reinforcement it receives
Probability models are used to predict the
formation of habits:
Brand loyalty
Brand acceptance
Brand switching
New product forecasting
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Learning – Behavior Analysis
The relationship between marketers
and consumers often resembles a
Several behavior modification principles
(BMPs) are used by marketers to induce
consumers to buy their products and
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Learning – Behavior Analysis
Classical conditioning –learning results from a
relationship between a stimulus and a response
Pavlov and his salivating dogs: a conditioned stimulus (the
ringing bell before each feeding) results in a conditioned
response (salivation)
Marketing applications
Higher order conditioning and celebrity advertising
Strength of the unconditioned stimulus
Number of pairings
Forward versus backward versus simultaneous conditioning
New versus existing products
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Learning – Behavior Analysis
Operant conditioning – a process in
which the frequency of occurrence of a
bit of behavior is modified by the
consequences of the behavior
Especially relevant in low involvement
Rewards & punishments AND consumer
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Learning – Behavior Analysis
Generalization – the tendency to respond in
similar ways to similar stimuli.
Discrimination – the process through which
consumers restrict their range of responses
and attach themselves to a particular brand.
Modeling – the process through which an
individual learns a behavior by observing the
behavior of others and the consequences of
this behavior.
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Learning – Cognitive Theory
Emphasis is on thinking rather than the doing
aspects of learning.
Four stages:
Formulation of hypotheses (specific testable
assumptions) about products or brands
Exposure to evidence (passive or active)
Encoding of the evidence
Integration of earlier hypotheses with new
information into beliefs
Familiarity, ambiguity, motivation
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Cognitive Theory and
Strategies for market leaders (topdogs)
Strategies for market underdogs
Facilitating trial
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Perception is the way in which an
individual gathers, processes, and
interprets information from the
Two views of consumer perception
Sensory perception
Gestalt theory of perception
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Sensory Perception
It is governed by the
five senses: sight,
smell, sound, touch,
and taste
It focuses on product
specific sense attributes
and how these are
understood and
evaluated by
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Factors Affecting Sensory
Stimulus factors (examples)
Visual cues: color, shape, and size
Aural cues: tempo and pitch
Olfactory cues (taste + smell): sweet, bitter, salty, and floral
Tactile cues: soft, coarse, and silky
Individual Response Factors
Sensory acuity: the capacity to recognize and differentiate
among certain sensory cues; the “limin”
Sensory preferences: sensory product features are perceived
and evaluated based on those liked or disliked
Consumer expectation: affects how product features are
likely to be perceived/evaluated. When features match
expectations this yields more positive preference outcomes
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Gestalt Theory of Perception
Gestalt principle: the whole adds up to more
than the sum of its parts
People perceive “form” above all else
The form may remain constant even though
some specific features of it may change
(color, tempo, etc.) – “variations on the same
Applications: size, actual/illusion of motion,
bordering for ads or displays while really the
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What do you perceive?
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Factors Influencing Gestalt
Stimulus factors: color and contrast,
size, intensity, position, isolation, and
Individual response factors: interest,
involvement, needs, values, and
cognitive set
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How consumers Interpret
Categorization: the psychological
process through which a consumer
compares the perception of a product
with a mental representation of that
product in memory.
Analytic versus non-analytic (meeting or
not meeting required attributes to “fit”)
Marketing implications for new products or
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Consumer Attributions
It refers to the process through which
people connect events and behavior
with causes.
Forms of attribution
Product perception (a product problem)
Self-perception (questioning oneself)
Person perception (questioning others
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Perceptions of Product/Service
Perceived quality – a perceptual outcome
generated from processing product or service
features (benefits delivered) that leads the
consumer to make inferences about the
quality of that product or service
Dimensions of perceived quality for durable
goods: ease of use, versatility, durability,
serviceability, performance, and prestige
Perceived high quality  product satisfaction
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Risk Perception/Risk Reduction
It refers to a perceptual process and behavior
outcomes generated from the perception of
risk in the purchase or a product or service
Components of risk:
Severity of consequences (how bad will it be)
Uncertainty related to those consequences (what
are the chances the consequence will occur)
Risk reduction strategies: behaviors to reduce
their perception of risk in purchase situations
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Price Perception
Consumers perceive a price as either
high or low on the basis of a
comparison with an internal price (or
referent price).
Price perceptions and the social
judgment theory – “regions”
“Assimilation” (acceptable)
and “contrast” (too high or low)
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Perceived Value
The trade-off between product benefits
and product costs.
Perceived value = perceived benefits / perceived costs
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002