Chapter 1674 – Meeting Minutes (18 Mar 14)

Air Force Sergeants Association
Chapter 1674
Ramstein Air Base, Germany
Date: 18 March 2014, 1130
Place: O’ Club, Ramstein Air Base, Germany
Robinson Joseph (President)
William Ceglar (V. President)
Robert Colter (Legislative)
Kevin Archer (Membership)
Breiana Bartlett (AAC)
Roger Haynes (Field Ops)
Dennis Moore (W&M)
Matthew Console (Secretary)
Elizabeth Bramley (Treasurer)
Alexander Rosales (Communication)
Jennifer Mefferd (Awards/Historian)
James Vest (Sgt-at-Arms)
Vacant (Senior Advisor)
Jonathan Hoffman (Merchandise)
Moment of Silence
AFSA Preamble read by Ryan Roy
Greet all special visitors (Chiefs, other Prof Org Pres., etc):
Greet all first time attendees.
Guest Speaker: Lyka Olsen/Peter Seagriff from Air Force Assistance Fund (AFAF) briefed
the 4 AFAF affiliates: Air Force Village (AFV), Air Force Aid Society (AFAS), Air Force
Enlisted Village (AFEV), and LeMay Foundation (LEMAY). AFAF is a tax-free loan for
unexpected expenditures like your car breaking down, home repair, last minute tickets home,
Mentorship Minutes: Chris Ricks, “Ethical Decision Making” – comes from your morals.
In the military and life we face “Ethical Dilemmas” or moments of choice where we have to
make ethical decisions. Ethics is doing the right thing when no one is looking. The Air
Force Standards book, AFI 1-1, “Little Blue” defines military ethics as - practicing the
highest standards of conduct and integrity, not only in your job, but also in your relationships
with other people, in your personal financial dealings, and in your interaction with the
civilian community. Your code of ethics must be such that your behavior and motives do not
create even the appearance of impropriety. Your commitment to integrity will lead the way
for others to follow.
 Treasurer: (Matthew Console): $1697.45
 Legislative: (Robert Colter):
 Senate Bill 2075 Military Commissary Sustainment Act = to reduce funding by $1B per
year. Please use CAPWIZ to tell the elected official from your state how you feel about
this bill
 Membership: (Matthew Console):
 Current (active) member numbers are at 1,750. There is A LOT of lapsed memberships.
The next membership drive is 22 Mar 14
 Airman’s Activity: (Breiana Bartlett):
 Upcoming Road Cleanup: (POC: A1C Lars/A1C Broyles) Saturday, 29 Mar 14, 10001200 hrs
"This is a private organization. It is not part of the Department of Defense or any of its components and it has no
governmental status."
Air Force Sergeants Association
Chapter 1674
Ramstein Air Base, Germany
Mustache March: (Robert Coulter) Picture, Monday, 31 Mar 14, 1500 hrs – NCOA Drill
Ways and Means: (Dennis Moore):
 iPad Air Raffle – Sometime in April. Actual date is TBD
 BBQ Basket - TBD
Communications: (Alexander Rosales):
 POC Program – Presently 33 of 95 orgs have reps. We need more!!
 Facebook – 335 so far. Like us!
 Newsletter – need writers!
Awards: (Jennifer Mefferd):
 Annual Awards – Due NLT 24 Mar 14.
 1st Quarter Awards – 15 April (SNCO, NCO, Amn Categories)
 Amy Winger Award (ALS)
 Motion passed, 18 February 2014 meeting minutes were approved.
 Chief Morris Retirement (May 14) – Gift POC: Ryan Roy (CE Structures) – the chapter is
presenting a gift. Ryan Roy showed the general membership the start of the gift and the
concept was approved.
 Chapter 1674 Vice President Election: 15 April 14 (1 Year Term)
 Division 7 Professional Airman’s Conference dates have changed to 22-23 May 14
 Location RAF Mildenhall Galaxy Club / Day Trip to Bury St. Edmunds
 New membership drawing winner was Eric Allec
 AFA – is an organization to educate and advocate for Air Force members. The next Working
group is scheduled for 21 Mar 14, 1330 at the O’Club. The next meeting is 11 Apr 14, 1130
same location.
Meeting adjourned at 1230. Next meeting is scheduled for 15 April 2014, 1130 at the O’Club,
Suite #4, Ramstein Air Base, Germany.
//SIGNED rj, 24 Mar 14//
President, Chapter 1674
"This is a private organization. It is not part of the Department of Defense or any of its components and it has no
governmental status."