Lab 2: Animal Diversity 1

27.3 How do Protists affect the world around them.
Diatoms alone are responsible for
1/5 of carbon fixation
Provide nutrients to coral
Provides habitat for other
Flagellates live inside termites,
digesting wood
Plasmodium protists cause malaria
Trypanosomes cause sleeping
sickness, leishmaniasis, dysentery
Algae blooms can suffocate other
Termites cost a lot of $$$
27.4 How do Protists Reproduce
Some protists reproduce without sex,
and have sex without reproducing…
Binary Fission – Equal splitting of one cell into 2, with mitosis followed
by cytokinesis
Multiple Fission – Splitting of one cell into more than two cells
Budding – The outgrowth of a new cell from the surface of an old one
Spores – The formation of specialized cells that are capable of
developing into new organisms
Conjugation – the process by which nuclear material is exchanged over
a period of several hours between two protists of the same species by
means of their oral groove. The result is 2 haploid micronuclei (one
from each of the protists) that will fuse to form a new macronucleus.
Alteration of Generations – In some protists’ life
cycles, the generations will alternate between sporeproducing (diploid) and gamete-producing(haploid).
Heteromorphic Generation – The generations differ in
Isomorphic Generation – The generations look
identical, but have different genetic differences.
27.5 What are the Evolutionary Relationships Among Eukaryotes?
Five Major Clades: Chromalveolates, unikonts, rhizaria, excavates, & Plantae
Chromalveolates: usually have cellulose in their walls, are
photosynthetic, and include haptophytes (unicellular and
have one flagella), alveolates (have sacs under
membrane), and stramenopiles (2 unequal flagella).
Unikonts: have only one flagella.
Unikonts consist of amoebozoans (use
lobe shaped pseudopods for movement)
and opisthokonts (which includes
animals and fungi). Opisthokonts have a
posterior flagella, while all others are
27.5 What are the Evolutionary Relationships Among Eukaryotes
Rhizaria: are unicellular and
aquatic. It incudes cercozoans,
foraminiferans, and radiolarians.
Excavates: lack mitochondria. These
eukaryotes either split off before the
acquisition of mitochondria or lost
them due to evolution.
Plantae: are normally
photosynthetic and live on both
land and water. This includes
land plants.
- Life: The Science of Biology (ninth edition) by Sadava, Hillis, Heller, and Berenbaum
(book, pages 560 – 587)
- Dr.janes. (2013). Lab 2: Animal Diversity 1. (Studyblue Inc.) Retrieved October 21,
2013, from Biology 101:
- College, O. (n.d.). Groups of Protists. Retrieved October 21, 2013, from Connextions:
- LaurenLewis9. (2012, March 6). BIOL102 Lab Chapter 6. Retrieved October 21, 2013,
from Quizzlet:
- Choanoflagellates. (n.d.). Retrieved October 21, 2013, from WikiPremed:
- Freeman, S. (n.d.). Biological Science. University Washington .