Name_________________________________________________________________________________ Forensic Science Course Syllabus ONOME ALABI FORENSIC SCIENCE 773 535 5263 OOALABI@CPS.EDU The purpose of this class is to integrate all four sciences and incorporate actual job skills that forensic science investigators use. This class is lab-based and these labs are true inquiry based, as are all crime scenes. In some curriculum, there will be actual crime scene photographs and autopsy photographs. They will be respectful, relevant, and limited to appropriate labs. The objective is to educate, not to shock. Court TV, CSI, and Forensic Files cases will also be used. Class Rules 1. All school rules will be followed in this class. 2. Since this class curriculum is lab based, please make every effort to be in attendance. 3. There will be a make-up lab date after school. Please sign up for this. If you miss this make up, I cannot offer another lab time as equipment and space are limited. 4. LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER TWO WEEKS. IF YOU MISS A MAKE UP DATE, YOU WILL BE DOCKED POINTS. LATE WORK WITHOUT A LATE PASS WILL COUNT AS 50% CREDIT, WITHIN THE TWO WEEKS. 5. LAB ASSIGNMENTS CAN ONLY BE MADE UP WITH WRITTEN EXCUSED ABSECENCE NOTE FROM PARENT/GUARDIAN (PHONE NUMBER MUST BE INCLUDED ON NOTE) 6. Please be respectful of equipment, books, and each other. 7. There will be no eating or drinking during labs. Unsafe behavior in the lab will forfeit credit for that lab and have disciplinary consequences. 8. Authentic work is mandatory. Even if you are working with someone else, your work must be in your own wording and completed by you alone. 9. If it becomes evident that work is copied, both parties will not earn credit. All assignment must be typed by each individual and have authenticity. (Do not print out two copies of a lab you both worked on.) You and your partner may have the same data and results. Your graphs and data tables will be of your own design and your conclusions will be based upon your own interpretation of this data. I want you to think for yourself. If two hypotheses or conclusions have the same wording, credit will not be given. 10. Save your work including lab assignments so that you may use it to study for the final CSI exams. Group projects or crime scenes will have specific guidelines for grading and group participation; a rubric will be given to each member of a CSI team. Grading-Traditional Scale with weighting 40% Test, including crime scene tests, group tests 30% Lab and class work 15% Homework 15% final Course Outline Topics Crime Scene Processing Entomology Toxicology Trace Evidence Fingerprinting Blood Spatter Skeletal Remains Tool Marks Impressions Microscopy DNA Odontology Glass Serology Ballistics Counterfeiting Unit Expectations Lecture, Lab ,Crime Scene Vocabulary Quiz, Pre –t est , Crime Scene Article, Test, Classwork, Computer Assignment Science Contract I have read and understand the syllabus and agree with the expectations listed. I understand that some material may be graphic. I have also been informed regarding Meridian School District Safety Standards for Science. I understand that there is a replacement fee for broken equipment. (Determined by type of equipment) Parents, Please list your email address so that I may contact you through email. I feel very privileged to be working with your child this school year and I hope that this class will be one of the most meaningful of their high school career. Your signature below also gives permission for your child to be fingerprinted; none will be kept or labeled. It is for lab purposed only. Student Name (print) ___________________________________________________________ Period________________ Student Signature __________________________________________________________ Parent Signature___________________________________________________________