Meiosis in males and females: Differences and consequences thereof. Active Lesson Developed by the following at HHMI Summer Institute 2012 Philip Farabaugh (UMBC), Benedict Kolber (Duquesne University), Mary Konsolaki (Rutgers), Joseph McCormick (Duquesne University), Karen Schindler (Rutgers), Cynthia Wagner (UMBC), Mike Verzi (Rutgers) This is the instructional Powerpoint which contains instructions plus the teachable Powerpoint. See the “Active Lesson Presentation Ready” file for a ready-to-go Powerpoint for your class. Intended Audience •Introductory Biology or Genetics • 100-300 level • 1 , 2 , 3 year students • Biology majors • Prerequisites: precalc, gen chem st nd rd Prior Knowledge/Lessons •Stages of meiosis •Compare/contrast mitosis/meiosis •Recombination •Non-disjunction in the context of recombination •Warm-up reading of male vs. female meiosis (from textbook) Learning Goal •Understand meiosis Outcomes The students should be able to: 1. Describe differences between meiosis in females and males. 2. Explain the differences in the rate of non-disjunction between females and males • • The next slide is the start of the actual presentation. Additional instructor notes can be found below in Powerpoint notes area. Note: Suggested animations have already been added in the Powerpoint. Female vs. Male Meiosis •What you have - Strips describing steps of meiosis. •What you need to do - Place the strips in order from first to last. Do this for both the males and females. Let’s go through the strips of female meiosis. Meiosis initiated in fetal development Arrested in prophase of meiosis I Asymmetric cell division Resumption upon puberty Arrested at metaphase of meiosis II One functional germ cell Let’s go through the strips of male meiosis. Meiosis initiated in puberty Meiosis proceeds uninterrupted Symmetric cell division Symmetric cell division 4 functional germ cells Let’s now compare males and females on a time-line. Females Males Feta l Arrest Meiosis initiated Asymmetric division Menopaus Meiosis initiated Symmetric division Symmetric division 8 Resumption of meiosis Asymmetric division Continuous Cyclica l Puberty Case Study This graph shows the rates of trisomy in females and males. Hecht, C. A. and Hook, E. B. Using your clicker, select the best biological choice of sperm donor that the couple should use. A. B. C. D. 50 year old male 35 year-old male Either male Younger anonymous male donor Space for clicker graph Defects in meiosis affect human reproduction – 1 minute essay • Devise a plausible cellular process that explains why there is an increase of trisomies in females as they age compared to males. • Every student should describe their mechanism in a 1min essay and submit at the end of class (please put your name on the card). Take-home assignment looking at new data showing that paternal age affects schizophrenia. •On your own for next class: • Read the following • Malaspina D; Harlap S; Fennig S; Heima n D; Nahon D; Feldman D; Susser ES: Advancing paternal age and the risk of schizophrenia. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2001; 58:361—367. • Talk about whether these new data would affect Sheldon and Pete’s decision on a sperm donor. Additional Reading •Hunt & Hassold. Female Meiosis: Coming unglued with age. Current Bio 20(17). 2010 •That’s it!!!!!