Colors lesson

Mr. Micah Cattell
Learning Colors
First Grade
Stage 1: Identify Desired Results
1) Enduring Understandings
A. The primary and secondary colors are the basis for all art.
B. The three primary colors are used to create all other colors.
2) Essential Questions
A. How are the primary colors made?
B. How are the secondary colors made?
3) Standards
A. PA standard:
1) 9.1.3.A: Know and use the elements and principles of each art
form to create works in the arts and humanities.
2) 9.1.3.B: Recognize, know, use and demonstrate a variety of
appropriate art elements and principles to produce, review
and revise original works in the arts.
3) 9.1.3.H: Handle materials, equipment and tools safely at work
and performance spaces.
4) 9.1.2.J: Know and use traditional and contemporary
technologies for producing, performing and exhibiting works
in the arts or the works of others.
1) PK-2 Standard 1: Illustrate and communicate original ideas
and stories using digital tools and media-rich resources.
2) PK-2 Standard 4: In a collaborative work group, use a variety of
technologies to produce a digital presentation or product in a
curriculum area
3) PK-2 Standard 7: Demonstrate the safe and cooperative use of
4) Objectives
A. Students will be able to:
1) Differentiate between primary and secondary colors.
2) Identify the 3 primary colors (red, yellow, blue) and the 3
secondary colors (orange, purple, green)
3) Create paintings and drawings using the different colors.
Stage II: Determine Acceptable Evidence
1) Assessments
A. Informal
1) Formative:
a. Will ask students to explain back to me what we are about
to do.
b. Will walk around looking at what students are doing with
their paint pallets and if they are using all of the primary
and secondary colors (Used to assess objective 3)
B. Formal:
1) Summative:
a. At the end of the lesson, the students (with my help) will
create a video explaining the difference between the
primary and secondary colors, how to create secondary
colors, and where they see these colors being used (Will be
used to assess objectives 1 and 2)
b. Rubric:
c. Work sheet with the primary, secondary, and tertiary
colors and have the kids tell me which one is primary, and
which is secondary (Assess objective 2)
Stage III: Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction
1) Materials
Paint (primary colors)
Paint brushes
Small paper plates for nickel sized paint dollops
Paper for the students to be able to mix the colors and make
whatever art they desire
Find YouTube video about the colors of kids to be able to watch
before we start
Another video for ELL students but also used for all students. Uses
both languages
A computer to be able to create our final video
J. News paper to put down so paint does not stain any important
K. Covers for kids clothes
2) Procedures
Step 1) Anticipatory Set:
A. Teacher: Begin when all students are present in the class by asking
the students to think about what their favorite color is and wait to
raise their hand until that color is called
B. Students: Think about their favorite color and wait to raise their
had until their color has been said
C. Teacher: Tell the kids that today we will be learning about the
primary colors and how to make secondary colors. Ask students if
they know about primary and secondary colors
D. Students: Respond
Step 2) Rest of Lesson:
A. Teacher: Shows YouTube video for kids to get an understanding of
secondary colors
B. Teacher: Lays out newspaper, gets paint, paint brushes, paper
plates, and paper for the students
C. Students: Help teacher to get out materials
D. Teacher: Explains to students the rules about using paint, asks
students questions about the rules to see if they understand
E. Students: Respond to questions
F. Teacher: Put nickel size dollops of red, blue, and yellow paint on
each students plate
G. Students: Start mixing the colors together
H. Teacher: Ask students if they see that by adding more of one color,
they can make the secondary color lighter or darker
I. Students: Respond
J. Teacher: Walks around room, looking and conversing with
students about colors and see what they are making
K. Students: Ask teacher any questions
L. Teacher: Let students have time to play around, make what they
wish making sure to use all six colors
M. Students: Make what they wish using all six colors
N. Teacher: Give students five minute warning
O. Students: Finish what they are making
P. Teacher: Ask students if they want to share what they made
Q. Students: Share what they made
R. Teacher: Tell kids its time to clean up
S. Students/Teacher: Clean up
Step 3) Making The Video
A. Teacher: Tells students now that they know about primary and
secondary colors, its time to make a video
B. Teacher: Explain how they are going to make the video
C. Students: Ask any questions they have
D. Teacher/Students: Start making video about primary and
secondary colors, how to create secondary colors, and where they
see these colors
E. Students: With help from the teacher make the script and decide
what goes into video
F. Students/Teacher: Spend time creating video (If video takes more
than one day to finish, this is OK)
Step 4) Closure
G. Teacher: Once video is finished, tells kids its time to watch it
H. Students: Watch video
I. Teacher: Ask students a few more questions about colors
J. Students: Answer questions
K. Lesson finished
3) Adaptations:
A. ELL students will be given sheets with the instructions translated
into Spanish
B. ELL will also have a YouTube video that is taught in both English
and Spanish
C. Students with Cerebral Palsy will be given extra time to mix their
colors and paint
D. CP students will be given extra help from the teacher to create