Forensic Science 2014 – 2015 Union Academy Lucinda Supernavage Email: Website: Remind101: text @forensicua to 910.556.6576 or email Vocabulary Practice: Welcome to Forensic Science! Welcome to Forensic Science! This course focuses on the skills and concepts behind crime scene investigation and forensic science. Whether you desire to be a crime scene investigator, forensic pathologist, or some other medical scientist, this course will help you hone your investigative skills & will review a wide range of science concepts. You will review physics, chemistry, anatomy, cell biology, environmental science, & computer science in the process of learning about forensic science. You will engage in lectures, labs, case studies, projects, online activities, & group work. Homework will be assigned and participation in classwork, labs and projects is highly expected! Your instructor is here to help you learn this material, but you are the one who has to make the effort and do the learning. Daily, active learning (thinking about the information, putting it in context and, especially, putting it in your own words) is the most efficient and most effective way to learn. Your time is valuable; make the best possible use of the time you spend studying for this course. Materials 3-subject spiral notebook with plastic cover Pens and pencils and highlighters Glue sticks Email address Smiles, commitment, positive attitude, and motivation Grading Each term will be graded by the following percentages. 40% Tests – exams, projects 35% Quizzes – daily work, quizzes, vocabulary work, labs 25% Homework Examples of activities will include, but are not limited to: o textbook chapter studies o portfolio work o vocabulary building o assessments (quizzes and exams) o labs (full and mini) o writing prompts o PROJECTS!!!! o crime scene simulations Midterms will count as 10% of the year’s grade. Final Exam will count as 20% of the year’s grade, however, seniors who complete the class with an A average and have 3 or less absences in the class are exempt from taking the final exam. Make-Up Work Exams Students who are absent and excused on a scheduled exam day are responsible to make an appointment with Mrs. Supernavage in order to make up the exam within two days of their return to class. Labs Students who are absent and excused on a scheduled lab day must obtain lab data from a lab partner as well as complete a written summary of what they missed in the lab during their absence. This should be turned in with their lab sheet/report. Homework Homework assignments are due the next class period unless otherwise stated. Students who are absent when homework is assigned will have two days following their return to class to complete the specific assignment. Students who are present when homework is assigned, but are absent the day when the assignment is due must submit the homework upon their return to class. Assignments turned in after those deadlines will be considered late (see below). Late Work GRADED work assignments (such as lab reports) will be allowed to be turned in ONE day late only for a MAXIMUM grade of 85%. Checked-for-completion work is NOT accepted late and will result in a grade of 0%. Discipline Students are asked to follow the 8 character traits of compassion, respect, initiative, optimism, perseverance, adaptability, responsibility, and trust. Be mindful of the tardy policy and please come to class prepared and on time. Be respectful of what we are trying to accomplish in class and in life and of others, and always give your best effort with a positive attitude. Appropriate classroom behavior is expected at all times; anything else will not be tolerated. Cheating refers to copying another person’s work OR giving your work to someone else and will result in an automatic grade of zero and a parent contact. Electronic devices should be used for classwork only with teacher permission. There are three questions I do NOT answer: 1) Is this for a grade? 2) Are you taking this up? 3) Is this due at the end of the period? These questions are asked as a means of determining what type of effort one should put into the given assignment. ALWAYS DO YOU BEST WORK ON ALL ASSIGNMENTS AND SHOW THE GREATEST EFFORT POSSIBLE AND YOU WILL BE SUCCESSFUL IN MY CLASS. Course Overview 1. Relevance and History of Forensic Science 2. Crime Scene Investigation 3. Forensic Pathology 4. Forensic Serology 5. Forensic Toxicology 6. Trace Evidence 7. Fingerprints 8. Properties of Matter and the Analysis of Glass 9. Document Examination 10. Crime Tools 11. Criminal Profiling