ANNEX.1A UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI DEL MOLISE Area Servizi Integrati Length of course Educational targets Admission requirements Total available places Exams - Modalities of admission Dottorato in BIOSCIENZE E TERRITORIO (DOT1339138) PhD IN BIOSCIENCES AND TERRITORY Coordinator: prof. Gabriella Stefania SCIPPA 1st November 2014 – 31st October 2017 The PhD Course in Biosciences and Territory aims to develop advanced scientific and technological abilities required in order to carry out highly qualified autonomous research activities, even with an interdisciplinary approach, to apply to the fields of environmental biology, planning, territory management and monitoring, computer science and mathematics. Curricula: 1. Biology-Environment: aims to develop highly qualified staff in transdisciplinary skills, and able to plan and carry out autonomously basic and applied research concerning the physical, chemical and biological interactions of the various biotic and abiotic environmental components. 2. Computer-Mathematics: aims to develop the skills on a) the basis of the computer science and mathematics, historical and epistemologic too, necessary to create sinergies between computer science, mathematics and statistics b) the informative systems, software engineering, data and elaborating a knowledge base for images, numerical analysis, methodology and epistemiology of the exact science. 3. Territory: the study of territory in its different aspects, with innovative approaches aimed to complete the environmental safeguard with the social and economic development, even through the planning of a defense system against the natural and anthropic risks. - A University degree obtained after 2-year specialization courses - A University degree (old university legislation) - Foreign academic qualification already declared equipollent by competent Italian authorities or deemed equivalent for the sole purposes of the competition. Total available places n.8: - With scholarship n. 6 - Without scholarship n. 2 Curricula Territory: 3 with scholarship, 1 without scholarship Biology-Environment: 2 with scholarship Computer-Mathematics: 1 with scholarship, 1 without scholarship Italian candidates ▪ Evaluation of qualifications ▪interview in Italian or English language ▪Language: compulsory knowledge of English language Italian candidates residing abroad ▪ Evaluation of qualifications ▪Possible interview in videoconference. A Skype contact is compulsory Foreign candidates ▪ Evaluation of qualifications ▪ Interview in English language ▪Language: compulsory knowledge of English language Foreign candidates residing abroad ▪ Evaluation of qualifications ▪Possible interview in videoconference. A Skype contact is compulsory Interview Place: Università degli Studi del Molise, Dipartimento di Bioscienze e Territorio, Pesche (IS) Date: starting from 23rd October 2014 at 10.00 according to the agenda established by the commission based on the number of the admitted to the interview. Other assessable Qualifications evaluated up to 20/60 points: qualifications - Final degree mark; - Scientific publications on peer-reviewed journals (max. 3), participation to national and international congresses with oral presentations and posters; - Other qualifications considered evaluable (study grants, awards, courses attended, Masters, Erasmus or study programs abroad, work experiences, etc) Criteria for evaluating the Evaluation of qualifications is preparatory in order to be admitted to the exams tests. All candidates having scored at least 15/60 will be considered suitable for the interview. The scores will be published, as soon as available, and before the interview, on the web site of the Dipartimento di Bioscienze e Territorio ( Scored at least 20/60 for the titles scored at least 40/60 for the interview Examination themes For the interview the candidates will have to present and defense a project proposal on one of the following themes: 1.Curriculum - Territory: 1. Environmental design and construction of models and space-time scenarios for species and habitat protection. 2. Advanced methods of historical and geographical analysis of the territory, the spatial mobility and the environment and heritage, included the protected areas and related methods of sustainable touristic promotion. 3. Innovative methods and processes in landscape/environment, territory, urban planning and design. 4. Advanced techniques in analysis, preservation and restoration of existing structures, included the historical, artistic, archaeological and architectural asset. Scholarship cofinanced by the Dipartimento di Bioscienze e territorio, Area Engineering: 1. Eartquake protection: advanced techniques in analysis and evaluation of resources and anthropic and natural risks, as well as planning of related protection systems, included the materials for engineering applications and sensor technology for diagnostics, monitoring and protection of civil and industrial buildings. 2.Curriculum - Environment: 1. Analysis of microbial communities and their interactions with the environment. 2. Use of microorganisms in the environmental recovery. 3. Multidisciplinary analysis of the interactions between plantmicroorganisms and the environmental biotic and/or abiotic part. 4. Use of plant- microorganisms in the environmental “green technologies”. 5. Chemical and physical analysis of the environmental contaminants and their effects on the plant-microorganisms secondary metabolism 6. Chemical and physical analysis of metabolites, secondary to plant matrix and connection with the environemnt. 3.Curriculum - Computer Science: 1. Methods and tools aimed to support the cooperative development of software systems. 2. recommendation systems aimed to support the development of software and apps. 3. Methods and techniques of digital processing of biomedical images. 4. Support systems for the choices in biomedical fields. For the presentation and defense of the project proposal candidates could use information systems supports.