FY16 Capital Campaign & Project Grant (CCP) Application Before completing your application, please review all eligibility and application requirements at: http://www.bravogreaterdesmoines.org/grants/capital-campaign-and-project-grant/ Completed applications and support materials should be sent via email to: grants@bravogreaterdesmoines.org and must be received by 4:00 p.m. – Monday, October 19, 2015. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered. Organization Name: Legal Name of Organization (if different): Address: City, State, ZIP: Employer Identification Number (EIN): Contact Person Name: Contact Person Title: Contact Person Phone: Contact Person E-Mail: Grant Amount Requested: $ (Grant amount requested should not exceed 30% of total campaign/project budget) Total Campaign/Project Budget: $ (Total campaign/project budget must be at least $10,000 in order to be eligible for CCP) If a phased campaign, please include total budget for current phase only Has Bravo previously provided a CCP grant for this campaign/project? Yes No Did organization receive CCP funding in FY15? Yes No Yes No (If CCP funding received in FY15, organization is not eligible to apply in FY16) Is the organization receiving/applying for funds directly from one of Bravo Greater Des Moines’ partner local governments? Bravo Greater Des Moines FY16 Capital Campaign & Project Grant Application, Page 1 of 7 SECTION 1: ELIGIBILITY CONFIRMATION For this section: In the gray shaded areas, please mark an “X” next to the appropriate answer or provide requested information. Is the organization a 501(c)(3) non-profit? Yes No Is the organization an agency of local government? Yes No Yes No If yes, please indicate which local government: Is the organization sponsored by a fiscal agent? If yes, please provide the name and contact information for the fiscal agent: If “No” is checked for all of the above, organization is not eligible for a Bravo Greater Des Moines FY16 CCP Grant. Does the organization have a volunteer Board of Directors (excluding paid staff who also serve on the Board)? Yes No If “No” is checked above, organization is not eligible for a Bravo Greater Des Moines FY16 CCP Grant. Does not apply to agencies of local government. The organization’s primary mission must be arts, culture, and/or heritage in nature, providing for the enlightenment and entertainment of the public through the production, presentation, exhibition, advancement, or preservation of one or more of the disciplines listed below (select all that apply): Architecture Art Botany Cultural Heritage Dance Music Natural History Opera Regional History Science Theatre Zoology Other (please describe): If “Other” is checked above, please contact Bravo Greater Des Moines staff to determine organization’s current eligibility for a FY16 CCP Grant before proceeding with application. City in which organization’s main administrative offices are located: City/area in which most of organization’s programming occurs or where main programming-related facilities are located: If a city/area other than one of Bravo Greater Des Moines’ partner local governments is listed for either of the above, please contact Bravo Greater Des Moines staff to determine organization’s current eligibility for a FY16 CCP Grant before proceeding with application. Bravo Greater Des Moines FY16 Capital Campaign & Project Grant Application, Page 2 of 7 SECTION 2: NARRATIVE General Information Please note word maximums associated with each question. Please indicate how your project should be considered within the CCP funding priorities (check one): 1. 2. 3. 4. Capital Campaign An intensive fund raising effort of at least $10,000 designed to raise a specified sum of money within a defined time period to meet the varied asset-building needs of an organization. These needs can include but are not limited to the construction of new buildings, renovation or enlargement of existing buildings, purchase or improvement of land, acquisition of furnishings or equipment or public art. Capital Project – New Construction New construction, expansion, renovation, or replacement project for an existing facility or facilities. New public art projects or installations will also be considered. The project must have a total cost of at least $10,000 with a useful life of at least 3 years. Project costs can include the cost of land, engineering, architectural planning, and contract services needed to complete the project. Capital Project – Major Equipment A purchase of major equipment (assets) costing $10,000 or more with a useful life of at least 3 years. Capital Project – Renovation A major maintenance or rehabilitation project for existing facilities or public art installations with a cost of $10,000 or more and an economic life of at least 3 years. (Select one below.) Capital Project A – Maintenance or rehabilitation project for existing facilities. Capital Project B – Public art installations Briefly describe the mission, activities and history of your organization. (Max. 300 words) Briefly describe the campaign/project you are applying for and how Bravo funds would be used (Max. 300 words) Briefly describe how the campaign/project you are applying for aligns with current organizational strategic priorities, especially regarding enhanced ability to meet the needs of those served by the organization. (Max. 300 words) Briefly describe how this campaign/project will strengthen the region’s cultural community by meeting a community need (Max. 300 words) Discuss how CCP funds from Bravo will enhance the competitiveness of other grant funding applications and/or leverage other public and private contributions, including board contributions and broad-based local support. (Max. 300 words) Bravo Greater Des Moines FY16 Capital Campaign & Project Grant Application, Page 3 of 7 How will campaign/project success be evaluated and measured? Please be specific. (Max. 300 words) What is the biggest challenge associated with this campaign/project and how do you plan to overcome it? (Max. 300 words) Describe the impact this campaign/project will have on your organization’s ongoing operating budget, such as any increases in utilities, maintenance costs, mortgage payments, and/or additional staff. (Max. 300 words) Describe the impact completing this campaign/project will have on those you serve or hope to serve, especially regarding access to diverse and/or underserved populations (Max. 300 words) SECTION 2: NARRATIVE (PART 2 OF 2) Grant Description 1. Capital Campaigns: An intensive fund raising effort of at least $10,000 designed to raise a specified sum of money within a defined time period to meet the varied asset-building needs of an organization. These needs can include but are not limited to the construction of new buildings, renovation or enlargement of existing buildings, purchase or improvement of land, acquisition of furnishings or equipment or public art. What is the total fundraising goal for the entire campaign? In how many phases does the organization plan to raise the funds? By when does the organization plan to complete the entire campaign? What year/phase is the organization currently in for the campaign? What is the total fundraising goal for this phase of the campaign? What is the anticipated term of this phase of the capital campaign? Bravo Greater Des Moines FY16 Capital Campaign & Project Grant Application, Page 4 of 7 SECTION 4: COMMUNITY LETTER OF SUPPORT Submit one letter of support from an individual or partner who can speak to the applicant’s ability to successfully complete the proposed project. The letter should be one page in length and should specifically address how the campaign or project aligns with the organization’s mission and strategic plan. The letter should also detail how the campaign or project will enhance the organization’s ability to meet the needs of those it serves. Letters of support may come from community or business leaders that reside in central Iowa. While donors to the organization are welcome to submit the letter of support, members of the board, staff and those individuals with direct business interests in the organization are not eligible to submit a letter of support. Bravo Greater Des Moines Board members and staff are also not eligible to provide letters of support for the FY16 CCP cycle. Support letters may be submitted as a PDF directly from the organization and should be included in the overall FY16 CCP application. Support letters will be due by the CCP application deadline of 4:00 p.m. on Monday, October 19, 2015. Bravo Greater Des Moines FY16 Capital Campaign & Project Grant Application, Page 5 of 7 SECTION 5: APPLICATION AGREEMENT Does organization have the ability to meet all of the following requirements of a grant recipient: Yes No Submit a signed grant agreement. Distribute a press release announcing grant. Acknowledge Bravo Greater Des Moines and partner local governments in all complete listings of donors (printed materials, website, etc.) whenever possible. Include Bravo Greater Des Moines logo whenever possible. Include a link to Bravo Greater Des Moines’ website on recipient organization’s website if possible. Promote the Bravo Greater Des Moines Annual Awards Gala whenever possible. Submit a final/progress report for the grant by September 1, 2016 via the Bravo website: www.bravogreaterdesmoines.org/grants/bravo-grant-reporting If “No” is marked above, please contact Bravo Greater Des Moines staff to determine organization’s current eligibility for a FY16 CCP Grant before proceeding with application. Although not a requirement, Bravo strongly encourages all grant recipients to send thank-you letters to the City Council/Board of Supervisors of all partner local governments. I certify that this application is true, correct and complete. If we have previously received a Bravo Greater Des Moines Capital Campaign & Project Grant, we certify that the expenditure of those grant funds was in the manner indicated in the original application. If we receive a FY16 Capital Campaign & Project Grant, we certify that we have the ability to fulfill the requirements listed here and in the application guidelines. Your typed name constitutes your signature. ______________________________________________________________________ Authorized Signer/Title ______________________________________________________________________ Typed Name ___________________________ Date Bravo Greater Des Moines FY16 Capital Campaign & Project Grant Application, Page 6 of 7 SECTION 6: SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS In addition to the FY16 CCP Grant application form, the following must be submitted by every applicant organization: Community letter of support for the capital campaign/project. A detailed campaign or project timeline. A detailed campaign or project budget that includes revenues and expenses. A list of confirmed contributors to the campaign or project by category (individual, corporate, foundation, government) and the total amount of contributions/pledges secured to date. A list of other pending grant requests, the amount requested, and an estimated decision date. Project blueprints, sketches, photos, etc. – if available. The following additional support materials must be submitted ONLY by organizations that have not received Bravo Cultural Enrichment Grant funding for operational and programming support in the last 2 years (FY15 or FY16): Board of Directors – current list with names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses. 501(c)(3) Designation Letter or verification of local government agency. Budget – detailed organizational budget for current year and most recently completed fiscal year. Audited Financial Statements or Financial Review – for most recent year available. 990 Tax Form – for most recent year available. Annual Report – if available. Strategic Plan – if available. Please follow submission guidelines detailed in the FY16 Capital Campaign & Project Grant Application Guidelines which can be found here: http://www.bravogreaterdesmoines.org/grants/capital-campaign-and-project-grant/ Materials should be sent along with your application to: grants@bravogreaterdesmoines.org Bravo Greater Des Moines FY16 Capital Campaign & Project Grant Application, Page 7 of 7