
Earthquake Quiz Review
1. Seismic Waves
The energy released when rocks on a fault move
2. Focus
1st motion of an earthquake along a fault
3. Seismogram
Tracing of earthquake motion recorded by seismograph
4. Earthquake
Occurs when rocks under stress shift along a fault
5. Elastic Rebound
Sudden return of deformed rock to undeformed shape
6. Epicenter
Point on earth’s surface directly above the focus of an
7. Fault
Break in rock where one rock moves in relative to another
8. Fault Zone
Region with lots of faults that typically form at plate
9. Circle the types of matter that P waves move through?
10. Circle the types of matter that S waves move through? SOLID
11. What two types of scales are used to measure earthquakes? Indicate which scale measures
intensity and which scale measures magnitude.
Mercalli -- Intensity
Richter -- Strength
12. What type of device records vibrations in the ground?
13. Which wave type is faster, an S WAVE or P WAVE? (circle one)
14. What do we call the time that passes between the P wave and an S wave on a seismograph
S-P lag time
15. How would you find the epicenter of an earthquake?
S-P lag time and triangulation
16. Where do earthquakes occur most frequently?
Along plate boundaries
17. Describe what a tsunami is and what kind of damage it can do.
A huge wave caused by an earthquake, volcano, or landslide that can damage land, property,
and other buildings/landforms.
18. Draw a picture of how seismic waves travel from the earthquake focus
19. Draw a picture of a P wave (use a “slinky” to show how the wave moves)
20. Draw a picture of an S wave (use a “slinky” or solid line to show how the wave moves)