7 Elements of Art Doc

Elements of Art
1. Line
The Elements of Art- "Line"
Line is one of the seven elements of art. It is considered by most to be the
most basic element of art.
In terms of art, line is considered to be a moving dot. It has an endless number
of uses in the creation of art.
The most common use of line is showing where an object ends. This type of
line is called a contour line. Contour lines are most commonly called outlines.
Line can also create the illusion of form in a drawing. Line quality is the
thickness or thinness of a line. By varying the line quality an artist can show
form in a drawing with just the use of line.
Line can also indicate shadow and form through the use of cross contour lines.
Cross contour lines follow the contours of the object. Much like running your
finger around the form of an object.
Line- element of art. In terms of art, line can be described as a moving dot.
Line is perhaps the most basic element of drawing.
Kinds of lines
Vertical lines- lines that move up and down without any slant
Horizontal lines- lines that are parallel to the horizon
Diagonal lines- lines that slant
Zigzag lines- lines made from a combination of diagonal lines
Curved lines- Lines that change direction gradually
Line Variation- adding interest to your lines is important in creating successful
Length- lines can be long or short
Width- lines can be wide or skinny
Texture- lines can be rough or smooth
Direction- lines can move in any direction
Degree of curve- lines can curve gradually or not at all
Line quality or line weight- refers to the thickness or thinness of a line. By
varying the line quality artists can make objects appear more 3-Deminsional
and more interesting
Hatching and crosshatching- using lines to create value
Hatching- lines going in the same direction
Crosshatching- lines that cross
2. Shape
The Elements- "Shape"
A shape is created when a line is enclosed. Shape is one of the seven elements
of art and it has a variety of uses in the creation of art.
Shape is a two-dimensional area that is defined by a change in value or some
other form of contrast.
All shapes are two-dimensional, meaning that they have only length and
All shapes will fall into one of two categories. Geometric shapes or regular
shapes are easy to recognize. Math can be used to find information about these
shapes and these shapes generally have a specific name associated with them.
Examples include: circle, triangle, square, and trapezoid.
Organic or freeform shapes are shapes that seem to follow no rules. Organic
shapes generally do not have a name associated with them and are typically not
We can learn to see the world around us as shapes. Recognizing the shapes that
we see will lead to improved drawing and painting.
Shapes defined by objects are positive shapes (space). Shapes defined
around objects are negative shapes (space).
The relationships between the positive and negative shapes help the brain of
our viewers understand what they are seeing. Our brains are even capable of
making sense of complex relationships between positive and negative shapes.
By organizing geometric and organic shapes, we can draw anything. Even
complicated objects become easy to draw when we isolate basic geometric and
organic shapes.
Shape- an element of art that is a two-dimensional area that is defined in some
way. A shape may have an outline around it or you may recognize it by its
Geometric shapes- precise shapes that can be described using mathematical
formulas. Ex. Circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle, parallelogram, trapezoid,
pentagon, pentagram, hexagon, and octagon.
Freeform Shapes- also called organic shapes, are irregular and uneven
shapes. Their outlines may be curved, angular, or a combination of both
Form- an element of art, means objects that have three dimensions. I like to
think of form as a 3-D shape
Form and Shape are related. You can turn a shape into the illusion of form by
adding value and you can simplify a form from life into a shape.
3. Form
The Elements- "Form"
In terms of art, form refers to objects that are 3-Dimensional, or have length,
width, and height.
Form- an element of art, means objects that have three dimensions. I like to
think of form as a 3-D shape
Geometric forms have specific names associated with them and are typically
Organic forms do not have specific names associated with them and are often
associated with naturally occurring forms.
When drawing representationally, the goal is to create the illusion of form. We
can create the illusion of form by understanding how light reacts on the object.
Light reacts on objects and is communicated to viewers through several
factors. Adjusting these areas with values of the local color will result in the
illusion of form in a drawing or painting.
Highlight is the area where light is hitting the object directly.
Midtone is the middle value of the local color of the object.
Core shadow is the area(s) that is shaded on the object.
Cast shadow is the area(s) that is shaded on surrounding objects and
surfaces because of blocked light.
Reflected highlight is the area on an object that is lighter because of
reflected light off of surrounding objects.
4. Value
The Elements of Art-"Value"
Value-The Element of Shadow
The word "value" is used a lot around this website. And with good reason.
Value is one of the seven elements of art. Value deals with the lightness or
darkness of a color. Since we see objects and understand objects because of
how dark or light they are, value is incredible important to art. (I'll remind you
that drawing and painting is about seeing.)
Value deals directly to light. We see things because light reflects off of objects
and goes into our eyes. Our mind processes the light and rationalizes what we
are seeing. Without light, we cannot see anything. In order to draw or paint in
a way that creates an illusion of what we normally see, we must fully
understand light and how it reacts on surfaces. Value is the key to the illusion
of light. This is why value is so incredibly important to drawing and painting.
Successful Artwork has a Full Range of Value
Artworks that exhibit a full range of value are generally successful. It doesn't
matter the type of art you are creating. As long as there are dark values in
harmony with light values, your artwork will most likely be aesthetically
pleasing. A full range of value means that they are ample amounts of light
values- called tints, and dark values- called shades. To be sure that you have a
full range of value in your artwork you may create a value scale...
Using a value scale, you can be sure that you create a full range of value. Many
artists use a value scale as they work, identifying specific values and adding
them in appropriate spots.
Take this apple for example...
If we were to take out all color, we would still see the apple and recognize it as
an apple. In other words, we are just showing the values of the apple...
If we take this one step further and isolate eight of the values, we can see
where we would need to draw or paint the values...
This illustrates how an artist would see the values and begin to draw with
them. Another useful tool is called a value finder. A value finder allows an artist
to find specific values on a photograph or drawing easily. You can make one
yourself easily.
Value-The Whole Point
The whole point to value is to create the illusion of light. So value is used to
basically create the illusion of highlights and shadows. Highlights and shadows
combine to create the illusion of a light source. Remember, without light we
cannot see. So technically, without a light source, you have no illusion.
This is why value is mentioned so frequently on all of the art instruction videos
and pages on this website. It's important. If you understand and implement
value correctly in your drawings and paintings, you will see immediate
improvement. Value is essential to success.
Value- Element of art associated with the darkness or lightness of a color
Light source- area in which light is originating from
Value scale- a guide to creating a range of value, good pieces of art have a full
range of value
Tints- light values
Shades- dark values
Highlights- areas on an object where light is hitting
Shadows- areas on an object where light does not hit
5. Texture
The Elements of Art-"Texture"
Texture- element of art that refers to the way an object feels to the touch or looks as
it may feel.
3-D Texture- refers to the way an object feels to the touch
2-D Texture- refers to the way an object looks as it may feel
Visual texture- the illusion of a 3-D surface
Simulated- imitate real textures
Invented- 2-D patterns created by the repetition of lines of shapes
Rough textures- reflect light unevenly
Smooth textures- reflect light evenly
Matte- surface that reflects a soft, dull light. Shiny surfaces are the opposite of matte.
Impasto- a painting technique in which the paint is built up on the surface to create a
When drawing or painting texture, it is important to pay close attention to the valuesthey reveal the illusion of texture
6. Space
The Elements of Art - "Space"
In terms of art, space is the area around, above, and within an object. With
consideration to drawings and paintings, our goal is to create the illusion of space.
There are six ways an artist can create the illusion of space on a 2-Dimensional
1. Overlapping - occurs when objects that are closer to the viewer prevent the view
of objects that are behind them.
2. Placement on the paper - Objects placed higher within the picture plane will
appear further away.
3. Size - Objects that are smaller will appear further away from the viewer.
4. Detail - Objects that are further away should have less detail than objects that are
closer to the viewer.
5. Color and Value - Objects that are further away are cooler in color temperature,
while objects that are closer are warmer. Objects that are further away are lighter in
value, while objects that are closer are typically darker in value.
6. Perspective - Linear perspective is a drawing method that uses lines to create the
illusion of space on a flat surface. There are three types of linear perspective. Two are
displayed on this page.
One point perspective uses one vanishing point to accomplish this illusion.
Two point perspective uses two vanishing points to create the illusion of space.
Space- element of art, refers to the emptiness or area between, around, above, below,
or within objects
Positive Space- the shapes or forms of interest
Negative Space- the empty space between the shapes or forms
3-D Space can be defined as the space over, under, through, behind, and around a
form. Architecture, sculpture, weaving, ceramics, and jewelry are three-dimensional
art forms
2-D space can best be described as an illusion. We perceive depth by creating an
illusion of 3-D space on a 2-D surface.
Point of view- refers to the angle at which you view an object.
Illusion of form-is manifested by creating an image with a range of value. By
accurately placing highlights and shadows an artist can create the illusion of form.
Chiaroscuro- An Italian word that means the arrangement of light and shadow. Today
chiaroscuro is also called modeling or shading.
Illusion of depth- is manifested through the use of several factors:
Perspective- a graphic system that creates the illusion of depth and volume on
a two-dimensional surface
Overlapping- when one object covers part of a second object, the first seems to
be closer to the viewer. Size- Larger objects appear to be closer to the viewer
than smaller objects
Placement- Objects placed low on the picture plane seem to be closer to the
viewer than objects placed near eye level
Detail- objects with clear, sharp edges and visible details seem to be close to
the viewer. Objects that are less detailed seem further away
Color- Brightly colored objects seem closer to you, and objects with dull, light
colors seem to be further away
7. Color
Color Theory-The Elements of Art-Color
Color Theory
Color is the element of art that refers to reflected light. Color theory is defined as a
theory because it cannot be proved. Theories are generally accepted. Laws are
accepted because they can be proven. There are volumes and volumes of information
available about color theory. This page, while thorough, will present color theory in an
"easy to understand" fashion. It is an exciting, ever-changing science. Color has an
affect over how we feel about objects, how we behave, and how our bodies react to
circumstances. To learn more about this click here> Some Interesting Facts About
This page on Color Theory includes an interactive color wheel. I have created an
improved version here>New Interactive Color Wheel
What is color theory?
If color theory is simplified, it can be broken down into 3 parts- The color wheel, color
value, and color schemes. Each part of color theory builds on the previous.
Understanding each section of color theory fully, will help you better understand the
importance of color theory on the whole. Take the time to study each section.
Color Theory Part 1- The Color Wheel
The color wheel was developed by Sir Isaac Newton by taking the color spectrum and
bending it into a circle. If you follow around the color wheel, you will find the same
order of the color spectrum- red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo (blue-violet), and
violet. Some remember it by the acronym ROY G. BIV.
The color wheel is made up of three different types of colors- Primary, Secondary, and
The primary colors are red, yellow, and blue. They are called primary for a couple of
reasons. First, no two colors can be mixed to create a primary color. In other words,
primary colors can only be created through the use of natural pigments. Secondly, all
other colors found on the color wheel can be created by mixing primary colors together.
The secondary colors are orange, green, and purple. Secondary colors are created
by mixing equal parts of any two primary colors. Yellow and blue will give you green.
Red and blue will create purple(violet). Red and yellow will give you orange.
Tertiary colors are created by mixing equal parts of a secondary color and a primary
color together. There are six tertiary colors- red-purple, red-orange, blue-green,
yellow-green, blue-purple, and yellow-orange. Notice that the proper way to refer to
tertiary colors is by listing the primary color first and the secondary color, second.
Color Theory Part 3-Color Schemes
Color schemes are ways colors are put together in an intelligent way
Monochromatic- literally means one (mono) color (chroma). So a
monochromatic color scheme is made up of one color and its shades and tints.
Analogous colors- are colors that are next to each other on the color wheel.
When used as a color scheme, analogous colors can be dramatic. Ex. Blue, bluegreen, green, and yellow-green; red, red-purple, purple, blue-purple
Complementary colors- are colors found directly across from each other on
the color wheel. Complementary color scheme provide strong contrast. Ex. Blue
and orange, red and green, yellow-green and red-purple.
Color triads- consist of three colors found on the color wheel that are equally
spaced apart from each other. Ex. Red, blue and yellow or orange, green and
Split complementary- color schemes are made up of a color and its
complements closest analogous colors. Ex Blue, yellow-orange and red-orange.
Red-orange, red-purple, green.
Warm colors- colors that are usually associated with warm things. Ex. Red,
yellow, orange
Cool colors- colors that are usually associated with cool things. Ex. Blue,
purple, green
Color Theory Terms and Definitions
Color- Element of art derived from reflected light. We see color because light
waves are reflected from objects to your eyes.
Color wheel- color spectrum bent into a circle.
Primary colors- The most basic colors on the color wheel, red, yellow and blue.
These colors cannot be made by mixing
Secondary colors- colors that are made by mixing two primary colors together.
Orange, green and violet (purple)
Tertiary colors- colors that are made by mixing a primary color with a secondary
Hue- the name of the color
Intensity- the brightness or dullness of a color. DO NOT CONFUSE INTENSITY
Color value- the darkness or lightness of a color. Ex.: pink is a tint of red
Tints- are created by adding white to a color
Shades- are created by adding black to a color
Optical color- color that people actually perceive- also called local color.
Arbitrary color- colors chosen by the artist to express feelings or mood.