VOCABULARIO DEL CAPITULO 2-1: EL MEDIO AMBIENTE, p. _____ la palabra en inglés acid rain la palabra en español aluminum around ash asthma atmosphere bronchitis carbon dioxide carbon monoxide cardboard coal contamination/pollution damaging destruction los países en vía de desarrollo disastrous electric, nuclear, solar energy emphysema endangered species environment environmental factory Vocabulario 2-1, p. 46 tu 1a vez en español Nombre: tu 2a vez en español tu 3a vez en español fuel glass greenhouse effect heart attack jungle lead level lung cancer ocean oil on, over oxygen ozone layer plastic raw material safe to drink smoke steel to burn to conserve / conservation / conserved to damage / damage, injury / damaged Vocabulario 2-1, p. 46 to deforest / deforestation / deforested to destroy / destruction / destroyed to dry / drought / dry (adjective) to extinguish to infect / contagion / contaminated to prevent to protect / protection / protected to purify / purification / pure, purified to recycle / recycling (noun) / recycled to rescue / rescue (noun) / rescued to throw away / waste / thrown away, wasted to waste trash uranium wood Vocabulario 2-1, p. 46 Repaso: ser, estar, haber pp. 49 – 52 A continuación – en inglés – las varias razones por usar estos tres verbos. Consulta tu libro para clasificar cada situación al lado del verbo apropiado. (Okay, so these will be notes that you refer to lots, so please write the actual reason and not just a letter from the other side. ¿Bueno?) ser a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) an adjective that is a change from the norm adjectives of size, color, and shape days, months, seasons expression “one must” + the word “que” helping verb in the perfect tenses (have/had done) helping verb in the progressive tenses (-ing) impersonal expressions (especially in the subjunctive!) location nationality, religion, political affiliation, occupation noun or pronoun that identifies the subject telling time temporary state (physical or emotional/mental) to tell the existence of one or more nouns when and where an event takes place with a past participle to express the passive voice with “de” to tell origin, possession, material with “para” to tell who something is for Vocabulario 2-1, p. 46 estar haber