1 Maude Price Elementary Title I Parent Meeting 2014-2015 Wednesday, January 7th – 8:30 am Thursday, January 8th– 6:30 pm Title I Meeting ONLY Price Panthers… “Wonder and Read, Think and Achieve” Schoolwide Title 1 Meeting 2 What is Schoolwide Title I? Title I is a federal program to help all students get a good education and meet academic standards. ¿Què es Titulo I? Título I es un programa federal cuyo propósito es ayudar a todos los estudiatnes a obtener una buena educación y a alcanzar cierto nivel académico. Progress Monitoring 3 State and District Approved Curriculum Reading – Balanced Literacy: Guided Reading, Shared Reading, Interactive Reading Math – enVision by Scott Foresman suplemented & CGI (cognitively guided instruction) Writing- Lucy Calkins Writers Workshop Unite of Study Assessments (Multiple Measures) DORA (Diagnostic Online Reading Assessment) Running Records Classroom Performance – Report Card Grades Teacher Created/Common Assessments Benchmark Math Assessments California Standards Test -5th grade SCIENCE ONLY CELDT 2014-2015 Goals/Data 4 English Language Arts By end of 1st trimester 60% of students will meet or exceed their grade level running record. Grade level expectations K= A 1=E 2=J 3=M GRAD E % of students who met goal Goal Met? K 57% NO (-3) 1st 53% NO (-7) 2nd 67% Yes (+7) 3rd 59% NO (-1) 4th 55% NO (-5) 5th 60% YES 4=Q 5=T 2014-2015 Goals/Data- MATH 5 By the end of the first trimester students will meet or exceed an overall percentage of 35% on the District Math Growth Assessment. (2nd trimester= 60% 3rd trimester= 75%) GRADE % of students who met goal Goal Met? K n/a n/a 1st 81% YES 2nd 78% YES 3rd 51% YES 4th 86% YES 5th 57% YES 2014-2015 Targeted Action Plan-What are we going to do about not meeting our target goals? 6 Intervention- AT SCHOOL Provide intensive interventions using research-based strategies and materials. Continue use of ST math/Jiji Continue to use DORA to help drive instruction Increase teacher collaboration time to determine and adjust interventions Intervention offered: Before/During/After school for students far below grade level Parent Involvement- WE NEED YOU!!! School Site Council Meetings- at least 4 per year Title 1 Parent Meetings- at least 2 per year offered various times/days English Learner Advisory Committee Meetings (ELAC) District English Learner Advisory Committee Meetings (DELAC) Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Surveys-climate, Title 1, ELD (2014 Spring Survey Results- located on school website- Under-Resources Title 1) Professional Development- 10% of funding goes to this Targeted Action Plan Continued… 7 It takes a village to raise a child so… School-wide Family Involvement/Education Opportunities Back to School Night- September Character Counts Family Night- October Trunks n Treats- October Math Morning- November Holiday Story Night-December Reading Morning- January STEAM (Science technology Engineering Art Math) Night- February 6:30 pm Open House-Spring Spring Fling Monthly Awards Assemblies PTA Food Drives Read Across America Family Read in- Spring College and Career Awareness-ongoing Targeted Action Plan Continued… 8 School-Parent Communication -Monthly Calendar -Connect Ed phone messages/emails -Various Flyers for events -School Marque -Teacher calls and emails to parents -PTA newsletter and Facebook page: Maude Price PTA -School website: www.dusd.net/price (Resources- Title 1) -Twitter: Price Panthers 9 YRRI (Year Round Remedial Intervention) and Title 1 Funds 2012-2013- Materials/Technology The majority of the Title I funds will be spent on staffing. Price has (1) full time Title I Resource Teacher and has recently hired two interventionists who will work full days Monday – Friday from October – April. The interventionists will focus on K-5th grade In-School Intervention with some focus on math before, after, and during school. YRRI funds are being spent on the 2nd interventionist. Our ELD Coordinator will be servicing math for all grades 3 days a week. 2013-2014 – Materials/Technology The majority of the Title I funds will be spent on staffing. Price has (1) full time Title I Resource Teacher and has recently hired two interventionists who will work full days Monday – Friday from October – February. We will reassess our finances in February to see if we can continue with two intervention teachers. The interventionists will focus on K-5th grade In-School Intervention with some focus on math before, after, and during school. YRRI funds are being spent on the 2nd interventionist. Our ELD Coordinator will be servicing math for all grades 3 days a week. 2014-2015- Materials/Technology The majority of the Title 1 funds will be spent on staffing, Price has (1) full time Title 1 Resource Teacher as well as two interventionists who will run groups four days a week. The interventionists will focus on k-5th grade in school intervention with some focus on before/after school time as well in the areas of language arts/math. Some monies will be spent on technology/software and related supplies as well as supplemental materials (books, paper, xerox, subscriptions). Review of Parent Educational Needs Assessment Results from 2013-2014 10 Results from Survey 1. 72% said they feel welcome and encouraged to visit Price School. 2. 82% said that all students have an equal opportunity to learn. 3. 80% said that they feel their student is safe at Price. 4. 87% said that they felt there was order and discipline at Price. 5. 86% said that their child is Proud to attend Price. 6. 83% said that they felt valued as a partner in their child’s education. 7. Types of Workshops wanting to attend: Common Core and Math were the highest rated 8. 74% said that the amount of homework was just right. 9. 85% said that they have been kept informed about their child’s progress. 10. 58% said that the home reading program motivates my child. (note- new program this year) (full results can be found on: www.dusd.net/price- Resources-Title 1) *Parents please note that the above is just a small sampling from the Spring 2014 Parent Survey. Also know that all data from that survey was reviewed at the end of the year with administration as well as staff. Needed changes, suggestions, and comments were taken into account when planning this current year. **Also know that we value you and if you see/find anything that needs attention we would love to hear it straight from you via a phone call (562)904-3575 or via email to Katherine Pavidis -kpavidis@dusd.net or Principal- Mary Weyers mweyers@dusd.net 2014-2015 Future Meetings 11 Flexible number of meetings – Please call or contact Katherine Pavidis (kpavidis@dusd.net) Spring Meeting -Growth Report (compare beginning of year to end of year to see growth and discuss program implementation) May 20th (Wed.)-8:15 am May20th (Wed.)-6:30pm st 21 12 Century Learning Parents, How can you help at home? 13 Read with your child every day. Have a quiet place for your child to do his/her homework undisturbed each night. Check your child’s backpack nightly. Stay in contact with the teacher. Don’t wait for progress reports or report cards. Take your child to the library. Practice math facts while driving or walking. Parent Involvement Policy 14 District School Developed by Parents and Staff Read and approve or revise Home School Compact 15 Developed by parents and staff Read and approve or revise District’s Uniform Complaint Procedure 16 Procedure Location of information School office DUSD Website under Parent Resources Announcements 17 January -13: School Board Meeting 5:00 pm -13: PTA Meeting 6:00 pm -19: Holiday-No School-Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday -21: Reading Morning/Parent Ed. 8:15-10:00 (Kinder, 1st, 2nd grades) -23: Reading Morning/Parent Ed. 8:15-10:00 (3rd, 4th, 5th grades) -30: Student Free Day February 2-6th: Progress Reports sent home w/students 5th: STEAM Parent/student education fun night 6th: Awards Assemblies 9th/16th: Holiday- No School –Presidents Birthdays 13th: Dance A Thon Contact Me! 18 Comments Comentarios Price Elementary (562) 904-3575 Katherine Pavidis Categorical Resource Teacher General Questions Preguntas Concerns Sugerencias Title 1/ ELD Coordinator Room E22 kpavidis@dusd.net Stay Connected… Twitter: Price Panthers Facebook: Maude Price PTA Web page: www.dusd.net/price Thank you for coming! ¡Gracias por venir! Thank you for coming! Gracias por venir! 19