Syllabus for Spanish 5/CAPP 248 2011 Profesora: Hora Correo electrónico: Textos: Blanco, Colbert. Enfoques: Curso intermedio de lengua española. Second Edition. Vista, 2008. Copeland, et al. Literatura y arte Intermediate Spanish. Sixth edition. Holt Rinehart Winston. 1997. Course description: This is a college level course taught in high school. It will cover an intensive grammar review, a comprehensive selection of short stories, plays and poetry written by Spanish-speaking authors, a review and enrichment of vocabulary, and an analysis of a variety of cultural aspects. UW-Oshkosh Spanish 248 description: An intensive two-semester course taught at high schools affiliated with the CAPP program featuring development of advanced intermediate conversational skills and reading skills through the study of works of Spanish and Spanish American literature and other appropriate materials. This course is a substitute for Spanish 204 and 208. Course goals: Spontaneous and creative oral and written response to any given topic. Active participation using acquired vocabulary to improve listening, speaking, reading and writing skills Gain knowledge about and analyze other cultures to improve appreciation and respect for others. Constant interaction in the target language Methods of evaluation Written and objective tests/quizzes at the completion of EACH unit. o Most will be essay, short response tests/quizzes Compositions Oral presentations/projects Participation in group discussions Grading scale: 92 -100 83 - 91 74 – 82 65 – 73 0 – 64 = = = = = A B C D F For UW Oshkosh- CAPP 93 - 100 = A 90 – 92 = A88 – 89 = B+ 83 – 87 = B 80 – 82 = B- 78 - 79 = C+ 73 - 77 = C 70 - 72 = C68 – 69 = D+ 63 – 67 = D 60 – 62 = D0 – 59 = F NOTE: All tests/exams/quizzes/projects/presentations/essays are required. Course work: Conscientious preparation outside of class and active participation in class are essential for success in this course. Attendance is required! You are responsible for your learning and being present will only assist you. I will be available to help you: 1st block, ASPIRE, and after school I expect that we will have a fantastic year and that you will leave SMHS with a great understanding and knowledge of the Spanish language and culture. Attached you will find the course outline. Sra. Altamirano Plan del curso 1. Los viajes: vocabulario de Enfoques capítulo 5 o Repaso gramatical: el presente, ser / estar, yo irregular, complementos directos / indirectos o Marianela, novela de Benito Pérez Galdós 2. La naturaleza: vocabulario de Enfoques capítulo 6 o Fotonovela, vocabulario o Repaso gramatical: pretérito e imperfecto o Lectura: El lobito bueno de José Agustín Goytisolo 3. ¡Cuéntame…! o Repaso gramatical: pretérito contra imperfecto, mandatos o Lectura: Don Payasito o Lectura: Cuentos infantiles o Escritura: Cuento infantil 4. Enfoques: la religión o Fotonovela, vocabulario o Gramática: Subjunctive, Past subjunctive o Poesía o Marcelino pan y vino 5. La economía y el trabajo – Aspectos económicos de América Latina o Fotonovela, vocabulario o Gramática: Conditional, Past subjunctive, Si clauses o Cortometraje: Clown o Lectura: Es que somos muy pobres, Poderoso caballero o Película: El analfabeto 6. Enfoques: La historia y la civilización o Fotonovela, vocabulario o Gramática: Passive voice, Uses of “se” o Lectura: Cartas de relación o Lectura: El arte de los aztecas o Lectura: La Malinche o Película: Guerreros: Cortés y Moctezuma I wish to enroll in the CAPP course offered through the University of Wisconsin – Oshkosh. I understand that I will only receive college credits if I pay the course fee of $_______ and pass the course (with a B or higher for retro credits). The fee must be paid by September 15, 2010. If I do not pay the fee, I will not receive college credit. If I choose to enroll in the course through UW-Oshkosh, but do not pay the fee, I will be placed on the obligations list and will not be allowed to graduate until the fee is paid. _______________________________________ Student signature - Date __________________________________________ Parent/Guardian signature - Date