Description of Program - Cherokee County Government

Wellness Program - Q&A
What is a Wellness Program?
A wellness program is an organized and coordinated set of activities designed to improve the
overall health of its members. Wellness programs accomplish this goal by gathering health
information and working with members to establish intervention programs to address identified
risk factors. Wellness programs are important because they impact healthcare costs in a positive
way by reducing demand for services via a more healthy population.
What is Communit-Y Health Network?
Communit-Y Health Network (CHN) is a wellness company based out of Cartersville, Georgia,
that provides a program of services that has been proven to help improve the health of those that
participate in their coaching programs.
Why did Cherokee County decide to add CHN as a part of the Health Plan?
After a detailed review of CHN’s capabilities and track record with municipalities similar in size
to Cherokee County, it was determined that the CHN wellness program offered a high likelihood
that there would be a positive impact on the overall health of our employee population. As the
health of employees increases, we expect claims and healthcare costs will decrease.
How does the CHN Wellness Program work?
The CHN program is a multi-phased wellness program that encourages participation through
face-to-face coaching.
The first phase is for the employee to complete a Health Risk Assessment (HRA), either via paper
or on-line.
Following that, each employee is scheduled for a biometric screening that includes blood work to
determine cholesterol and glucose levels as well as measurements that include height, weight,
body mass index, blood pressure and resting pulse rate.
What is the next step after the screenings?
The results of the HRA and biometric screening are then used to determine if an employee is
considered to be at “low”, “moderate”, or “high” risk for lifestyle related illnesses. CHN will
conduct an initial session with each employee to review the results of his or her screening. For
those employees that fall into the “high” risk category, CHN will set up the employee with oneon-one coaching with a “Health-Y Coach”. The one-on-one coaching plan is designed to assist
the employee in reducing his or her identified risk factors.
How long does each coaching session last?
The sessions will be scheduled for a 15 minute period and will last for 12 weeks. Employees will
have a total of 15 weeks to complete the 12 weeks of coaching. The sessions will be scheduled
on company time and will not subtract from hours worked.
What if I am determined to be at “low” or “moderate” risk?
A lower level of coaching will be offered, based on the results of the HRA and biometric
screening. Employees will also have the opportunity to participate in monthly and quarterly
wellness activities.
What topics might be discussed in the coaching sessions?
The CHN team of coaches consists of registered dieticians, nurses and exercise physiologists.
Your specific coaching session could include discussion about nutrition/weight management,
exercise, stress management, blood pressure management, diabetes management, cholesterol
management and tobacco cessation. You may also receive educational handouts, as well as, the
opportunity to establish specific goals and action plans for the upcoming week.
What happens after I complete my 12-week coaching session?
You will still have the opportunity to participate in monthly and quarterly wellness activities as
determined by the County and CHN. Those individuals shown to be “high” risk will have
ongoing coaching throughout the year.
Will Cherokee County have access to the results of my specific Health Risk Assessment,
Biometric Screening, or Coaching Sessions?
The answer is an emphatic “NO”. These results will only be shared between CHN and you.
Federal HIPAA Law prohibits these results from going to anyone other than you unless you
specify, in writing, that you authorize them to be distributed elsewhere. The County will be
notified if you become non-compliant, i.e., quit the program or fail to complete the coaching
What will the County do with the aggregate data?
Cherokee County will have access to the aggregate results of the entire group so that we can
address specific wellness risks impacting our population. As an example, if it is determined that
our incidence of diabetes is higher than average, Cherokee County might use that information to
provide even further educational resources to our employees about the importance of maintaining
a healthy weight, nutrition, and regular checkups with a primary care physician.
Why is there a $100 per pay period difference in my medical premium if I choose not to
participate in the Wellness Program?
The $100 premium differential is a discount off of the regular premium rate and is meant to
incentivize employees to participate in the Wellness Program. By participating in the Wellness
Program, CHN will be able to identify lifestyle behaviors that contribute to the occurrence of
diseases in our employee population. This provides the wellness coaches with the information
needed to help employees manage their health by reducing their risk factors. The end result is
anticipated to be healthier employees and a reduction in claims for medical services, which
equates to a reduction in healthcare costs.
What if I initially choose to participate in the wellness program, but then decide later in the
year that I want to drop out?
You are free to drop participation at your discretion. The $100.00 per pay period medical
premium differential will be implemented upon your termination from the program and remain in
effect for the remainder of the year. If you drop out the program, or are deemed “non-compliant”
you may not re-enter the program until the next benefit enrollment.
What if I initially choose not to participate in the wellness program, but then decide later in
the year that I want to join?
You will need to contact the Human Resources Department to enroll and schedule your HRA,
biometric screening and initial coaching session. The $100.00 per pay period reduction in your
medical premium will take place as soon as administratively possible after that.
Why is this program not open to spouses as well?
CHN has advised us that their program has a higher success rate if it is initially introduced to the
employee population. Once the employees have had the opportunity to participate and
understand the benefits, it becomes easier to bring in spouses. It is anticipated that spouses will
be covered in the second year of the program.
What if my spouse is also a County employee?
If both you and your spouse are covered under the medical benefits plan, both of you are required
to participate in the wellness program. If the covered spouse opts out of the wellness plan, the
$100.00 premium differential will be forfeited. If the spouse is not covered under the medical
plan, only the covered spouse must participate.
Can I enroll in the CHN Program if I am not enrolled in the Cherokee County medical
No. The reason for this is that the intent of the program is to help reduce the cost increases in our
medical plan. If an employee is not enrolled in our medical plan, they have no impact on the cost
of that plan. Also, there is a membership cost associated with each participate in the program.
If I have further questions about the CHN Program, or want to comment on how the
program is working for me, who should I contact?
We would certainly encourage your feedback so please contact the Benefits Office at 678-4936016 with any questions or comments.