Global Anti-Bribery and Corruption (GABC) Customer Specification

Global Anti-Bribery and Corruption (GABC)
Customer Specification Sheet
Customer Specific Pages
The Global Anti-Bribery and Corruption course allows you to add customized content to the following
course Section:
Chapter 12:
Policy and Reporting
Your code of conduct policy will be inserted into your course
1. FAQ: How do I tell Emtrain what content that I want in my custom pages?
 You will fill in page “Templates” supplied in the following pages of this document
2. FAQ: Are there any Example Page Templates that I can reference so I fill it out right?
 Yes! Please see the next 2 pages for examples of how your content will look when added
to the course.
3. FAQ: Who can help me? What resources should I use?
 Your Code of Conduct / Ethics Hotline Website. You can cut/paste Reporting Procedures
from your Code of Conduct or Ethics Hotline website into your page templates.
 Your Marketing or Communications Dept. They should be able to provide you with
images, audio and video for your custom pages.
4. FAQ: What do I do with this document once I fill it out?
Once this information is filled out to your satisfaction, return this worksheet to with the subject line of: COC Customer Pages.
Attach ALL source files that are noted below on your template pages.
Please note, customization will not proceed until the worksheet and all source files are
received correctly.
© 2000-2014 Emtrain
Global Anti-Bribery and Corruption (GABC)
Customer Specification Sheet
Sample Text Content Page:
Notice that the information typed into the Custom Page Template (Below) is what Emtrain will use to
create your custom pages.
Example Custom Page Template
Chapter: 12
Page: 4
Template: text content
Video File: None
Image File: compass.png
Audio File:
Heading: None
Content: No one will experience retaliation for reporting a violation or suspected violation
of our policies, and we will promptly conduct an investigation into the suspected violation
of our policies.
We have included specific information outlining our policies on this topic and the method
to report your concerns about bribery or bribery and/or bribery-related accounting
Image File:
If you supply a right sidebar image file ,
type the name of the file on the template.
Please refer to our Help Center for more information on customization parameters.
Graphics/Images must be submitted in PNG format, and sized to 430x230 pixels for the right sidebar
image as seen above, or 700x430 pixels for a full screen image.
© 2000-2014 Emtrain
Global Anti-Bribery and Corruption (GABC)
Customer Specification Sheet
Sample Video Page:
Notice that the Video File name is typed into the Custom Page Template (Below) to tell Emtrain which
video to insert on your custom page.
If you supply a Video File, type the name
of the file here so we know which Video
File to insert on this page.
Chapter: 12
Page: 2
Video File: reporting_video.flv Image File: none
Template: video
Audio File: none
Content: A written transcript of the content in the video must be provided.
Please refer to our Help Center for more information on Customer Submitted Video Guidelines
Now, get started on your course customization by filling out the pages below:
Reporting and Policy, Chapter 12:
© 2000-2014 Emtrain
Global Anti-Bribery and Corruption (GABC)
Customer Specification Sheet
You may insert up to 3 screens in the Reporting and Policy Chapter. Please refer to our Help Center for
more information on customization parameters.
Refer to the key below when filling in the content boxes:
o Template: Select either text content or video.
o Video File: Insert exact name of video file to be used on page.
o Image File: Insert exact name of image file to be used on page.
o Audio File: Insert exact name of audio file to be used on page.
o Heading: Insert heading text.
o Content: Insert content text.
Chapter: 12
Page: 5
Video File:
Image File:
Audio File:
Chapter: 12
Page: 6
Video File:
Image File:
Audio File:
Chapter: 12
Page: 7
Video File:
Image File:
Audio File:
Heading: (25 character limit)
Content: (700 character limit)
Heading: (25 character limit)
Content: (700 character limit)
Heading: (25 character limit)
Content: (700 character limit)
Please refer to our Help Center for more information on customization parameters.
© 2000-2014 Emtrain
Global Anti-Bribery and Corruption (GABC)
Customer Specification Sheet
1. Once this information is filled out to your satisfaction, return this worksheet to with the subject line of: COC Customer Pages.
2. Attach ALL Files (audio, video and image files) that are noted on your template pages.
3. Please note, customization will not proceed until the worksheet and all files are received
Note: This customization service is included with your licensing of a course and is limited to a single round
of editing per training cycle. A training cycle is considered either one or two years and is defined by the
length of your Licenses as detailed in your purchase documentation. This feature requires you to
submit all customizations to Emtrain at one time.
This customization service is limited to the English language version of the course. Customization for nonEnglish language versions of the course is available for purchase. Please ask your Emtrain representative
for an estimate.
© 2000-2014 Emtrain
Global Anti-Bribery and Corruption (GABC)
Customer Specification Sheet
Customization Parameters
25 characters for header
700 characters with spaces for content
No font changes
Text will be placed exactly as written
Full screen image = 700x430 pixels
Right sidebar image = 430x230 pixels
Submit in .png format
No image editing provided
48000 hz mono, 32 bit, 192 kbps constant bitrate
Submit in .mp3 format
Be sure the audio level matches that of the course audio level
No audio editing provided
For ALL Video Submissions:
 Final Frame: end with still frame or fade to black
 A written transcript of the video must be provided
 No video editing provided
For High Definition Submissions:
Codec: ProRes
23.976 frames per second
Square pixels
Render at maximum depth
Audio: uncompressed codec, rate: 48000 hz, stereo, 16 bit
Resolution: 1920x1080 (preferred) or 1280x720
FTP transfer to emtrain
For Non-High Definition submissions:
Please submit in Flash Video (FLV) in one of the following two sizes:
1. 480 x 360 pixels (4:3 aspect ratio). Average video rate of 480 kbs. Average
audio rate of 96 kbs.
2. 480 x 270 pixels (16:9 aspect ratio). Average video rate of 480 kbs. Average
audio rate of 96 kbs.
© 2000-2014 Emtrain