View Committee Job Description - Association for Death Education

ADEC Board Working Group Description
Mission Statement
The Association for Death Education and Counseling® is an international, professional organization
dedicated to promoting excellence and recognizing diversity in death education, care of the dying, grief
counseling and research in thanatology. Based on quality research, theory and practice, the association
provides information, support and resources to its international, multicultural, multidisciplinary
membership and to the public.
Name of Board Working Group (BWG):
Planned Giving Committee
2. Purpose of BWG: Task to be accomplished; issue or question to be explored:
To develop a planned giving campaign (Donations and Legacy Gifts) to
build a culture of giving within ADEC and thus secure the future of the
organization with gifts of bequests and donations to build an Endowment
Fund, upon which future boards of trustees can draw and which will
sustain the organization.
A Chairperson appointed by the President, a volunteer member of the Board,
a Past President, two (or more) members at large who are willing to serve on
the committee without term limits.
4. Chair of BWG: To be appointed by the President
5. Authority (what BWG has authority to do)
To develop a planned giving campaign,
To create necessary publicity materials,
To approach members of ADEC to make a donation or to leave
a legacy gift to ADEC,
To advertise the work of the committee,
To keep the opportunity to give to ADEC before the
To create recognition opportunities for those who have been
generous to inspire others to give.
To approve restricted gifts
6. Limitations on authority (what committee/taskforce/manager does not have authority to
This committee does not have the authority to accept monies for newly
established purposes (which were not previously approved by the Board)
without the approval of the Board of Trustees.
7. BWG Outcomes: What is the BWG expected to complete/produce?
The Planned Giving Committee will be a standing committee whose work
is never complete since this is a long term project whose purpose is to
develop the future sustainability of the organization. Phase One of the
committee’s effort will be to achieve the establishment of endowment
funds that will total $250,000 in pledges, bequest, insurance and gifts
within 3 years.
8. Description of process (how BWG will function accomplish its tasks:
The Planned Giving Committee will meet periodically by conference call
as well as in person, if possible, at the Convention. The Committee will
decide on the best publicity and marketing methods to encourage the
members of ADEC to remember ADEC in their charitable giving plans. It
will encourage yearly year end gifts, donations for special events, as well
as legacy bequests in wills and endowments, as well as insurance
policies. It will create the necessary documentation to ensure that legacy
gifts are irrevocable and are used according to the wishes of donors. At
the beginning ADEC members will be asked to participate in private oneon-one or two-on-one meetings at the time of the Convention so as to
gather a core group of givers. Marketing materials will be included in
other materials that are being distributed by mail or by electronic sources
this may be as simple as a small tag line. Recognition opportunities will
be established, not only to reward members for giving, but to create ways
to publicize the work of the Committee. The Committee will also seek
‘gate openers’ (members of ADEC who know of charitable members in
their community) to open the door for us to approach such givers. At times
perhaps it will be necessary for a member of the committee to travel and
visit a potential prospect. The Committee will also work to establish a “I
CARE” (name open to suggestions) Club who will receive preferential
treatment at opening events, be acknowledged with a special award at the
Convention, be given a special gift, and invited to a yearly reception in
honor of those who are members of this Club (and include those who give
a certain amount each year to the Annual Fund Campaign)
9. Information needed by BWG in order to complete its task(s):
Lists of:
1. Members who are long standing members
2. Members who are 65 years and older
3. Founding members of ADEC
4. Past presidents of ADEC
5. Former board members
6. Suggested prospects among members as identified by the Staff
and the Board
10. Resources needed for BWG to accomplish its task:
The Committee will need help in creating marketing materials and to
develop appropriate communications.
Below is an itemized list of anticipated list to deal with these needs:
 Publicity
 Mailing
 Travel
$1500 (bring consultant to convention)
 Reception (next year) $1000
 Conference Calls $500
 Donor Recognition $1000
11. Timeframe for BWG:
Upon Board approval the Committee would be formed immediately and work
would begin to roll out materials and enrollment for this year’s convention.
Person completing this form:
Daniel A. Roberts, Treasurer
12. Date:
September 21, 2012
13. Please append recommendations: A Sample Letter—adapted from a letter
for APA
If you would like to make a bequest to ADEC, simply ask your attorney to include
language expressing your wish to do so. ADEC is a (501)(c)(3) tax-exempt organization,
so your bequest would be exempt from taxes.
The following are possible ways in which you may choose to make a bequest:
1. Percentage
This method provides the most flexibility since the gift fluctuates according to the size of
the estate.
2. Fixed Amount
The most common way to make a bequest is to leave a fixed amount; however, this
option may not necessarily be the best for you.
3. Residuary
This is what is left after all other debts, taxes, expenses and other bequests have been
4. Life Income
You can make a bequest as a gift to charity that can also provide lifetime payments to any
individual(s) you designate. This type of gift structure is referred to as a Charitable
Remainder Trust or a Charitable Gift Annuity
5. Life Insurance
You may gift an existing or new life insurance. The structure of this type of gift has
several variations.
Guidelines for Making a Lifetime Gift:
1. Outright gift
You can make a gift during your lifetime by payment of a single lump-sum
2. Pledge
You can make a pledge immediately accompanied by a periodic payment plan
suitable to your financial situation.
** NOTE: Sending draft language to ADEC before finalizing your bequest will ensure
that the Foundation can fulfill your wishes.
Once you make a bequest, please inform ADEC that you have done so. You will
then become a member of ADEC’s I CARE Club. I CARE Club members receive the
New members are honored at our annual Friends of the Foundation reception
Invitations to special ADEC receptions and events
Preferred seating at the annual ADEC Convention Opening Session
Names listed in the The Forum, ADEC quarterly newsletter, and website (unless you
request otherwise)
For more information about making a bequest, please contact: Dan Roberts, 216-8311353 or Rick Koepke 847-509-0403
Sample Letter for Charitable Gift Annuity
Dear :
Need I tell you what an important and unique role ADEC plays in the world of
Thanatology? No, for by your membership you know that ADEC is Sui generous.
And you know also ADEC is a home for professionals from diverse backgrounds to
advance the body of knowledge and to promote practical applications of research
and theory. ADEC is prepared to offer you a unique opportunity to make a
contribution to the organization while earning a lifetime income. Through a
Charitable Gift Annuity you will receive a generous tax-free income, an income tax
deduction, and the avoidance of lump sum capital gains taxes if you choose to make
a donation with appreciated stocks or mutual funds.
Here is an example of the rates we offer for a single life gift annuity. (Exact numbers
will be calculated and inserted here)
90+ 11.3%
They can also be designed for two lives, but the rates will be different based on the
ages of the annuitants.
Supporting ADEC through a Charitable Gift Annuity is truly a real gift. Not only
can we offer you a very competitive rate of income and valuable tax saving, but your
donation will ultimately be used for projects that will be vital to making ADEC even
stronger in the field of Thanatology.
For more complete information including a personal gift proposal feel free to
contact the ADEC office and Rick Koepke our executive director at 847-509-0403.
Thank you again for your continued support for ADEC